1,467 research outputs found

    The educational evaluation in LOMCE curriculum in Primary: Analysis of the autonomic curricula in Physical Education

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    La evaluación es uno de los aspectos que determina todo el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Debido a sus connotaciones éticas es un proceso que debe ser objeto de análisis. Por ello, el objeto general de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis de los aspectos evaluativos en Educación Física comparando los 17 currículos autonómicos que emanan del reglamento estatal preceptuado en el Real Decreto 126/2014. Para ello se realizó un análisis documental como instrumento de obtención informativa de los 17 reglamentos autonómicos que desarrollan los aspectos evaluativos en Educación Física. Tras la circulación por un grupo de expertos resultaron un total de 12 variables a comparar y analizar. Los resultados del análisis muestran la tendencia a la eliminación a los objetivos de área, el aumento preponderante de criterios (M=61,53) y, sobre todo, de estándares de aprendizaje (M=200,24) que la mayoría de currículos secuencia por niveles educativos. Así mismo, cabe resaltar la casi inexistencia en la mayoría de Comunidades Autónomas de orientaciones para una evaluación más educativa en el área de Educación FísicaAsssessment is one of the aspects that determines the entire teaching-learning process. Due to its ethical connotations it is a process that must be analyzed. Therefore, the general purpose of this work was to perform an analysis of the evaluation aspects in Physical Education comparing the 17 regional curricula that emanate from the state regulation prescribed in Royal Decree 126/2014. To this end, a documentary analysis was carried out as an instrument to obtain information on the 17 regional regulations that develop the evaluation aspects in Physical Education. After the circulation by a group of experts, a total of 12 variables were analyzed and analyzed. The results of the analysis show the tendency to elimination to the area objectives, the preponderant increase of criteria (M = 61.53) and, above all, of learning standards (M = 200.24) than the majority of curriculums sequencing by educational levels. Likewise, it is worth highlighting the almost nonexistence in most Autonomous Communities of guidelines for a more educational evaluation in the area of Physical Educatio

    Potencial energético de excretas animales en una cooperativa en el municipio Río Cauto

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    Obtaining biogas in rural areas from organic waste has environmental, economic and social benefits. This research was carried out in a cooperative in the province of Granma, Cuba. The main objective of this research was to determine the energy potential product of animal excreta, as well as to obtain the basic dimensions for the construction of a biodigester, based on the type and quantity of animals in said cooperative. For a total of 90 cows, 300 sheep and 14 horses, the dimensions of a fixed dome biodigester with a compensation tank were obtained, which guarantees the processing of  of excreta. From the processed biomass, around  of biogas will be produced, which will be used as a substitute for electric current and firewood in cooking food. In addition, between 2,57 and 2,71 of effluents with a high content of nutrients in plant nutrition can be obtained. Based on the biomass processing capacity of the biodigester, it could be estimated that the global warming mitigation potential is approximately 240,43 t of CO2 equivalent per year, which contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases.La obtención de biogás en zonas rurales a partir de desechos orgánicos, tienen beneficios ambientales, económicos y sociales. La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en una cooperativa de la provincia de Granma, Cuba. El objetivo fundamental de dicha investigación es determinar el potencial energético producto de excretas animales, así como la obtención de las dimensiones básicas para la construcción de un biodigestor, a partir del tipo y cantidad de animales de dicha cooperativa. Para un total de 90 vacas, 300 ovejos y 14 caballos se obtuvieron las dimensiones de un biodigestor de cúpula fija con tanque de compensación, que garantiza el procesamiento de    de excretas. A partir de la biomasa procesada se producirán alrededor de  de biogás, el cual será utilizado como sustituto de la corriente eléctrica y la leña en la cocción de alimentos. Además, se pueden obtener entre 2,57 y un 2,71 m3 día-1 de efluentes con un alto contenido de nutrientes en la nutrición de las plantas. A partir de la capacidad de procesamiento de biomasa del biodigestor se pudo estimar que el potencial de mitigación del calentamiento global es aproximadamente de 240,43 t de CO2 equivalente por año, lo cual contribuye con la disminución de gases de efecto invernadero

    Resultados a largo plazo del tratamiento de las fracturas de rótula mediante hemipatelectomia

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    Han sido revisadas retrospectivamente 48 fracturas de rótula tratadas mediante hemipatelectomía, con un seguimiento medio de 14,6 años. Para la valoración se han seguido criterios clínicos, radiológicos, subjetivos y de potencia del aparato extensor. El rango de movilidad de la extremidad intervenida es del 89%, la potencia del aparato extensor de 83% y la medición de la circunferencia del muslo del 97%, tomando como referencia la extremidad no intervenida. Encontramos un 45% de resultados excelentes, 39,58% de buenos resultados, 10,41% de resultados regulares y 4,16% de malos resultados. Existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el tipo de fractura, la edad de los pacientes, la existencia de patología previa en la rodilla, las lesiones asociadas a la fractura rotuliana por el traumatismo y el resultado final obtenido. A la vista de estos resultados podemos concluir que la hemipatelectomía es una técnica eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de fracturas de rótula.A retrospective stydy was made of 48 patellar fractures who were threated with a hemipatellectomy. The mean time of follow-up was 14,6 years. The results were assessed with use of clinical, radiological, subjective and isokinetic quadriceps strength-testing criteria. The mean active range of motion was 89%, the strength of quadriceps was 83% and the circumference of the thigh was 97% of these measurements in the contralateral extremity. The over-all results was rated as excellent in 45,83%, dood in 39,58%, fair in 10,41% and poor in 4,16%. There was a significant statistical correlation between the type of fracture, the previous patology in the knee, the associated lesions caused by trauma and the outcome. The results of this study indicate that hemipatellectomy can be an effective and secure treatment for selected patellar fractures

