427 research outputs found

    To the problem engineering students' intercultural EFL communication

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    Cultural features of different nations make more urgent the problem of cultural identity and cultural differences. The cultural diversity of modern humanity is increased and nations try to preserve and develop their cultural identity

    Impact of nanosecond proton beam processing on nanoblocks of copper

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    X-ray studies in conjunction with the method of recoil nuclei and electron microscopy of irradiated plates polycrystalline Cu by nanosecond high power density proton beams (E=120 keV; I=80 A/cm{2}, t=50 ns) showed nano block nature of the formation of structure in the surface layer target and condensed-formed film

    Local and chain dynamics in miscible polymer blends: A Monte Carlo simulation study

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    Local chain structure and local environment play an important role in the dynamics of polymer chains in miscible blends. In general, the friction coefficients that describe the segmental dynamics of the two components in a blend differ from each other and from those of the pure melts. In this work, we investigate polymer blend dynamics with Monte Carlo simulations of a generalized bond-fluctuation model, where differences in the interaction energies between non-bonded nearest neighbors distinguish the two components of a blend. Simulations employing only local moves and respecting a non-bond crossing condition were carried out for blends with a range of compositions, densities, and chain lengths. The blends investigated here have long-chain dynamics in the crossover region between Rouse and entangled behavior. In order to investigate the scaling of the self-diffusion coefficients, characteristic chain lengths NcN_\mathrm{c} are calculated from the packing length of the chains. These are combined with a local mobility μ\mu determined from the acceptance rate and the effective bond length to yield characteristic self-diffusion coefficients Dc=μ/NcD_\mathrm{c}=\mu/N_\mathrm{c}. We find that the data for both melts and blends collapse onto a common line in a graph of reduced diffusion coefficients D/DcD/D_\mathrm{c} as a function of reduced chain length N/NcN/N_\mathrm{c}. The composition dependence of dynamic properties is investigated in detail for melts and blends with chains of length twenty at three different densities. For these blends, we calculate friction coefficients from the local mobilities and consider their composition and pressure dependence. The friction coefficients determined in this way show many of the characteristics observed in experiments on miscible blends.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, editorial change


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    Este estudo apresenta algumas reflexões sobre a inclusão escolar, temática interessante e prática desafiadora, seja para os docentes em sala de aula, para a escola como um todo, licenciados em formação e para as polí­ticas de educação inclusiva. Os estudos nesta área têm apontado que o trabalho desenvolvido com estes alunos precisa acontecer coletivamente, com docentes, gestores e famí­lia compartilhando as responsabilidades, compreendendo os limites apresentados por cada um, respeitando as diferenças, valorizando, ao máximo, habilidades e competências de forma abuscar estratégias em que o conhecimento seja propiciado de forma significativa para todos, independente das limitações. Considerando estes pontos, tivemos como objetivo neste trabalho, apresentar os desafios diários que os docentes encontram com os alunos inclusos no ensino regular, se os mesmos se consideram aptos para exercer sua profissão nesse contexto e as alternativas que estão sendo utilizadas para trabalhar com estes alunos. Para tanto, a pesquisa traz o aporte bibliográfico e análise de questionários que foram aplicados em uma escola municipal da Lapa-PR. A análise de conteúdo revelou muitos pontos que precisam ser pensados, como, turmas com grande número de alunos dificultando o trabalho individualizado que o professor precisa desenvolver com os alunos inclusos; tempo restrito para se trabalhar com todos os conteúdos de forma diversificada e dificuldade de encontrar atividades e materiais didáticos que auxiliem no processo de ensino aprendizagem dos alunos inclusos. Outro ponto observado é que os docentes, mesmo com poucas condições temporais e materiais não deixam de buscar alternativas para desenvolver suas aulas de maneira mais significativa. Nesse sentido, percebe-se e evidencia-se a importância da formação inicial e continuada destes profissionais, bem como a participação da famí­lia, da comunidade, da sociedade como um todo nos processos de decisões acerca do trabalho educativo, além das polí­ticas educacionais que precisam ser implementadas efetivamente para que a educação inclusiva aconteça

    The Zambia Children\u27s KS-HHV8 Study: Rationale, Study Design, and Study Methods

