180 research outputs found

    La inversión del 1% en proyectos objeto de licencia ambiental, para el sector de los hidrocarburos en Colombia

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    El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como propósito el de concientizar y sensibilizar a las industria petrolera, autoridades ambientales y comunidades sobre la necesidad apremiante de la protección de los recursos naturales, especialmente los relacionados con el agua, como fuente de vida y motor de desarrollo de nuestro país

    Decision Making in Fuzzy Rough Set Theory

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    Decision rules are powerful tools to manage information and to provide descriptions of data sets; as a consequence, they can acquire a useful role in decision-making processes where fuzzy rough set theory is applied. This paper focuses on the study of different methods to classify new objects, which are not considered in the starting data set, in order to determine the best possible decision for them. The classification methods are supported by the relevance indicators associated with decision rules, such as support, certainty, and credibility. Specifically, the first one is based on how the new object matches decision rules that describe the data set, while the second one also takes into account the representativeness of these rules. Finally, the third and fourth methods take into account the credibility of the rules compared with the new object. Moreover, we have shown that these methods are richer alternatives or generalize other approaches given in the literature

    Relationship between Academic Stress, Physical Activity and Diet in University Students of Education

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    (1) Background: Several research works have shown the relationship between physical activity (PA), adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and health. Nevertheless, there are few studies that demonstrate the relationship of these habits with academic performance, and specifically with academic stress. (2) Methods: This descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional study aims to analyse the associations between these variables in a sample composed of 515 university students, using as main instruments the KIDMED, PAQ-A and the Scale of Academic Stress. (3) Results: The university students analysed showed higher levels of academic stress for women, and especially in the academic obligations and communication of own ideas. In addition, it was shown that those university students that had a body mass index (BMI) associated with being overweight or under-weight were the respondents with higher levels of stress. Finally, the students with a low adherence to MD had higher scores for stress associated with the communication of their own ideas, while PA was not related to academic stress. When sex and BMI variables were controlled in the regression model, no associations were obtained between stress and diet quality. (4) Conclusions: This study shows interesting implications in the treatment of academic stress. Although stress was not associated with diet and physical activity, it was linked to a worse state of health associated with states of being overweight, being of special interest the treatment of stress in women

    Value reducts and bireducts: A comparative study

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    In Rough Set Theory, the notion of bireduct allows to simultaneously reduce the sets of objects and attributes contained in a dataset. In addition, value reducts are used to remove some unnecessary values of certain attributes for a specific object. Therefore, the combination of both notions provides a higher reduction of unnecessary data. This paper is focused on the study of bireducts and value reducts of information and decision tables. We present theoretical results capturing different aspects about the relationship between bireducts and reducts, offering new insights at a conceptual level. We also analyze the relationship between bireducts and value reducts. The studied connections among these notions provide important profits for the efficient information analysis, as well as for the detection of unnecessary or redundant information

    Rough set decision algorithms for modeling with uncertainty

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    The use of decision rules allows to extract information and to infer conclusions from relational databases in a reliable way, thanks to some indicators like support and certainty. Moreover, decision algorithms collect a group of decision rules that satisfies desirable properties to describe the relational system. However, when a decision table is considered within a fuzzy environment, it is necessary to extend all notions related to decision algorithms to this framework. This paper presents a generalization of these notions, highlighting the new definitions of indicators of relevance to describe decision rules and decision algorithm

    Análisis y mejora de procesos en la planta tratamiento de aguas residuales no domésticas de la Empresa Eterna S.A. de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.

