257 research outputs found

    Patrones decorativos y ciclos estilísticos de la cerámica prehistórica del noroeste ibérico

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    Partiendo de una metodología definida ampliamente en varias publicaciones previas, se sintetiza una propuesta para caracterizar la decoración de un tipo de soporte concreto, la cerámica, entrando en la problemática de las decoraciones geométricas representadas en vasos prehistóricos. Se utilizará un ejemplo concreto para ilustrar esta metodología, tomando Galicia como región de partida para este estudio. Nos centraremos sobre todo en la fase inicial de la caracterización, que consiste en delimitar los rasgos decorativos que deben describirse para poder definir un patrón decorativo. Los ejemplos seleccionados para poner en práctica este procedimiento cubren un rango temporal de seis fases, desde el Neolítico Antiguo hasta el Bronce Final. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una síntesis de los cambios en los patrones decorativos aplicando una metodología sistemática que hunde sus raíces en el concepto de chaîne opératoire y se inspira en los planteamientos de las escuelas de la antropología estructural francesa y de la arqueología contextual. Se concluye con la definición de cuatro ciclos estilísticos o rupturas formales que solo coinciden parcialmente con los tres patrones de racionalidad definidos para la región. Se valora de gran utilidad la cerámica como elemento que permite realizar una comparación diacrónica completa, y la necesidad de establecer otras investigaciones en paralelo para poder definir adecuadamente la materialización de cada formación sociocultural.Partint d'una metodologia definida àmpliament en diverses publicacions prèvies, se sintetitza una proposta per caracteritzar la decoració d'una mena de suport concret, la ceràmica, entrant en la problemàtica de les decoracions geomètriques representades en vasos prehistòrics. S'utilitzarà un exemple concret per il·lustrar aquesta metodologia, prenent Galícia com a regió de partida per a aquest estudi. Ens centrarem sobretot en la fase inicial de la caracterització, que consisteix a delimitar els trets decoratius que s'han de descriure per poder definir un patró decoratiu. Els exemples seleccionats per posar en pràctica aquest procediment cobreixen un rang temporal de sis fases, des del Neolític Antic fins al Bronze Final. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és fer una síntesi dels canvis en els patrons decoratius aplicant una metodologia sistemàtica que enfonsa les arrels en el concepte de chaîne opératoire i s'inspira en els plantejaments de les escoles de l'antropologia estructural francesa i de l'arqueologia contextual. Es conclou amb la definició de quatre cicles estilístics o ruptures formals que només coincideixen parcialment amb els tres patrons de racionalitat definits per a la regió. Es valora de gran utilitat la ceràmica com a element que permet fer una comparació diacrònica completa, i la necessitat d'establir altres recerques en paral·lel per poder definir adequadament la materialització de cada formació sociocultural.Starting from a methodology widely defined in several previous publications, a proposal is synthesized to characterize the ceramic decoration, focusing on the problem of geometric decorations represented in prehistoric vessels. A concrete example will be used to illustrate this methodology, locating Galicia as the region for this study. We will focus mainly on the initial phase of the characterization, which consists of defining the decorative features that must be described in order to define a decorative pattern. The examples selected to implement this procedure cover a temporal range of six phases from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. The objective of this work is to make a summary of the changes in decorative patterns applying a systematic methodology that has its roots in the concept of chaîne opératoire and is inspired by the approaches of several schools of French structural anthropology and contextual archeology. It concludes with the definition of four stylistic cycles or formal ruptures that only partially coincide with the three patterns of rationality defined for the region. Ceramic is valued as an element that allows a complete diachronic comparison, and the need to establish other investigations in parallel to properly define the materialization of each sociocultural formation

    A Devesa de Abaixo archaeological site (Pontevedra): death and tradition in late prehistory in the nw of the iberian peninsula

