225 research outputs found

    Internacionalización de la educación superior.

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    El tema de la presente ponencia busca aproximarse a la reflexión de la importancia de los diferentes actores que participan en el tema de la internacionalización y su relación con la educación superior. Algunas organizaciones como la UNESCO, la OCDE, y AMPEI urgen a las universidades a integrar en sus programas de enseñanza y de investigación nuevos elementos adaptados a la realidad cambiante de nuestro tiempo. Para los responsable de la educación, ésta actividad desempeña un papel fundamental, pues capacita al profesional para adaptarse y actuar con efectividad en su entorno social. La internacionalización de la educación superior implica entre otras cosas, abrirse a las influencias y tendencias que en materia de educación se dan en todo el mundo; esto implica a su vez aceptar las divergentes corrientes de pensamiento humano, científico y tecnológico que nuestra sociedad global aporta

    Análisis del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) como metodología óptima para la clase de Música en la E.S.O.

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    El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) está en boga como metodología activa. Sin embargo, vemos cómo a pesar de su probada efectividad aún no está tan extendido en la Educación Secundaria. Es por ello que este trabajo de investigación pretende señalar lo positivo de trabajar en el aula de música en Secundaria por proyectos, así como mostrar los posibles puntos débiles a tener en cuenta a la hora de programar un proyecto y cómo solventarlos. Para ello se han realizado distintas técnicas de recogida de datos: grupo focal de docentes experimentados en el ABP, entrevista individual a docente, cuestionarios a docentes y alumnado y la propia experiencia en el aula. Concluyendo el trabajo de investigación con la afirmación de que la metodología ABP no sólo es realizable en la clase de música en la E.S.O., sino que su implementación es sumamente positiva para el alumnado.Project Based Learning (PBL) is in vogue as an active methodology. However, we see how, despite its effectiveness, it is not yet so widespread in Secondary Education. That is why this research paper aims to point out the positive aspects of working in the Secondary School music classroom through projects, as well as to show the possible weak points to take into account when programming a project and how to deal with problem solution. To this effect, different data collection techniques have been carried out: focus group of experienced teachers in PBL, individual interview with teachers, questionnaires with teachers and students and the own experience in the classroom. Concluding the research work with the affirmation that the PBL methodology is not only feasible in the music class at the E.S.O., but that its implementation is extremely positive for the students.Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y CorporalMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Proffesional teaching practice as an interdisciplinary scenario for students’ skill development

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    A través de una experiencia docente concreta de articulación interdisciplinar, pretendemos exponer y reflexionar sobre la importancia de la Práctica Profesional Docente como lugar donde convergen los espacios curriculares para que los estudiantes desarrollen sus capacidades, favoreciendo una articulación efectiva y el logro de aprendizajes dentro del primer año de estudios del Profesorado de Educación Primaria del Instituto de Formación Docente y Técnica 9-003. Entre estos espacios coordinados se distinguen: Didáctica General, Prácticas de Lectura Escritura y Oralidad y la Práctica Profesional Docente en cuestión. Destacamos dentro de los resultados, que la experiencia de aprendizaje ha facilitado el desarrollo del ?dominio del saber? que implica: la vinculación entre la teoría y práctica, la relación de conceptos, la transferencia de conocimiento, entre otras; posibilitando que los futuros docentes puedan ensayar su rol como educadores reflexivos.Between these coordinated spaces are distinguished: General Didactics, Writing and Orality Reading Practices and the Teaching Professional Practice in question. We emphasize within the results, that the learning experience has facilitated the development of the "domain of knowledge" that implies: the link between theory and practice, the relation of concepts, the transfer of knowledge, among others; making it possible for future teachers to rehearse their role as reflective educators.Fil: Di Marco, María Elisa. Centro de Investigaciones de Cuyo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Vázquez, Mariela Natalia. No especifíca

    Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation induced by L-carnitine in isolated aorta from normotensive and hypertensive rats

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the mechanism of the vasodilatory effect induced by L- carnitine. Relaxation produced by L-carnitine was studied in rat aortic rings with and without functional endothelium, pre-contracted with phenylephrine by adding cumulative doses of L- carnitine (10-7 to 10-3 M). The relaxation evoked by L-carnitine reached higher values in aortic rings from spontaneously hypertensive rats than those obtained in arteries from normotensive rats; no relaxation was produced in de-endothelialized arteries. However, in the presence of NG-nitro-L- arginine (3¬10-5 M, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), Ro 68070 (10-4 M, a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor–thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor antagonist) or ICI 192605 (10- M, a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist) the relaxant response to L-carnitine was signiicantly inhibited. These results show that L-carnitine induced endothelium-dependent relaxation in the rat aorta and the mechanism of this relaxation appeared to be mostly mediated by endothelial production of nitric oxide but also could involve prevention of the action of cyclooxygenase endothelial products acting on the thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor

    Decision Support in Patients with mild Alzheimer’s Disease.

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    Introduction: Making advantageous decisions is a key competence of individuals of all ages. However, previous studies reported a reduction of this competence in patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, which is explained by impairments of executive functions such as cognitive flexibility or working memory. While previous findings from healthy participants with reduced executive functions showed that support can improve decision making under risk, the study at hand aimed to investigate this effect in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease (mAD). Method: A group of elderly individuals diagnosed with mAD (n = 14; mean Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE = 24.14, SD = 3.18) and a group of healthy age-matched controls (n = 14; mean MMSE = 29.29, SD = 1.98) performed the Game of Dice Task (GDT) three times (t0, t1, t2) with intervals of five to nine days between each: The standard GDT plus other neurocognitive tasks (t0), the GDT with decision support (t1), and again the standard GDT (t2). Results: At any time, mAD patients made more disadvantageous decisions than controls. However, the decision-making performance of mAD patients improved significantly with decision support. Interestingly, when the standard GDT was played again (t2), mAD patients’ performance remained similar to the performance in the GDT with decision support (t1). GDT performance correlated consistently with executive function measures in the control group, but only at t0 in the mAD group. Conclusions: The findings indicate that supportive information about the riskiness of options can compensate for mAD-related deficits in decision making under risk. Thus, decision support can improve the quality of mAD patients’ decisions. Further, it may prevent mAD patients from making highly risky decisions in similar situations in the future. The persistence of decision support should be further investigated as it has relevant implications for everyday decisions that include risks.pre-print577 K

    Arsenic remediation using a new magnetic system in potable aqueous samples.

