200 research outputs found

    Entrenamiento psicológico en tiro olímpico : estudio de un caso

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    Este artículo presenta una intervención psicológica con una tiradora olímpica de la modalidad pistola aire comprimido que presenta elevados niveles de estrés, ansiedad, síndrome de burnout y deseos de retirada deportiva. El objetivo fue reducir la sintomatología ansiosa y mejorar su rendimiento deportivo. La intervención tuvo una duración de doce meses y un seguimiento de seis meses. El entrenamiento psicológico estuvo compuesto por técnicas de planteamiento de objetivos, restructuración cognitiva, entrenamiento en parada de pensamiento, autoinstrucciones y técnicas de relajación y visualización. Tras la intervención psicológica desaparece el síndrome de burnout y mejoran los indicadores de estrés y ansiedad, aumentando el rendimiento deportivo de la tiradora y desapareciendo los pensamientos de abandono deportivo. Con esta investigación se pone de manifiesto la importancia del entrenamiento psicológico en los deportistas.This article sets out a psychological intervention on an Olympic shooter. She competes in the air gun class and shows high levels of stress, anxiety, burnout syndrome and desires to retire from the sport. The main objective was to cut down the symptoms of anxiety and to enhance her sporting performance. The intervention lasted twelve months and was followed up for six months. The psychological training was composed of target-setting techniques, cognitive restructuring, thought stopping training, self instruction and relaxation and visualisation techniques. After the psychological intervention, the burnout syndrome disappeared and stress and anxiety indicators improved which meant that the shooter's sporting performance increased and her desire to retire started to disappear. This research underscores the importance of psychological training in sport.Este artigo apresenta uma intervenção psicológica com uma atiradora olímpica da modalidade de pistola de ar comprimido que apresenta elevados níveis de stress, ansiedade, síndrome de burnout e desejos de retirada desportiva. O objectivo foi reduzir a sintomatologia ansiosa e potenciar o seu rendimento desportivo. A intervenção teve a duração de doze meses e um período de monitorização de seis meses. O treino psicológico foi composto por técnicas de formulação de objectivos, restruturação cognitiva, treino em paragem de pensamento, auto-instruções e técnicas de relaxamento e visualização. Após a intervenção psicológica o síndrome de burnout foi eliminado, bem como os pensamentos de abandono desportivo. Por seu turno, verificou-se uma melhoria nos indicadores de stress e ansiedade, tal como no rendimento desportivo da atiradora. Com esta investigação comprova-se a importância do treino psicológico nos desportistas

    Correlation of Plasma Protein Carbonyls and C-Reactive Protein with GOLD Stage Progression in COPD Patients

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    Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To investigate the correlation between the progression of COPD and plasma biomarkers of chronic inflammation and oxidative injury, blood samples were obtained from healthy volunteers (HV, n = 14) and stabilized COPD patients. The patients were divided into three groups according to their GOLD stage (II, n = 34; III, n = 18; IV, n = 20). C-reactive protein (CRP), protein carbonyls (PC), malondialdehyde (MDA), susceptible lipoperoxidation of plasma substrates (SLPS), and myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) were measured. The plasma concentration of SLPS was measured as the amount of MDA generated by a metal ion-catalyzed reaction in vitro. PC, SLPS, and CPR were increased significantly (p < 0.001) in COPD patients when compared to HV. MDA concentrations and MPO activities were not significantly different from those of the HV group. In conclusion, increased oxidation of lipids and proteins resulting in a progressive increase in the amount of total plasma carbonyls and oxidative stress the presence of oxidative stress during COPD progression, concomitant with an increased oxidation of lipids and proteins resulting in a progressive and significant increase in the amount of total carbonyls formed from lipid-derived aldehydes and direct amino acid side chain oxidation in plasma, may serve as a biomarker and independent monitor of COPD progression and oxidative stress injury

    Subjective well-being and vulnerability related to problematic Internet use among university students with and without disabilities: A comparative study

