1,345 research outputs found

    Hacia un nuevo modelo de ayudas al estudio y financiación universitaria

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    La composición social del estudiantado universitario español muestra una acusada infrarrepresentación de las clases bajas que la política de becas no ha logrado revertir. Menos aún será capaz de hacerlo tras la reforma del sistema de ayudas al estudio implementada a partir del curso 2012-2013 y mientras se mantenga una estructura lineal de precios públicos en la Universidad. Se antoja necesaria una nueva reforma que adapte el sistema de becas a las clases sociales cuyas decisiones educativas y rendimiento universitario se ven auténticamente condicionados por motivos económicos. Ello, junto a una nueva estructura de precios basada en la disponibilidad económica del estudiante y su familia, puede lograr una mayor participación de las clases bajas en la Universidad

    The Evolution of Educational Expectations in Spain (2003-2018): An Analysis of Social Inequality Using PISA

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    This paper examines the educational expectations of the Spanish student body at the end of compulsory education. Using the 2003 and 2018 waves of PISA, I report a remarkable increase in the educational ambition of the Spanish student body. Two aspects are worth noting. Firstly, virtually all 15-years-old students expect to enroll in Upper Secondary Education by 2018. Secondly, Higher Vocational Education has become a very appealing alternative at tertiary level. Furthermore, significant inequalities have been documented in the configuration of educational expectations. However, inequality has been reduced in the expectations of enrolment in Upper Secondary and Tertiary Education due to the higher educational ambition among socioeconomically disadvantaged students. In turn, inequality has increased in the horizontal expectation of enrolment in the academic track in both levels because a larger share of socioeconomically disadvantaged students preferred the vocational track in 2018 (diversion thesis). Using counterfactual analysis, I have observed that this increase in horizontal inequality would have been larger had it not been for the change in the social structure between 2003 and 201

    Horizontal inequality in the transition to upper secondary education in Spain

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    Effectively maintained inequality theory posits that a reduction in vertical inequality following the expansion of a level of education will be compensated by an increase in horizontal inequality. Although this theory has been intensely studied in various countries, it has barely been explored in the Spanish case. To fill this gap, I use data from the Survey on the Transition from Education/Training to Labour Market Insertion and analyse the sample of students who completed compulsory education in 2001, right after the expansion of upper secondary education (baccalaureate) in Spain. I study two forms of horizontal inequality: the type of education enrolled in (including which modality is preferred in the academic track) and the time for completion of the academic track. I report that the saturation of baccalaureate in the choice against vocational education triggered substantial inequalities in the preference for the most rewarding modalities of baccalaureate: socioeconomically advantaged students preferred the natural sciences and technology, while disadvantaged students preferred the social sciences, humanities, and arts. In turn, inequality in the time for completion of baccalaureate is mostly vertical as the two most likely results for all socioeconomic groups are to complete baccalaureate in two years or not complete it at all.La teoria de la desigualtat efectivament mantinguda postula que la reducció de la desigualtat vertical després de l'expansió d'un nivell educatiu es veurà compensada per un augment de la desigualtat horitzontal. Encara que aquesta teoria ha estat intensament estudiada en diversos països, amb prou feines ha estat explorada en el cas espanyol. Per omplir aquest buit, utilitzo dades de l'Enquesta de transició educativa-formativa i inserció laboral i analitzo la mostra d'estudiants que van acabar l'educació secundària obligatòria el 2001, just després de l'expansió de l'educació secundària superior a Espanya. Estudio dues formes de desigualtat horitzontal: el tipus d'ensenyament cursat (que inclou la modalitat preferida en l'itinerari acadèmic) i el temps invertit en la finalització de l'itinerari acadèmic. Demostro que la saturació del batxillerat en l'elecció davant la formació professional va desencadenar desigualtats substancials en la preferència per les modalitats de batxillerat més atractives: els estudiants d'extracció social alta van preferir Ciències Naturals i Tecnologia, mentre que els estudiants desfavorits van preferir Ciències Socials, Arts i Humanitats. Al seu torn, la desigualtat en el temps invertit en la finalització del batxillerat és majoritàriament vertical, ja que els dos resultats més probables per a tots els grups socioeconòmics són acabar el batxillerat en dos anys o no acabar-lo.La teoría de la desigualdad efectivamente mantenida postula que la reducción de la desigualdad vertical tras la expansión de un nivel educativo se verá compensada por un aumento de la desigualdad horizontal. Aunque esta teoría ha sido intensamente estudiada en varios países, apenas ha sido explorada en el caso español. Para llenar este vacío, utilizo datos de la Encuesta de transición educativa-formativa e inserción laboral y analizo la muestra de estudiantes que terminaron la educación secundaria obligatoria en 2001, justo después de la expansión de la educación secundaria superior en España. Estudio dos formas de desigualdad horizontal: el tipo de enseñanza cursada (que incluye la modalidad preferida en el itinerario académico) y el tiempo invertido en la finalización del itinerario académico. Demuestro que la saturación del bachillerato en la elección frente a la formación profesional desencadenó desigualdades sustanciales en la preferencia por las modalidades de bachillerato más atractivas: los estudiantes de extracción social alta prefirieron Ciencias Naturales y Tecnología, mientras que los estudiantes desfavorecidos prefirieron Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades. A su vez, la desigualdad en el tiempo invertido en la finalización del bachillerato es mayoritariamente vertical, ya que los dos resultados más probables para todos los grupos socioeconómicos son terminar el bachillerato en dos años o no terminarlo

    An Application of Total-Colored Graphs to Describe Mutations in Non-Mendelian Genetics

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    Any gene mutation during the mitotic cell cycle of a eukaryotic cell can be algebraically represented by an isotopism of the evolution algebra describing the genetic pattern of the inheritance process. We identify any such pattern with a total-colored graph so that any isotopism of the former is uniquely related to an isomorphism of the latter. This enables us to develop some results on graph theory in the context of the molecular processes that occur during the S-phase of a mitotic cell cycle. In particular, each monochromatic subset of edges is identified with a mutation or regulatory mechanism that relates any two statuses of the genotypes of a pair of chromatids.Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía FQM-32

    Influence of the stop/start system on CO2 emissions of a diesel vehicle in urban traffic

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    This paper presents measurements of CO2 emission and efficiency of stop/start technology on a diesel vehicle in urban traffic. Two four-wheel-drive diesel vehicles with on-board exhaust emission and vehicle activity measurement systems were tested in two urban driving circuits representative of downtown Madrid. The vehicles had similar turbocharged and intercooled diesel engines fulfilling the same Euro 4 emissions regulation; but one had an improved engine incorporating stop/start technology. CO2 emission reduction of more than 20% for the car equipped with the stop/start system was obtained. Regardless of the variability in driving style, the grade and type of streets, traffic congestion, and the engine operating temperature, the car equipped with the stop/start system has intrinsically a lower CO2 emission factor

    Month of birth and cognitive effort: a laboratory study of the relative age effect among fifth graders

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    All around the world school entry cohorts are organized on an annual calendar, so that the age of students in the same cohort differs up to one year. It is a well-established finding that this age gap entails a consequential (dis)advantage for academic performance referred to as the relative age effect (RAE). This study contributes to a recent strand of research that has turned to investigate the RAE on non-academic outcomes such as personality traits. An experimental setup is used to assess the willingness to exert cognitive effort in a sample of 798 fifth grade students enrolled in the Spanish educational system, characterized by strict enrolment rules. After controlling for cognitive ability, we observe that older students outwork their youngest peers by two-fifths of a standard deviation, but only when rewards for performance are in place. Implications for sociological research on educational inequality and policy are discussed.This research has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 758600)

    Electoral Quotas for Women

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