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    Las aguas residuales se clasifican como domésticas (ARD) y no domésticas (ARnD), de acuerdo a su uso, del cual depende la naturaleza de los contaminantes presentes en este tipo de aguas, por lo que es necesario realizar un proceso de tratamiento previo a la descarga a los cuerpos de agua. Las ARnD generadas por la empresa Eterna S.A., son tratadas en una planta de tratamiento; sin embargo, los parámetros de demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO), Tensoactivos (SAAM), grasas y aceites (GyA); y especialmente los sólidos suspendidos totales (SST) presentan incumplimientos en los límites permisibles de acuerdo a la Resolución 0631 de 2015 de la Secretaria Distrital de Ambiente. Este trabajo aplicado busca implementar una serie de mejoras en los procesos de tratamiento, para lo cual inicialmente se requiere una identificación del estado actual frente al límite de cumplimiento, basándose en la información de la caracterización suministrada por la empresa y una serie de visitas para la identificación de los procesos productivos y de la operación de la planta de tratamiento. Dentro de los cambios realizados en la planta de tratamiento se diseñaron y construyeron dos lechos de secado, un filtro sedimentador, un lecho de almacenamiento de fibras y un filtro multimedia; estos filtros se encuentran elaborados con diferentes capas de material filtrante de grava, gravilla carbón activado, carbón de antracita y zeolita. Después de implementar los cambios en la planta de tratamiento de agua residual, se realizaron cuatro (4) caracterizaciones finales donde se evidenció la mejora de eficacia y eficiencia de la planta de tratamiento, reflejado en el cumplimiento de la resolución 0631 del 2015.Las aguas residuales se clasifican como domésticas (ARD) y no domésticas (ARnD), de acuerdo a su uso, del cual depende la naturaleza de los contaminantes presentes en este tipo de aguas, por lo que es necesario realizar un proceso de tratamiento previo a la descarga a los cuerpos de agua. Las ARnD generadas por la empresa Eterna S.A., son tratadas en una planta de tratamiento; sin embargo, los parámetros de demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO), Tensoactivos (SAAM), grasas y aceites (GyA); y especialmente los sólidos suspendidos totales (SST) presentan incumplimientos en los límites permisibles de acuerdo a la Resolución 0631 de 2015 de la Secretaria Distrital de Ambiente. Este trabajo aplicado busca implementar una serie de mejoras en los procesos de tratamiento, para lo cual inicialmente se requiere una identificación del estado actual frente al límite de cumplimiento, basándose en la información de la caracterización suministrada por la empresa y una serie de visitas para la identificación de los procesos productivos y de la operación de la planta de tratamiento. Dentro de los cambios realizados en la planta de tratamiento se diseñaron y construyeron dos lechos de secado, un filtro sedimentador, un lecho de almacenamiento de fibras y un filtro multimedia; estos filtros se encuentran elaborados con diferentes capas de material filtrante de grava, gravilla carbón activado, carbón de antracita y zeolita. Después de implementar los cambios en la planta de tratamiento de agua residual, se realizaron cuatro (4) caracterizaciones finales donde se evidenció la mejora de eficacia y eficiencia de la planta de tratamiento, reflejado en el cumplimiento de la resolución 0631 del 2015

    Vitamin D Deficiency in Children

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    In addition to its contribution to bone metabolism, vitamin D seems to fulfill a broad spectrum of biological functions which justifies the interest in monitoring its body content. The aim of this study is to analyze the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and associated factors in schoolchildren and adolescents living in a region of northern Spain. A cross-sectional clinical and analytical study (calcium, phosphorus, calcidiol, and parathyroid hormone) was accomplished in a group of 602 Caucasian individuals (aged 3.1–15.4 years). Gender, age, body mass index, residence, and season of the year were recorded, and their association with vitamin D deficiency was analyzed by multiple regression. Vitamin D status was defined according to the US Endocrine Society criteria. The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D was 60.4% (insufficiency: 44.6%; deficiency: 15.8%). The female sex, adolescence, season of blood sample collection (autumn, winter, and spring), an urban residence, and severe obesity showed an association with an increased risk of hypovitaminosis D

    Academic Self-Efficacy in Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: Structural Equation Modelling According to Schooling

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    (1) Background: New migratory flows taking place in Europe and the USA are categorised by a huge arrival of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM), requiring appropriate attention to schooling in order to guarantee their integration. In facing this situation, the various political and educational administrations of the European Union (EU) have promoted an action plan for schools. Despite this, it has been shown that schooling does not totally guarantee social integration, encouraging the development of a new social model to generate new ways of understanding the learning process. (2) Methods: The aim of the present study is to adapt and validate Bandura’s academic self-efficacy scale (2006) within a sample of UFM. This scale is composed of 18 items distributed according to three underlying constructs. (3) Results: The validation analysis consisted of an exploratory factorial analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation, followed by confirmatory factorial analysis using structural equations (root mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.052; normalised fit index (NFI) = 0.90; incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.91; confirmatory fit index (CFI) = 0.91). Reliability and internal consistency of the instrument was also tested with values being higher than 0.7 for all dimensions. (4) Conclusions: The final instrument was reduced to 12 items which were grouped into three dimensions (effort, self-confidence and understanding). Finally, the conducted multi-group analysis showed a stronger relationship between understanding, self-confidence and effort within UFM who had resided in Spain for a longer time. This could be linked to the more prolonged schooling process received.National research project: "Modelos de aprendizaje para la intervencion educativa con MENAS. Herramientas eficaces para la integracion escolar y social" [Learning models for educational intervention with MENAS. Effective tools for school and social integra EDU2017-88641-R"Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades. Gobierno de Espana" [Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Spanish Government]"Unidad de Excelencia de la Universidad de Granada (UGR): Desigualdad, Derechos Humanos y Sostenibilidad (DEHUSO)" [Unit of Excellence of the University of Granada (UGR): Inequality, Human Rights and Sustainability

    Levels of Physical Activity Are Associated With the Motivational Climate and Resilience in University Students of Physical Education From Andalucía: An Explanatory Model

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    Background: The practice of Physical Activity (PA) is a key factor for the improvement of physical and mental health, making the study of the motivational processes that take part in the development of active lifestyles of interest. Results: A negative relationship was observed between task-oriented climate (TC) and ego-oriented climate, which acquired greater correlation strength in the respondents who did less PA. Likewise, a positive relationship was obtained between TC and resilience, which was higher in participants who did more than 3 h of weekly PA. Finally, it was observed that resilience was highly correlated with personal competence, tenacity and control capacity in the most active respondents. Conclusion: The importance of promoting task-oriented motivational climates in PA is highlighted, since this could develop a better resilience capacity in university students and will favor the tolerance to adversity and the positive acceptance of changes

    Evaluation of a psychological intervention for patients with chronic pain in primary care

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    According to evidence from recent decades, multicomponent programs of psychological intervention in people with chronic pain have reached the highest levels of efficacy. However, there are still many questions left to answer since efficacy has mainly been shown among upper-middle class patients in English-speaking countries and in controlled studies, with expert professionals guiding the intervention and with a limited number of domains of painful experience evaluated. For this study, a program of multicomponent psychological intervention was implemented: (a) based on techniques with empirical evidence, but developed in Spain; (b) at a public primary care center; (c) among patients with limited financial resources and lower education; (d) by a novice psychologist; and (e) evaluating all domains of painful experience using the instruments recommended by the Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT). The aim of this study was to evaluate this program. We selected a consecutive sample of 40 patients treated for chronic non-cancer pain at a primary care center in Utrera (Seville, Spain), adults who were not in any employment dispute, not suffering from psychopathology, and not receiving psychological treatment. The patients participated in 10 psychological intervention sessions, one per week, in groups of 13–14 people, which addressed psychoeducation for pain; breathing and relaxation; attention management; cognitive restructuring; problem-solving; emotional management; social skills; life values and goal setting; time organization and behavioral activation; physical exercise promotion; postural and sleep hygiene; and relapse prevention. In addition to the initial assessment, measures were taken after the intervention and at a 6-month follow-up. We assessed the program throughout the process: before, during and after the implementation. Results were analyzed statistically (significance and effect size) and from a clinical perspective (clinical significance according to IMMPACT standards). According to this analysis, the intervention was successful, although improvement tended to decline at follow-up, and the detailed design gave the program assessment a high degree of standardization and specification. Finally, suggestions for improvement are presented for upcoming applications of the program