42 research outputs found


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    An approach to personal assistance service and its implementation in Spain. The profile of the beneficiary of the provision in Galicia

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    Introducci贸n: El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es conocer y estudiar el perfil de la persona beneficiaria de la prestaci贸n de asistencia personal, una de las prestaciones del Cat谩logo de servicios y prestaciones del Sistema para la Autonom铆a y Atenci贸n a la Dependencia. Material y m茅todos: Mediante un estudio observacional descriptivo de prevalencia, se persigue conocer el perfil de las personas beneficiarias de la prestaci贸n de asistencia personal y el grado de implantaci贸n de la misma. Resultados: Los datos nos muestran que la prestaci贸n econ贸mica de asistencia personal sigue siendo, dentro del cat谩logo de servicios y prestaciones del Sistema, una de las modalidades de atenci贸n de menor resoluci贸n en Galicia y en el conjunto del Estado. Discusi贸n: La figura de asistente personal no ha conseguido establecerse, hasta el momento, como un servicio de referencia para las personas con diversidad funcional. En el presente trabajo identificamos una serie de factores que entendemos dificultan el desarrollo de esta prestaci贸n y la implantaci贸n efectiva de la misma.Introduction: The main goal of this research is to know and study the profile of the person who receives the economic benefit of personal assistance, one of the compensations in the Catalogue of Services and Benefits of the System for Autonomy and Attention of Dependents. Material and Methods: With a descriptive study of prevalence, this study seeks to understand the profile of the beneficiaries of personal assistance and its degree of implementation. Results: The data shows that the economic support for personal assistance remains, within the Catalogue of Services and Benefits of the System, one of the modalities of care with lower resolutions in Galicia and in the whole State. Discussion: The figure of personal assistant has not been established, so far, as a referral service for people with functional diversity. In the present article we identified a series of factors that hinder the development of this provision and the effective implementation of the same

    Supervisi贸n nocturna, diurna y comunicaci贸n: tres nuevos 铆tems para valorar la carga asistencial del paciente con deterioro cognitivo

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    [Resumen] Fundamentos: Introducir tres 铆tems en un cuestionario de valoraci贸n funcional a fin de valorar m谩s eficazmente la carga asistencial del paciente con deterioro cognitivo. M茅todos: Dise帽amos un cuestionario basado en los de utilizaci 贸n com煤n, a los que se le a帽adi贸 la capacidad de comunicaci 贸n, y la necesidad de supervisi贸n nocturna y diurna. Este estudio se valid贸 sobre una muestra de 60 sujetos diagnosticados de Alzheimer. Resultados: Encontramos una elevada correlaci贸n inter-items, una fiabilidad del 91%, y una validez concurrente con el Katz y el Barthel del 95%. Conclusi贸n: El cuestionario es 煤til y fiable para evaluar la dependencia funcional en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo y de acuerdo con ella establecer y organizar los servicios y cubrir las necesidades encontradas.[Abstract] Fundaments: To introduce three items in a questionnaire of functional assessment in order to valorise more efficiently caregiver s burden of patients with cognitive impairment. Methods: we designed a questionnaire based on the classic ones, to which we added three items, such as the communicative ability, the necessity of daily supervision and the necessity of supervision during the night. In order to give validity to the instrument, a prospective field work is carried out on a sample of 60 patients with Alzheimer s Disease. Results: We obtained elevated correlation inter-items, reliability of 91% and concurrent validity of 95%.Elevated correlation inter-items, reliability: 91%; concurrent validity: 95%. Conclusion: It is at the same time an useful and reliable instrument for the aims of evaluation of the necessities of the elderly people which favors the planning of the services to offer

    Psychological Profile and Consumption of Healthcare Resources in Actively Employed People, Pre-Retirees, and Retirees

