482 research outputs found

    Comidas sanas, niños sanos

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    Actualmente en la población infantil en edad escolar, podemos observar en ellos el desarrollo de una serie de malos hábitos alimenticios: como el aumento en el consumo de comida “basura”. A su vez los alimentos de origen natural, es decir, la comida casera, parece desaparecer de su mesa y por tanto de su dieta. Es necesario ser conscientes de la importancia de esta y utilizarla como herramienta para un desarrollo y crecimiento positivo, que a su vez nos ayude a prevenir enfermedades en la vida adulta. Comenzaré definiendo haciendo alusión a la principal consecuencia de los malos hábitos, el sobrepeso. El sobrepeso, al igual que la obesidad, haciendo alusión al blog, Salud180 Estilo de vida saludable: “se caracteriza por el aumento del peso corporal y se acompaña de una acumulación de grasa en el cuerpo. Se debe a un desequilibrio entre la cantidad de calorías que se consumen en la dieta y la cantidad de energía (en forma de calorías) que se gasta, durante las actividades físicas”.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Infanti

    Formal Communication Studies within Shanghai ranking universities. An epistemology on Communication Sciences proposal

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    El presente artículo propone una reflexión crítica sobre el estatuto y naturaleza de los estudios de comunicación en el contexto académico español. En primer lugar, se examina la situación de los estudios de comunicación, que las autoridades académicas españolas han establecido unívocamente en la rama de “ciencias sociales y jurídicas”, más concretamente en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales. En segundo lugar, se aborda el estudio de la ubicación de los estudios de comunicación en las primeras 40 universidades del ranking de Shangai. Para ello, se han estudiado los planes de estudio (grado y postgrado) y la disposición estructural de sus facultades tanto en el campo de la comunicación audiovisual como del periodismo. Los resultados demuestran que, frente a lo que comúnmente se da por sentado, nuestras titulaciones se suelen encontrar mucho más cerca de centros vinculados explícitamente con las “humanidades”. Del mismo modo, mostramos cómo el número de universidades que apuestan por la comunicación es notablemente alto (80% del núcleo del ránking). Finalmente, se debate la posibilidad de definir una nueva epistemología de las ciencias de la comunicación, que asuma su carácter interdisciplinar, esto es, como espacio disciplinar en el que concurren saberes humanísticos y de las ciencias sociales.This paper reflects critically on the status and nature of Communication Studies within the Spanish academic context. First, the situation of Communication Studies, as unequivocally defined by the Spanish academic within the field of “Social and Legal Science”, specifically in the field of social sciences, is examined, followed by an analysis of which of the first 40 universities in the Shanghai ranking offers these studies. To this end, the syllabus (degree and postgraduate) and the structure of their faculties were studied, both in the field of Audiovisual Communication and Journalism. The results reveal that, as opposed to what is commonly assumed, the Spanish degrees are often much closer to academic centres offering studies in the field of Humanities. Similarly, the results reveal that the number of universities offering Communication Studies is remarkably high (80% of the ranking core). Finally, the possibility of defining a new epistemology for Communication Science as an interdisciplinary subject is discussed, i.e., a disciplinary space where humanistic knowledge and social sciences are involved.El presente trabajo ha sido realizado con la ayuda del Proyecto de Investigación “Mapas de la Investigación en Comunicación en las universidades españolas de 2007 a 2018” (código PGC2018-093358-B-100), bajo la dirección de Carmen Caffarel Serra y Carlos Lozano Ascencio, financiado por la Convocatoria 2018 de Proyectos de I+D “Generación de Conocimiento”, del Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema I+D, en el Marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, para el periodo 2019-2021; y en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Análisis de identidades discursivas en la era de la posverdad. Generación de contenidos audiovisuales para una Educomunicación crítica” (AIDEP) (código 18I390.01/1), bajo la dirección de Javier Marzal Felici, financiado por la Universitat Jaume I, a través de la convocatoria competitiva de proyectos de investigación de la UJI, para el periodo 2019-2021

