683 research outputs found

    Los guardianes silenciosos de la Quebrada de Humahuaca: etnobotánica del “cardón” (Trichocereus atacamensis, Cactaceae) entre pobladores originarios en el Departamento Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina

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    The “cardón”, Trichocereus atacamensis, is an emblematic species in the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina). However, although data can be found scattered throughout the literature, its ethnobotany has never been studied in depth. The aim of the present paper is to conduct a comprehensive ethnobotanical study of T. atacamensis in the Department of Tilcara (Jujuy, Argentina), among members of the Kolla people, to shed light on the complex interrelations between this human group and the “cardón”. The information collected includes narratives, uses, knowledge of the morphology, qualities, ecological and phenological distribution, details of the role of these cacti in the area and other aspects on the relationship between the plants and the people. Results suggest that the phytosanitary state of both the “cardones” and the study area is of concern, and that the very close links with the “cardón”, in accordance with traditional cultural patterns and conceptions, are fiercely maintained despite the socioenvironmental changes. This study also highlights the pressing need to devise strategies to gain a better insight into the phytosanitary state of the “cardones” and their habitat, and thus safeguard local relations and knowledge associated with themEl “cardón”, Trichocereus atacamensis es una especie emblemática en la Quebrada de Humahuaca. Si bien hay datos dispersos en la literatura, hasta hoy su etnobotánica no ha sido foco de investigaciones. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un estudio etnobotánico integral sobre Trichocereus atacamensis en el departamento Tilcara (Jujuy, Argentina), con pobladores kollas, para dar luz sobre las complejas interrelaciones entre este grupo humano y los “cardones”. La información reunida incluye narrativas, usos, saberes sobre la morfología, cualidades, distribución ecológica y fenología, detalles del rol de estos cactus en la zona y otros aspectos relacionados a los vínculos de la gente con estas plantas. Los resultados sugieren que el estado fitosanitario de los “cardones” y de la zona de estudio es preocupante. Se concluye que los lazos con el “cardón” son estrechos, acordes a pautas y concepciones culturales tradicionales, y que se mantienen con fuerza a pesar de los cambios socioambientales acaecidos; además, urge pensar estrategias para conocer mejor la situación sanitaria de los “cardones” y su hábitat y resguardar así los vínculos y saberes vernáculos asociados a ello

    Histological characterization of table olive fruit bruising cv. Manzanilla de Sevilla

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    Sin paginarActualmente el sector del olivar en España incluye dos subsectores claramente diferenciados por su aprovechamiento: el olivar de almazara y el de mesa o verdeo, cada uno con unas particularidades específicas que los diferencian, tales como variedades empleada s y técnicas de cultivo como la poda o la recolección. En los últimos años, la necesidad de optimizar los costes de producción ha generalizado la recolección mecanizada mediante brazos vibradores o máquinas cabalgadoras en explotaciones de olivar de aceite. Sin embargo, no se ha extendido de igual manera en plantaciones de aceituna de mesa, debido a los altos porcentajes de frutos dañados por los golpes que se producen durante la recolección mecanizada. El molestado, manchas oscuras en la parte externa del exocarpo de los frutos, hace referencia a los daños provocados en los frutos por los golpes durante la recolección, más notables en la recolección mecánica. Estas manchas deprecian el fruto a nivel comercial con el consecuente rechazo del consumidor. No todos los cultivares presentan la misma susceptibilidad al molestado. ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’, variedad por excelencia de aceituna de mesa, es considerada sensible al molestado lo que dificulta su recolección por medios mecánicos. El Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales de la Un iversidad de Sevilla empezó a trabajar en el año 2003 en un programa de mejora genética de olivo para mesa. Una de las líneas de trabajo dentro de este proyecto ha consistido en estudiar diferentes parámetros de calidad, entre los que se encuentra el molestado. En colaboración con el Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible-CSIC, se ha desarrollado una metodología para evaluar el mismo en aceituna de mesa. En este trabajo se describe anatómicamente el molestado en frutos frescos de ‘Manzanilla de Sevilla’, después de un golpe inducido, a los 30 minutos y 24 horas del impacto y fijados posteriormente con FAE (formalina, ácido acético, etanol del 95% y agua destilada (10:5:50:3 5 v/v/v/v)). Se han evaluado histológicamente los cambios (rupturas celulares y pérdida de grosor en paredes celulares) que se producen en el mesocarpo de las zonas dañadas. Las observaciones histológicas han revelad o diferencias en los daños para los dos momentos evaluados. La presencia de rupturas celulares y la pérdida de grosor de las paredes celulares, en las zonas dañadas, han sido más evidentes a las 24 horas tras el golpe.Currently olive growing in Spain includes two main industries: olive oil and table olives, each of which has its own peculiarities, such as different varieties and specific performance of cultivation techniques like pruning or harvesting. In recent years, due to the need of reducing production costs, mechanical harvesting using trunk shakers or straddle harvesters has become widespread in olive oil orchards. However, that is not the case in table olive plantations, due to the high percentage of fruit damaged by the impacts that take place during mechanical harvesting. The term fruit bruising, dark spots on the outside of the fruit exocarp, refers to the fruit damage caused by impacts during collection, most notably in mechanical harvesting. These spots decreases commercial fruit value, being rejected by the consumer. Not all cultivars have the same fruit bruise susceptibility. Manzanilla de Sevilla, Spanish leading table olive cultivar, is considered to be sensitive to bruising being therefore difficult to harvest by mechanical devices Researchers from the Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales at the University of Seville, Spain, are working since 2003 on a table olive breeding program. One of the research lines within the program has been to study. different table olive quality parameters, including fruit bruising. An evaluation methodology is being developed to asses this phenomenon in collaboration with the Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible-CSIC. This paper describes anatomical changes related to fruit bruising in 'Manzanilla de Sevilla' fresh fruits after an induced impact. Bruised fruits were chemically fixed in FAE (formalin, acetic acid, 95% ethanol and distilled water (10:5:50:35 v/v/v/v)) 30 minutes and 24 hours after the impact. Histological changes (cell breakage, loss of cell wall thickness and higher colour intensity) produced in the mesocarp of the damaged areas have been evaluated. Histological observations revealed differences between the evaluated times. The presence of cell ruptures and the loss of thickness in the cell walls, in the damaged areas, has been most evident at 24 hours after the impact.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y fondos FEDER, proyectos AGL2007-65184-C02-02 y AGL2009-0724