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    Research on personality variables and consumption of health services in actively employed people or retirees has been extensive, but the group of pre-retirees has hardly been studied. This work attempts to determine the mental health and use of health resources of the three groups, hypothesizing that, as the group of pre-retirees does not receive the social stigma of work exclusion, it will present better mental health. A sample of 1332 Spanish participants aged between 51 and 69 years was randomly chosen, and various personality tests were applied, and consumption of healthcare resources was determined. Pairwise analysis of the three work situations using binary logistic regressions showed that pre-retirees present better mental health, although there were no differences in the consumption of healthcare resources. The implications of this study for the creation of health promotion policies targeting older people, depending specifically on their employment status, are discussedS

    Hacia nuevos modelos de atenci贸n en centros de larga estancia de personas mayores, reflexiones post pandemia

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    With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, residential care models for people in a situation of dependency, particularly in long-term care centers, have been at the center of the debate. The elderly population, in general, and in particular, the institutionalized elderly, were the most affected by the pandemic. These facts derived from the pandemic, together with the change in the profile of users, make it necessary to create new models that place the elderly person at the center of care and assistance. Objective: To highlight the weaknesses and strengths of the current residential care models in small, medium and large centers and to know the degree of preparation they have to face the implementation of these new models. Methodology: The methodology is qualitative through the collection of information through interviews, observation of workers and users of different centers, as well as carrying out a bibliographic review. Results: The results are structured in 4 dimensions and 22 categories in which the responses of the 30 participants are collected. Conclusions: The different models of residential care are adapted to the characteristics of each center, taking into account architectural aspects, location, labor resources and user profiles. Assessing which is better or worse requires a very deep reflection, being very difficult to satisfy everyone.Con la llegada de la pandemia de la Covid-19 los modelos de atenci贸n residencial a personas en situaci贸n de dependencia, en particular en los centros de larga estancia, han estado en el centro del debate. La poblaci贸n mayor, en general, y en particular, los mayores institucionalizados, fueron los m谩s afectados por la pandemia. Estos hechos derivados de la pandemia, conjuntamente con el cambio en el perfil de los usuarios, hacen necesaria la creaci贸n de nuevos modelos que sit煤en a la persona mayor en el centro de la atenci贸n y asistencia. Objetivo: Poner de manifiesto las debilidades y fortalezas de los modelos de atenci贸n residenciales y, conocer el grado de preparaci贸n que disponen para enfrentarse a la implantaci贸n de estos nuevos modelos. Metodolog铆a: La metodolog铆a es cualitativa a trav茅s de recogida de informaci贸n mediante entrevistas, observaci贸n de trabajadores y usuarios de diferentes centros, adem谩s de llevar a cabo una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Resultados: Los resultados se estructuran en 4 dimensiones y 22 categor铆as en las que se recogen las respuestas de los 30 participantes. Conclusiones: Los centros que han sido objeto de estudio tratan de potenciar la autonom铆a e independencia de los usuarios aun cuando son conscientes de las deficiencias actuales y se esfuerzan por adaptarse a las caracter铆sticas de un modelo m谩s centrado en la persona

    Psychological, social and health-related challenges in spanish older adults during the lockdown of the COVID-19 first wave

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    The global pandemic of COVID-19 has required a population lockdown. Spain has one of the oldest/most aging populations in the world and was one of the most affected countries. We aim to describe the psychological and social implications as well as health-related behaviors as a result of the lockdown in community-dwelling older adults. Materials and Methods: Observational cross-sectional study. A total of 528 participants of over 60 years of age were recruited using snowball sampling technique during the lockdown of the COVID-19 first wave using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire composed of descriptive questions and validated scales for resilience (Brief Resilient Coping Scale) and emotions (Scale of Positive And Negative Experience). Results: Most participants (76.9%) live with other people and have an open space at home (64%). Only 33.7% continued doing activities to promote healthy aging, 65.7% did less physical activity and 25.6% increased their intellectual activity. Most of them (83%) used electronic communication with family and friends to a greater extent, and left the house to run basic errands. Greater scores on resilience showed significant negative correlations with age and negative feelings, and positive correlations with the size of the social network and positive feelings. Lacking an open space at home was associated with more negative feelings. Discussion: Older people are a vulnerable group severely affected by this pandemic crisis at multiple levels, requiring specific interventions to minimize the effects of changes in lifestyle that may be harmful. Detecting needs is essential to improve care and support from community health and social services, both nowadays and in future similar situationsS