    Envejecimiento progresivo de la población trabajadora en un hospital de referencia del sur de España

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    The aim of this study was to describe the work population evolution of a southern Spain hospital along a decade (2006-2016), focusing in the predominant staff. Methodology. A descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study was undertaken to build up a population pyramid. The cut-off point was January 2017. The scope was the work force of a regional hospital with 5450 members, 1408 of which were nurses. One index was calculated to relate youth with the older population; and another one to look at femininity. The results revealed an inverted pyramid-shaped, narrow-based and feminized asymmetric, demographic structure, and a progressive ageing after a decade. The femininity index was even higher for the nursing population. The working population over 50 years was greater than that below this age. There was a striking narrowing in the 51-55 age stretch, but only in female nurses. We conclude that there is an ageing working population and a predominance of women in almost all age groups, especially in nurses. There is an imbalance that makes it necessary to plan health monitoring. In such a way that demographic studies would facilitate collective health monitoring by prioritising actions according to age and sex variables. The low percentages of young nurses, together with the fact the age of the retirement in the studied population is lower than the legal one, are facts which must draw the attention of Spanish managers to put in place realistic and efficient measures that promote the “active ageing” so often spoken of as well as others that facilitate the entry into the labour market of young workers.El objetivo del estudio fue describir la evolución de la población laboral en un hospital de referencia del sur de España durante una década (2006-2016,) centrándose en la categoría laboral predominante: las enfermeras. Para ello se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de tipo trasversal, en forma de pirámide poblacional, cuyo punto de corte fue enero de 2017. El ámbito de estudio fue la población laboral de un hospital regional del sur de España con 5450 profesionales, de las que 1408 eran enfermeras. Se calcularon índices, uno para relacionar la población joven con la madura y otro de feminidad, comparándose con un informe previo de 2006. Los resultados mostraron una estructura demográfica en forma de pirámide invertida, de base estrecha, y asimétrica. Con una población laboral envejecida y feminizada en casi todos los tramos de edad, siendo el índice de feminidad aún mayor para la población de enfermeras. La población laboral mayor de 50 años, superaba a la menor de dicha edad. Existía un estrechamiento llamativo en el tramo de 51 a 55 años, solo en las mujeres enfermeras, que interrumpía el incremento progresivo de la población laboral que le antecedía. Concluimos que la población laboral estudiada ha envejecido progresivamente, con un predominio femenino mayoritario, especialmente en las enfermeras, apreciándose desajustes que obligan a analizar las causas y a planificar actuaciones. Los estudios demográficos pueden facilitar la vigilancia de la salud colectiva priorizando actuaciones según las variables edad y sexo. El escaso porcentaje de la fuerza laboral joven y el hecho de que la edad de la jubilación real del personal estudiado sea inferior a la legal debería llamar la atención de los gestores para aplicar medidas eficientes que promuevan el “envejecimiento activo”, así como otras medidas que faciliten la entrada de los jóvenes en el mercado de trabajo

    Impact of Problematic Smartphone Use and Instagram Use Intensity on Self-Esteem with University Students from Physical Education

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    Mobile devices are a revolutionary element that offer many possibilities, although they can also cause problems for users. This is the case with the development of addictive behaviors that can affect personal well-being. The purpose of this paper has been to analyze the influence of smartphone addiction and Instagram use intensity on the self-esteem of Physical Education students. A cross-sectional research design was adopted by applying an online survey to a sample of undergraduate students (n = 385). The results showed that gender and age were factors that influenced the problematic use of the smartphone. In turn, there was a significant positive correlation between smartphone addiction and Instagram use intensity. The influence of smartphone addiction on students’ self-esteem was also highlighted. In contrast, Instagram use intensity did not affect self-esteem. Finally, the findings are discussed, and the main implications of the study are established, where physical education students take on a special role in order to avoid the improper use of smartphones and Instagram through sport.University of Granada (Spain) PPJIB2019-0

