133 research outputs found

    Mulieres Religiosae. El movimiento religioso femenino en la Baja Edad Media y primer renacimiento hispánico.

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    En este trabajo realizado para el grado de Historia se aborda el llamado movimiento religioso femenino en los diversos reinos hispánicos a finales de la Edad Media. Dicho movimiento es llevado a cabo por beatas y beguinas, mujeres que escogieron vivir consagradas a Dios, pero no por ello alejadas del mundo. De ellas destaca que no se adscriben a ninguna regla monástica, por lo que no son monjas. Se plantea el problema derivado de la terminología (amplia, compleja y variable) que designó en las fuentes a estas laicas entregadas, bien en soledad, bien en grupo, a la vida religiosa. El fenómeno de las beatas y de los beaterios es estudiado desde el punto de vista de la extracción social de las mujeres que optaron por esta vía alternativa al matrimonio o al convento, los dos grandes modos de vida que tenían en este momento las mujeres. Se analiza además la organización interna y la evolución de los beaterios en la medida que nos ha sido posible. El estudio de las mulieres religiosae se concreta en el caso del obispado de Córdoba, debido a la riqueza documental de esta diócesis, lo que ha permitido trabajos detallados sobre la misma. Y, en último lugar, se analizan los casos concretos de distintas beguinas o beatas, algunas de las cuales llegaron a gozar de fama de santidad en vida. Nos centraremos especialmente, pero no solo, en la predicadora Juana de la Cruz; en la eremita Leonor de Urgel; en la adinerada Mari García de Toledo; en Juana Falconero, dedicada a servir a enfermos y pobres en el hospital zaragozano de Santa Marta; y en Elisabeth Cifre, la beata que fundó el colegio femenino mallorquín de La Crianza

    Representation as training action stage for the acquisition of skills in higher education students

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    El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la universidad ha pasado de estar basado en el aprendizaje centrado en contenidos a uno que promueve la adquisición de competencias. De este hecho, surge la siguiente cuestión: ¿Cómo nos aseguramos que el alumnado adquiere un grado adecuado de adquisición de las competencias?. Existen competencias que solo son evaluadas en una asignatura, en un cuatrimestre determinado y que no vuelven a ser trabajadas a lo largo de todo el título, por lo que resulta difícil aceptar que el alumnado las haya adquirido en su totalidad. El diseño de esta propuesta interdisciplinar pretende contribuir y dar respuesta a esta nueva realidad tomando como base los cambios metodológicos que introduce el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, destacando entre ellos, el aumento de la interactividad entre profesorado y alumnado, el fomento del trabajo en equipo y la mejora de interdisciplinariedad entre áreas. El escenario elegido para desarrollar esta propuesta es la representación escénica, tratada desde un enfoque innovador en la que el alumnado de la Titulación de Grado en Educación Infantil integrará los contenidos prácticos aprendidos en dos asignaturas pertenecientes a cursos diferentes empleando instrumentos de evaluación comunes que perseguirán un aumento en el grado de adquisición competencial del alumnado.The teaching-learning process in the university has gone from being based on content-centered learning to one that promotes the acquisition of skills. From this fact, the following question is: How do we ensure that students acquire an appropriate level of skills and competencies?. There are skills that are assessed on a single subject in a given quarter and did not return to be worked throughout the title, so it is difficult to accept that students have been acquired in full. The design of this interdisciplinary proposal aims to contribute and respond to this new reality based on the methodological changes introduced by the European Higher Education Area, among them, increasing the interactivity between teachers and students, encouraging teamwork and improving interdisciplinary between areas. The stage chosen to develop this proposal is stage performance, treated from an innovative approach in which the students of the Degree in Early Childhood Education will integrate practical content learned in two subjects belonging to different courses using common assessment tools pursue one increase in the level of student competence acquisition

