1,179 research outputs found

    Evolving fuzzy rules in a learning classifier system

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    The fuzzy classifier system (FCS) combines the ideas of fuzzy logic controllers (FLC's) and learning classifier systems (LCS's). It brings together the expressive powers of fuzzy logic as it has been applied in fuzzy controllers to express relations between continuous variables, and the ability of LCS's to evolve co-adapted sets of rules. The goal of the FCS is to develop a rule-based system capable of learning in a reinforcement regime, and that can potentially be used for process control

    A Genetic Algorithm Tool (splicer) for Complex Scheduling Problems and the Space Station Freedom Resupply Problem

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    The Space Station Freedom will require the supply of items in a regular fashion. A schedule for the delivery of these items is not easy to design due to the large span of time involved and the possibility of cancellations and changes in shuttle flights. This paper presents the basic concepts of a genetic algorithm model, and also presents the results of an effort to apply genetic algorithms to the design of propellant resupply schedules. As part of this effort, a simple simulator and an encoding by which a genetic algorithm can find near optimal schedules have been developed. Additionally, this paper proposes ways in which robust schedules, i.e., schedules that can tolerate small changes, can be found using genetic algorithms

    Feedback linearization control for a distributed solar collector field

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    This article describes the application of a feedback linearization technique for control of a distributed solar collector field using the energy from solar radiation to heat a fluid. The control target is to track an outlet temperature reference by manipulating the fluid flow rate through the solar field, while attenuating the effect of disturbances (mainly radiation and inlet temperature). The proposed control scheme is very easy to implement, as it uses a numerical approximation of the transport delay and a modification of the classical control scheme to improve startup in such a way that results compared with other control structures under similar conditions are improved while preserving short commissioning times. Experiments in the real plant are also described, demonstrating how operation can be started up efficiently.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2004-07444-C04-04Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2005-0286

    Ciudad Juárez: La Frontera Más Bonita

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    Los textos que se presentan a continuación son textos extraídos de Sed de mal, en el cual se interpretan expresiones de cultura, violencia, feminicidio y exclusión social en ámbitos fronterizos. En este trabajo, Valenzuela Arce recrea ámbitos fragmentados de la historia social de la frontera para comprender su situación actual, caracterizada por la conspicua presencia de trasiego de drogas, miedo, violencia y muerte, así como de expresiones extremas que cobran forma en fenómenos inaceptables de exclusión, precarización, miedo, violencia, feminicidio y juvenicidio. Nuestro primer fragmento atestigua la precariedad e indefensión social que imperan en Ciudad Juárez. El segundo analiza representaciones cinematográficas de dicha precariedad, concentrándose específicamente en el feminicidio

    The birth of joint stock companies in Chile, 1849-1875

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    This article deals with the emergence of joint stock companies (JSC) in Chile during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. We have built the first database related to JSC for this period, providing useful information about its demography. We found that: JSC funded the emergence of new key industries fostering economic growth; there was a high level of concentration in JSC ownership; most shareholders were Chilean, which means that the main investment projects in mining, banking and transport were funded with national capital; Chilean businessmen were active in mobilizing capital funds and adopting new technologies.  The entrepreneurial spirit shown by local businessmen, be they miners, bankers, agriculturalists or traders is undeniably present, in a transitional phase to capitalis

    Changes in corporate websites and business activity: automatic classification of corporate webpages

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    [EN] Every time a firm or institution performs an activity on the Web, this is registered, leaving a "digital footprint”. Part this digital footprint is reflected on their websites as these officially represent them on the Web. We plan to automatically monitor the changes that periodically occur in a website to relate them with the business activity. The aim of this paper is to propose a theoretical classification of corporate webpages to associate changes that occur on them with the regular activity of the firms, and to evaluate the possibility of an automatic categorization using classification models. To generate the classification of corporate webpages, a significant number of today corporate webpages were analyzed and observed, distinguishing four theoretical types of corporate webpages. To evaluate the automatic categorization of corporate webpages, a dataset of 1005 today corporate pages was generated by manually labeling them and evaluating their automatic categorization using classification models.This work was partially supported by grants PID2019-107765RB-I00 and funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Valenzuela Rubilar, JM.; Domenech, J.; Pont, A. (2022). Changes in corporate websites and business activity: automatic classification of corporate webpages. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 213-220. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1509021322

    Pigmentaciones negras exógenas en dentición decidua asociadas a ingesta de sulfato ferroso

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    The general objective of the present investigation was to relate the presence of exogenous black pigmentations in deciduous dentition and the consumption of ferrous sulfate, in children between 2 and 5 years of age, attended at the Bellavista-Sullana Health Center. The methodology used had a quantitative approach and a non-experimental-correlational, crosssectional design. The technique to be used was the survey and clinical observation. The instruments used were a questionnaire and a graphic scheme that allowed us to record the information of the pigmented teeth using the Albelda M classification (1), both instruments were developed exclusively for this research. The population consisted of 150 children who attended the Bellavista-Sullana Health Center in the period of July-September 2021, the sample being 108 children. The study found that exogenous black pigmentations in deciduous dentition, in children aged 2 to 5 years, are manifested in 29.6% of children, showing that the majority of children (27 of 32, 84.4%) presented grade I pigmentation Likewise, it was concluded that the presence of spots is not significantly related (Sig.> 0.05), neither with the age of the child, nor with sex; In addition, I make it clear that the time that the child has been consuming ferrous sulfate, the type of presentation of said product, the daily intakes and the time after the ingestion of foods that take ferrous sulfate, are not significantly associated (Sig .> 0.05) with the presence of black spots on the adamantine surface of the children evaluated. It was also found that neither brushing to consume ferrous sulfate, nor the number of times the child was found to be significantly related (Sig.> 0.05) with the presence of black spots. Keywords: chromogenic pigmentations. Ferrous sulfate.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general relacionar la presencia de pigmentaciones negras exógenas en dentición decidua y el consumo de sulfato ferroso, en niños de 2 a 5 Años de edad, atendidos en el Centro De Salud Bellavista- Sullana. La metodología que se utilizó tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño no experimentalcorrelacional, de corte transversal. La técnica a emplear fue la encuesta y la observación clínica. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fue un cuestionario y un esquema grafico que nos permitió registrar la información de los dientes pigmentados utilizando la clasificación de Albelda M (1), ambos instrumentos se desarrollaron exclusivamente para esta investigación. La población estuvo conformada por 150 niños que acudieron al Centro de Salud Bellavista- Sullana en el periodo de Julio- setiembre del 2021, siendo la muestra 108 niños. El estudio encontró que las pigmentaciones negras exógenas en dentición decidua, en niños de 2 a 5 años, se manifiestan en el 29.6% de los niños, evidenciado que la mayoría de los niños (27 de 32, 84.4%) presentaron pigmentaciones de grado I. Asimismo, se concluyó que la presencia de manchas no se encuentra relacionada de manera significativa (Sig.>0.05), ni con la edad del niño, ni con el sexo; además, dejo en evidencia que el tiempo que el niño lleva consumiendo sulfato ferroso, el tipo de presentación de dicho producto, las tomas diarias y el tiempo después de la ingesta de alimentos que toman el sulfato ferroso, no se asocian de manera significativa (Sig.>0.05) con la presencia de manchas negras sobre la superficie adamantina de los niños evaluados. También se encontró que ni el cepillado después de consumir el sulfato ferroso, ni el número de veces que el(la) niño(a), se encontraron relacionados en forma significativa (Sig.>0.05) con la presencia de manchas negras. Palabras clave: pigmentaciones cromógenas. Sulfato ferroso