1,990 research outputs found

    Estimation of the control parameter from symbolic sequences: Unimodal maps with variable critical point

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    The work described in this paper can be interpreted as an application of the order patterns of symbolic dynamics when dealing with unimodal maps. Specifically, it is shown how Gray codes can be used to estimate the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the order patterns of parametric unimodal maps. Furthermore, these PDFs depend on the value of the parameter, what eventually provides a handle to estimate the parameter value from symbolic sequences (in form of Gray codes), even when the critical point depends on the parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Contribución al estudio de hongos que viven sobre materias fecales (1ª aportación)

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    Se estudian especies de hongos recolectadas sobre materias fecales, Myxomycetes, Ascomycetes y Basidiomycetes, comparándolas con otras especies que denominamos "subcoprofilas". Se describen macro y microscópicamente los taxones más interesantes. Resultan nuevas citas para el Catálogo micológico español 6 especies: Coprinus heterosetulosus Locquin, Coprinus patouillardii Quél., Coprinus poliomallus Romagnesi, Panaeolus cyanescens Berk. et Br., Psathyrella coprophila Watling y Psathyrella stercoraria (Kiihn. et Romag.) Moser

    Sustainability on the urban scale: proposal of a structure of indicators for the Spanish context

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    Some efforts to assess sustainability on the urban scale have been made and different tools for measuring the impact on and caused by cities have emerged. However, the sustainability concept varies from region to region, and indicators to measure it should be suitable for the context-specific conditions of the region under study. After doing a comprehensive review of the indicators included in 13 tools developed to assess urban sustainability of cities, this article proposes a new structure of indicators adapted to a Mediterranean city in Spain. The proposed structure is based on a two-level scheme that consists in 14 categories and 63 subcategories, which agglutinate urban sustainability indicators according to their purpose. This structure suggests a set of comprehensible qualitative and quantitative indicators that are easily applicable on neighbourhood or city scales. Given the similar features of Mediterranean countries in terms of environmental and socio-economic aspects, the proposed structure could be extrapolated to other countries with climatic and cultural similarities. Otherwise, the system is a useful tool in the decision-making process to help the different stakeholders involved in new urban developments and regeneration projects in existing neighbourhoods, such as developers, urban planners and public administrations

    Multi-Sensor System For Level Measurements With Optical Fibres

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    A system for measuring liquid level in multiple tanks using optical fibre technology has been developed. The oil field service industry can benefit from this intrinsically safe technology. Plastic optical fibre (POF) sensor heads are excited by a 650 nm laser. Laser diodes are housed in ST connectors to obtain compact and rough prototypes and these connectors are also used in the fibre pigtails. Optical multiplexing is used to increase the measuring safety area. POF splitters and connectors are used to combine all the receiving sensor head fibres in a single one. Frequency division multiplexing is used to address each sensor head. The global system is controlled through a user friendly software application running in a PC connected to the system via an RS-232 port. A scalable prototype with a range greater than 2 meter, good linearity, better than 1.5% FS (full scale), high accuracy and resolution is developed using a unique lens to collimate and focus the light. Measurements are taken to validate the designs. Up to 8 sensor heads can be connected in the present implementation. But a greater number of sensors can be allocated with minor modifications in the electronics.Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    Preparation of school leaders in Chile: Current situation, evolution and challenges

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    El artículo describe la situación actual de la formación de directivos escolares en Chile, a través de una caracterización de los programas de máster especializados en esta área y de su comparación con una observación inicial realizada en el año 2010. Se utilizan como fuente principal los resultados de un cuestionario aplicado a los responsables de una muestra de los programas de formación vigentes en Chile al año 2017. La evidencia recopilada permite concluir que la preparación de directivos en Chile ha experimentado un importante cambio curricular, consistente con las políticas educacionales en este país. Esto se ha traducido en una mayor priorización de conocimientos y habilidades como la teoría y práctica del liderazgo educativo, herramientas para el mejoramiento escolar o la gestión del desarrollo profesional docente. Este interesante cambio convive, sin embargo, con un evidente estancamiento a nivel metodológico: sigue predominando un modelo formativo esencialmente teórico y carente de instancias prácticas de desarrollo profesional, lo que limita las posibilidades de que esta formación logre impactar sustantivamente en el aprendizaje y desempeño de los líderes escolares. El caso chileno entrega, a nivel de la formación misma pero también de las políticas que la promueven, aprendizajes relevantes para el desafío de formar con calidad a los líderes escolares de América LatinaThe article describes the current situation of the preparation of school leaders in Chile, through a characterization of the master's programs specialized in this area and their comparison with an initial observation made in 2010. The main source was the results of a questionnaire applied to the people responsible for a sample of the training programs in force in Chile in 2017. The evidence gathered allows us to conclude that the preparation of school leaders in Chile has experienced an important curricular change, consistent with educational policies in this country. This has resulted in a greater prioritization of knowledge and skills such as the theory and practice of educational leadership, tools for school improvement or the management of professional teacher development. This interesting change coexists, however, with a clear stagnation at a methodological level: an essentially theoretical training model still prevails, and the programs lack practical instances of professional development, which limits the possibilities that this training will have a substantive impact on the learning and performance of the school leaders. The Chilean case provides, at the level of the training and preparation but also the policies that promote it, relevant learning for the challenge of preparing with quality school leaders in Latin Americ