    Micro‑climatic efects on plant phenolics at the community level in a Mediterranean savanna

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    5 páginas.- 2 figuras.- 1 tabla.- 27 referenciasResearch has shown that warming and drought change plant phenolics. However, much of this work has centered on the effects of individual abiotic stressors on single plant species rather than the concurrent effects of multiple stressors at the plant community level. To address this gap, we manipulated rainfall and air temperature to test for their individual and interactive effects on the expression of leaf phenolics at the community level for annual plant species occurring in two habitat types (under oak tree canopies or in open grasslands) in a Mediterranean savanna. We found that augmented temperature had a significant positive effect on the community-weighted mean of total phenolics whereas reduced rainfall had no effect. In addition, we found no evidence of interactive effects between climatic stressors and these patterns remained consistent across habitat types. Overall, this study points at increasing efforts to investigate the linkages between climate change and community-level shifts in plant secondary chemistry.Tis study was funded by a Spanish National Research Project to IMPR (CGL2015-70123-R)Peer reviewe

    Prevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in ovine flocks of central-western Mexico

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    This study, carried out in 13 sheep flocks of central-western Mexico, aimed to identify the prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies, to develop a risk analysis of the infection and to estimate the prevalence of parasite DNA in blood. A total of 368 serum and blood samples were subjected to ELISA and PCR tests, respectively, and the association between the prevalence of antibodies and some management factors was estimated. The overall prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies was 13.5% [50/368; 95% confidence interval (CI) 10–17], ranging from 2.7 to 90% per flock, and 92% of the farms had seropositive animals. In ewes the prevalence was 14% (48/348, 95% CI 10–17) and in rams 10% (2/20; 95% CI 1– 33). The mean prevalence of Neospora DNA in blood was 27% (99/368, 95% CI 22–31), implying a range between 16 and 82%. In rams, the prevalence was 5% (1/20 95% CI 2–26), while in ewes it was 28% (98/348, 95% CI 23–33). The agreement between the tests was k = 0.19. The presence of other domestic animal species in the farms [odds ratio (OR) 4.4] and the consumption of placental debris, fetuses and stillborn lambs by dogs living in the farms (OR 5.8) were demonstrated to be risk factors

    Relación de la coordinación motriz, edad y sexo con la fuerza y agilidad en escolares

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    The aim of this study is to delve into the effect that motor coordination, age and gender have on strength and agility in Primary stage, specifically in students aged 6 to 11 years. 647 schoolchildren from two primary education centers (381 boys and 266 girls) participated in this study. A Pearson correlation analysis has been carried out to study the relationship between age and Motor Coordination (measured through/by the 3JS test) on strength tests (horizontal jump with feet together and jump with counter movement) and agility (measured through/by the 4x10 test). Subsequently, the gender differences in these variables have been studied using the Student's t test or the Mann-Whitney U test, depending on whether the variables follow a normal distribution. Finally, to delve into the objective of the research, an ANCOVA model has been applied where the dependent variables are the horizontal jump, the counter-movement jump and the 4x10, the factor is the gender variable and the covariates are Motor Coordination and age. The results have shown a positive association between the Motor Coordination and the tests used to assess strength and agility. The gender variable has a significant relationship with the horizontal jump, the counter movement jump and the 4x10. After the analysis according to the ANCOVA model carried out in this study, the gender variable influences the horizontal jump and agility, but not the counter-movement jump when the effect of motor coordination and the age of the schoolchildren is eliminated.El objetivo principal fue analizar el efecto de la coordinación motriz, la edad y el sexo sobre la fuerza y agilidad en escolares de 6-11 años. En el estudio participaron 647 escolares de dos centros de educación Primaria (381 niños y 266 niñas). Se ha realizado un análisis de correlación de Pearson para estudiar la relación entre la edad y la coordinación motriz (medida a través del test 3JS) sobre la fuerza (salto horizontal y salto con contramovimiento) y la agilidad (medida a través del test 4x10). Las diferencias relacionadas con el sexo se analizaron a través del test t-Student y la U de Mann-Whitney, dependiendo de si las variables siguen una distribución normal. Se ha aplicado un modelo ANCOVA donde las variables dependientes son el salto horizontal, el salto con contramovimiento y el 4x10, el factor es la variable sexo y las covariables son la coordinación motriz y la edad. Los resultados han mostrado una asociación positiva entre la coordinación motriz y las pruebas utilizadas para valorar la fuerza y la agilidad. La variable sexo tiene una relación significativa con el salto horizontal, salto con contra movimiento y el 4x10. Tras el análisis según modelo ANCOVA realizado en este estudio, la variable sexo influye sobre el salto horizontal y sobre la agilidad, pero no sobre el salto con contramovimiento cuando se elimina el efecto de la coordinación motriz y de la edad de los escolares

    A novel multilaminated composite cathode for solid oxide fuel cells.

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    A novel electrode architecture consisting in alternating layers of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) and Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) is prepared for the first time by spray-pyrolysis deposition and investigated as cathode material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). Cathodes with different number of LSCF/CGO bilayers (N=0, 3 and 5) are prepared and characterized. The multilaminated cathodes are highly porous with connected vertical channels and display an unusual undulated morphology, which increases the contact area between CGO and LSCF materials. The oxygen reduction activity has been investigated by impedance spectroscopy, obtaining improved values of polarization resistance as the number of bilayers increases due to extended three-phaseboundary (TPB) length for the oxygen reduction reactions