48 research outputs found

    Medidas radioeléctricas y proyecto técnico de implantación de estación base en el municipio de Benuza

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los procesos necesarios para llevar a cabo la instalación de una nueva estación base del operador TELEFÓNICA MÓVILES ESPAÑA S.A en el Polígono 14, Parcela 488 Benuza, León. Con ello se pretende dar cobertura 3G al pueblo de Benuza utilizando la tecnología UMTS 900 y empleando equipos NOKIA, así como adaptarlo al terreno para su correcto funcionamiento; todo ello enfocado desde el ámbito de las emisiones radio eléctricas.This work consists in the description of the tasks involved in making the new installation of a base station of the operator TELEFÓNICA MÓVILES ESPAÑA S.A in Polígono 14, Parcela 488 Benuza, León. The main objective is to give coverage to the village by introducing the UMTS 9900 technology with NOKIA equipment as well as the adaptation of the terrain for its proper functioning; focusing on the Radio-frequency Electrical Measurements aspect.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Específicas de Telecomunicació

    Proyecto de implantación de estación base para equipos de telecomunicaciones con tecnología 3G

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    El trabajo consiste en la descripción de los trabajos a realizar para la instalación de una nueva estación base de la operadora Orange Espagne S.A.U. en el interior del centro existente propiedad de la empresa IKEA IBERICA S.A, en la calle Me Falta un Tornillo Nº 5, del municipio de Arroyo de la Encomienda, provincia de Valladolid. El objetivo es el de dar cobertura a toda la zona interior del centro mediante la implantación de la tecnología UMTS 2100 mediante equipos ERICSSON y la adecuación de las instalaciones para su correcto funcionamiento; incluyendo las condiciones en el suministro de material y mano de obra necesarios para el montaje de los nuevos equipos necesarios para su correcto funcionamiento.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Concepts associated with health from the perspective of sustainable development

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    The concept of health is a social construction defined by the historical-cultural contexts of societies. At the moment, this context is characterized by global challenges such as climate change, energy crisis, the north-south divide, and poverty, among others. In view of these challenges, sustainable development has emerged as a proposal to cope with these drawbacks of the Western development model. In this sense, it is plausible to suppose, in accordance with a new global scenario of sustainable development, that a new conception of health is also emerging. For that reason, this paper aims at identifying this renewed concept of health, together with related concepts which are mentioned in the official documents on sustainable development originated in the world summits. Despite the fact that the concepts of health and sustainable development have been understood as being equivalent, none of the aforementioned official documents has provided societies with an explicit concept of health. It was verified that the concept of health has been associated with that of need satisfaction and preservation of ecosystems, whereas the construct of illness is associated with the concepts of poverty and high consumption levels. Finally, it is concluded that health is an intermediate goal of sustainable development and not an end in itself.El concepto de salud es una construcción social definida por los contextos histórico-culturales de las sociedades. Actualmente, dicho contexto está caracterizado por problemas como el cambio climático, la crisis energética, los desequilibrios norte-sur, y la pobreza, entre otros, que llevaron al surgimiento del desarrollo sostenible como una propuesta para afrontar estos defectos del modelo de desarrollo occidental. En ese sentido, es plausible suponer que en el marco de este escenario global con el surgimiento del desarrollo sostenible también esté emergiendo una nueva concepción de la salud. Por esa razón, en este trabajo nos propusimos identificar el concepto de salud, y los conceptos asociados a ésta, que se encuentran en los documentos oficiales del desarrollo sostenible que han surgido en las diferentes cumbres mundiales. Aunque se pudo inferir que los conceptos de salud y desarrollo sostenible son equivalentes, en ninguno de estos documentos se encontró un concepto explícito de salud. Así mismo, se observó que el concepto de salud está asociado con el de satisfacción de necesidades y cuidado de los ecosistemas, mientras que el de enfermedad está asociado a los conceptos de pobreza y elevados niveles de consumo. Finalmente, se concluye que la salud es un objetivo intermedio del desarrollo sostenible y no un fin en sí mismo