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    This study aims to observe whether people with disabilitiesexperience problematic Internet use (PIU) like that of youngpeople without disabilities; to relate PIU to psychological dis-tress in young disabled people and to determine whether theseproblems are similar to or different from those experienced byyoung people without disabilities. The sample comprised 408university students with disabilities and 1386 university stu-dents without disabilities from several Spanish universities. PIUwas evaluated using theInternet Addiction Test(IAT) and psy-chological distress was evaluated using theClinical Outcomes inRoutine Evaluation‐Outcome Measure(CORE‐OM). The groupof university students with disabilities showed less PIU thanthe nondisabled students, but the worst scores in variablesreferencing psychological discomfort were found among thosestudents with disabilities who also had PIU. Although the re-sults are not completely generalizable, PIU is related to biggerproblems in disabled people for whom it represents a higherrisk than for people without disabilities

    Staphylococcus epidermidis' Overload During Suckling Impacts the Immune Development in Rats

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    Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland occurring in 3-33% of the breastfeeding mothers. The majority of mastitis cases have an infectious etiology. More than 75% of infectious mastitis are caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus and involves breast milk microbiota alteration, which, may have an impact in lactating infant. The aim of this study was to analyze in rats during the suckling period and later in life the impact of a high and a low overload of Staphylococcus epidermidis, similarly as it occurs during the clinical and the subclinical mastitis, respectively. From days 2 to 21 of life, suckling rats were daily supplemented with low (Ls group) or high (Hs group) dose of S. epidermidis. Body weight and fecal humidity were periodically recorded. On days 21 and 42 of life, morphometry, hematological variables, intestinal gene expression, immunoglobulin (Ig) and cytokine profile and spleen cells' phenotype were measured. Although no differences were found in body weight, Ls and Hs groups showed higher body length and lower fecal humidity. Both doses induced small changes in lymphocytes subpopulations, reduced the plasma levels of Ig and delayed the Th1/Th2 balance causing a bias toward the Th2 response. No changes were found in cytokine concentration. The low dose affected the Tc cells intestinal homing pattern whereas the high dose had an impact on the hematological variables causing leukocytosis and lymphocytosis and also influenced the intestinal barrier maturation. In conclusion, both interventions with Staphylococcus epidermidis overload during suckling, affects the immune system development in short and long term

    Transcriptome profiling of a Sinorhizobium meliloti fadD mutant reveals the role of rhizobactin 1021 biosynthesis and regulation genes in the control of swarming

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    58 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, 3 additional files.-- Provisional PDF.[Background] Swarming is a multicellular phenomenom characterized by the coordinated and rapid movement of bacteria across semisolid surfaces. In Sinorhizobium meliloti this type of motility has been described in a fadD mutant. To gain insights into the mechanisms underlying the process of swarming in rhizobia, we compared the transcriptome of a S. meliloti fadD mutant grown under swarming inducing conditions (semisolid medium) to those of cells grown under non-swarming conditions (broth and solid medium).[Results] More than a thousand genes were identified as differentially expressed in response to growth on agar surfaces including genes for several metabolic activities, iron uptake, chemotaxis, motility and stress-related genes. Under swarming-specific conditions, the most remarkable response was the up-regulation of iron-related genes. We demonstrate that the pSymA plasmid and specifically genes required for the biosynthesis of the siderophore rhizobactin 1021 are essential for swarming of a S. meliloti wild-type strain but not in a fadD mutant. Moreover, high iron conditions inhibit swarming of the wild-type strain but not in mutants lacking either the iron limitation response regulator RirA or FadD.[Conclusions] The present work represents the first transcriptomic study of rhizobium growth on surfaces including swarming inducing conditions. The results have revealed major changes in the physiology of S. meliloti cells grown on a surface relative to liquid cultures. Moreover, analysis of genes responding to swarming inducing conditions led to the demonstration that iron and genes involved in rhizobactin 1021 synthesis play a role in the surface motility shown by S. meliloti which can be circumvented in a fadD mutant. This work opens a way to the identification of new traits and regulatory networks involved in swarming by rhizobia.JN was supported by a postdoctoral contract (Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía). This work was supported by a FPI fellowship from MICINN to CVA-G, and by grants BIO2007-62988 and CVI 03541 to MJS.Peer reviewe

    Discurso de ódio no Twitter durante a crise migratória de Ceuta, em Maio de 2021

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    This paper analyses the hate speech in messages published on Twitter from May 17 to 25, 2021 during the crisis caused by the entry of thousands of immigrants at the Tarajal border in Ceuta. The aim of the research is to perform a thematic classification of messages with hate speech. For this, a mixed methodology has been used and six subjets related to hate speech on Twitter have been identified, of which four are more focused on political issues, accounting for 80% of the messages, and only 20% of them refer to racism and immigration. In addition, up to five campaigns of unknown origin have been detected. This work concludes that hate speeches focus more on political issues than on the problem of immigration itself, its causes, consequences and possible solutions.Este trabajo analiza el discurso de odio en los mensajes publicados en Twitter desde el 17 al 25 de mayo de 2021 durante la crisis producida por la entrada de miles de inmigrantes en la frontera del Tarajal en Ceuta. El objetivo de la investigación es realizar una clasificación temática de los mensajes que incluyen discurso de odio. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología mixta y como resultado se han podido diferenciar seis temas, de los cuales cuatro se centran más en temas políticos, suponiendo el 80% de los mensajes, y solo el 20% de ellos se refieren a racismo e inmigración. Además, se han detectado hasta cinco campañas de origen desconocido. Este trabajo concluye que los discursos de odio se centran más en temas políticos que en la propia problemática de la inmigración, sus causas, sus consecuencias y las posibles soluciones.Este documento analisa o discurso do ódio nas mensagens publicadas no Twitter de 17 a 25 de Maio de 2021 durante a crise causada pela entrada de milhares de imigrantes na fronteira de Tarajal em Ceuta. O objectivo da investigação é levar a cabo uma classificação temática das mensagens que incluem o discurso do ódio. Para este fim, foi utilizada uma metodologia mista, e como resultado, foram identificados seis temas, quatro dos quais se concentram mais em questões políticas, representando 80% das mensagens, e apenas 20% das quais se referem ao racismo e à imigração. Além disso, foram detectadas até cinco campanhas de origem desconhecida. Este estudo conclui que o discurso do ódio se concentra mais em questões políticas do que no problema da imigração em si, nas suas causas, consequências e possíveis soluções

    Process design for the manufacturing of soft X-ray gratings in single-crystal diamond by high-energy heavy-ion irradiation

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    The dataset that supports the findings of this study are archived in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid data repository e‐cienciaDatos in https://doi.org/10.21950/ARZSJ1This paper describes in detail a novel manufacturing process for optical gratings suitable for use in the UV and soft X-ray regimes in a single-crystal diamond substrate based on highly focused swift heavy-ion irradiation. This type of grating is extensively used in light source facilities such as synchrotrons or free electron lasers, with ever-increasing demands in terms of thermal loads, depending on beamline operational parameters and architecture. The process proposed in this paper may be a future alternative to current manufacturing techniques, providing the advantage of being applicable to single-crystal diamond substrates, with their unique properties in terms of heat conductivity and radiation hardness. The paper summarizes the physical principle used for the grating patterns produced by swift heavy-ion irradiation and provides full details for the manufacturing process for a specific grating configuration, inspired in one of the beamlines at the ALBA synchrotron light source, while stressing the most challenging points for a potential implementation. Preliminary proof-of-concept experimental results are presented, showing the practical implementation of the methodology proposed herei

    Procedimiento de fabricación, preparación y composición de nuevas dispersiones polímero cristal líquido con propiedades mejoradas

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    Número de publicación: 2 268 935 Número de solicitud: 200402202Procedimiento de fabricación, preparación y composición de nuevas dispersiones polímero cristal líquido con propiedades mejoradas. Esta invención presenta la composición y fabricación de distintas mezclas poliméricas termoplásticas con cristales líquidos termotrópicos dispersados en la superficie, y cuya finalidad es por una parte, la mejora sustancial de la resistencia a la fricción y al desgaste por deslizamiento contra aleaciones metálicas y por otra, la mejora de los procesos de moldeo de estas piezas.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Comorbilidad y esquizofrenia .

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    Hemos estudiado 19 variables de la información contenida en 199 dosieres de pacientes diagnosticados de esquizofrenia e ingresados en nuestro hospital en dos trienios diferentes: 1977 a 1979 y 1990 a 1992. También, con el fin de estudiar la frecuentación de los Servicios de Salud Mental (SSM) de toxicómanos, hemos realizado una encuesta entre 90 pacientes que son tratados en los Centros de Atención al Drogodependiente (CAD). Ha habido una sustitución casi total del alcohol por las drogas ilegales y los consumidores de sustancias presentan más síntomas tanto positivos como negativos que el resto de los pacientes no consumidores