3,269 research outputs found

    Helium and neon isotopes in São Miguel island basalts, Azores Archipelago: New constraints on the “low 3He” hotspot origin

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    Lavas from the São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago, have peculiar isotopic compositions, including radiogenic lead and strontium and un-radiogenic neodymium. The peculiar isotopic trend of São Miguel is evident in the lead-lead diagram where both 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios are high for a given 206Pb/204Pb ratio compared to other oceanic island basalts. This signature is unique among OIBs and is particularly evident in the Nordeste area, the oldest part of São Miguel island (≥1 Ma). Only a few olivine samples from the Nordeste volcanic complex have been analyzed for helium. They show radiogenic helium signatures with 4He/3He up to 174,000 (R/Ra ~4) [Moreira et al., Helium and lead isotope geochemistry in the Azores archipelago, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 169: 189–205, 1999]. However, because the Nordeste volcano has an age between 1 and 4 Ma and because these samples have low helium concentrations, these radiogenic helium isotopic ratios must be considered with caution as they can also reflect post eruptive radiogenic production. In this paper we present a detailed study of the helium and neon isotopic ratios obtained from 17 Nordeste samples in order to better constrain the helium isotopic signature of the São Miguel mantle source. By coupling helium and the other isotopic systems, we propose that the São Miguel source contains non-degassed material, enriched in U and Th, that was stored in the mantle for the last ~3 Ga. As suggested by Elliot et al. [Elliott et al., The origin of enriched mantle beneath São Miguel, Azores, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71: 219–240, 2007], underplated magma intruded into oceanic lithosphere and subducted ~3 Ga ago is a possible explanation for the peculiar São Miguel source isotopic signatures

    A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Secondary Education Output in Portugal

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    This paper contributes to the discussion about the performance and efficiency of Portuguese secondary schools, using the stochastic production frontier analysis. We discuss the impact of school variables and the environment on output (measured by the average national examination scores), as determinants of the shape of technology and degree of efficiency. We find, in particular, that teacher seniority, school size and private management have a positive impact on output. The area where the school is located also plays an important role. Further, results show that schools differ considerably in their efficiency levels, and we also address the use of the stochastic frontier methodology in order to improve the computation of school rankings.

    REDVEDA: análisis de un proyecto institucional para la integración de Internet en el ámbito de la educación de adultos

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    Este artículo ofrece una revisión del desarrollo y resultados del Proyecto RedVEDA (Red Virtual para la educación de Adultos) cuya meta fue facilitar el proceso de integración y uso de los recursos de Internet en los centros y aulas de educación de personas adultas de Canarias. El proyecto fue financiado por el Programa SOCRATES de la Unión Europea y participaron administradores educativos y profesores de educación de adultos pertenecientes al Gobierno de las Islas Canarias (España), Landskrona (Suecia) y Kotka (Finlandia) apoyados por un equipo de investigación de la Universidad de La Laguna. Los logros más destacados consistieron en la formación de más de 40 profesores para que utilizaran las nuevas tecnologías en sus aulas; en la creación de 15 materiales multimedia para la enseñanza de adultos, en la redacción de una Guía Pedagógica para el uso de los recursos de Internet y en el desarrollo de un website propio del proyecto. Palabras clave Educación de adultos, Internet en las escuelas, innovación educativa, profesores y ordenadores.This report shows a revision of development and results of RedVEDA Project (Virtual Network for Adult People Adult Education). The main goal in this Project was to provide the way to integrate Internet resources for use by adult people adult school settings. It was financed by SOCRATES Program (European Union), and educational managers and teachers in adult people adult education from Canary Islands (Spain), Landskrona (Sweden) and Kotka (Finland) took part in it, supported by a universitary research group. Most The important achievements in the project consisted in the specific outcomes involoved training of up to 40 teachers in the use of new technologies, in their classrooms; the design and development of 15 different sets of multimedia materials for adults people teaching; write a pedagogical Guide of the Internet recourses, and the design and management of a specific website for the Project project website. Key words Adult education, Internet in the schools, Educational innovation, Teachers and computers

    E-learning and Digital Competences: Some Reflections and Proposals for Judicial School

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    Este artículo aborda el análisis y reflexión sobre la planificación de programas de formación continua de jueces y magistrados a través de entornos virtuales o plataformas de elearning. El mismo está organizado en dos grandes partes: la primera pretende ofrecer brevemente los fundamentos teóricos del concepto de eLearning haciendo especial referencia a la caracterización de las aulas y campus virtuales, así como de las competencias digitales. La segunda presentará algunas ideas o propuestas de cómo planificar e implementar el eLearning para la oferta de formación continua desde la Escuela Judicial.This article addresses the analysis and reflection on plan training programs for judges and magistrates through virtual environments or elearning platforms. The document is organized into two main parts: the first aims to provide the theoretical basis of the eLearning concept, the classroom and virtual campus as well as digital skills. The second will present some ideas or suggestions on how to plan and implement eLearning to offer continuous training from the Judicial School

    La educación de los medios de comunicación y su integración en el curriculum escolar