    Bisphenol-A Induces Podocytopathy With Proteinuria in Mice

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    Bisphenol-A, a chemical used in the production of the plastic lining of food and beverage containers, can be found in significant levels in human fluids. Recently, bisphenol-A has been associated with low-grade albuminuria in adults as well as in children. Since glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes) are commonly affected in proteinuric conditions, herein we explored the effects of bisphenol-A on podocytes in vitro and in vivo. On cultured podocytes we first observed that bisphenol-A?at low or high concentrations?(10?nM and 100?nM, respectively) was able to induce hypertrophy, diminish viability, and promote apoptosis. We also found an increase in the protein expression of TGF-?1 and its receptor, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1, as well as collagen-IV, while observing a diminished expression of the slit diaphragm proteins nephrin and podocin. Furthermore, mice intraperitoneally injected with bisphenol-A (50?mg/Kg for 5 weeks) displayed an increase in urinary albumin excretion and endogenous creatinine clearance. Renal histology showed mesangial expansion. At ultrastructural level, podocytes displayed an enlargement of both cytoplasm and foot processes as well as the presence of condensed chromatin, suggesting apoptosis. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry for WT-1 (specific podocyte marker) and the TUNEL technique showed podocytopenia as well as the presence of apoptosis, respectively. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that Bisphenol-A exposure promotes a podocytopathy with proteinuria, glomerular hyperfiltration and podocytopenia. Further studies are needed to clarify the potential role of bisphenol-A in the pathogenesis as well as in the progression of renal diseases.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIThe Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual Foundatio

    Methodological resources for the acquisition of competences and the students’ insertion with regard to the reality of homeless people

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    El proyecto de innovación docente presentado pretende concienciar y sensibilizar a los estudiantes de la realidad de las Personas Sin Hogar (PSH), para adquirir valores de respeto, solidaridad y empatía por este sector de la sociedad, a través de actividades académicamente dirigidas (ADD), empleando una metodología activa y participativa centrada en el trabajo grupal y cooperativo que facilite el logro de competencias propias de su titulación. Para ello, se planificaron una serie de actividades que favorecieron la coordinación horizontal y vertical de las materias participantes en las Titulaciones de Grado en Educación Infantil y de Grado en Educación Primaria del Centro de Magisterio “Sagrado Corazón”. De esta forma, los resultados implican la conexión y continuidad entre las materias participantes. Por último, las conclusiones muestran que los estudiantes universitarios interiorizan los valores necesarios para la transferencia de aprendizajes adquiridos, a través de la experiencia vivencial con la realidad de las PSH, la cual permite una mirada conjunta de la inclusión y la invisibilidad social, empleando un enfoque participativo donde las opiniones e inquietudes de ambos colectivos se tengan en cuenta. Para ello, es preciso no poner barreras excluyentes a la educación del estudiante como futuro docente.The present innovative teaching proyect aims at raising awareness and moving students about the reality of homeless people, in order to acquire values of respect, solidarity and empathy for this society sector, through curricular activities, implementing an active and participatory methodology based on group and cooperative work which promotes the attainment of competences of their own degree. For this purpose, a set of activities that favoured horizontal and vertical coordination of the subjects involved in the Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education of the “Sagrado Corazón” Teacher Training School were planned. Thus, the outcomes involve the connection and the continuity between the subjects concerned. Finally, the findings show that university students internalize the values necessary for the transfer of learning acquired, through the lived experience with the reality of homelessness, which allows for an overall perspective of inclusion and social invisibility, by applying a participatory approach where views and concerns of both sides are given due consideration. This requires the removal of exclusive barriers to the education of the student as a future teacher

    Establishment and characterization of a sperm bank of Mediterranean seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) stock