    CD229 (Ly9) a Novel Biomarker for B-Cell Malignancies and Multiple Myeloma

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    CD229 is a cell-surface molecule predominantly expressed on lymphocytes. Its expression in B-cell malignancies is poorly known. We tested the presence of this immunoreceptor on a large number of malignancies and normal tissue using a new monoclonal antibody and tissue microarrays. Our data show that CD229 expression is restricted to hematopoietic cells. It was strongly expressed in myeloma and marginal-zone lymphomas. Because of the high expression on multiple myeloma cells, we also analyze the presence of soluble CD229 in the sera of these patients. We showed that serum levels of soluble CD229 in myeloma patients, at the time of diagnosis, could be useful as a prognostic biomarker. Altogether, our results indicate that CD229 represents not only a useful disease biomarker but also an attractive therapeutic target. CD229 (Ly9) homophilic receptor, which belongs to the SLAM family of cell-surface molecules, is predominantly expressed on B and T cells. It acts as a signaling molecule, regulating lymphocyte homoeostasis and activation. Studies of CD229 function indicate that this receptor functions as a regulator of the development of marginal-zone B cells and other innate-like T and B lymphocytes. The expression on leukemias and lymphomas remains poorly understood due to the lack of CD229 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) for immunohistochemistry application (IHC). In this study, we used a new mAb against the cytoplasmic region of CD229 to study the expression of CD229 on normal tissues and B-cell malignancies, including multiple myeloma (MM), using tissue microarrays. We showed CD229 to be restricted to hematopoietic cells. It was strongly expressed in all cases of MM and in most marginal-zone lymphomas (MZL). Moderate CD229 expression was also found in chronic lymphocyte leukemia (CLL), follicular (FL), classic mantle-cell (MCL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Given the high expression on myeloma cells, we also analyzed for the presence of soluble CD229 in the sera of these patients. Serum levels of soluble CD229 (sCD229) at the time of diagnosis in MM patients could be useful as a prognostic biomarker. In conclusion, our results indicate that CD229 represents not only a useful biomarker but also an attractive therapeutic target

    Concepts associated with health from the perspective of sustainable development

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    The concept of health is a social construction defined by the historical-cultural contexts of societies. At the moment, this context is characterized by global challenges such as climate change, energy crisis, the north-south divide, and poverty, among others. In view of these challenges, sustainable development has emerged as a proposal to cope with these drawbacks of the Western development model. In this sense, it is plausible to suppose, in accordance with a new global scenario of sustainable development, that a new conception of health is also emerging. For that reason, this paper aims at identifying this renewed concept of health, together with related concepts which are mentioned in the official documents on sustainable development originated in the world summits. Despite the fact that the concepts of health and sustainable development have been understood as being equivalent, none of the aforementioned official documents has provided societies with an explicit concept of health. It was verified that the concept of health has been associated with that of need satisfaction and preservation of ecosystems, whereas the construct of illness is associated with the concepts of poverty and high consumption levels. Finally, it is concluded that health is an intermediate goal of sustainable development and not an end in itself.El concepto de salud es una construcción social definida por los contextos histórico-culturales de las sociedades. Actualmente, dicho contexto está caracterizado por problemas como el cambio climático, la crisis energética, los desequilibrios norte-sur, y la pobreza, entre otros, que llevaron al surgimiento del desarrollo sostenible como una propuesta para afrontar estos defectos del modelo de desarrollo occidental. En ese sentido, es plausible suponer que en el marco de este escenario global con el surgimiento del desarrollo sostenible también esté emergiendo una nueva concepción de la salud. Por esa razón, en este trabajo nos propusimos identificar el concepto de salud, y los conceptos asociados a ésta, que se encuentran en los documentos oficiales del desarrollo sostenible que han surgido en las diferentes cumbres mundiales. Aunque se pudo inferir que los conceptos de salud y desarrollo sostenible son equivalentes, en ninguno de estos documentos se encontró un concepto explícito de salud. Así mismo, se observó que el concepto de salud está asociado con el de satisfacción de necesidades y cuidado de los ecosistemas, mientras que el de enfermedad está asociado a los conceptos de pobreza y elevados niveles de consumo. Finalmente, se concluye que la salud es un objetivo intermedio del desarrollo sostenible y no un fin en sí mismo

    Concepts associated with health from the perspective of sustainable development

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    The concept of health is a social construction defined by the historical-cultural contexts of societies. At the moment, this context is characterized by global challenges such as climate change, energy crisis, the north-south divide, and poverty, among others. In view of these challenges, sustainable development has emerged as a proposal to cope with these drawbacks of the Western development model. In this sense, it is plausible to suppose, in accordance with a new global scenario of sustainable development, that a new conception of health is also emerging. For that reason, this paper aims at identifying this renewed concept of health, together with related concepts which are mentioned in the official documents on sustainable development originated in the world summits. Despite the fact that the concepts of health and sustainable development have been understood as being equivalent, none of the aforementioned official documents has provided societies with an explicit concept of health. It was verified that the concept of health has been associated with that of need satisfaction and preservation of ecosystems, whereas the construct of illness is associated with the concepts of poverty and high consumption levels. Finally, it is concluded that health is an intermediate goal of sustainable development and not an end in itself

    An epistemology for sustainability science: a proposal for the study of the health/disease phenomenon

