475 research outputs found

    Hacia una biografía de Luis Cernuda

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    PLLA/ZnO nanocomposites: dynamic surfaces to harness cell differentiation

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    This work investigates the effect of the sequential availability of ZnO nanoparticles, (nanorods of ∼40 nm) loaded within a degradable poly(lactic acid) (PLLA) matrix, in cell differentiation. The system constitutes a dynamic surface, in which nanoparticles are exposed as the polymer matrix degrades. ZnO nanoparticles were loaded into PLLA and the system was measured at different time points to characterise the time evolution of the physicochemical properties, including wettability and thermal properties. The micro and nanostructure were also investigated using AFM, SEM and TEM images. Cellular experiments with C2C12 myoblasts show that cell differentiation was significantly enhanced on ZnO nanoparticles—loaded PLLA, as the polymer degrades and the availability of nanoparticles become more apparent, whereas the release of zinc within the culture medium was negligible. Our results suggest PLLA/ZnO nanocomposites can be used as a dynamic system where nanoparticles are exposed during degradation, activating the material surface and driving cell differentiation

    Nefroprevención en el paciente muy anciano

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    Nephroprevention consists of a set of measures to attempt to prevent or slow kidney damage. Primary nephroprevention is the term used when such measures seek to reduce the risk of  installing an acute renal failure; and secondary prevention or nephroprotection is used when attempting to slow the progression of chronic renal failure. Regarding nephroprotection, the measures implemented for this purpose in young and very elderly (age>75 years) patients are often similar, based on the modulation of the diet, blood pressure levels, hemoglobin and glycosylated hemoglobin, and the type and dose of medication delivered. However, given that those objectives can induce complications in the very elderly, less strict targets must be sought,while respecting certain well-defined limits.La nefroprevención es un conjunto de medidas destinadas a intentar prevenir o ralentizar el daño renal, soliéndose emplear el término nefroprevención primaria cuando dichas medidas buscan reducir el riesgo de instalación de una insuficiencia renal aguda; y el de prevención secundaria o nefroprotección, cuando pretenden enlentecer la progresión de una insuficiencia renal crónica. Con respecto a la nefroprotección, las medidas implementadas para tal fin, en pacientes jóvenes y muy ancianos (edad >75 años), suelen ser similares, basadas en la modulación de la dieta, cifras de tensión arterial, valores de hemoglobina y hemoglobina glicosilada, así como en el tipo y dosis de medicación suministrada. Sin embargo, dado que dichos objetivos pueden inducir complicaciones en los muy ancianos, deben muchas veces buscarse objetivos más laxos, aunque respetando ciertos límites bien definidos

    Does direct cash flow presentation help in predicting future operating cash flow?

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    Research literature and regulators are unconditional in pointing the disclosure of operating cash flow through direct method a section of unique information. Besides the intuitive facet, it is also consistent in forecasting future operating cash flows and a cohesive piece to financial statement puzzle. Bearing this in mind, I produce an analysis on the usefulness and predictive ability on the disclosure of gross cash receipts and payments over the disclosure of reconciliation between net income and accruals for two markets with special features, Portugal and Spain. Results validate the usefulness of direct method format in predicting future operating cash flow. Ke

    Model development and analysis for strategic investment in sustainable electricity networks in a rural environment

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    Estágio realizado na EDF Energy Networks - Bury St Edmunds e orientado pelo Doutor Cristiano MarantesTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major Energia. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Ira y emociones positivas en protestas políticas

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    This study analyses the role played by emotions in protest. In the current explanatory models, anger is the sole emotion associated with these actions. But is anger the only emotion capable of mobilising citizens to defend a cause? We believe not. Hence, we postulate that anger, along with other emotions of positive valence, must act jointly to facilitate protest. To test this hypothesis, a questionnaire was applied to 316 university students in a setting of cut-backs in education. The results highlight several interesting aspects. Firstly, anger correlated significantly and positively with the positive emotions. Secondly, the mediation analysis performed showed: a) the relevance of positive emotions for explaining the intention to participate; and b) the influence of anger on the intention to participate is fundamentally through positive emotions. We will also discuss the role of emotions and the need to extend the motives involved in political actionsEn este estudio se analiza el papel de las emociones en la protesta política. En los modelos actuales, la ira es la única emoción que se asocia a esas acciones. Sin embargo, los autores creen que no es la única emoción que moviliza a la ciudadanía, por ello afirman que junto a ella deben existir otras de valencia positiva. En este estudio participaron 316 estudiantes universitarios a los que se les preguntó por su intención de movilizarse en contra de los recortes en educación. Los resultados muestran que la ira correlaciona de manera significativa con las emociones positivas. Además el análisis de mediación muestra la relevancia de las emociones positivas para explicar las intenciones de protesta y que la influencia de la ira sobre la intención de participar se realiza fundamentalmente a través de las emociones positivas. Se discute el papel de las emociones y la necesidad de ampliar los motivos de participaciónWith financial support from the Galician Department of Culture, Education, and Universities, and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (GPC2013-017)S

    INTCARE: multi-agent approach for real-time intelligent decision support in intensive medicine

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    For an Intelligent Decision Support System to work in real-time, it is of great value the use of intelligent agents that cooperate with each other to accomplish their tasks. In a critical environment like an Intensive Care Unit, doctors should have the right information, at the right time, to better assist their patients. In this paper we present an architecture for a Multi-Agents System that will support doctors’ decision by in real-time, guaranteeing that all required clinical data is available and capable of predicting the patients’ condition for the next hour.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Dificultades de aprendizaje lector y uso de abreviaturas SMS en 6º curso de educación primaria

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    [Resumen] Este estudio analiza las diferencias en el tipo de abreviaturas SMS utilizadas en la comunicación mediante dispositivos móviles entre niños y niñas con y sin dificultades de lectura que cursan 6º de Educación Primaria. Para ello se aplicaron dos pruebas de evaluación a 94 niños y niñas de dos colegios públicos. La primera, el EVAL EC-6 de G arcía Vidal, G onzález Manjón y G arcía Ortiz (2012) evalúa: eficiencia lectora (acceso al léxico por ruta visual y fonológica, automatización lectora), comprensión lectora (literal y global) y autorregulación lectora. A quellos estudiantes con una puntuación global 1 DT (desviación típica) por debajo de la media fueron asignados al grupo de dificultades de lectura (n=16), el resto formaron el grupo sin dificultades lectoras (n=78). L a segunda, es una adaptación al español de la tarea de escritura de mensajes situados en 10 escenarios elaborada por Plester, Wood y J oshi (2009). L as abreviaturas generadas en los SMS de los estudiantes eran clasificadas según las categorías utilizadas con los ajustes necesarios para la lengua española. L os resultados confirman la existencia de diferencias en el número y tipo de abreviaturas. L as diferencias se centran en las abreviaturas: faltas de ortografía, contracciones y homófonos. L os resultados del AN OVA y de las correlaciones realizadas muestran que no es el uso de dispositivos el que determina el número de abreviaturas, sino más bien el nivel de competencia lectora previo. N o obstante, el uso de estos dispositivos estimula el uso de la abreviación, lo que ejercita la reflexión metalingüística y en consecuencia favorece el aprendizaje lector.[Abstract] This study analyzes the differences in the type of SMS abbreviations used in the communication via mobile devices between children with and without reading difficulties who attend Primary Education 6th. For this evaluation two tests were applied to 91 children in two public schools. The first one, the EVAL EC-6 by G arcia Vidal G arcía G onzález Manjarrez and Ortiz (2012) evaluates: reading efficiency (lexical access for visual and phonological route, reading automation), reading comprehension (literal and global) and self-reading. Students with an overall score 1 SD (standard deviation) below the mean were assigned to reading difficulties group (n = 16), the rest formed the group without reading difficulties (n = 78). The second one, is a Spanish adaptation of the task of writing messages that are located in 10 scenarios developed by Plester, Wood and J oshi (2009). The abbreviations generated in the students’ SMS were classified according to the categories used with the necessary adjustments for the Spanish language. The results confirm the existence of differences in the number and type of abbreviations. The differences center on the abbreviations: misspellings, contractions and homophones. The results of the AN OVA and correlations performed show that it is not the use of devices what determines the number of abbreviations, but the previous reading competence level. However, the use of these devices encourages the use of the abbreviation, which exercises metalinguistic and consequently promotes reading learning