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto titulado «Estudio del cambio social en el III y II milenios BC en el NW de la península Ibérica a partir de yacimientos de contexto mixto» (HAR2012-34029), financiado al Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Las 4 dataciones del Lab. de Upsala fueron financiadas por el LPPP-USC en 2010Se realiza la síntesis del yacimiento de A Devesa de Abaixo. El primer y único yacimiento al aire libre del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica que presenta un contexto funerario no tumular para el IV-V milenios BC. Nuestro objetivo es caracterizar el yacimiento y su secuencia de uso a lo largo del tiempo. La descripción del yacimiento de Os Torradoiros, localizado a escasos metros nos permitirá defi nir y completar esta caracterización. Los resultados radiocarbónicos son analizados y complementados por el estudio cerámico, que permite añadir información acerca de la actividad prehistórica no datada y se discute el yacimiento en una problemática general de los yacimientos al aire libre de la regiónRealízase a síntese do xacemento da Devesa de Abaixo. O primeiro e único xacemento ao aire libre do Noroeste da Península Ibérica que presenta un contexto funerario non tumular para o IV-V milenios BC. O noso obxectivo é caracterizar o xacemento e a súa secuencia de uso ao longo do tempo. A descrición do xacemento de Os Torradoiros, localizado a escass metros, permitiranos defi nir e completar esta caracyerización. Os resultados radiocarbónicos son analizados e complementados polo estudo cerámico, que permite engadir información acerca da actividade prehistórica non datada e discútese o xacemento nunha problemática xeral dos sitios ao aire libre da rexiónWe present a summary of the archaeological site of A Devesa de Abaixo, the fi rst and only site in the NW Iberian Peninsula with a non-tumular funerary context from the fourth-fi fth millennia BC. The results of the radiocarbon datings are analysed and complemented by a pottery study, making it possible to add information about undated prehistoric activity. Next to A Devesa de Abaixo is placed Os Torradoiros site, its study allows us to complet the our knowledge about the chronological sequence in this area. The site is explored from the perspective of a problem that generally affects open-air sites in the region, and we contextualise the non-monumental funerary phenomenon in the NW Iberian Peninsula from the fi fth to second millennia BC, comparing it with other European sitesS

    The Effect of Regular Intake of Dry-Cured Ham Rich in Bioactive Peptides on Inflammation, Platelet and Monocyte Activation Markers in Humans.

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    Background and aims: Dietary studies have shown that active biopeptides provide protective health benefits, although the mediating pathways are somewhat uncertain. To throw light on this situation, we studied the effects of consuming Spanish dry-cured ham on platelet function, monocyte activation markers and the inflammatory status of healthy humans with pre-hypertension. Methods: Thirty-eight healthy volunteers with systolic blood pressure of >125 mmHg were enrolled in a two-arm crossover randomized controlled trial. Participants received 80 g/day dry-cured pork ham of >11 months proteolysis or 100 g/day cooked ham (control product) for 4 weeks followed by a 2-week washout before "crossing over" to the other treatment for 4 more weeks. Soluble markers and cytokines were analyzed by ELISA. Platelet function was assessed by measuring P-selectin expression and PAC-1 binding after ADP (adenosine diphosphate) stimulation using whole blood flow cytometry. Monocyte markers of the pathological status (adhesion, inflammatory and scavenging receptors) were also measured by flow cytometry in the three monocyte subsets after the interventional period. Results: The mean differences between dry-cured ham and cooked ham followed by a time period adjustment for plasmatic P-selectin and interleukin 6 proteins slightly failed (p = 0.062 and p = 0.049, respectively), notably increased for MCP-1 levels (p = 0.023) while VCAM-1 was not affected. Platelet function also decreased after ADP stimulation. The expression of adhesion and scavenging markers (ICAM1R, CXCR4 and TLR4) in the three subsets of monocytes was significantly higher (all p < 0.05). Conclusions: The regular consumption of biopeptides contained in the dry-cured ham but absent in cooked ham impaired platelet and monocyte activation and the levels of plasmatic P-selectin, MCP-1 and interleukin 6 in healthy subjects. This study strongly suggests the existence of a mechanism that links dietary biopeptides and beneficial health effects

    The jars of Santa Mariña de Augas Santas (Allariz), an approach towards their morphology

