10,896 research outputs found

    Residual effect of natural and synthetic zinc chelates on zinc in a soil solution of a waterlogged acidic soil. Evolution of the pH and redox potential.

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    Zinc chelates have been widely used to correct deficiencies in this micronutrient in different soil types and under different moisture conditions. The aging of the metal in soil could cause a change in its availability. Over time the most labile forms of Zn could decrease in activity and extractability and change to more stable forms. Various soil parameters, such as redox conditions, time, soil type and moisture conditions, affect the aging process and modify the solubility of the metal. In general, redox conditions influence pH and also the chemical forms dissolved in the soil solution. Soil pH also affects Zn solubility; at high pH values, most of the Zn is present in forms that are not bioavailable to plants. The objective of this study was to determine the changes in Zn over time in a soil solution in a waterlogged acidic soil to which synthetic and natural chelates were applie

    Manganese and zinc in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain: Distribution and phytoavailability prediction with chemical extraction tests

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    The extractability and distribution of manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were evaluated in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain. Both single (0.1 M hydrochloride [HCl] and 0.05 M ethylenediaminetetraacetate [EDTA]) and sequential extraction procedures (SEP) (modified Tessier procedure and Community Bureau of Reference [BCR] protocol) were applied to 29 representative soils that belong to the Alfisol, Inceptisol, and Entisol orders. Average relative Mn extractabilities with respect to the total content (16.6% for HCl and 31.9% for EDTA) were higher than those of Zn (7.7% for HCl and 6.5% for EDTA). Manganese was mainly released in the oxide-bound phase of both SEP (33.1% for modified Tessier and 48.9% for BCR), whereas Zn was predominantly found in the residual fraction (49.1% for modified Tessier and 31.4% for BCR). Significant correlations were only found between the amounts of extractable Zn and the oxide-bound fraction in both SEP. Few relationships were established between Zn fractions extracted by the BCR procedure and those obtained with the Tessier method. Both metal concentrations in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv Beka) grown in 11 selected soils and the calculated soil/plant transfer coefficients (soil/plant concentration factor (CF), mean values of 31.2 for Mn and 196 for Zn) were poorly (or not at all) correlated with the different extracted soil fractions (single and sequential). A number of empirical equations have been obtained by regression analyses to predict the Mn and Zn uptake by barley, with soil metal forms and some soil characteristics as components (pH for Mn and organic matter for Zn). Values of R2 in the equations were relatively low (<68%). Single-extraction techniques produced worse results than SEP for the evaluation of Mn phytoavailability. The modified Tessier procedure provided better predictions of Zn uptake by plants than BCR, but not better than those obtained with the HCl extraction method

    A comprehensive survey of Rhinonyssid mites (Mesostigmata: Rhinonyssidae) in Northwest Russia: New mite-host associations and prevalence data

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    Background: Rhinonyssid mites are permanent parasites of birds that inhabit their respiratory tract. There are around 600 species described worldwide and almost all species of birds are found to have embedded rhinonyssid mites. Despite their presumed relevance, these mites are largely unstudied due to the difficulty in sampling them and, therefore, the majority of mite-host associations and species-prevalence data are unknown. New information: In this study, 179 mite specimens belonging to 27 species and eight genera were identified. Notably, 18 new mite-bird associations were documented for the first time, thus increasing the known host range for these mite species. In addition, mite-host associations found in this study were compared with known associations from these species of birds in the European part of Russia and in Europe. Overall, this study represents the largest survey to date carried out on rhinonyssid mites in Russia and one of the most comprehensive datasets on rhinonyssid host-rang

    Multiple orthogonal polynomials of mixed type: Gauss-Borel factorization and the multi-component 2D Toda hierarchy

