1,805 research outputs found

    Evaluación, innovación y orientación educativa

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    Se manifiesta en esta aportación la preocupación que el autor siente ante el distanciamiento real que se da entre la teoría y la práctica de la evaluación en la educación. Tras hacer un análisis conceptual y plantear una crítica de la realidad de la evaluación aboga por un modelo en el cual ésta desempeñe una función de instrumento facilitador de la innovación y del cambio tanto en las personas, como en los grupos, las aulas, los centros y los sistemas educativos. Para conseguirlo ve en la orientación educativa y acción tutorial una plataforma ideal para desarrollar actitudes y valores que ayuden a materializar el cambio de la evaluación. Por último, se hace una llamada de atención a la Universidad para que desde sus propias actividades de formación de formadores se generen acciones novedosas y congruentes con las necesidades de los futuros docentes y con el modelo de evaluación que deben enseñar y polier en práctica para enriquecer los procesos formativos._________________________________ This paper manifests the author's worried about the real separation between the theory and practice of evaluation in education. There is a conceptual analysis and some critical aspects about the reality of evaluation, and at the same time the author gives arguments on a model about how the evaluation has the paper of facilitator instrument of innovation and change of each person, as well as groups, class-rooms, schools and educational systems. To get this the author considers educational orientation and tutorial action as the best platform to develop attitudes and values that help to produce the change of evaluation. Finally, this paper proposes to the University to provide activities of training of trainers emphasising new coherent actions with the needs of future teachers and with the model of evaluation that they must teach and put in practice in the learning process

    Orientar para aprender y enseñar a evaluar

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    La normativa legal viene desde hace tiempo proponiendo que se aplique en los centros educativos, y especialmente en los de enseñanza obligatoria, una evaluación continua, entendida ésta como una «...actividad sistemática integrada en el proceso educativo, cuya finalidad es el mejoramiento del mismo mediante un conocimiento, lo más exacto posible, del alumnado en todos los aspectos de su personalidad, y una información ajustada sobre el proceso educativo y sobre los factores personales y ambientales que en éste inciden» (Orden de 16 de noviembre de 1970 sobre evaluación continua del rendimiento educativo de los alumnos).The legal regulation has been proposing for a long time the implementation of a continuous evaluation system in educational centres and, especially, compulsory education. Continuous evaluation should be understood as “the systematic activity which is integrated in the educational process, whose objective is its improvement through the most exact possible knowledge of students in all the aspects of their personality, and an adjusted information about the educational process and personal and background factors which influence on it” (A command from the 16th of November 1970 about students’ continuous educational efficiency evaluation)

    Reducing Procrastination while Improving Performance: A Wiki-powered Experiment with Students

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    © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.Students in higher education are traditionally requested to produce various pieces of written work during the courses they undertake. When students' work is submitted online as a whole, both the ethically questionable act of procrastinating and late submissions afect performance. The objective of this paper is to assess the performance of students from a control group, with that of students from an experimental group. The control group produced work as a unique deliverable to be submitted at the end of the course. On the other hand, the experimental group worked on each part for a week, and their work was managed by a wiki environment and monitored by a speciically developed software. Positive efects were noticed in the experimental group, as both students' time management skills and performance increased. Replications of this experiment can and should be performed, in order to compare results in coursework submission.Final Accepted Versio

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity

    Estrategias para la evaluación de programas de orientación

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    En este artículo los autores ponen de relieve las características e importancia de la evaluación de programas como estrategia de investigación para garantizar la calidad de las intervenciones orientadoras y educativas. Tras justifi necesidad de evaluar las propuestas de acción orientadora y aproxi--car la marnos al concepto de evaluación de programas nos exponen la finalidad y objetivos que ésta persigue y presentan distintos modelos teóricos que pueden servir de referencia para introducirse en esta práctica Investigadora. Encontraremos también en este trabajo referencias a las fases a seguir en el proceso evaluadory propuestas prácticas para facilitarla evaluación de programas. Por último se advierte sobre las posibles dificultades que podrían presentarse al afrontar el reto de una investigación evaluativa._________________________________ In this article, the authors point out the characteristics and the importance of the evaluation of programmes as a research strategy to guarantee the quality of educational and guidance interventions. After justifying the necessity of evaluating the guidance proposals and taking into account the concept of evaluation of programmes, the authors show us its aims and objectives and several theoretical models which can be used as references for its Implementation. This paper shows references for the phases to follow the evaluating process and practical proposals to facilitate the evaluation of programmes. Finally, the authors draw attention to the possible difficulties which can be found when facing evaluating research

