84 research outputs found

    Influencia de un programa educativo en adultos mayores. Área Norte. Sancti Spíritus 2009-2011

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    Fundamento: La vejez se concibe como un proceso involutivo irreversible en el cual el cuidado estomatológico juega un papel fundamental. Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes e higiene bucal antes y después de aplicado un programa educativo en adultos mayores de un  Consultorio Médico de la Familia del área Norte de Sancti Spíritus.  Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa en el período comprendido entre abril de 2009 a abril de 2011. La muestra estuvo constituida por 85 pacientes. Las variables  fueron sexo, edad, conocimientos, actitudes e higiene bucal. Se aplicaron entrevistas estructuradas, además se utilizó el índice de higiene bucal simplificado para determinar el grado de higiene bucal y se utilizó el programa educativo "Sonrisa sana para toda la vida". Se aplicó la observación y se recopiló la información en un modelo de recogida de datos; se utilizó la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: El nivel de conocimientos fue insuficiente al diagnosticar la muestra, con un 69.4 %, y se logró elevar el mismo a un conocimiento medio con un 50.6 % luego de la intervención educativa, donde el 66.6 % realizó una correcta higiene bucal, aumentando el número de personas con actitudes favorables. Conclusiones: Se constató  que con la utilización de un programa educativo en el adulto mayor se pueden modificar los conocimientos, actitudes e higiene bucal de los mismos. DeCS: HIGIENE BUCAL/métodos; HIGIENE BUCAL/educación; EDUCACIÓN EN SALUD DENTAL/métodos; ANCIANO.          Palabras clave: Adulto mayor; conocimiento; actitudes; higiene bucal; educación en salud dental; programa educativo; anciano

    Multidimensional characteristics of complex chronic patients in emergency services in primary care

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    Background: In Spain, people between 65 and 74 years old have an average of 2.8 chronic problems or diseases, rising to 3.2 among people aged 75 and older. Aims: We aimed to describe the multidimensional characteristics of complex chronic patients who sought urgent care. Design: We conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study, drawing on a large electronic health record database in primary care in Barcelona, Spain. Methods: We used health record data about subjects' clinical state, functional state, mental health state, social state, nutritional state, and movement. A descriptive analysis was carried out to determine percentages and means, given a standard deviation. Finding: In 2019, 3,732 complex chronic patients sought urgent care at the centres under study. Subjects had a mean age of 82.5 ± 9.8 years, and 58.7% (n = 2,189) were women. Frailty was present in 69.3% (n = 2,586), and 81.7% (n = 3,050) were adherent to therapy. There were 2,470 visits to hospital emergency rooms (66.2%) and 1,651 hospital admissions (44.2%). Malnutrition was evident in 46.5% (n = 1,623) and 27.9% (n = 1,042) had low risk of social exclusion. Discussion: Having such descriptive information can help health services from all areas and levels of care to use comprehensive, collaborative practices to care for complex chronic patients and their noninstitutional caregivers. Conclusion: We noted a high proportion of emergency room visits and hospital admissions among complex chronic patients. Low-level depression and malnutrition were detected. Proactive multidisciplinary interventions could improve the situation of these patients

    Antioxidant activity of pepper grown under organic, low-input and soilless systems