    Role of the interfacial water structure on electrocatalysis: Oxygen reduction on Pt(1 1 1) in methanesulfonic acid

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    Most of electrocatalytic reactions occur in an aqueous environment. Understanding the influence of water structure on reaction dynamics is fundamental in electrocatalysis. In this work, the role of liquid water structure on the oxygen reduction at Pt(1 1 1) electrode is analyzed in methanesulfonic (MTSA) and perchloric acids. This is because these different anions can exert a different influence on liquid water structure. Results reveal a lower ORR electrode activity in MTSA than in HClO4 solutions and they are discussed in light of anion's influence on water structural ordering. From them, the existence of an outer-sphere, rate determining, step in the ORR mechanism is suggested.This work has been carried out under MINECO project CTQ2013-44083-P (Spain). APSR acknowledges the scholarship “Estudiantes sobresalientes de posgrado” at the UNAL and COLCIENCIAS National Doctoral Scholarship (567). MFS acknowledges the support of UNAL (Research Project 19030)

    Characterizing global fire regimes from satellite-derived products

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    We identified four global fire regimes based on a k-means algorithm using five variables covering the spatial, temporal and magnitude dimensions of fires, derived from 19-year long satellite burned area and active fire products. Additionally, we assessed the relation of fire regimes to forest fuels distribution. The most extensive fire regime (35% of cells having fire activity) was characterized by a long fire season, medium size fire events, small burned area, high intensity and medium variability. The next most extensive fire regime (25.6%) presented a long fire season, large fire events and the highest mean burned area, yet it showed the lowest intensity and the least variability. The third group (22.07%) presented a short fire season, the lowest burned area, with medium-low intensity, the smallest fire patches and large variability. The fourth group (17.3%) showed the largest burned area with large fire patches of moderate intensity and low variability. Fire regimes and fuel types showed a statistically significant relation (CC = 0.58 and CC? = 0.67, p < 0.001), with most fuel types sustaining all fire regimes, although a clear prevalence was observed in some fuel types. Further efforts should be directed towards the standardization of the variables in order to facilitate comparison, analysis and monitoring of fire regimes and evaluate whether fire regimes are effectively changing and the possible drivers.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Local climate and vernalization sensitivity predict the latitudinal patterns of flowering onset in the crop wild relative Linum bienne Mill.

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    • Background and Aims The timing of flowering onset is often correlated with latitude, indicative of climatic gradients. Flowering onset in temperate species commonly requires exposure to cold temperatures, known as vernalization. Hence, population differentiation of flowering onset with latitude might reflect adaptation to the local climatic conditions experienced by populations. • Methods Within its western range, seeds from Linum bienne populations (the wild relative of cultivated Linum usitatissimum) were used to describe the latitudinal differentiation of flowering onset to determine its association with the local climate of the population. A vernalization experiment including different crop cultivars was used to determine how vernalization accelerates flowering onset, in addition to the vernalization sensitivity response among populations and cultivars. Additionally, genetic differentiation of L. bienne populations along the latitudinal range was scrutinized using microsatellite markers. • Key Results Flowering onset varied with latitude of origin, with southern populations flowering earlier than their northern counterparts. Vernalization reduced the number of days to flowering onset, but vernalization sensitivity was greater in northern populations compared with southern ones. Conversely, vernalization delayed flowering onset in the crop, exhibiting less variation in sensitivity. In L. bienne, both flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity were better predicted by the local climate of the population than by latitude itself. Microsatellite data unveiled genetic differentiation of populations, forming two groups geographically partitioned along latitude. • Conclusions The consistent finding of latitudinal variation across experiments suggests that both flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity in L. bienne populations are under genetic regulation and might depend on climatic cues at the place of origin. The association with climatic gradients along latitude suggests that the climate experienced locally drives population differentiation of the flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity patterns. The genetic population structure suggests that past population history could have influenced the flowering initiation patterns detected, which deserves further work.Fellowship programme of the University of PortsmouthCONACyT (Mexico) Postdoctoral Research FellowshipPosgrado en Ciencias Biológicas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)UK BBSRC CASE PhD studentship BB/R506321/1Grant from the Wild Flower SocietyTravel grant from the Percy Sladen Memorial FundGrant to R. P-B (PID2021-127264NB-100) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 “ERDF A way of making Europe”The open access funding was provided by the University of Granada/CBUA

    Assessing the Potential of Algae Extracts for Extending the Shelf Life of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillets

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    This study evaluates the potential of different algae extracts (Crassiphycus corneus, Cc; Ulva ohnoi, Uo; Arthrospira platensis, Ap; Haematococcus pluvialis, Hp) as additives for the preservation of rainbow trout fillets. The extracts were prepared with different water to ethanol ratios from the four algae species. The highest ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) was observed in Uo extracted in 80% ethanol. Ap aqueous extract also had considerable FRAP activity, in agreement with a high total phenolic content. Radical scavenging activity (DPPH) was higher in Cc 80% ethanol extract, in agreement with a high total carotenoid content. In fact, when the algae aqueous extracts were assayed on the fish fillets, their antioxidant activity exceeded that of ascorbic acid (ASC). All algae extracts delayed microbial growth and lipid oxidation processes in trout fillets throughout the cold storage period compared to controls, and also improved textural parameters, these effects being more evident for Ap and Hp. With respect to the color parameters, the Hp extract prevented the a* values (redness) from decreasing throughout cold storage, a key point when it comes to colored species, not least salmonids. On the other hand, the Ap extract was not as effective as the rest of treatments in avoiding a* and b* decrease throughout the storage period, and thereby the color parameters were impaired. The results obtained, together with the natural origin and the viability for large-scale cultivation, make algae extracts interesting fish preservative agents for the food industry

    An approach using highly sensitive carbon nanotube adhesive films for crack growth detection under flexural load in composite structures

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    Sensing capabilities of carbon nanotube (CNT)doped adhesive films under bending conditions were investigated. Standard Mode-II coupons and skin-stringer sub-elements were manufactured while their electrical resistance was monitored. Mode-II energy fracture was improved when adding CNTs in comparison to neat adhesive joints due to their toughening effect. Electrical monitoring showed a stable increase of the electrical resistance with crack length with lower sensitivity than Mode-I testing due to a lower crack opening effect. A good agreement was observed by comparing to theoretical estimations, indicating a uniform adhesive distribution inside the joint, confirmed by SEM analysis. Monitoring tests on skin-stringer sub-elements subjected to bending load showed a similar behavior but some sharp increases were observed, especially in the last stages of the test, due to a less uniform adhesive distribution in the central region. Therefore, the proposed technique shows a high potential and applicability for Structural Health Monitoring of composite structures

    Mixed Production of Filamentous Fungal Spores for Preventing Soil-Transmitted Helminth Zoonoses: A Preliminary Analysis

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    Helminth zoonoses are parasitic infections shared by humans and animals, being the soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) mainly caused by roundworms (ascarids) and hookworms. This study was aimed to assess the individual and/or mixed production of two helminth-antagonistic fungi, one ovicide (Mucor circinelloides) and other predator (Duddingtonia flagrans). Fungi were grown both in Petri plates and in a submerged culture (composed by water, NaCl, Na2HPO4 · 12 H2O, and wheat (Triticum aestivum)). A Fasciola hepatica recombinant protein (FhrAPS) was incorporated to the cultures to improve fungal production. All the cultured plates showed fungal growth, without difference in the development of the fungi when grown alone or mixed. High counts of Mucor spores were produced in liquid media cultures, and no significant differences were achieved regarding single or mixed cultures, or the incorporation of the FhrAPS. A significantly higher production of Duddingtonia spores after the incorporation of the FhrAPS was observed. When analyzing the parasiticide efficacy of the fungal mixture, viability of T. canis eggs reduced to 51%, and the numbers of third stage cyathostomin larvae reduced to 4%. It is concluded, the capability of a fungal mixture containing an ovicide (Mucor) and a predator species (Duddingtonia) for growing together in a submerged medium containing the FhrAPS offers a very interesting tool for preventing STHs.This work was partly supported by the Research Projects 10MDS261023PR (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) and AGL2012-34355 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain; FEDER)S