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    Multiple orthogonality is considered in the realm of a Gauss--Borel factorization problem for a semi-infinite moment matrix. Perfect combinations of weights and a finite Borel measure are constructed in terms of M-Nikishin systems. These perfect combinations ensure that the problem of mixed multiple orthogonality has a unique solution, that can be obtained from the solution of a Gauss--Borel factorization problem for a semi-infinite matrix, which plays the role of a moment matrix. This leads to sequences of multiple orthogonal polynomials, their duals and second kind functions. It also gives the corresponding linear forms that are bi-orthogonal to the dual linear forms. Expressions for these objects in terms of determinants from the moment matrix are given, recursion relations are found, which imply a multi-diagonal Jacobi type matrix with snake shape, and results like the ABC theorem or the Christoffel--Darboux formula are re-derived in this context (using the factorization problem and the generalized Hankel symmetry of the moment matrix). The connection between this description of multiple orthogonality and the multi-component 2D Toda hierarchy, which can be also understood and studied through a Gauss--Borel factorization problem, is discussed. Deformations of the weights, natural for M-Nikishin systems, are considered and the correspondence with solutions to the integrable hierarchy, represented as a collection of Lax equations, is explored. Corresponding Lax and Zakharov--Shabat matrices as well as wave functions and their adjoints are determined. The construction of discrete flows is discussed in terms of Miwa transformations which involve Darboux transformations for the multiple orthogonality conditions. The bilinear equations are derived and the τ\tau-function representation of the multiple orthogonality is given.Comment: 53 pages. In this version minor revisions regarding the Christoffel-Darboux operators are performe

    Witten's perturbation on strata with general adapted metrics

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    Let MM be a stratum of a compact stratified space AA. It is equipped with a general adapted metric gg, which is slightly more general than the adapted metrics of Nagase and Brasselet-Hector-Saralegi. In particular, gg has a general type, which is an extension of the type of an adapted metric. A restriction on this general type is assumed, and then gg is called good. We consider the maximum/minimun ideal boundary condition, dmax/mind_{\text{\rm max/min}}, of the compactly supported de~Rham complex on MM, in the sense of Br\"uning-Lesch. Let Hmax/min(M)H^*_{\text{\rm max/min}}(M) and Δmax/min\Delta_{\text{\rm max/min}} denote the cohomology and Laplacian of dmax/mind_{\text{\rm max/min}}. The first main theorem states that Δmax/min\Delta_{\text{\rm max/min}} has a discrete spectrum satisfying a weak form of the Weyl's asymptotic formula. The second main theorem is a version of Morse inequalities using Hmax/min(M)H_{\text{\rm max/min}}^*(M) and what we call rel-Morse functions. An ingredient of the proofs of both theorems is a version for dmax/mind_{\text{\rm max/min}} of the Witten's perturbation of the de~Rham complex. Another ingredient is certain perturbation of the Dunkl harmonic oscillator previously studied by the authors using classical perturbation theory. Assume that AA is a stratified pseudomanifold, and consider its intersection homology IpˉH(A)I^{\bar p}H_*(A) with perversity pˉ\bar p; in particular, the lower and upper middle perversities are denoted by mˉ\bar m and nˉ\bar n, respectively. Then, for any perversity pˉmˉ\bar p\le\bar m, there is an associated good adapted metric on MM satisfying the Nagase isomorphism Hmaxr(M)IpˉHr(A)H^r_{\text{\rm max}}(M)\cong I^{\bar p}H_r(A)^* (rNr\in\N). If MM is oriented and pˉnˉ\bar p\ge\bar n, we also get Hminr(M)IpˉHr(A)H^r_{\text{\rm min}}(M)\cong I^{\bar p}H_r(A). Thus our version of the Morse inequalities can be described in terms of IpˉH(A)I^{\bar p}H_*(A).Comment: 46 pages. A few minor corrections were mad

    Soft-404 Pages, A Crawling Problem

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    [Absctract]: During its traversal of the Web, crawler systems have to deal with multiple challenges. Some of them are related with detecting garbage content to avoid wasting resources processing it. Soft-404 pages are a type of garbage content generated when some web servers do not use the appropriate HTTP response code for death links making them to be incorrectly identified. Our analysis of the Web has revealed that 7.35% of web servers send a 200 HTTP code when a request for an unknown document is received, instead of a 404 code, which indicates that the document is not found. This paper presents a system called Soft404Detector, based on web content analysis to identify web pages that are Soft-404 pages. Our system uses a set of content-based heuristics and combines them with a C4.5 classifier. For testing purposes, we built a Soft-404 pages dataset. Our experiments indicate that our system is very effective, achieving a precision of 0.992 and a recall of 0.980 at Soft-404 pages.This research was supported by Xunta de Galicia CN2012/211, the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain and FEDER funds of the European Union (Project TIN2009-14203).Xunta de Galicia; CN2012/21