14 research outputs found

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    About the infinite repetition of histories in space

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    This paper analyzes two different proposals, one by Ellis and Brundrit, based on classical relativistic cosmology, the other by Garriga and Vilenkin, based on the DH interpretation of quantum mechanics. Both conclude that, in an infinite universe, planets and beings must be repeated an infinite number of times. We point to possible shortcomings in these arguments and conclude that the idea of an infinite repetition of histories in space cannot be considered, strictly speaking, a consequence of present physics and cosmology

    Automatic generation of students' conceptual models underpinned by free-text adaptive computer assisted assessment

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. D. Perez-Marin, E. Alfonseca, M. Freire, and P. Rodriguez, “Automatic generation of students' conceptual models underpinned by free-text adaptive computer assisted assessment”, in Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006, Kerkrade, 2006, pp. 280-284In this paper, we present an automatic procedure to generate students' knowledge conceptual models from their answers to an automatic free-text scoring system. The conceptual model is defined as a simplified representation of the concepts and relationships among them that each student keeps in his or her mind about an area of knowledge. It is considered that each area of knowledge comprises several topics and each topic several concepts. Each concept can be identified by a term that the students should use. A concept can belong to one topic or to several topics. The conceptual model is graphically displayed to the teachers as a conceptual map so that they can instantly see which concepts have already been assimilated and which ones should still be reviewed as they have been misunderstoodThis work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology,project number TIN2004-031

    Automatic composition of music by means of Grammatical Evolution

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in APL Quote Quad, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/604444.602249Proceedings of the 2002 conference on APL: array processing languages: lore, problems, and applications (Madrid)This work describes how grammatical evolution may be applied to the domain of automatic composition. Our goal is to test this technique as an alternate tool for automatic composition. The AP440 auxiliary processor will be used to play music, thus we shall use a grammar that generates AP440 melodies. Grammar evolution will use fitness functions defined from several well-known single melodies to automatically generate AP440 compositions that are expected to sound like those composed by human musicians.This paper has been sponsored by the Spanish Interdepartmental Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), project numbers TEL1999-0181 and TIC2001-0685-C02-1

    Diseño inteligente, evolución al azar, o evolución providencial

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    As every scientific theory, the theory of evolution evolves, but this does not mean that this theory is suffering a crisis, as upheld by various creationist movements. In particular, the theory of intelligent design asserts, relying on apparently scientific arguments, that evolution cannot take place except through divine intervention. As the opposite stance, evolutionary atheism asserts that evolution is a mere result of chance, without any participation of design. Both stances are extra-scientific, because they are un-falsifiable. At most, they can be considered as metaphysical hypotheses. Providential evolution, proposed by the author relying on his research in the field of artificial life, which provides an example of the combination of chance and design, could be considered as a purely metaphysical version of intelligent design.Como todas las teorías científicas, la teoría de la evolución evoluciona. Sin embargo, eso no quiere decir que esté en crisis, como defienden diversos movimientos creacionistas. En particular, la teoría del diseño inteligente sostiene, apoyándose en argumentos supuestamente científicos, que la evolución no puede tener lugar sin intervención divina. En la postura opuesta, el ateísmo evolucionista sostiene que la evolución es mero resultado del azar, sin participación alguna del diseño. Ambas posturas son extra-científicas, porque no se puede demostrar que sean falsas. A lo sumo, pueden considerarse como hipótesis metafísicas. La evolución providencial, propuesta por el autor apoyándose en sus investigaciones en el campo de la vida artificial, que proporciona un ejemplo de la combinación de azar y diseño, podría considerarse como una versión puramente metafísica del diseño inteligente

    About the infinite repetition of histories in space

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    This paper analyzes two different proposals, one by Ellis and Brundrit, based on classical relativistic cosmology, the other by Garriga and Vilenkin, based on the DH interpretation of quantum mechanics. Both conclude that, in an infinite universe, planets and beings must be repeated an infinite number of times. We point to possible shortcomings in these arguments and conclude that the idea of an infinite repetition of histories in space cannot be considered, strictly speaking, a consequence of present physics and cosmology

    Generación Automática de Entornos de Simulación con Interfaces Inteligentes

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    Este artículo describe cómo generar automáticamente entornos de simulación con interfaces de usuario inteligente, a partir de la descripción del modelo de simulación. Para ello hemos utilizado nuestro propio lenguaje de simulación continua orientado a objetos, OOCSMP, un compilador realizado para este lenguaje, capaz de generar código en C++ para las simulaciones y la interfaz, y un gestor de tareas de usuario, ATOMS, también construido por nosotros, capaz de ofrecer facilidades runtime a los usuarios de las aplicaciones

    Using meta-modelling and graph grammars to create modelling environments

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    This paper presents the combined use of meta-modelling and graph grammars for the generation of visual modelling tools for simulation formalisms. In meta-modelling, formalisms are described at a meta-level. This information is used by a meta-model processor to generate modelling tools for the described formalisms. We combine meta-modelling with graph grammars to extend the model manipulation capabilities of the generated modelling tools, as we store (meta-)models as graphs, and thus, express model manipulations as graph grammars. We show the design and implementation of these concepts in AToM 3 (A Tool for Multi-formalism, Meta-Modelling). As an example we will present a meta-model for Causal Block Diagrams and a graph grammar to generate OOCSMP code, a continuous simulation language which has a compiler able to generate Java applets from the simulations models