    Exploring residential urban form patterns: a Spanish case study

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    Rapid urban growth in recent years has increasingly compromised urban environments and made urban sustainability assessment quite challenging. Breaking down the city structure into smaller systems enables its complexity to be simplified. This work provides a methodology for defining the urban taxonomy of cities by characterizing the urban form patterns of its residential building stock into four different scales. The methodology enables the urban morphology of the city to be standardized, overcoming the barrier of building stock heterogeneity posed by cities, and considers a comprehensive review of the historic and urban planning development as starting point. The methodology proposed herein is supported by GIS technology and can be applied to medium-sized cities. It was validated by applying to the city of Castellón de la Plana, a Spanish Mediterranean coastal city. As main outcome of this research, the urban taxonomy has been obtained and building types in an average block have been standardized, allowing the definition of representative urban form patterns. This methodology can be useful for the stakeholders involved in urban decision-making processes when analysing socio-economic aspects, energy issues, the impact of different technological options or the promotion of sustainable urban development initiatives, among others

    Editorial: Aportaciones a la investigación sobre la enseñanza de la gramática

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    La gramática, especialmente –pero no exclusivamente– en la educación secundaria, es un problema de largo recorrido (Rodríguez Gonzalo, 2011a: §1 y 2012) y, sin embargo, no resuelto en la actualidad (Camps, 2014). En la base, se sitúa el debate sobre gramática implícita (la que permite a los hablantes utilizar su propia lengua) y gramática explícita (la que permite reflexionar sobre la propia lengua y sobre las que se aprenden y la que permite, asimismo, regular el uso en cualquiera de ellas).Grammar, especially - but not exclusively - in secondary education, is a problem of long journey (Rodriguez, Gonzalo, 2011a: §1 and 2012) and, however, it's not resolved at present (Camps, 2014). At the base is the debate about implicit grammar (which allows speakers to use their own language) and explicit grammar (which allows us to think about their own language and of those that are learned and which also enables you to adjust the use in any of them).peerReviewe

    School leaders preparation in Chile and effects on their practices: Towards a model for assessing the development of capacities in school leaders

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    El estudio ha tenido como objetivo central desarrollar una propuesta de modelo –un conjunto de dimensiones y variables clave, junto con distintas alternativas metodológicas para abordarlas– que permita evaluar los efectos que tiene la formación de directivos escolares en sus prácticas de liderazgo. La conclusión central de la investigación es que la evaluación de la formación de directivos en Chile es un desafío absolutamente pendiente y su desarrollo pareciera crítico para la mejora de las políticas y prácticas de preparación en liderazgo. El recorrido realizado por la investigación permitió elaborar una propuesta general de evaluación de la formación que pone su foco principal en las prácticas de liderazgo, vale decir, en el desempeño que los líderes escolares despliegan antes, durante y después de pasar por su formación. Al mismo tiempo que posiciona en las prácticas el principal dominio a observar, la investigación reconoce la existencia de otros tres dominios que deben ser estudiados, aunque siempre en relación con las prácticas: los conocimientos y habilidades, las creencias y disposiciones, y las trayectorias laborales de los líderes escolaresThe main objective of the study was to develop a model proposal-a set of key dimensions and variables, together with different methodological alternatives to address them-that would allow evaluating the effects of the training of school managers on their leadership practices. The central conclusion of the research is that the evaluation of managerial training in Chile is an absolutely pending challenge and its development would seem critical for the improvement of leadership preparation policies and practices. The journey made by the research allowed to develop a general proposal for the evaluation of training that puts its main focus on leadership practices, that is, on the performance that school leaders display before, during and after passing through their training. At the same time that positions in practice the main domain to observe, the research recognizes the existence of three other domains that should be studied, but always in relation to the practices: knowledge and skills, beliefs and dispositions, and work trajectories of school leadersEste proyecto ha contado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Educación de Chile, a través del financiamiento público del Centro de Desarrollo de Liderazgo Educativo (CEDLE), que integran diversas universidades chilenas, bajo la coordinación de la Universidad Diego Portale

    Sport activity in the history of Badajoz Normal School. 1900/1936

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    Con este trabajo se evidencia la existencia de actividades deportivas, como materia de estudio, dentro del currículum de formación de maestros en los años de transición entre el siglo XIX y el XX. Así mismo se muestra como la educación física dentro del currículum de maestros marca la diferencia entre hombres y mujeres a principios del siglo XX. Por otro lado, se profundiza en la evolución de la educación física en las Escuelas Normales de Badajoz, desde su fundación en 1844, utilizando como referencia documentos originales de la época.The aim of this work is to show the existence of sport activities, as a research subject, as a part of teachers’ formation curriculum over the transition years between the 19th and the 20th centuries. Likewise it is shown how physical education in the curriculum makes the difference between men and women at the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, the evolution of physical education deepens in the Normal Schools of Badajoz since its fundations in 1844, referencing original documents from the er

    Schools, Health and Physical Education. Physical Education in the collected points of view of Badajoz Normal School females students (1919-1926)

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    En este trabajo se analiza el pensamiento de las alumnas matriculadas por enseñanza libre en la Escuela Normal de Maestras de Badajoz, en el tránsito entre dos sistemas de gobierno en los que rige el mismo plan de 1914 para las Escuelas Normales. El estudio se apoya en las Memorias de Prácticas depositadas en el centro por dichas alumnas. En ellas se recoge su pensamiento respecto a la enseñanza y la situación real de los centros escolares de primaria en la Extremadura de ese periodo. A través de 32 memorias, redactadas entre 1919 y 1926, analizamos la evolución que sufre el concepto de Educación Física, comprobando que solamente existe una mínima evolución entre dicho pensamiento y el que aparece reflejado en las memorias setenta y cinco años después.This work analyses the ideas of free enrolled female students of Badajoz Teachers’ Normal School under the 1914 syllabus validation in a period of government transition. The study is based down on the collected points of view about the real Teaching situation in Primary Schools in Extremadura taken from the Teaching Reports. The evolution of the Physical Education concept is analysed considering the 32 reports written from 1919 to 1926, proving that there is only a small evolution between those teaching reports and the ones presented seventy five years later in the same school.peerReviewe