    Assessment of Generic Skills through an Organizational Learning Process Model

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    This contribution has been published in this repository with the permission of the publisher. This contribution was presented in WEBIST 2018 (http://www.webist.org/?y=2018) and has been published by SCITEPRESS in http://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=y9Yt0eHt02o=&.The performance in generic skills is increasingly important for organizations to succeed in the current competitive environment. However, assessing the level of performance in generic skills of the members of an organization is a challenging task, subject to both subjectivity and scalability issues. Organizations usually lay their organizational learning processes on a Knowledge Management System (KMS). This work presents a process model to support managers of KMSs in the assessment of their individuals’ generic skills. The process model was deployed through an extended version of a learning management system. It was connected with different information system tools specifically developed to enrich its features. A case study with Computer Science final-year students working in a software system was conducted following an authentic learning approach, showing promising results.Visaigle Project (grant TIN2017-85797-R)

    Acorns for fattening free-range pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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    - The fattening performance is very much influenced by the age of pigs and their compensatory growth; hence, pigs should be as old as possible (≥1 year) and adapted to grazing. - Grass is necessary as a source of protein to compensate for the low protein levels in acorns. - The food conversion rate is 10.5 kg of whole acorns of Q. i. rotundifolia to gain 1 kg, besides the contribution of grass; to establish the stocking rate, consider that an adult evergreen oak produces ≈11 kg of acorns/year). - Iberian pigs peel acorns to avoid the high content of tannins in the shell. However, during peeling, approxi-mately 20% of the kernel can be wasted

    Evolutionary differences in the execution of Wason selection task with abstract and deontic material

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    En la presente investigación se estudia el razonamiento condicional de sujetos pertenecientes a los estadios de operaciones concretas y operaciones formales mediante la Tarea de Selección de Wason. La tarea consiste en presentar cuatro tarjetas y una regla que enuncia la relación existente entre los elementos que contienen. El sujeto tiene que comprobar si la regla es o no cierta levantando el menor número de tarjetas posible. Esta tarea ha sido presentada en dos versiones: una con contenido abstracto y otra con contenido deóntico facilitador. Se pretende encontrar diferencias en la ejecución debidas a las modalidades de la tarea y a las características de pensamiento de cada grupo de sujetos.In this research, we study the conditional reasoning of individuals belonging to concrete operational stages and to formal operational stages by means of Wason Selection Task. The task consists in showing four cards and a rule formulating the relationship existing among the elements they contain. The individual has to check if the rule is true or not, turning over the minimum number of cards. This task has been submitted into two versions: one with abstract content and the other with facilitator deontic content. It is intended, therefore, to find out the performance differences due to the arrangements of the task and the characteristics of thinking of each group of individuals.peerReviewe

    Evaluación de la tutoría en la Universidad de Huelva desde la perspectiva del alumnado de psicopedagogía : propuestas de mejora

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    La tutoría en la Universidad se encuentra en un periodo de análisis y evaluación justificada, por los cambios que se están produciendo en nuestro sistema educativo. La incorporación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) demanda revisar la figura y los roles desempeñado por el profesorado, tanto a nivel de docencia como de tutoría, investigación y gestión. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo de investigación encaminado a conocer y analizar la opinión del alumnado de la titulación de psicopedagogía sobre el sistema de tutorías en el ámbito universitario, tratando de evaluar dicha práctica orientadora. En base a estos hallazgos se plantean propuestas prácticas en pro de mejorar la funcionalidad y calidad de las intervenciones tutoriales.Tutoring at the university is in a period of analysis and evaluation justified the changes taking place in our educational system. Adding to the European Higher Education demand a revision of the role of the figure of the teacher, both of teaching and research. This article presents the results of a research aimed to know the opinion of the users of the tutorials in the university and, through them, evaluate that teaching practice. The report also presents some practical proposals to improve the functionality and quality of assistance to be dispensed tutorials university faculty

    PresQ: Discovery of Multidimensional Equally-Distributed Dependencies Via Quasi-Cliques on Hypergraphs

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    Cross-matching data stored on separate files is an everyday activity in the scientific domain. However, sometimes the relation between attributes may not be obvious. The discovery of foreign keys on relational databases is a similar problem. Thus techniques devised for this problem can be adapted. Nonetheless, when the data is numeric and subject to uncertainty, this adaptation is not trivial. This paper firstly introduces the concept of Equally-Distributed Dependencies, which is similar to the Inclusion Dependencies from the relational domain. We describe a correspondence in order to bridge existing ideas. We then propose PresQ: a new algorithm based on the search of maximal quasi-cliques on hyper-graphs to make it more robust to the nature of uncertain numerical data. This algorithm has been tested on seven public datasets, showing promising results both in its capacity to find multidimensional equally-distributed sets of attributes and in run-time