2,847 research outputs found

    Associations between physical fitness and adiposity among school-age children from Monteria, Colombia

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    Los niveles bajos de condición física se han asociado con adiposidad elevada. Ambas condiciones pueden predecir alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas. El objetivo fue analizar la relación entre la condición física y los indicadores antropométricos de adiposidad. Estudio transversal, en 534 escolares de 6 a 12 años de edad del municipio de Montería. Se midió la condición cardiorrespiratoria (CCR), flexibilidad, fuerza explosiva de miembros inferiores (FEMI), fuerza resistencia abdominal (FRA), Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), masa adiposa (PMA), y perímetro abdominal (PA). Las asociaciones entre adiposidad y la condición física se analizaron con modelos de regresión logística. Se encontró que el sobrepeso está asociado a baja CCR (ORa = 2,7, p<0,0001); el PA elevado está asociado a baja FRA (ORa = 2,2, p<0,02), y a baja CCR (ORa = 3,3, p<0,001); el PMA elevado está asociado a baja CCR (ORa = 2,7, p<0,0001). Conclusión, la condición física está asociada a la adiposidadLow physical fitness levels have been associated with elevated adiposity. Both conditions may predict cardiovascular and metabolic alterations. The objective was to analyze the associations between health-related physical fitness and adipose. A cross-sectional study in 534 school-age children aged 6-12 in Monteria, Colombia. Measurements included cardiorespiratory fitness (CCR), flexibility, explosive strength of lower limbs (FEMI), abdominal strength endurance (ASE), body mass index (BMI), percentage of adipose mass (PAM), and waist circumference (WC). The associations between adiposity and physical fitness were calculated by logistic regression models. Results indicate that overweight is associated with low CCR (aOR = 2.7, p<0.0001). Elevated PA was associated with low ASE (aOR = 2.2, p<0.02), and with low CCR (aOR = 3.3, p<0.001). Elevated PMA was associated with low CCR (aOR=2.7, p<0.0001). In conclusion, physical fitness is associated with adiposity


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    This article presents a phenomenological combustion model using turbulent flame propagation theory developed by Keck and coworkers, 1974. The model was adapted to work with gasoline-ethanol blends, following correlations presented by Bayraktar,2005. New sub-models were introduced for intake valve velocity and combustion efficiency. These allow simulating the effect of compression ratio, spark timing and fuel change. Results show good agreement with the ones in the original work as well as with experimental results in a Cooperative Fuels Research (CFR) engine

    The politics of linking educational research, policy, and practice: The case of improving educational quality in Ghana, Guatemala and Mali

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    This paper examines the political dimension of the educational research undertaken by Ghanian,\ud Guatemalan, and Malian teams as part of the 1991 to 1996, USAID-funded “Improving Educational\ud Quality” (IEQ) project. The following questions are addressed: (a) why were (or were not) aspects\ud of the educational reforms studied by the researchers; (b) why were (or were not) research findings\ud used in decision-makingabout the educationalpolicies and practices associatedwith the reforms; and\ud (c) why were particular institutional arrangements and funding levels constituted for the research and\ud dialogue activity. In offering answers to these questions, attentionis paid to local, national, and global\ud power relations and resource distributions

    Sensitivity analysis of surface ozone to modified initial and boundary conditions in both rural and industrial zones

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    International audienceA three-dimensional air quality model based on a set of chemical species mass conservation equations describes the time evolution of chemical species in the atmosphere. In order to solve this set of equations, proper choices of initial and boundary conditions are needed. Ideally, initial and boundary conditions should be determined on the basis of observations. However, since such high-resolution observations are generally not available, it becomes necessary to use other information sources to specify the initial and boundary values. The fact that both the initial and the boundary conditions are specified with some degree of presumption makes it important to evaluate their influence in the model results. In this paper we present a study of the impact of initial and boundary concentrations on the modelled surface ozone concentration over two environments: Huelva and Badajoz, an industrial and a rural zone, respectively. The impacts are analysed for the same meteorological period (10?15 August 2003)

    The impact of biogenic VOC emissions on photochemical ozone formation during a high ozone pollution episode in the Iberian Peninsula in the 2003 summer season

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    Throughout Europe the summer of 2003 was exceptionally warm, especially July and August. The European Environment Agency (EEA) reported several ozone episodes, mainly in the first half of August. These episodes were exceptionally long-lasting, spatially extensive, and associated to high temperatures. In this paper, the 10$ndash;15 August 2003 ozone pollution event has been analyzed using meteorological and regional air quality modelling. During this period the threshold values of the European Directive 2002/3/EC were exceeded in various areas of the Iberian Peninsula. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The aim of this paper is to computationally understand and quantify the influence of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in the formation of tropospheric ozone during this high ozone episode. Being able to differentiate how much ozone comes from biogenic emissions alone and how much comes from the interaction between anthropogenic and biogenic emissions would be helpful to develop a feasible and effective ozone control strategy. The impact on ozone formation was also studied in combination with various anthropogenic emission reduction strategies, i.e., when anthropogenic VOC emissions and/or NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; emissions are reduced. The results show a great dependency of the BVOC contribution to ozone formation on the antropoghenic reduction scenario. In rural areas, the impact due to a NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; and/or VOC reduction does not change the BVOC impact. Nevertheless, within big cities or industrial zones, a NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; reduction results in a decrease of the biogenic impact in ozone levels that can reach 85 &amp;mu;g/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;, whereas an Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compound (AVOC) reduction results in a decrease of the BVOC contribution on ozone formation that varies from 0 to 30 &amp;mu;g/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; with respect to the contribution at the same points in the 2003 base scenario. On the other hand, downwind of the big cities, a decrease in NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; produces a minor contribution of biogenic emissions and a decrease in AVOCs results in greater contributions of BVOCs to the formation of ozone