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    The epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus in Zambia has led to a dramatic rise in the incidence of human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8)–associated Kaposi\u27s sarcoma in both adults and children. However, there is a paucity of knowledge about the routes of HHV-8 transmission to young children. The Zambia Children\u27s KS-HHV8 Study, a large, prospective cohort study in Lusaka, Zambia, was launched in 2004 to investigate the role of household members as a source of HHV-8 infection in young children and social behaviors that may modify the risk of HHV-8 acquisition. This cohort is distinct from other epidemiologic studies designed to investigate HHV-8 incidence and transmission because it recruited and followed complete households in the urban central African context. Between July 2004 and March 2007, 1,600 households were screened; 368 households comprising 464 children and 1,335 caregivers and household members were enrolled. Follow-up of this population continued for 48 months postrecruitment, affording a unique opportunity to study horizontal transmission of HHV-8 and understand the routes and sources of transmission to young children in Zambia. The authors describe the study rationale, design, execution, and characteristics of this cohort, which provides critical data on the epidemiology and transmission of HHV-8 to young children in Zambia

    Dopant-induced 2D-3D transition in small Au-containing clusters: DFT-global optimisation of 8-atom Au-Ag nanoalloys

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    A genetic algorithm (GA) coupled with density functional theory (DFT) calculations is used to perform global optimisations for all compositions of 8-atom Au–Ag bimetallic clusters. The performance of this novel GA-DFT approach for bimetallic nanoparticles is tested for structures reported in the literature. New global minimum structures for various compositions are predicted and the 2D–3D transition is located. Results are explained with the aid of an analysis of the electronic density of states. The chemical ordering of the predicted lowest energy isomers are explained via a detailed analysis of the charge separation and mixing energies of the bimetallic clusters. Finally, dielectric properties are computed and the composition and dimensionality dependence of the electronic polarizability and dipole moment is discussed, enabling predictions to be made for future electric beam deflection experiments

    From covalent bonding to coalescence of metallic nanorods

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    Growth of metallic nanorods by physical vapor deposition is a common practice, and the origin of their dimensions is a characteristic length scale that depends on the three-dimensional Ehrlich-Schwoebel (3D ES) barrier. For most metals, the 3D ES barrier is large so the characteristic length scale is on the order of 200 nm. Using density functional theory-based ab initio calculations, this paper reports that the 3D ES barrier of Al is small, making it infeasible to grow Al nanorods. By analyzing electron density distributions, this paper shows that the small barrier is the result of covalent bonding in Al. Beyond the infeasibility of growing Al nanorods by physical vapor deposition, the results of this paper suggest a new mechanism of controlling the 3D ES barrier and thereby nanorod growth. The modification of local degree of covalent bonding, for example, via the introduction of surfactants, can increase the 3D ES barrier and promote nanorod growth, or decrease the 3D ES barrier and promote thin film growth

    Primary effusion lymphoma associated with Human Herpes Virus-8 and Epstein Barr virus in an HIV-infected woman from Kampala, Uganda: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Primary effusion lymphoma is a recently recognized entity of AIDS related non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Despite Africa being greatly affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, an extensive MEDLINE/PubMed search failed to find any report of primary effusion lymphoma in sub-Saharan Africa. To our knowledge this is the first report of primary effusion lymphoma in sub-Saharan Africa. We report the clinical, cytomorphologic and immunohistochemical findings of a patient with primary effusion lymphoma.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 70-year-old newly diagnosed HIV-positive Ugandan African woman presented with a three-month history of cough, fever, weight loss and drenching night sweats. Three weeks prior to admission she developed right sided chest pain and difficulty in breathing. On examination she had bilateral pleural effusions.</p> <p>Haematoxylin and eosin stained cytologic sections of the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cell block made from the pleural fluid were processed in the Department of Pathology, Makerere University, College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda. Immunohistochemistry was done at the Institute of Haematology and Oncology "L and A Seragnoli", Bologna University School of Medicine, Bologna, Italy, using alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase method. <it>In situ </it>hybridization was used for detection of Epstein-Barr virus.</p> <p>The tumor cells were CD45+, CD30+, CD38+, HHV-8 LANA-1+; but were negative for CD3-, CD20-, CD19-, and CD79a- and EBV RNA+ on <it>in situ </it>hybridization. CD138 and Ki-67 were not evaluable. Our patient tested HIV positive and her CD4 cell count was 127/μL.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A definitive diagnosis of primary effusion lymphoma rests on finding a proliferation of large immunoblastic, plasmacytoid and anaplastic cells; HHV-8 in the tumor cells, an immunophenotype that is CD45+, pan B-cell marker negative and lymphocyte activated marker positive. It is essential for clinicians and pathologists to have a high index of suspicion of primary effusion lymphoma when handling HIV positive patients who have effusions without palpable tumor masses. Basic immunohistochemistry is essential for definitive diagnosis.</p