    Effect of Concrete Swelling on the Equilibrium and Displacements of an Arch Dam

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    The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibratio

    Fluid-Structure Interaction in Civil Engineering Structures

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    The problems being addressed involve the dynamic interaction of solids (structure and foundation) with a liquid (water). Various numerical procedures are reviewed and employed to solve the problem of establishing the expected response of a structure subjected to seismic excitations while duly accounting for those interactions. The methodology is applied to the analysis of dams, lock gates, and large storage tanks, incorporating in some cases a comparison with the results produced by means of simplified analytical procedures

    Simulation of Temperatures and Stresses during Construction of a RCC Dam

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    Se describen las variaciones de temperaturas y de tensiones durante la construcción de presas de hormigón compactado. The curing of concrete is an exothermic process. The heat of hydration generated induces temperature increases in the concrete, which will disappear in the long term by heat conduction in the concrete mass and thermal exchanges with the environment. The problem is of particularly interest for large concrete masses, as is the case of dams, because the time involved in the heat diffusion process grows with the square of the dimensions and a hotter dam interior implies the possibility of cracking the exposed surfaces of the dam. The Cuira dam, currently being built in Venezuela using roller compacted concrete, is a 134 m high, arch-gravity dam. In support of the design, different strategies were analysed, including various combinations of cooling of the water and the aggregate in order to achieve acceptable results. The calculations were conducted with Abaqus, taking into account all the necessary mechanical and thermal characteristics, as well as the relevant non-linearities. The analyses led to the conclusion that no cooling was required, even taking into account the stress state imposed by an early and rapid filling of the reservoir

    De refranes y cantares tiene el pueblo mil millares

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    Esta experiencia trata de acercarnos a la palabra para mejorar las competencias comunicativas orales y escritas de los nuevos hablantes de nuestro idioma. El uso de los refranes se incluye en el ámbito del nivel popular; en él abunda la subjetividad, se economizan considerablemente los medios lingüísticos y aparecen numerosas apelaciones al oyente. Relativo a esto podemos señalar que los proverbios y refranes son expresiones de contenido moral y didáctico que se transmiten de manera oral

    Effects of free-fatty-acid content and saturation degree of the dietary oil sources on lipid-class content and fatty-acid digestibility along the gastrointestinal tract in broilers from 22 to 37 days of age

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    The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of the free-fatty-acid (FFA) content and saturation degree of dietary fat (added at 6%) on the fatty-acid (FA) digestibility and lipid-class content along the gastrointestinal tract and excreta in broilers from 22 to 37 d of age. This is essential to determine the potential use of acid oils (refining by-products rich in FFA) in broiler diets as an alternative to crude oils. The study consisted of a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement, which included 2 fat sources (soybean oils - unsaturated, or palm oils - saturated) and 4 levels of FFA (5, 15, 35, and 50%). Samples of digestive content of the gizzard, duodenum, jejunum, ileum and of the excreta were obtained at 37 d of age. Irrespective of the dietary fat source, more than 80% of total FA (TFA) was absorbed in the jejunum. Broilers fed with unsaturated diets had a higher absorption efficiency of FA than did those fed with saturated diets. This conclusion is supported by the lower FFA content and the higher TFA and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) digestibility coefficients in the ileum (P < 0.001) observed in the former group. The dietary FFA level did not affect the FA absorption process as much as the dietary fat source did. This was supported by the lack of statistical differences among the diets with a similar saturation degree but rather different levels of FFA, for TFA, saturated FA, and PUFA digestibility coefficients both in the jejunum and ileum. However, the interactions reported in the ileum for triacylglycerol and diacylglycerol contents (P < 0.001), as well as for monounsaturated FA digestibility coefficients (P < 0.05) show that the dietary FFA content affects the FA absorption process. The present results show that the inclusion of acid oils in grower-finisher broiler diets with FFA levels up to 35% does not have a negative impact on the FA absorption process