221 research outputs found

    Improving Building CFD Peak Pressure Computation Using LES with a Focus on Inflow Turbulence Methods and Grid Spacing Size.

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    Structural failures by extreme winds often leads to economic losses and even deaths. Proper design of buildings requires accurate estimation of wind loads to prevent structural damage. Using routine guidelines generally leads to the underestimation of buildings’ peak pressures, in which most failures occur. To estimate wind loads more accurately three different methods (i.e., field measurement, wind tunnel (WT), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)) are in use. A well-validated CFD provides more flow field details at lower costs compared to field measurements and WT. As strong winds are extremely turbulent, the effects of turbulence in wind should be incorporated into CFD using various turbulence modeling methods. Among these turbulence modeling methods, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is more reliable and applicable in the industry compared to other methods. However, in LES simulations, a proper turbulent flow field at the inlet as an inflow boundary condition is required to apply and predict peak pressure correctly. Otherwise, CFD underestimates peak pressure coefficients. The turbulent flow behavior in the computational domain is extremely dependent on the type of inflow generators. Inflow turbulence generation methods are categorized to (a) precursor database, (b) recycling method, and (c) synthetic turbulence methods. Synthetic inflow turbulence is a more applicable approach, as it does not require expensive prior flow simulations. In this study, different types of synthetic turbulence generator methods are considered to investigate their performance in wind engineering applications by plotting pressures and wind spectrums. The velocity spectrum at the inlet and building location is compared to the Von Karman spectrum for different inflow methods to determine how well the inflow field is representative of the real wind flow and how well the energy is carried from the inlet to the building location. Furthermore, spurious pressures are introduced and different methods are evaluated to see whether they produce spurious pressures in the domain. It is concluded that spurious pressure exists in all the considered methods except Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM) method with the Gaussian shape function (SEM-G). In addition, SEM-G is found to be a suitable method for peak pressure prediction on buildings with the upmost 30% error. Furthermore, for the considered Random Fourier Generation (RFG) Method (i.e., Consistent Discrete Random Flow Generator (CDRFG)) an approach is suggested to control spurious pressure and improve computed peak pressures on buildings

    Improving Building CFD Peak Pressure Computation Using LES with a Focus on Inflow Turbulence Methods and Grid Spacing Size.

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    Structural failures by extreme winds often leads to economic losses and even deaths. Proper design of buildings requires accurate estimation of wind loads to prevent structural damage. Using routine guidelines generally leads to the underestimation of buildings’ peak pressures, in which most failures occur. To estimate wind loads more accurately three different methods (i.e., field measurement, wind tunnel (WT), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)) are in use. A well-validated CFD provides more flow field details at lower costs compared to field measurements and WT. As strong winds are extremely turbulent, the effects of turbulence in wind should be incorporated into CFD using various turbulence modeling methods. Among these turbulence modeling methods, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is more reliable and applicable in the industry compared to other methods. However, in LES simulations, a proper turbulent flow field at the inlet as an inflow boundary condition is required to apply and predict peak pressure correctly. Otherwise, CFD underestimates peak pressure coefficients. The turbulent flow behavior in the computational domain is extremely dependent on the type of inflow generators. Inflow turbulence generation methods are categorized to (a) precursor database, (b) recycling method, and (c) synthetic turbulence methods. Synthetic inflow turbulence is a more applicable approach, as it does not require expensive prior flow simulations. In this study, different types of synthetic turbulence generator methods are considered to investigate their performance in wind engineering applications by plotting pressures and wind spectrums. The velocity spectrum at the inlet and building location is compared to the Von Karman spectrum for different inflow methods to determine how well the inflow field is representative of the real wind flow and how well the energy is carried from the inlet to the building location. Furthermore, spurious pressures are introduced and different methods are evaluated to see whether they produce spurious pressures in the domain. It is concluded that spurious pressure exists in all the considered methods except Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM) method with the Gaussian shape function (SEM-G). In addition, SEM-G is found to be a suitable method for peak pressure prediction on buildings with the upmost 30% error. Furthermore, for the considered Random Fourier Generation (RFG) Method (i.e., Consistent Discrete Random Flow Generator (CDRFG)) an approach is suggested to control spurious pressure and improve computed peak pressures on buildings

    Does Religious Proximity Affect FDI Location Choice? An Empirical Analysis of Outward FDI from Morocco to 54 Host Countries

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    The present paper investigates the effect of religious distance on the choice of location of Moroccan Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) when investing abroad. The main research hypothesis considers the religion as an element of the psychic distance between the home country and host countries that can affect the FDI location decision. The results of the Robust Weighted Least Squares (RWLS) estimation method using panel data of outward FDI flows from Morocco to 54 host countries from 2007 to 2020 show that the more the local Muslim population is important in the host country, the more it receives FDI from Morocco. The results of the study are highly relevant to policymakers as they prove that the religion is important for inward and outward foreign direct investment. On the one hand, policy makers in charge of FDI attractiveness in the host country have to adopt religious strategies accompanied by public–private partnerships to integrate main foreign religions to facilitate the integration of MNEs and reduce their transaction costs. On the other hand, policy makers in charge of promoting outward FDI from the home country have to establish a liaison office in host countries to support the MNEs and facilitate their internationalization process

    Investment opportunities in the FES-MEKNES region: an econometric modeling trial

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to provide the main factors of attractiveness for foreign investors in the manufacturing and logistics sectors of the region of FES-MKNES in Morocco. The conceptual model was developed from literature review and interviews with a sample of the leaders of foreign small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The empirical analysis is carried out using data from a survey of executives of these foreign (manufacturing and logistics) companies based in the region of FES-MKNES. The use of the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach allowed us to test the causal links between the various political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (PESTEL) factors. The scientific interest of the model is to provide decision makers of the region of FES-MKNES with the recommendations to improve the development and attractiveness of foreign investments in both logistics and manufacturing sectors.   KEYWORDSTerritorial attractiveness; PESTEL; PLS; manufacturing and logistics activitiesABSTRACT The objective of this article is to provide the main factors of attractiveness for foreign investors in the manufacturing and logistics sectors of the region of FES-MKNES in Morocco. The conceptual model was developed from literature review and interviews with a sample of the leaders of foreign small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The empirical analysis is carried out using data from a survey of executives of these foreign (manufacturing and logistics) companies based in the region of FES-MKNES. The use of the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach allowed us to test the causal links between the various political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (PESTEL) factors. The scientific interest of the model is to provide decision makers of the region of FES-MKNES with the recommendations to improve the development and attractiveness of foreign investments in both logistics and manufacturing sectors.   KEYWORDSTerritorial attractiveness; PESTEL; PLS; manufacturing and logistics activitie

    Moroccan Foreign direct investment and Human development in ECOWAS countries: an econometric modeling using dynamic panel cointegration panel approach.

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    This work establishes an empirical relationship between Moroccan foreign direct investment (FDI) and the social and human development (HDI) of ECOWAS member countries in the context of the bivariate cointegration approach with dynamic panel data and Causality at meaning of Granger over the period 2002-2015. The result supports evidence of panel cointegration between FDI and HDI. As a result, we have found that FDI has a positive impact on social and human development in the long term. The results also support evidence of long-term causality ranging from HDI to FDI and from FDI to HDI in the short and long term. Our empirical results support the idea that South-South cooperation benefits both parties in the framework of Co-development

    Assessment of the SRC Inhibition Role in the Efficacy of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy

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    Introduction: Exposure to the artificial light at night (LAN) effect human health and causes several functional modification in body. Obesity, diabetes, and hormonal changes are reported after LAN in humans. Aim of this study is highlighting critical features of gene expression changes in liver of rats which are received autonomic nervous system.Methods: Up-regulated proteins of irradiated MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells by a single and fractioned 10 Gray (Gy) 137Cs γ-radiation were analyzed by ptotein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis by Cytoscape software via STRING database. The network were analyzed by using Network analyzer to characterized the central genes. Action map was mapped for the queried genes and the added neighbors. via CluePedia-STRING ACTIONS-v10.5- 20.11.2017.Results: The 14 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) plus 10 neighbors were interacted to construct a network. Among the 14 queried DEPs FN1, CSPG4, LRP1, GSN, RTN4, and CTSD were highlighted as a complex set in analysis.  Analysis revealed that SRC as an added neighbor were activated by the critical DEPs. Activation of the other oncogene as like AKT1 also were determined.Conclusion: The results indicate that the inhibition of SRC activity or the inhibition of its activators is a useful function of breast cancer RT.

    An FCM-Based Dynamic Modelling of Integrated Project Delivery Implementation Challenges in Construction Projects

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    Question: What are the Integrated Project Delivery Implementation challenges in construction projects, their interrelationships and their effects on the project time, cost and quality?Purpose: The Purpose of this study is applying an efficient method to determine the most important challenges to IPD implementation in construction industry, and also to evaluate the interrelationships among these challenges and their effects on the project time, cost, and quality.Research Method: This study models available Integrated Project Delivery challengesusing a real case data, through applying Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping technique.Findings: Results show that contractual factors have the major influence compared with others. This shows the significance of paying attention to why project stakeholders must be integrated throughout the project life cycle since early contract documentation stage.Limitations/Implications: This study is limited to the caseselectedfrom Tehran of Iran.Value for authors: This study is significantdue to identifying, classifying and determining the intensity of effects of IPD implementation challenges on cost, time, and quality of construction projects. It results in planning, resolving the challenges, enhancing the quality of constructions and lastly saving the construction cost and time

    The Impact of Proteomic Investigations on the Development and Improvement of Skin Laser Therapy: A review article

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    Introduction: Different molecular approaches have contributed to find various response of skin to external and internal tensions such as laser irradiation and many important mediators of skin disease have been identified through these approaches. However different essential signals of skin biomarker pathways and proteins partially detected or completely unknown. In the present study impact of proteomics in the evaluation of laser therapy of skin is investigated.Methods: Keywords of “Proteomics”, Laser therapy”, “Skin”, and “Skin disease” searched in Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed search engines. After screening, 53 documents were included in the study.Results: Global assessments revealed that different proteins in different signaling pathways of skin metabolism in terms of health or illness after laser therapy are expressed differentially. Results indicated that application of proteomics is a useful method to promote the results of laser interventions.Conclusion: This kind of researches deals with practical proteomics of skin and could supply an essential skip to understand skin diseases to develop more suitable therapeutic achievements in laser application

    La contribution de l’audit interne dans la performance du système de contrôle interne : cas du secteur bancaire marocain

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    This article aims to present and identify the phenomenon of the industrial agglomeration of companies belonging to the Automobile sector through the various industrial policies implemented by the Moroccan public authorities in order to subtract answers to our problem of base which focuses on the contribution of sectoral strategic plans in the redeployment of the Automotive industry according to a territorial approach. To do this, we first proceeded with a theoretical overview of the different forms of business agglomerations, and the role of skill centers in the development of business competitiveness and the strengthening of territorial attractiveness. A historical overview of the automotive industry from independence to the integration of French automotive giant companies as RENAULT and PSA, with milestones in the sector. Subsequently, to operationalize our study, we demonstrated the role of public power in the promotion of the automotive industry through the exposure of the key factors of Morocco's attractiveness, as well as the points of weakness. Subsequently, we proceeded to an analysis of the contributions of industrial policies in order to operationalize the agglomeration of companies belonging to the sector. The results of our study showed that the spatial agglomeration of the automotive sector has enabled Morocco to create ecosystems capable of adapting to the requirements of the global automotive value chain to position itself among the most attractive countries. In Africa for companies operating in the sector. However, weaknesses persist.     Jel classification : F21 Paper type: Theoretical researchCet article a pour objectif de prĂ©senter et identifier le phĂ©nomène de l’agglomĂ©ration industrielle des entreprises appartenant au secteur de l’Automobile Ă  travers les diffĂ©rentes politiques industrielles mises en Ĺ“uvre par le pouvoir public marocain afin d’en soustraire des rĂ©ponses Ă  notre problĂ©matique de base qui porte sur la contribution des plans sectoriels stratĂ©giques dans le redĂ©ploiement de l’industrie automobile selon une approche territoriale . Pour ce faire, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© tout d’abord par un aperçu thĂ©orique sur les diffĂ©rentes formes d’agglomĂ©ration des entreprises, et le rĂ´le des pĂ´les de compĂ©tences dans le dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©titivitĂ© des entreprises et le renforcement de l’attractivitĂ© territoriale. Une vue d’ensemble historique de l’industrie automobile depuis l’indĂ©pendance et jusqu’au l’intĂ©gration des gĂ©ants de l’Automobile français RENAULT et PSA, avec les Ă©tapes marquantes du secteur. Par la suite, Pour opĂ©rationnaliser notre Ă©tude, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© le rĂ´le pouvoir public dans la promotion de l’industrie automobile Ă  travers l’exposition des facteurs clĂ©s de l’attractivitĂ© du Maroc, Ainsi que les points da faiblesse. Par la suite, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  une analyse des apports des politiques industrielles en vue d’opĂ©rationnaliser l’agglomĂ©ration des entreprises appartenant au secteur. Les rĂ©sultats de notre Ă©tude ont montrĂ© que l’agglomĂ©ration spatiale du secteur de l’Automobile ont permis au Maroc de crĂ©Ă© des Ă©cosystèmes capables de s’adapter avec les contraintes de la chaĂ®ne de valeur automobile mondiale  pour se positionner parmi les pays les plus attractifs en Afrique pour les entreprises opĂ©rantes dans le secteur .Cependant, des faiblesses persistent encore.     Classification JEL: F 21 Type de l’article : Article thĂ©oriqu
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