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    En este artículo se defiende que el estudio de los medios de comunicación o mass media (TV., prensa, radio, ...) deben integrarse en el currÍculum español como un tema transversal. Se ofrece una revisión del origen y evolución de la Educación de Medios de Comunicación, una aproximación conceptual a la misma, y se apuntan ideas para una política curricular de desarrollo de este área

    The digital metamorphosis of didactic material after the parenthesis Gutenberg

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    Este artículo es un ensayo que analiza los cambios o mutaciones que se están produciendo en las características y funcionalidades de los materiales didácticos en el contexto de la sociedad digital. Se parte de la tesis que el material didáctico hegemónico de la escuela moderna (específicamente los libros de texto) respondían a la lógica de la cultura impresa caracterizada por empaquetar el conocimiento y de un modelo de desarrollo curricular estandarizado y en masa. En este S. XXI los materiales educativos se ven afectados por la transformación digital cuya mutación se describe en función de cinco dimensiones o ámbitos: la artefactual o tecnológica, la pedagógica, la funcionalidad docente, la funcionalidad discente, y los procesos de producción, distribución y consumo. Se concluye señalando que la metamorfosis del material didáctico no consiste sólo en un cambio del formato tecnológico, sino que debe ser fundamentalmente del relato cultural y de la funcionalidad pedagógica del material.This article is an essay that analyzes the changes or mutations that are taking place in the characteristics and functionalities of educational materials in the context of the digital society. It is based on the thesis that the hegemonic didactic material of the modern school (specifically textbooks) responded to the logic of printed culture characterized by packaging knowledge and a standardized and mass curriculum development model. In this S. XXI educational materials are affected by digital transformation whose mutation is described in terms of five dimensions or areas: artifactual or technological, pedagogical, teaching functionality, learning functionality, and production processes, distribution and consumption. It concludes by pointing out that the metamorphosis of the didactic material does not consist only in a change of the technological format, but it must be fundamentally of the cultural story and of the pedagogical functionality of the material.peerReviewe

    Igualdad de oportunidades y nuevas tecnologías : un modelo educativo para la alfabetización tecnológica

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    Las nuevas tecnologías de la información son un hecho imparable y que reporta importantes y variados beneficios a quienes las utilizan. Sin embargo tienen efectos secundarios perniciosos sobre nuestro sistema social. Entre ellos, el segmentar y separar más las distancias económicas y culturales entre los sectores integrados en el desarrollo tecnológico y la población excluida de dicho desarrollo. La planificación de políticas sociales y educativas dirigidas a compensar las desigualdades en el acceso a las tecnologías de la información es una necesidad urgente y necesaria si se pretende que la sociedad de la información no sea para unos pocos, sino para la inmensa mayoría de la ciudadanía.Les noves tecnologies de la informació són un fet que no té aturador i que reporta importants i diversos beneficis a qui les utilitza. Malgrat tot té efectes secundaris perniciosos sobre el nostre sistema social. Entre els que cal destacar, la major separació i segmentació de les distàncies econòmiques i culturals entre els sectors integrats en el desenvolupament tecnològic i la població exclosa d'aquest desenvolupament. La planificació de polítiques socials i educatives dirigides a compensar les desigualtats en l'accés a les tecnologies de la informació és una necessitat urgent i necessària si es pretén que la societat de la informació no sigui per una minoria, sinó per la immensa majoria de la ciutadania.New Technologies are an undeniable fact and they provide important and varied advantages to people who make use of them. However, they have got a lot of damaging secondary effects for our social sistem. One of the most important of these effects is the increase of cultural and economic distance between different social groups involved in technological development and those groups excluded of this development. The planification of different social and educational political actions pointed to compensate inequalities in the access to New Technologies is an urgent need if we want the Information Society to be not only for a few, but for the greater part of the citizens


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    In recent years, technological advancements have enabled higher-learning institutions to offer millions of independent learners the opportunity to participate in open-access online courses. As this practice expands, drawing considerable media attention, questions continue to arise regarding pedagogical methodology and the long-term viability of open learning. Furthering Higher Education Possibilities through Massive Open Online Courses seeks to provide a space for discussion of MOOCs: what they mean for the learning process, how they are redefining the concept of a classroom, and what effects they may have on the role of teachers. Featuring emerging research on a variety of topics relating to distance education, informal learning, as well as educational costs and funding, this book is aimed at teachers, administrators, business professionals, and designers of both curricular resources and e-classroom technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in food chains in the context of globalization

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    This article highlighting the political and ideological conditions necessary for globalization and the role of the technologies associated with this process is an attempt to explain the nature and dynamics of change in food chains. In this text, a political-economic perspective is employed, relying on well-known theoretical and empirical examples that abound in the literature about globalization of food, and on the underlying theoretical explanation of the structural changes brought about or intensified by the globalization process. It seeks to understand the logic and dynamic that explains why the corporate retailers became the main economic motors of deep and rapid changes in food chains and after a short appraisal of the effects of the changes it seeks to identify the winners and losers of the process