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    Con el objetivo de conservar los recursos genéticos de la lubina Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758), se ha creado un banco de esperma con 42 machos de una población mediterránea. Se determinaron las características del esperma –concentración, motilidad y duración de la activación– que resultaron adecuadas para la fertilización artificial. La variabilidad genética de las lubinas procedentes del medio natural fue analizada mediante un conjunto de 10 loci microsatélites. A partir del genotipo de estos marcadores se obtuvo la huella de ADN de cada individuo con fines de identificación y estudios de paternidad. El análisis conjunto de todos los individuos permitió determinar los registros de las variables genéticas de este grupo. Los resultados muestran unos niveles altos de variabilidad genética representativos de una población natural y acentúan la importancia de este grupo como reservorio de esta especie en términos genéticosWith the aim of the conservation of the genetic resources of the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758), a sperm bank of 42 males from a Mediterranean population has been established. The sperm characteristics –concentration, motility and duration of fertility– were assessed, and they proved suitable for artificial fertilization. The genetic structure of the original seabass broodstock from the wild was assessed by means of a set of 10 microsatellites. These genotype markers make it possible to obtain genetic fingerprinting from each individual for identification purposes. The population structure and genetic variability parameters found agree with those of natural populations from the same species, confirming its wild origin and enhancing its value as a genetic resource for the species in terms of genetic variabilityInstituto Español de Oceanografía. El proyecto RZ03-022 en el que se enmarca este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Programa Nacional de Recursos y Tecnologías Agroalimentarias, del Plan Nacional I+D+i del MCY

    Simple and non-charged long-lived fluorescent intracellular organelle trackers

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    In this work we evaluated by FLIM microscopy the preferential accumulation of long-lived acridone derivatives in mitochondria and lysosomes, based on a new concept of non-protonable and non-charged groups carriers. Thus, thiophene ring has been proved to act as mithocondria carrier whereas pyridine derivative is preferentially accumulated into lisosomes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for funding (CTQ2017-85454-C2-1-P and CTQ2017-85658-R).Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida

    Captive Breeding and Trichomonas gallinae Alter the Oral Microbiome of Bonelli’s Eagle Chicks

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    Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) is an endangered raptor species in Europe, and trichomonosis is one of the menaces affecting chicks at nest. In this paper, we attempt to describe the oral microbiome of Bonelli’s eagle nestlings and evaluate the influence of several factors, such as captivity breeding, Trichomonas gallinae infection, and the presence of lesions at the oropharynx. The core oral microbiome of Bonelli’s eagle is composed of Firmicutes, Bacteroidota, Fusobacteria and Proteobacteria as the most abundant phyla, and Megamonas and Bacteroides as the most abundant genera. None of the factors analysed showed a significant influence on alfa diversity, but beta diversity was affected for some of them. Captivity breeding exerted a high influence on the composition of the oral microbiome, with significant differences in the four most abundant phyla, with a relative increase of Proteobacteria and a decrease of the other three phyla in comparison with chicks bred at nest. Some genera were more abundant in captivity bred chicks, such as Escherichia-Shigella, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Corynebacterium, Clostridium and Staphylococcus, while Bacteroides, Oceanivirga, Peptostreptococcus, Gemella, Veillonella, Mycoplasma, Suttonella, Alloscardovia, Varibaculum and Campylobacter were more abundant in nest raised chicks. T. gallinae infection slightly influenced the composition of the microbiome, but chicks displaying trichomonosis lesions had a higher relative abundance of Bacteroides and Gemella, being the last one an opportunistic pathogen of abscess complications in humans. Raptor’s microbiomes are scarcely studied. This is the first study on the factors that influence the oral microbiome of Bonelli’s eagle

    Fernando Huarte Morton (1921-2011): libro homenaje

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    La figura de Fernando Huarte Morton (1921-2011) tiene un gran significado para el mundo de las bibliotecas, el libro antiguo y la bibliografía española y goza de un profundo respeto, simpatía y admiración para todos aquellos que le conocieron y trataron personalmente. Desarrolló la mayor parte de su carrera profesional en la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, de la que fue director entre 1975 y 1986, contribuyendo a su modernización desde varios ámbitos: el reconocimiento institucional; la profesionalización del personal; la centralización de los fondos; la normalización de los procesos y servicios; el inicio de la mecanización del catálogo y la preocupación por el fondo antiguo y por la existencia de un edificio para albergar la gran biblioteca general. Con estas acciones, las bases de la biblioteca del siglo XXI estaban puestas. Es por este motivo, que la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense, institución a la que dedicó tantos años de su vida, quiera rendirle un sentido homenaje a través de la publicación de este libro en el que participan muchos de los bibliotecarios que le conocieron y que han querido dar a conocer su profesionalidad como bibliotecario, su rigor científico como estudioso e investigador y su atrayente personalidad llena de sentido del humor y de ironía

    Androgen receptor polyQ alleles and COVID-19 severity in men: a replication study

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    Background: Ample evidence indicates a sex-related difference in severity of COVID19, with less favorable outcomes observed in men. Genetic factors have been proposed as candidates to explain this difference. The polyglutamine (polyQ) polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene has been recently described as a genetic biomarker of COVID-19 severity. Objective: To test the association between the androgen receptor polyQ polymorphism and COVID-19 severity in a large cohort of COVID-19 male patients. Materials and methods: This study included 1136 male patients infected with SARSCoV-2 as confirmed by positive PCR. Patients were retrospectively and prospectively enrolled from March to November 2020. Patients were classified according to their severity into three categories: oligosymptomatic, hospitalized and severe patients requiring ventilatory support. The number of CAG repeats (polyQ polymorphism) at the androgen receptor was obtained by PCR and patients were classified as either short (<23 repeats) or long (≥23 repeats) allele carriers. The association between polyQ alleles (short or long) and COVID-19 severity was assessed by Chi-squared (Chi2) and logistic regression analysis. Results: The mean number of polyQ CAG repeats was 22 (±3). Patients were classified as oligosymptomatic (15.5%), hospitalized (63.2%), and severe patients (21.3%) requiring substantial respiratory support. PolyQ alleles distribution did not show significant differences between severity classes in our cohort (Chi2 test p > 0.05). Similar results were observed after adjusting by known risk factors such as age, comorbidities, and ethnicity (multivariate logistic regression analysis)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 Research Call; COV20/00181) co-financed by European Development Regional Fund (FEDER, A way to achieve Europe); Estrella de Levante (E G-N); Colabora Mujer (E G-N); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Centro de Investigación en Red de Enfermedades Raras, CIBERer); IIS-Fundación Jiménez Díaz-UAM Chair in Genomic Medicine; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Miguel Servet Contract Number: CP17/00006 and Juan Rodes Contract Number: JR17/00020) co-financied by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII is funded by ISCIII and ERDF, Grant Number: PT17/001

    EN-DALBACEN 2.0 Cohort: real-life study of dalbavancin as sequential/consolidation therapy in patients with infective endocarditis due to Gram-positive cocci

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    Objectives: Infective endocarditis (IE) has high mortality and morbidity and requires long hospital stays to deliver the antibiotic treatment recommended in clinical practice guidelines. We aimed to analyse the health outcomes of the use of dalbavancin (DBV) in the consolidation treatment of IEs caused by Gram-positive cocci and to perform a pharmacoeconomic study. Materials and methods: This observational, retrospective, Spanish multicentre study in patients with IE who received DBV as part of antibiotic treatment in consolidation phase were followed for at least 12 months. The study was approved by the Provincial Committee of the coordinating centre. Results: The study included 124 subjects, 70.2% male, with a mean age of 67.4 years and median Charlson index of 4 (interquartile range: 2.5-6). Criteria for definite IE were met by 91.1%. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (38.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (22.6%), Enterococcus faecalis (19.4%), and Streptococcus Spp. (9.7%) were isolated more frequently, all susceptible to vancomycin. Before DVB administration, 91.2% had undergone surgery; 60.5% had received a second regimen for 24.5 d (16.6-56); and 20.2% had received a third regimen for 14.5 d (12-19.5). DBV was administered to facilitate discharge in 95.2% of cases. At 12 months, the effectiveness was of 95.9%, and there was 0.8% loss to follow-up, 0.8% IE-related death, and 3.2% relapse. Adverse events were recorded in 3.2%. The hospital stay was reduced by 14 d, and there was a mean savings of 5548.57 €/patient vs. conventional treatments. Conclusion: DBV is highly effective, safe, and cost-effective as consolidation therapy in patients with IE by Gram-positive cocci, with few adverse events