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    Arsenic, one of the main environmental pollutants and potent natural poison, is a chemical element that is spread throughout the Earth's crust. It is well known that the toxicity of arsenic is highly dependent on its chemical forms. Generally, the inorganic species are more toxic than its organics forms, and As(III) is 60 times more toxic than As(V). In environmental waters, arsenic exists predominantly in two chemical forms: As(III) and As(V). In this work, a new magnetic solid phase extraction method based on magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) coupled to graphene oxide (GO) functionalized with [1,5-bis (2-pyridyl) 3-sulfophenylmethylene] thiocarbonohydrazide M@GOPS was developed. The new system was based on the adsorption of As(III) and As(V) using M@GO-PS to revome them from natural waters. The As determination in the untreated and treated waters was realized by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS), because the high sensitivity of this technique. Today, Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTP) are unqualified to eliminate totally the As concentration in natural waters, and due to its toxicity is needed. In this work, the adsorption process of a recently patented magnetic material (M@GOPS) towards As (III) and As(V) has been studied. For this study, a drinkable water from Alcaucín, a village of Malaga, was contaminated with As in order to develop all the adsorption experiments. The kinetics of the process have been studied, showing a good approximation to the Langmuir's theoretical model. The magnetic adsorption procedure has shown a performance of 100% in less than 30 min for the elimination of As, with a dosage of 1 g/L of M@GO-PSTH in a potable water with an initial concentration of 0.01 g/mL of As.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Volume expansion of erythrocytes is not the only mechanism responsible for the protection by arginine-based surfactants against hypotonic hemolysis

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    A novel arginine-based cationic surfactant Nα-benzoyl-arginine dodecylamide (Bz-Arg-NHC12) was synthesized in our laboratory. In this paper we study the interaction of Bz-Arg-NHC12 with sheep and human red blood cells (SRBC and HRBC respectively) due to their different membrane physicochemical/biophysical properties. SRBC demonstrated to be slightly more resistant than HRBC to the hemolytic effect of the surfactant, being the micellar structure responsible for the hemolytic effect in both cases. Moreover, besides the hemolytic effect, a dual behavior was observed for the surfactant studied: Bz-Arg-NHC12 was also able to protect red blood cells against hypotonic lysis for HRBC in a wide range of surfactant concentrations. However, the degree of protection showed for SRBC was about 50% lower than for HBRC. In this regard, a remarkable volume expansion was evidenced only for SRBC treated with Bz-Arg-NHC12, although no correlation with the antihemolytic potency (pAH) was found. On the contrary, our surfactant showed a greater pAH when human erythrocytes were submitted to hypotonic stress, with a low volume expansion, showing a higher amount of solubilized phospholipids in the supernatant when compared with SRBC behavior. Surface plasmon resonance measurements show the molecular interaction of the surfactant with lipid bilayers from HRBC and SRBC lipids, demonstrating that in the latter neither microvesicle release or lipid extraction occurred. Our results demonstrate that the volume expansion of erythrocytes is not the only mechanism responsible for the protection by surfactants against hypotonic hemolysis: volume expansion could be compensated via microvesicle release or by the extraction of membrane components upon collisions between red blood cells and surfactant aggregates depending on the membrane composition.Centro de Investigación de Proteínas VegetalesInstituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La PlataInstituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Volume expansion of erythrocytes is not the only mechanism responsible for the protection by arginine-based surfactants against hypotonic hemolysis

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    A novel arginine-based cationic surfactant Nα-benzoyl-arginine dodecylamide (Bz-Arg-NHC12) was synthesized in our laboratory. In this paper we study the interaction of Bz-Arg-NHC12 with sheep and human red blood cells (SRBC and HRBC respectively) due to their different membrane physicochemical/biophysical properties. SRBC demonstrated to be slightly more resistant than HRBC to the hemolytic effect of the surfactant, being the micellar structure responsible for the hemolytic effect in both cases. Moreover, besides the hemolytic effect, a dual behavior was observed for the surfactant studied: Bz-Arg-NHC12 was also able to protect red blood cells against hypotonic lysis for HRBC in a wide range of surfactant concentrations. However, the degree of protection showed for SRBC was about 50% lower than for HBRC. In this regard, a remarkable volume expansion was evidenced only for SRBC treated with Bz-Arg-NHC12, although no correlation with the antihemolytic potency (pAH) was found. On the contrary, our surfactant showed a greater pAH when human erythrocytes were submitted to hypotonic stress, with a low volume expansion, showing a higher amount of solubilized phospholipids in the supernatant when compared with SRBC behavior. Surface plasmon resonance measurements show the molecular interaction of the surfactant with lipid bilayers from HRBC and SRBC lipids, demonstrating that in the latter neither microvesicle release or lipid extraction occurred. Our results demonstrate that the volume expansion of erythrocytes is not the only mechanism responsible for the protection by surfactants against hypotonic hemolysis: volume expansion could be compensated via microvesicle release or by the extraction of membrane components upon collisions between red blood cells and surfactant aggregates depending on the membrane composition.Centro de Investigación de Proteínas VegetalesInstituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La PlataInstituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada