7,245 research outputs found

    Agricultural sector and competition in Colombia

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    In this chapter we provide a summary description of Colombian Competition Policy with an emphasis on the agricultural sector. Key developments and recent changes in institutional arrangements affecting competition policy, as it applies to the agricultural sector, are highlighted. Illustrative case studies are depicted to show the richness and complexity of policy developments and enforcement. Some general conclusions are drawn from this examination.Competition Policy, Agriculture, Colombia

    Genome-wide identification of novel small RNAs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Bacterial small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) are known to have regulatory functions in a variety of processes including metabolic reactions, stress responses and pathogenesis in response to environmental signals. Recent genome-wide studies to identify sRNAs have been largely based on tiling arrays and RNA sequencing (RNAseq) technologies. The latter approach, in particular, has revolutionized sRNA discovery by enabling interrogation of the transcriptome at unprecedented depths. The size and complexity of the P. aeruginosa genome suggests that it encodes many hitherto undetected sRNAs. In this study, RNA-seq is used to identify sRNAs in P.aeruginosa using a combination of three different sequencing libraries. Over 750 novel sRNAs (including intergenic and cis-encoded sRNAs) have been identified with this approach in this study. The results also reflect that although the use of three libraries increased the number of novel transcripts identified, there were significant differences in the subset of transcripts detected in each library, underscoring the importance of library preparation strategy and relative sRNA abundance for successful sRNA detection. These data will be useful for the study of regulatory sRNAs in P. aeruginosa and the approach described here may be applied to identify sRNAs in any bacterium under different growth and stress conditions. In addition the role of sRNA OsiS was investigated. OsiS was identified in our genome-wide search of sRNAs in P. aeruginosa. OsiS is highly transcribed during oxidative stress conditions. We show that by inducing the expression of OsiS the levels of the sRNA PhrS are greatly reduced. PhrS activates the translation of the pqsR gene under low oxygen concentrations, which in turn activates the synthesis of the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS). Thus, OsiS links the oxygen levels to the production of quorum sensing (QS) molecules. It is hypothesized that the interaction is by direct base-pairing between the two sRNAs, with a predicted recognition site of OsiS at the highly conserved-region of PhrS. However, more experiments are required to know the exact nature of the interaction between these two sRNAs. Notably, OsiS is, to the best of our knowledge, the first sRNA whose main function seems to be regulating the cellular levels of another sRNA

    SOCIMI como vehículo inversor

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    Debido a la crisis inmobiliaria que hemos sufrido en los últimos años, la construcción y el precio de los inmuebles han caído con gran fuerza en nuestro país El mercado inmobiliario es un sector clave en la economía española prácticamente toda la actividad está relacionada con este sector, ya que, tanto la sociedad como el mundo empresarial depende de diferentes activos inmobiliarios en su día a día. Entre las medidas implantadas para tratar de revitalizar el sector se ha implantado la figura de los REIT que ha sido adoptada por numerosos países desarrollados. En España los bautizamos con el nombre de SOCIMI (Sociedades Anónimas Cotizadas de Inversión Inmobiliaria) son vehículos de inversión, cuya principal actividad es el alquiler de activos inmobiliarios, y que cuentan con un régimen fiscal más beneficioso que el de otras figuras. Las SOCIMI ofrecen un modelo de inversión en activos inmobiliarios más fiable que el de otras empresas del sector, gracias a los contrato de arrendamiento, los cuales generan una fuente de ingresos fija y segura anualmente a pesar de la debilidad del sector en el que operan. Este proyecto de investigación se basa en el análisis y valoración de este tipo de sociedades mercantiles, las cuales compararemos a su vez con el IBEX 35 y el BONO 10, tomando como referencia la teoría de carteras y los modelos de valoración de los activos arriesgados. Por otro lado, la parte central del trabajo teórico, consistirá en dar a conocer las características de las SOCIMI tanto como empresa como las del propio inversor de SOCIMI

    Normative and Audience Discourses on Public Service Journalism at a “Critical Juncture”: the Case of TVE in Spain

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    The concept of journalism, its metatheory and, in particular, public service journalism is regulated by feedback between political models (legal and normative framework), academic precepts and social practices. Scant attention has been paid to date to the impact that these models have on citizens’ discourses, which is especially relevant at “critical junctures”, i.e. periods in which the old institutions are collapsing and require renovation (McChesney, 2007). Hence, this paper addresses the issue in the Spanish context in order to explore the similarities and differences between the academic/legal/normative framework and audience discourses. The former has been studied using documents, reports and legislation, and the latter explored by means of discussion groups with viewers of the newscasts of Televisión Española (TVE)

    Determination of homogentisic acid using HPLC with amperometric detection at carbon paste electrodes

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    Homogentisic acid is an intermediate of the metabolic breakdown of tyrosine and phenylalanine; its accumulation in body fluids suggests the break in the metabolic pathway of these compounds and related health-threatening complications. In our work, a determination method for this compound was developed using HPLC with amperometric detection on glassy carbon paste electrode. Optimum conditions were found, considering both electrode response and chromatographic parameters. Separation was performed on Kromasil 100 C18, 250 x 4.6 mm (5 μm) column using gradient elution; mobile phase consisted of acidic buffer and methanol, with methanol content changing from 5% to 30% in 10 min. Repeatability of the measurements and linearity of the electrode response were confirmed. Applicability of the method was proved by the determination in spiked urine samples.Grado en Químic

    Development of an Analytic Nodal Diffusion Solver in Multigroups for 3D Reactor Cores with Rectangular or Hexagonal Assemblies.

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    More accurate modelling of physical phenomena involved in present and future nuclear reactors requires a multi-scale and multi-physics approach. This challenge can be accomplished by the coupling of best-estimate core-physics, thermal-hydraulics and multi-physics solvers. In order to make viable that coupling, the current trends in reactor simulations are along the development of a new generation of tools based on user-friendly, modular, easily linkable, faster and more accurate codes to be integrated in common platforms. These premises are in the origin of the NURESIM Integrated Project within the 6th European Framework Program, which is envisaged to provide the initial step towards a Common European Standard Software Platform for nuclear reactors simulations. In the frame of this project and to reach the above-mentioned goals, a 3-D multigroup nodal solver for neutron diffusion calculations called ANDES (Analytic Nodal Diffusion Equation Solver) has been developed and tested in-depth in this Thesis. ANDES solves the steady-state and time-dependent neutron diffusion equation in threedimensions and any number of energy groups, utilizing the Analytic Coarse-Mesh Finite-Difference (ACMFD) scheme to yield the nodal coupling equations. It can be applied to both Cartesian and triangular-Z geometries, so that simulations of LWR as well as VVER, HTR and fast reactors can be performed. The solver has been implemented in a fully encapsulated way, enabling it as a module to be readily integrated in other codes and platforms. In fact, it can be used either as a stand-alone nodal code or as a solver to accelerate the convergence of whole core pin-by-pin code systems. Verification of performance has shown that ANDES is a code with high order definition for whole core realistic nodal simulations. In this paper, the methodology developed and involved in ANDES is presented

    Validity and Reliability of an Inertial Device for Measuring Dynamic Weight-Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion

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    A decrease in ankle dorsiflexion causes changes in biomechanics, and different instruments have been used for ankle dorsiflexion testing under static conditions. Consequently, the industry of inertial sensors has developed easy-to-use devices, which measure dynamic ankle dorsiflexion and provide additional parameters such as velocity, acceleration, or movement deviation. Therefore, the aims of this study were to analyze the concurrent validity and test-retest reliability of an inertial device for measuring dynamic weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion. Sixteen participants were tested using an inertial device (WIMU) and a digital inclinometer. Ankle dorsiflexion from left and right ankle repetitions was used for validity analysis, whereas test-retest reliability was analyzed by comparing measurements from the first and second days. The standard error of the measurement (SEM) between the instruments was very low for both ankle measurements (SEM 0.05) even though a significant systematic bias (~1.77°) was found for the right ankle (d = 0.79). R2 was very close to 1 in the left and right ankles (R2 = 0.85–0.89) as well as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC > 0.95). Test-retest reliability analysis showed that systematic bias was below 1° for both instruments, even though a systematic bias (~1.50°) with small effect size was found in the right ankle (d = 0.49) with WIMU. The ICC was very close to 1 and the coefficient of variation (CV) was lower than 4% in both instruments. Thus, WIMU is a valid and reliable inertial device for measuring dynamic weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion

    Contratos de colaboración del personal investigador universitario con personas públicas o privadas para la realización de trabajos de carácter científico, técnico o artístico o para servicios de formación y enseñanza (art. 83 LOU)

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    Estudio realizado en el marco del Proyecto de investigación DER2013-43967-R, sobre “Propiedad intelectual en las Universidades públicas: Titularidad, gestión y transferencia”, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO