1,048 research outputs found

    The Development of Legislation on the Social Economy in Continental Western Europe

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    One of the main instruments for local development is the regulatory legal framework of the so-called Social Economy, a term and concept that is yet to be fully defined. The society’s approach to the generation of wealth encompasses different concepts, movements, approaches, and ways of acting, all of which pose a challenge to the determination of a precise definition. Within the European Union (E.U.), a common legislative base has been developed, although the specific legislation developed by each Member State has been uneven. The legislation may have started from the same common principles, but each country has adopted different legal forms. This work aims to outline the diverse ways of legislating on a concept that is still under construction and within similar legal frameworks, illustrating the lack of harmony between European states that, despite the sharing of borders and having common legislative foundations, distance themselves in the final legislation, a situation that does not benefit the economic unity of entrepreneurs with social principles

    Regional expression of tourism development

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    This paper aims to highlight the importance of tourism to strengthen the capacities of the different regions and their resources. With this goal in mind an empirical study was conducted in a tourist destination located in the inner part of Portugal (Beira Interior), which aimed to measure the satisfaction obtained by tourists and also to identify the elements of the supply that the demand considers more important to choose this destination. The research stated that the symbolic aspects related to the specific resources of the region were the most important elements that help tourists to choose their destination and the same elements are also those that make tourists more satisfied. Assuming that the symbolic contents are in fact the underlying identity of the region, one can conclude that the more the identity of the region is reinforced, the more the difference is motivating and the more this identity is a key factor of its attractivenessregional development, differentiation, specific resources, tourist destination, demand-oriented assessment

    Armado óptimo para el problema de dimensionamiento de secciones de hormigón armado en flexión compuesta biaxial

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    El hormigón armado es un material polifásico constituido por una mezcla de cemento, agua, áridos y aditivos. Además, dispone de una armadura en su interior formada por redondos corrugados de acero, de esta manera se solventa la baja resistencia a tracción que posee el hormigón. La forma final de la sección se obtiene a partir de moldes temporales o permanentes denominados encofrados. Esta sección resultante puede estar solicitada por diferentes esfuerzos según esté sometida a flexión pura, flexión simple, flexión compuesta, etc. En este trabajo se va a estudiar el agotamiento de una sección sometida a flexión biaxial mediante el problema de dimensionamiento. Es decir, se va a determinar el armado de una sección transversal dada para que pueda resistir un conjunto de esfuerzos (N,Mx,My). Este problema donde se obtendrán el número y las dimensiones de los redondos se realizará a partir de un script en Matlab.Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas, Ingeniería del Terreno y Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de EstructurasMáster en Ingeniería Industria

    Financial crisis and stock market linkages

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    This paper investigates interdependencies and linkages between international stock markets in the shortrun. Thus, twelve European and non-European markets were selected, and the period from 4 October 1999 to 30 June 2011 was chosen, which includes the Dot-Com crisis and the recent Global Financial Crisis. To investigate interdependence and dynamic linkages between stock markets, a vector autoregressive model, the concept of Granger causality and impulse-response functions were considered. We concluded that the global financial crisis contributes to the intensification of the interdependence between stock markets

    Ibero-American Research on Local Development. An Analysis of Its Evolution and New Trends

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    Local development is a subject that arouses significant interest in the international scientific community in general, and in the Ibero-American one, in particular. The process of globalization has transformed the management of local development, altering the role that is played by local and regional entities, and it is the object of an important follow-up and analysis by academia. This research uses a bibliometric methodology and a fractional counting method, reviewing the 738 articles from the Scopus database in order to understand the state of Ibero-American research on local development, and analyze the scientific literature on the topic. The results show a significant increase in the number of publications in the 21st century, with Spain and Brazil leading the way. In addition, this research provides interesting results regarding the most influential authors on this topic, the most relevant journals, and the most important institutions and funding organizations. There are several areas of knowledge involved since local development is a transversal field, such as Social Science, environment, business, economics, and agriculture. A deep analysis of authors’ keywords identified new trends, linking local development with tourism, education, geotourism, climate change, local sustainable development, social innovation, and creativity, which provides academia with potential new lines of research

    Does Global Financial Crisis Causes Financial Contagion Effects on European Stock Markets?

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    This paper studies the impact of the global financial crisis contagion across European stock markets. For this research, we selected seven European stock markets and picked up the period between 04/10/1999 and 30/06/2011. To identify the occurrence of contagion effect, we used the multivariate dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) developed by Engle (2002), and tests the average correlation coefficients, estimated by the DCC model in order to understand if coefficients recorded in the global financial crisis subperiod differ from those recorded in the previous sub-periods. The analysis revealed that the correlation coefficients increased significantly in the last sub-period, which confirms the existence of contagion effects among stock markets studied

    Caracterização física das formas farmacêuticas sólidas

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    A maioria dos produtos farmacêuticos comercializados é-o sob a forma de formas farmacêuticas sólidas. A escolha de uma formulação ideal prende-se com o facto de o medicamento ter de cumprir todos os pressupostos regulamentares inscritos nas farmacopeias, tanto para a substância ativa como para a forma farmacêutica em causa, sendo que também deve atingir o, ou os objetivos terapêuticos e por fim atingir elevados níveis produtivos. A melhoria nas propriedades físicas (solubilidade, tamanho das partículas, polimorfismo p.ex.) das formas farmacêuticas sólidas, quer ao nível dos excipientes ou fármacos exercem bastante influência na qualidade do medicamento final, bem como no menor custo de produção do mesmo, pelo facto de o produto final ser afetado pelas propriedades das formas farmacêuticas sólidas. Esta monografia tem como objetivo a revisão das técnicas disponíveis para o estudo das propriedades físicas das formas farmacêuticas sólidas, bem como a caracterização das formas farmacêuticas sólidas e a sua relação com os perfis de dissolução ao nível da farmacocinética.It is evident that the majority of marketed pharmaceuticals are in the form of solid dosage forms. The choice of an optimal formulation is related to the fact that the medicine has to meet all the conditions listed in pharmacopoeia regulations, both for the active substance and to pharmaceutical form in question, and must also achieve the therapeutic purposes and/or finally achieve high production levels. The improvement of physical properties (solubility, particle size or polymorphism) of solid dosage forms, either at the level of excipients or active ingredients exerts an important effect on the quality of the final drug and also on production cost. In fact, all the final product is affected by the properties of solid dosage forms. This monograph aims to review the available techniques for the study of the physical properties of solid dosage forms, as well as the characterization of solid dosage forms and their relationship with the dissolution profiles in the pharmacokinetics

    Financial interdependencies and causality in the European Union

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    The main objectives of this paper are the study of foreign direct investment (FDI) among several UE countries, the appreciation of the interdependencies among them, the integration and co-integration of the FDI export series, in order to try to discover whose economies are the financial engines of the EU, the appreciation of the way of absorption of the FDI in the destiny countries of this money, the way that the economies found to regain the equilibrium after a foreign investment stimulus. In methodological terms the paper uses the VAR modelling theory, it optimizes the lag length, it uses the SURE method to estimate the parameters, it appreciates the IRF (functions), it uses the Granger causality and the Cholesky Variance Decomposition to study the degree of dependence or of independence of one economy against the others. Before this, it studies the stationarity, the integration and the co-integration of the series

    El Club des Citoyennes Républicanes Révolutionnaires : afirmación femenina y movimiento popular durante la Revolución Francesa

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    La participación de las mujeres en la Revolución Francesa no debe constituir un capítulo anecdótico en la historiografa sobre ese tema. Nuevos trabajos de investigación y, sobre todo, la celebración en abril de 1989 en Toulouse del Congreso Internacional "Les femmes et la Révolution Francaise" así lo han querido hacer constatar. En esta línea, José Gárriz y Daniel Torras proponen, a través del estudio detallado del Club des Citoyennes Républicianes Révolutionnaires, nuevos elementos de análisis del papel de la mujer dentro del movimiento popular revolucionario.Women's participation on French Revolution must not constitue un anecdotical subject in Revolution historiography. New studies about it and, most of all, the celebration on April 1989 in Toulouse of International Congress "Les femmes et la Révolution Française" have wanted to state that. On this way, José Gárriz and Daniel Torras propose, through a detailed study of the Club des Citoyennes Républicaines Révolutionnaires, new analysis elements of woman role on popular revolutionary movement