    Prototipagem rápida de um modelo complexo para fabricação de moldes de gesso para barbotina cerâmica

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    Computer assisted designing (CAD) is well known for several decades and employed for ceramic manufacturing almost since the beginning, but usually employed in the first part of the projectual ideation processes, neither in the prototyping nor in the manufacturing stages. The rapid prototyping machines, also known as 3D printers, have the capacity to produce in a few hours real pieces using plastic materials of high resistance, with great precision and similarity with respect to the original, based on unprecedented digital models produced by means of modeling with specific design software or from the digitalization of existing parts using the so-called 3D scanners. The main objective of the work is to develop the methodology used in the entire process of building a part in ceramics from the interrelationship between traditional techniques and new technologies for the manufacture of prototypes. And to take advantage of the benefits that allow us this new reproduction technology. The experience was based on the generation of a complex piece, in digital format, which served as the model. A regular 15 cm icosahedron presented features complex enough not to advise the production of the model by means of the traditional techniques of ceramics (manual or mechanical). From this digital model, a plaster mold was made in the traditional way in order to slip cast clay based slurries, freely dried in air and fired and glazed in the traditional way. This experience has shown the working hypothesis and opens up the possibility of new lines of work to academic and technological levels that will be explored in the near future. This technology provides a wide range of options to address the formal aspect of a part to be performed for the field of design, architecture, industrial design, the traditional pottery, ceramic art, etc., which allow you to amplify the formal possibilities, save time and therefore costs when drafting the necessary and appropriate matrixes to each requirement.Projeto assistido por computador (CAD) é bem conhecido por várias décadas e empregado na fabricação cerâmica desde o início, mas usualmente empregado na primeira parte dos processos na concepção do projeto, nem na prototipagem, nem nas fases de fabricação. As máquinas de prototipagem rápida, também conhecidas como impressoras 3D têm a capacidade de produzir, em poucas horas, peças utilizando materiais plásticos de alta resistência, com grande precisão e similaridade com relação ao original, com base em modelos digitais inéditos produzidos por meio de modelagem com softwares de projeto específico ou a partir da digitalização das peças existentes, utilizando os chamados scanners 3D. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver a metodologia utilizada em todo o processo de construção de uma parte em cerâmica da inter-relação entre as técnicas tradicionais e novas tecnologias para a fabricação de protótipos. E para aproveitar os benefícios que nos permitem esta nova tecnologia de reprodução. A experiência baseou-se na geração de uma peça complexa, em formato digital, que serviu como modelo. Um icosaedro regular de 15 cm, complexo o suficiente para não sugerir a produção do modelo por meio das técnicas tradicionais cerâmicas (manual ou mecânica). A partir deste modelo digital, um molde de gesso feito na maneira tradicional para colagem por barbotina de massas à base de argila, secagem livre ao ar, queimada e esmaltada de maneira tradicional. Esta experiência mostrou a hipótese de trabalho e abre a possibilidade de novas linhas de trabalho a níveis acadêmicos e tecnológicos que serão explorados em um futuro próximo. Esta tecnologia oferece uma grande variedade de opções para lidar com o aspecto formal de uma peça a ser executada no campo do projeto, arquitetura, projeto industrial, a cerâmica tradicional, a arte cerâmica, etc., que permitem ampliar as possibilidades formais, economizar tempo e, portanto, os custos na elaboração das matrizes necessárias e adequadas para cada exigência.Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámic

    Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation of Ibuprofen Over TiO2–Ag Supported on Activated Carbon from Waste Tire Rubber

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    In recent years it has been discovered that some common use medicines, such as ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are found in water sources in concentrations that have the potential to affect aquatic organisms. On the other hand, waste used tires are a massive problem for the environment due to the leaching of toxic compounds to soils and water. Also, the exposition to environmental conditions can make them sources of vectors like mosquitoes. In this work, three activated carbon (AC) catalysts derived from waste tire rubber, titanium dioxide and silver were synthesized using the sol–gel method. Morphological characterizations such as SEM and TEM were performed in which, the agglomeration of titanium particles and silver crystals on the surface of the AC is evident. In the XRD analysis, the presence of elemental silver nanoparticles was detected. In the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy analysis, the decrease in the titanium band gap, as well as activity in the visible spectrum, was observed. The photocatalytic tests were performed at pH 3 and 7 in the presence of UV/Vis radiation. These tests show that there are differences between the catalyst in both, UV and visible regions. Adsorption is a major phenomenon for the removal of ibuprofen, followed by photolytic decomposition. In visible spectra, the catalysts show a good performance for the removal of ibuprofen