    Psychologist鈥檚 role in a Psychogeriatric Day Care Center

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    [Resumen] La progresiva implantaci贸n de centros asistenciales para la tercera edad, junto con la interdisciplinareidad de la actuaci贸n en valoraci贸n y posterior actuaci贸n frente a la persona mayor, hacen que el psic贸logo desempe帽e un papel claramente definido, y que en lo que respecta a los Centros de d铆a psicogeri谩tricos, papel m谩s importante si cabe, por las caracter铆sticas del usuario, cada vez se beneficia m谩s de una actuaci贸n altamente cualificada. Mediante el presente trabajo pretendemos realizar una descripci贸n de las distintas funciones del psic贸logo en un Centro de d铆a espec铆fico para pacientes con demencia, revisando y proponiendo las diferentes actuaciones de acuerdo a sus 谩reas de investigaci贸n.[Abstract] The progressive establishment of assistant centers for the third age, together with the interdisciplinary of the performance in the valuation and later performance dealing with the elderly people, make psychologist plays a clearly defined part, and in what concerns to the Psychogeriatric Day Care centers, a more important role, if possible for the user鈥檚 characteristics that benefits more and more of a highly qualified performance. By means of the present work we seek to carry out a description of the psychologist鈥檚 different functions in a day care center, specific for Alzheimer鈥檚 disease patients, revising and proposing the different performances according to the intervention areas

    Depresi贸n en los cuidadores familiares de enfermos cr贸nicos

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    Chronic illness affects the individual who suffers as all those who maintain relationships with patients, and especially to his family and caregivers. Over 50% of caregivers show high levels of depression and anxiety, which vary depending on the duration and intensity of the clinical condition of the person cared for. Material and Methods We used a non-probability sampling technique of incidental type, selecting a total of 300 people who were divided into three subsamples of 100 subjects each; Relatives caring for people who are totally dependent; Relatives caring for children and youth totally dependent and finally family caregivers of people with diseases of mild dependence, evaluated with the Beck Depression Inventory. We created a questionnaire that included questions on personal characteristics, social and labor, both of the dependent person and the family caregiver. Results and conclusions We could observe that most families do not have levels of depression or this is of a mild level unlike other studies reviewed.La enfermedad cr贸nica afecta tanto al sujeto que la padece como a todas aquellas personas que mantienen relaci贸n con el enfermo, y muy especialmente a su familia y a sus cuidadores. M谩s del 50% de los cuidadores muestran altos niveles de depresi贸n y ansiedad, variando estas en funci贸n de la duraci贸n e intensidad de la situaci贸n cl铆nica de la persona cuidada. Material y m茅todos Se utiliz贸 una t茅cnica de muestreo no probabil铆stico de tipo incidental y se seleccion贸 un total de 300 personas, las que se dividieron en tres submuestras de 100 sujetos cada una: familiares que cuidaban a personas totalmente dependientes, familiares que cuidaban a ni帽os y j贸venes totalmente dependientes, y familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedades de dependencia leve. Estas fueron evaluadas con el Inventario de Depresi贸n de Beck. Se cre贸 un cuestionario en el que se incluyeron preguntas sobre las caracter铆sticas personales, sociales y laborales tanto de la persona dependiente como del familiar cuidador. Resultados y conclusiones Se puede observar que la mayor铆a de los familiares no presenta niveles de depresi贸n o esta es de car谩cter leve a diferencia de otros estudios revisados