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    [ES] Las jarras de Santa Mariña de Augas Santas son un conjunto de referencia excepcional debido a su número, tipología y contexto. Más de un ciento de jarritas medievales fueron localizadas a mediados del siglo XX en óptimo estado de conservación en el caño de desagüe de una sauna castreña, que hoy en día conforma la cripta de una basílica medieval inconclusa. La zona guarda una gran riqueza patrimonial tanto en materiales arqueológicos como a nivel de tradición oral. Las jarritas sobrepasan la centena contándose con varios tipos morfológicos y un gran número de las mismas se encuentran decoradas. Se presentan los resultados morfológicos del estudio realizado sobre las mismas y se comparan los mismos con otros contextos arqueológicos galaicos.[EN] The jars of Santa Mariña de Augas Santas form an exceptional reference group due to their number, type, and context. A total of 128 mediaeval jars were found in the middle of the twentieth century in an excellent state of preservation in the drainage spout of a hill fort sauna, which today forms part of the crypt of an unfinished mediaeval basilica. The area contains a wealth of heritage both in terms of archaeological remains and oral traditions. The 122 jars that are still preserved belong to several morphological types, and a large number of them are decorated. We present the morphological results of the study carried out on them, and they are compared with other Galician archaeological contexts

    The epiphytic lichens on Fagus sylvatica in beech forests of Europe: towards an open and dynamic checklist

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    Beech forests are considered one of the most emblematic ecosystems in the temperate deciduous broadleaf forest biome and host a wide variety of specialised cryptogamic organisms such as epiphytic lichens. This checklist is the first compilation focused on the epiphytic lichen diversity occurring on Fagus sylvatica L. trees along Europe. The checklist is based on a literature search encompassing 137 studies. We report 683 lichen species differently distributed across 26 European countries. The reported richness of the lichen species ranged from one in Kosovo and Netherlands to 331 species in Ukraine. All information provided in this manuscript is available online (http://biodiversos.org/epidiversity-lichens-fagus-europe/) to facilitate the accessibility and updating of the data. Thus, we aim that this checklist becomes an open and dynamic database that continuously expands not only based on new lichenological studies, but also with the information retrieved by lichenologist in the past, data published in a diverse suite of languages and herbarium records

    Long-term treatment for emotional distress in women with breast cancer

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    [EN] Purpose: Breast cancer patients have many needs, including strategies to cope with the associated distress, during and after cancer treatment. Establishing and implementing adequate social and emotional support for these women, to reduce the detrimental effects of stress resulting from their treatment and disease, is the need of the hour. This study aims to assess how women, diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, combat emotional stress using mechanisms of coping and control and emotional defense, as well as to identify potential groups among them, with different long-term patterns and needs. Methods: 98 patients belonging to a local breast cancer support association (ALMOM), were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire specifically designed for them was administered, and its internal consistency and reliability assessed. A hierarchical clustering was employed to classify the women. The questionnaire focused on four sections, including personal feelings, coping strategies, environmental influences and maladaptive coping. Results: An adequate internal reliability was obtained with Cronbach's α near or greater than 0.60. Personal feelings were significant and clearly correlated with coping strategies and maladaptive coping. Three groups of women with different patterns of emotional characteristics and needs were identified: positivist, unsafe, and hopeless women, with different long-term emotional needs to be satisfied. Conclusions: Psychological therapeutic interventions should be maintained in many breast cancer patients over time, even after treatment completion, in order to consolidate adaptive and sustainable responsesS

    Fear of Falling Score Is a Predictor of Falls in Community-Dwelling Pre-Frail and Frail Older People

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    Identifying frail older people at risk of falling is a priority in order to apply preventive strategies. This cross-sectional study included community-dwelling pre-frail and frail people (Fried’s criteria) aged 70 years and older to assess the prevalence of falls and identify screening strategies based on comprehensive geriatric assessments to detect an increased risk of falling and recurrent falling in community-dwelling frail and pre-frail old people. Of the 229 participants, 121 (54.9%) had fallen in the previous 12 months, and 20 of these (16.5%) were recurrent fallers (≥2 falls). A score of 20 points or more on the Falls Efficacy Scale International was predictive of falling (area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve 0.67, 95% confidence interval: 0.61–0.74, p < 0.001) with a sensitivity of 51.7% and a specificity of 73.9%. Polypharmacy, Short Physical Performance Battery score of 8 points or less, and Falls Efficacy Scale International score of 20 points or more show an area under the curve of 0.78 (95% confidence interval: 0.67–0.89, p < 0.001) for recurrent falling.Medicin