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    Epistemological approaches in classical science were grounded on the explanatory needs of the phenomena of their historical time. Nevertheless, our contemporary world shows challenging situations in which the explanatory models of normal sciences have not proved effective. One of these fields is the area of health, in which the complexity of pathological phenomena continuously overwhelms the capacity of the classical models of biomedical research to provide effective answers regarding their comprehension, prevention and control. In the last decade a new science of sustainability has emerged, grounded in general systems theory and the conceptual basis of sustainable development. This area has become a scientific possibility for transcending reductionist analyses of classical sciences, by means of systemic comprehension of contemporary phenomena within the economic, social, environmental, political and ecological domains. However, the literature shows few specific references to an epistemological approach that may establish the boundaries for a metatheoretical structure on which knowledge can be generated in the framework of this emerging scientific discipline. This paper proposes an epistemological model for analysis of the health–disease phenomenon from the point of view of sustainability science.Peer Reviewe

    An epistemology for sustainability science: a proposal for the study of the health/disease phenomenon

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    Epistemological approaches in classical science were grounded on the explanatory needs of the phenomena of their historical time. Nevertheless, our contemporary world shows challenging situations in which the explanatory models of normal sciences have not proved effective. One of these fields is the area of health, in which the complexity of pathological phenomena continuously overwhelms the capacity of the classical models of biomedical research to provide effective answers regarding their comprehension, prevention and control. In the last decade a new science of sustainability has emerged, grounded in general systems theory and the conceptual basis of sustainable development. This area has become a scientific possibility for transcending reductionist analyses of classical sciences, by means of systemic comprehension of contemporary phenomena within the economic, social, environmental, political and ecological domains. However, the literature shows few specific references to an epistemological approach that may establish the boundaries for a metatheoretical structure on which knowledge can be generated in the framework of this emerging scientific discipline. This paper proposes an epistemological model for analysis of the health–disease phenomenon from the point of view of sustainability science.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterización estomática de cinco especies del género Vanilla.

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    The objective was to characterize the stomata of five species of vanilla. Throughout 2012, leaf samples of V. planifolia G. Jackson, V. pompona Schiede, V. indora Schiede, V. insignis Ames and V. odorota Presl were taken from the vanilla germplasm bank at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. The stomata size was obtained considering their length and width, as well as the index and stomata number of the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces in a randomized complete block design with three replications. V. pompona Schiede and V. inodora Schiede showed the highest stomatal index with 8713 and 8246 stomata per mm2, respectively, followed by V. odorata Presl with 4412 stomata per mm2. V. insignis Ames and V. planifolia G. Jackson showed the lowest stomata index with 2968 and 1378 stomata per mm2, respectively, in the abaxial leaf surface, these differences were statistically significant (P≤0.05). According to the position of the leaf stomata, V. planifolia G. Jackson and V. inodora Schiede can be considered to be hypostomatics since they showed stomata only in the abaxial leaf surface. V. insignis Ames, V. inodora Schiede and V. odorata Presl. can be considered to be anfiestomatic because they showed stomata in both the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces. V. inodora Schiede had smaller stomata compared with the other species.That is an important feature to be included in the genetic improvement of the genus Vanilla, because due to climate change, temperature will increase and precipitation will decrease, so Vainilla will require more efficient genotypes for water use.El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los estomas de cinco especies de vainilla. Durante el año 2012 se tomaron muestras de hoja de Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson, V. pompona Schiede, V. inodora Schiede, V. insignis Ames y V. odorata Presl, del banco de germoplasma de vainilla de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Se obtuvo el tamaño de estomas al considerar el largo y ancho de estos, índice y número estomático de la parte abaxial y adaxial de la hoja, en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. V. pompona Schiede y V. inodora Schiede presentaron mayor índice estomático con 8713 y 8246 estomas por mm2, respectivamente, seguido por V. odorata Presl con 4412 estomas por mm2. V. insignis Ames y V. planifolia G. Jackson tuvieron el menor índice estomático con 2968 y 1378 estomas por mm2, respectivamente, en la superficie abaxial de la hoja, diferencias que fueron estadísticamente significativas (p≤ 0,05). Por la posición de los estomas en la hoja, V. planifolia G. Jackson y V. pompona Schiede se pueden considerar hipoestomáticas por presentar estomas solamente en la parte abaxial de la hoja. V. insignis Ames, V. inodora Schiede y V. odorata Presl se pueden considerar anfiestomáticas por presentar estomas en la parte abaxial y adaxial de la hoja. V. inodora Schiede presentó estomas más pequeños en comparación con las demás especies, característica importante para ser integrada en el mejoramiento genético del género Vanilla, al considerar el cambio climático, donde el aumento de temperatura y disminución de la precipitación requieren de genotipos con mayor eficiencia en el uso de agua