    Avaliação do comportamento de ligações estruturais em madeira lamelada colada por meio de parafusos autoperfurantes

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    Neste artigo é avaliado o comportamento de ligações autoperfurantes em madeira glulam, utilizando a metodologia de cálculo preconizada pelo Eurocódigo 5 para o cálculo da força estimada e para a identificação dos modos de rotura. O programa experimental e os cálculos para o coeficiente de deslizamento foram definidos pela Norma Europeia EN 26891:1991. Os resultados experimentais obtidos são discutidos e comparados com a metodologia proposta por Tomasi. Os resultados indicam que o modo de rotura, neste tipo de ligação, é o modo f. Os valores de capacidade de carga obtidos pelo Eurocódigo 5, quando comparados com os experimentais, são conservadores e os obtidos pelo método proposto por Tomasi superestima.In this paper we evaluated the behavior of self-drilling wood glulam connections, using the calculation methodology recommended by the Eurocode 5 for calculating the estimated strength and the identification of failure modes. The experimental program and the calculations for the coefficient of slip defined by the European standard EN 26891:1991. The experimental results are discussed and compared with the methodology proposed by Tomasi. The results indicate that the mode of failure in this type of connection is the way f. The load capacity values obtained by the Eurocode 5 when compared with the experimental, are conservative and those obtained by the method proposed by Tomasi overestimates

    Structural joints of cross laminated timber (CLT) with self-drilling

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    A madeira laminada colada cruzada (CLT) é composta por laminas com espessura máxima de 20 mm, colados transversalmente com um adesivo estrutural. Como as laminas são coladas com as fibras intercaladas, as características mecânicas ficam homogeneizadas. Neste artigo foi avaliado o comportamento de ligações estruturais de elementos de CLT e MLC, utilizando várias tipologias de parafusos autoperfurantes. Foi ensaiado um total de 20 corpos-de-prova de ligações divididos em 4 grupos de acordo com o tipo de parafuso usado: HBS 8x140, VGZ 7x140, SFS 8.2x190 e VGZ 7x180. A campanha experimental, a determinação da força máxima e o módulo de deslizamento obedeceram aos requisitos da EN-26891:1991. Os resultados experimentais são discutidos e comparados com a metodologia de cálculo preconizada pelo Eurocódigo 5, em particular, no que refere-se à previsão da força máxima, modo de ruptura e módulo de deslizamento. Os resultados são ainda confrontados com as conclusões de trabalhos semelhantes. Conclui-se que os sistemas de ligações dispostos com uma inclinação de penetração de 45º apresentam valores de resistência ao corte superiores aos dos sistemas de ligações com inclinação de penetração de 90º. Os deslocamentos relativos também são menores. Os módulos de deslizamentos calculados revelam-se conservadores quando comparados com os resultados experimentais, apresentado uma diferença de 22% a 30%. Quando comparamos os tipos de parafusos, constatou-se que é mais vantajoso utilizar parafusos VGZ a 45º do que SFS, pois, além de apresentarem uma relação muito próxima em termos de força máxima e deslocamento, os parafusos VGZ 7x180 são uma solução economicamente favorávelThe Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is composed of lamina with a 20 mm maximum thickness transversally glued with a structural adhesive. Because these laminas are bonded with the fibers interspersed, the mechanical characteristics are homogenized. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the behavior CLT and GLULAM structural connections, using many types of self-drillings screws. It was tested a total of 20 test pieces divided into 4 groups according to the used screw: HBS 8x140, VGZ 7x140, SFS 8.2x190 and VGZ 7x180. The experimental program, the maximum strength calculations and slip modulus met the European Standard requirements EN 26891:1991. Experimental results are discussed and compared with the calculation methodology indicated by the Eurocode 5, in particular for the estimation of maximum strength, failure modes and slip modulus. The results are also confronted with findings of similar studies. We conclude that the connections system arranged at 45° inclination have shear values higher than those with connections system at 90° inclination. The relative displacements are also smaller. The slips modulus calculated revealed to be conservative when compared with experimental results, presenting 22% to 30% difference. When comparing the screw types, it was noted that it is more advantageous to use screws VGZ at 45 ° than screws SFS because they have a close relation in terms of maximum force and displacement. In addition, the screws VGZ 7x180 are an economically favorable solution

    Histories of hating

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    This roundtable discussion presents a dialogue between digital culture scholars on the seemingly increased presence of hating and hate speech online. Revolving primarily around the recent #GamerGate campaign of intensely misogynistic discourse aimed at women in video games, the discussion suggests that the current moment for hate online needs to be situated historically. From the perspective of intersecting cultural histories of hate speech, discrimination, and networked communication, we interrogate the ontological specificity of online hating before going on to explore potential responses to the harmful consequences of hateful speech. Finally, a research agenda for furthering the historical understandings of contemporary online hating is suggested in order to address the urgent need for scholarly interventions into the exclusionary cultures of networked media