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    [SPA] En los últimos años se ha producido un importante aumento del interés por el cuidado del medio ambiente y la obtención de alimentos más seguros y saludables. Como consecuencia, se han buscado formas de cultivo alternativas a la convencional, como el cultivo ecológico (E), producción integrada (PI) y cultivo sin suelo (SS). Existen evidencias de que el sistema de cultivo adoptado puede influir sobre la calidad de los productos hortícolas. La actividad antioxidante es un parámetro de calidad que proporciona una medida de la capacidad de un compuesto para proteger del efecto perjudicial de los procesos oxidativos y a la que se le ha atribuido capacidad para prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares y diversos tipos de cáncer. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar la influencia de los diferentes sistemas de cultivo (E, PI y SS), sobre la actividad antioxidante, tanto en la fracción hidrofílica (AAH) como en la lipofílica (AAL) del fruto de pimiento. El estudio se realizó sobre pimientos variedad Quito, en sus estados de maduración verde y rojo. Se realizaron tres muestreos consecutivos en 8 invernaderos comerciales de cada uno de los tres sistemas de cultivos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una mayor actividad antioxidante de los pimientos rojos respecto a los verdes en todos los sistemas de cultivo. A su vez, se encontró que la fracción con mayor actividad antioxidante fue la hidrofílica, tanto en fruto verde como rojo. La actividad antioxidante se vio significativamente afectada tanto por el tipo de cultivo como por la cosecha, en las dos fracciones estudiadas. En general, el sistema de cultivo SS dio como resultado frutos con mayor AAH y AAL que los cultivados bajo PI y E. Sin embargo, los cambios observados a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo muestran que la época de recolección puede afectar a la actividad antioxidante del pimiento en mayor medida que el sistema de producción. [ENG] In recent years consumer’s awareness of environmental protection and health and safecontrolled food has increased. As consequence, alternative production systems to the conventional one, such as organic (O), low-input (LI), and soilless (SS) systems, have been promoted. It has been shown that the production system can influence quality of horticultural products. Antioxidant activity is a quality parameter which provides a measurement of the ability of a compound to protect against oxidative processes. It has been recognised as beneficial for preventing some kinds of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the different production systems (O, LI and SS) on the antioxidant activity, studying the contribution of the hydrophilic (HAA) and the lipophilic (LAA) pepper fraction. The study was carried on peppers cv. Quito in their green and red stage of maturation. Three consecutive harvests were performed in 8 commercial greenhouses of each production system. The results showed higher antioxidant activity in red than in Green pepper regardless of the cropping systems. In addition, HAA was higher than LAA regardless of the maturation stage. HAA and LAA were significantly affected for both the production system and the harvest time. In general, peppers grown under soilless system showed higher values of HAA and LAA than fruits under O and LI production. However, the fluctuations throughout the cultivation period show that harvest time can affect pepper antioxidant activity to a large extent than production system.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Fundación Séneca (05751/PI/07)

    Curso abierto de ayuda para la elaboración del Trabajo Fin de Grado en los Grados en Química e Ingeniería Química

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    Este proyecto llevará a cabo el desarrollo de un curso abierto que sirva a los estudiantes como guía de ayuda a la hora de elaborar su Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en los Grados de Química e Ingeniería Química. Se incluirá una descripción de herramientas que los estudiantes puedan emplear en el desarrollo de sus TFG. Éstas serán seleccionadas de acuerdo con la experiencia de los miembros del Grupo y en función de las necesidades de los estudiantes. El curso resultante se editará para libre acceso a través del portal iTunes U, de ámbito internacional, convirtiéndose en el primer curso UCM ofertado en esta plataforma (tras consulta y aprobación del Vicerrectorado de Innovación; de no ser así, se alojará en alguna otra plataforma de amplia difusión). Se aprovechará la accesibilidad ofertada a los estudiantes por iTunes U para poner a su disposición el material elaborado logrando una gran difusión, incrementándose la visibilidad internacional de la UCM. El material de ayuda elaborado para el curso se presentará tanto en español como en inglés, para facilitar su uso por alumnos visitantes de la UCM, favoreciendo la movilidad de los estudiantes en el marco del EEES. Este material también se adaptará para poder ser empleado de forma directa, totalmente o en forma de módulos, en el Campus Virtual UCM

    Factors structuring microbial communities in highly impacted coastal marine sediments (Mar Menor lagoon, SE Spain)

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    Coastal marine lagoons are environments highly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures such as agriculture nutrient loading or runoff from metalliferous mining. Sediment microorganisms, which are key components in the biogeochemical cycles, can help attenuate these impacts by accumulating nutrients and pollutants. The Mar Menor, located in the southeast of Spain, is an example of a coastal lagoon strongly altered by anthropic pressures, but the microbial community inhabiting its sediments remains unknown. Here, we describe the sediment prokaryotic communities along a wide range of environmental conditions in the lagoon, revealing that microbial communities were highly heterogeneous among stations, although a core microbiome was detected. The microbiota was dominated by Delta- and Gammaproteobacteria and members of the Bacteroidia class. Additionally, several uncultured groups such as Asgardarchaeota were detected in relatively high proportions. Sediment texture, the presence of Caulerpa or Cymodocea, depth, and geographic location were among the most important factors structuring microbial assemblages. Furthermore, microbial communities in the stations with the highest concentrations of potentially toxic elements (Fe, Pb, As, Zn, and Cd) were less stable than those in the non-contaminated stations. This finding suggests that bacteria colonizing heavily contaminated stations are specialists sensitive to change.The study of the microbial communities has been carried out within the project “Metafluidics” and it was funded by the European Union’s framework program Horizon 2020 (LEIT-BIO-2015-685474 to JA). Samplings were supported by the projects MEMM (financed by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography), 19-ESMARES2-ANG (financed by the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge), and BIOFOM (Ref. TEC0004869 financed by the Regional Government of Murcia). M-DB and JB-E were supported by a contract within the Program Personal Técnico de Apoyo funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. BA-R was also supported by the ACIF fellow of the Generalitat Valenciana government

    Factors structuring microbial communities in highly impacted coastal marine sediments (Mar Menor lagoon, SE Spain)

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    Coastal marine lagoons are environments highly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures such as agriculture nutrient loading or runoff from metalliferous mining. Sediment microorganisms, which are key components in the biogeochemical cycles, can help attenuate these impacts by accumulating nutrients and pollutants. The Mar Menor, located in the southeast of Spain, is an example of a coastal lagoon strongly altered by anthropic pressures, but the microbial community inhabiting its sediments remains unknown. Here, we describe the sediment prokaryotic communities along a wide range of environmental conditions in the lagoon, revealing that microbial communities were highly heterogeneous among stations, although a core microbiome was detected. The microbiota was dominated by Delta- and Gammaproteobacteria and members of the Bacteroidia class. Additionally, several uncultured groups such as Asgardarchaeota were detected in relatively high proportions. Sediment texture, the presence of Caulerpa or Cymodocea, depth, and geographic location were among the most important factors structuring microbial assemblages. Furthermore, microbial communities in the stations with the highest concentrations of potentially toxic elements (Fe, Pb, As, Zn, and Cd) were less stable than those in the non-contaminated stations. This finding suggests that bacteria colonizing heavily contaminated stations are specialists sensitive to change

    Prevalence of submicroscopic malaria infection in immigrants living in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: The importance of submicroscopic malaria infections in high-transmission areas could contribute to maintain the parasite cycle. Regarding non-endemic areas, its importance remains barely understood because parasitaemia in these afebrile patients is usually below the detection limits for microscopy, hence molecular techniques are often needed for its diagnosis. In addition to this, the lack of standardized protocols for the screening of submicroscopic malaria in immigrants from endemic areas may underestimate the infection with Plasmodium spp. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of submicroscopic malaria in afebrile immigrants living in a non-endemic area. METHODS: A prospective, observational, multicentre study was conducted. Afebrile immigrants were included, microscopic observation of Giemsa-stained thin and thick blood smears, and two different molecular techniques detecting Plasmodium spp. were performed. Patients with submicroscopic malaria were defined as patients with negative blood smears and detection of DNA of Plasmodium spp. with one or both molecular techniques. Demographic, clinical, analytical and microbiological features were recorded and univariate analysis by subgroups was carried out with STATA v15. RESULTS: A total of 244 afebrile immigrants were included in the study. Of them, 14 had a submicroscopic malaria infection, yielding a prevalence of 5.7% (95% confidence interval 3.45-9.40). In 71.4% of the positive PCR/negative microscopy cases, Plasmodium falciparum alone was the main detected species (10 out of the 14 patients) and in 4 cases (28.6%) Plasmodium vivax or Plasmodium ovale were detected. One patient had a mixed infection including three different species. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of submicroscopic malaria in afebrile immigrants was similar to that previously described in Spain. Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale were detected in almost a third of the submicroscopic infections. Screening protocols for afebrile immigrants with molecular techniques could be useful for a proper management of these patients.This work was funded by projects PI14/01671, PI17/01791 and PI14CIII/00014, from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness) and cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund, and approved by the Ethics Committee of our Institution. There was no funding from the PCR manufacturers; they did not play any role in data analysis or in the reporting of the results.S

    Propiedades psicométricas del pain and sensitivity reactivity scale (psrs) en población neurotípica joven adulta

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    La investigación de las respuestas sensoriales a los estímulos se ha incrementado en los últimos años, siendo su valoración compleja, ya que se considera una respuesta subjetiva y dependiente de diferencias individuales, pero que está presente tanto en población no-clínica como en población clínica. Existen algunas escalas y cuestionarios para su valoración, pero tienen limitaciones para su posterior uso, están indicados principalmente para población clínica y la mayoría son unidimensionales. La prueba Pain and Sensitivity Reactivity Scale (PSRS) está compuesto por 50 ítems que miden el dolor, la hiposensibilidad e hipersensibilidad. Para su análisis se recogieron los datos mediante una encuesta online respondida por una muestra no clínica de 1122 adolescentes y adultos (M = 22.39, DT = 7.32). En los primeros resultados descriptivos aparecen diferencias de género en algunas de las escalas de la prueba, y una buena consistencia interna tanto para la prueba total como para las escalas que lo componen. Además, en el análisis factorial exploratorio aparecen las tres dimensiones principales de la prueba. Los primeros resultados muestran que la prueba puede ser útil para medir las variables. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones importantes porque podrán poner en referencia el malestar físico, la hiposensibilidad e hipersensibilidad en una muestra neurotípica ofreciendo la posibilidad de contextualizar la evaluación y el manejo de estas variables en población clínica.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà