1,067 research outputs found

    High-resolution imaging spectroscopy of two micro-pores and an arch filament system in a small emerging-flux region

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    Aims. The purpose of this investigation is to characterize the temporal evolution of an emerging flux region, the associated photospheric and chromospheric flow fields, and the properties of the accompanying arch filament system. Methods. This study is based on imaging spectroscopy with the G\"ottingen Fabry-P\'erot Interferometer at the Vacuum Tower Telescope, on 2008 August 7. Cloud model (CM) inversions of line scans in the strong chromospheric absorption Hα\alpha line yielded CM parameters, which describe the cool plasma contained in the arch filament system. Results. The observations cover the decay and convergence of two micro-pores with diameters of less than one arcsecond and provide decay rates for intensity and area. The photospheric horizontal flow speed is suppressed near the two micro-pores indicating that the magnetic field is sufficiently strong to affect the convective energy transport. The micro-pores are accompanied by an arch filament system, where small-scale loops connect two regions with Hα\alpha line-core brightenings containing an emerging flux region with opposite polarities. The chromospheric velocity of the cloud material is predominantly directed downwards near the footpoints of the loops with velocities of up to 12 km/s, whereas loop tops show upward motions of about 3 km/s. Conclusions. Micro-pores are the smallest magnetic field concentrations leaving a photometric signature in the photosphere. In the observed case, they are accompanied by a miniature arch filament system indicative of newly emerging flux in the form of Ω\Omega-loops. Flux emergence and decay take place on a time-scale of about two days, whereas the photometric decay of the micro-pores is much more rapid (a few hours), which is consistent with the incipient submergence of Ω\Omega-loops. The results are representative for the smallest emerging flux regions still recognizable as such.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, published in A&

    Genebank ‐ in vitro propagation of potato and sweetpotato. CIP‐SOP056 V 3.0

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    This procedure describes the in vitro multiplication of potato and sweetpotato germplasm for international and national germplasm distribution, as well as, in vitro conservation, phytosanitary, and cryopreservation activities

    Suspending the next turn as a form of repair initiation: Evidence from Argentine Sign Language

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    Practices of other initiated repair deal with problems of hearing or understanding what another person has said in the fast-moving turn-by-turn flow of conversation. As such, other-initiated repair plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of intersubjectivity in social interaction. This study finds and analyses a special type of other initiated repair that is used in turn-by-turn conversation in a sign language: Argentine Sign Language (Lengua de Sehas Argentina or LSA). We describe a type of response termed a "freeze-look,' which occurs when a person has just been asked a direct question: instead of answering the question in the next turn position, the person holds still while looking directly at the questioner. In these cases it is clear that the person is aware of having just been addressed and is not otherwise accounting for their delay in responding (e.g., by displaying a "thinking" face or hesitation, etc.). We find that this behavior functions as a way for an addressee to initiate repair by the person who asked the question. The "freeze-look" results in the questioner "re-doing" their action of asking a question, for example by repeating or rephrasing it Thus, we argue that the "freeze-look" is a practice for other-initiation of repair. In addition, we argue that it is an "off-record" practice, thus contrasting with known on record practices such as saying "Huh?" or equivalents. The findings aim to contribute to research on human understanding in everyday turn-by-turn conversation by looking at an understudied sign language, with possible implications for our understanding of visual bodily communication in spoken languages as we

    Effective photon mass and exact translating quantum relativistic structures

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    Using a variation of the celebrated Volkov solution, the Klein-Gordon equation for a charged particle is reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations, exactly solvable in specific cases. The new quantum relativistic structures can reveal a localization in the radial direction perpendicular to the wave packet propagation, thanks to a non-vanishing scalar potential. The external electromagnetic field, the particle current density and the charge density are determined. The stability analysis of the solutions is performed by means of numerical simulations. The results are useful for the description of a charged quantum test particle in the relativistic regime, provided spin effects are not decisive

    Efectos de la aplicación de secuencias didácticas en el aprendizaje del concepto de función bajo la teoría de las representaciones semióticas con docentes en formación

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    El concepto matemático más importante en la transición de la educación media a la educación superior, es el de función. Al ingresar a la universidad los estudiantes inician con el curso de cálculo diferencial donde este concepto se hace imprescindible para el desarrollo de los contenidos. Investigaciones precedidas a esta permitieron identificar debilidades en los estudiantes recurrentes en los últimos cuatro semestres, por ello, se propone una serie de secuencias didácticas con el fin de mejorar el aprendizaje de la temática a abordar. Partiendo desde las investigaciones que afirman que el estudiante tiene total apropiación del concepto cuando hace transformaciones coherentes entre los diferentes registros de representación, se definen las secuencias didácticas bajo la teoría de las representaciones semióticas. Para esta investigación se tomó como población a los docentes en formación del programa de Licenciatura en Matemáticas de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander matriculados en el I semestre de 2018

    Resignificaci?n del sistema institucional de evaluaci?n de los estudiantes, una mirada desde la gesti?n escolar como experiencia en el Colegio Fundaci?n Condominio Campestre El Pe??n, del municipio de Girardot

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    113 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto de investigaci?n: Resignificaci?n del sistema institucional de evaluaci?n de los estudiantes. Una mirada desde la gesti?n escolar como experiencia en el Colegio Fundaci?n Condominio Campestre El Pe??n del municipio de Girardot; asume los siguientes conceptos: la evaluaci?n como un proceso contextualizado, participativo, comprensivo, continuo, planificado y realimentador para el fortalecimiento de la praxis educativa; la gesti?n escolar como el espacio vital, constructor de itinerarios; la comunidad educativa asumida como reconstrucci?n del territorio y las pr?cticas pedag?gicas formas de acceder al conocimiento. El trabajo ?La resignificaci?n del sistema institucional de evaluaci?n de los estudiantes?, parti? de la siguiente pregunta: ?C?mo interviene la resignificaci?n del sistema institucional de evaluaci?n de los estudiantes en la gesti?n escolar del Colegio Fundaci?n Condominio Campestre El Pe??n del municipio de Girardot? La investigaci?n facilita vincular la gesti?n escolar con la formaci?n del Especialista en Gerencia de Instituciones Educativas para la comprensi?n de la realidad institucional y para fortalecer los procesos pedag?gicos pertinentes en pro de la calidad en el servicio. El espacio de observaci?n, formaci?n y reflexi?n fue el Colegio Fundaci?n Condominio Campestre El Pe??n del municipio de Girardot/Cundinamarca, Colombia, A?o 2017-2018. Palabras Clave: Evaluaci?n Formativa, Gesti?n Escolar, Comunidad Educativa.The research work: Resignification of the institutional system of student evaluation. A view from the school management as an experience in the Foundation College Condominium Campestre El Pe??n of the municipality of Girardot; assumes the following concepts: evaluation as a contextualized, participative, comprehensive, continuous, planned and feedback process for the strengthening of educational praxis; school management as the living space, itinerary builder; the educational community assumed as a reconstruction of the territory and pedagogical practices ways of accessing knowledge. The work "The resignification of the institutional system of evaluation of students", started from the following question: How does the resignification of the institutional system of student evaluation intervene in the school management of the Foundation Condominium Foundation El Pe??n in the municipality of Girardot? The research facilitates linking school management with the training of the Specialist in Educational Institutions Management for the understanding of the institutional reality and to strengthen the pertinent pedagogical processes in favor of quality in the service. The Observation, Training and Reflection Space was the Colegio Condominio Campestre El Pe??n of the municipality of Girardot / Cundinamarca, Colombia, Year 2017-2018. Keywords: Formative Evaluation, School Management, Educational Community

    Histopathological reaction in the vestibule after cochlear implantation in Macaca fascicularis.

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    Cochlear implantation surgery (CI) is considered a safe procedure and is the standard treatment for the auditory rehabilitation in patients with severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss. Although the development of minimally traumatic surgical concepts (MTSC) have enabled the preservation of residual hearing after the implantation, there is scarce literature regarding the vestibular affection following MTCS. The aim of the study is to analyze histopathologic changes in the vestibule after CI in an animal model (Macaca fascicularis). Cochlear implantation was performed successfully in 14 ears following MTCS. They were classified in two groups upon type of electrode array used. Group A (n = 6) with a FLEX 28 electrode array and Group B (n = 8) with HL14 array. A 6-month follow-up was carried out with periodic objective auditory testing. After their sacrifice, histological processing and subsequent analysis was carried out. Intracochlear findings, vestibular presence of fibrosis, obliteration or collapse is analyzed. Saccule and utricle dimensions and neuroepithelium width is measured. Cochlear implantation was performed successfully in all 14 ears through a round window approach. Mean angle of insertion was >270◦ for group A and 180–270◦ for group B. In group A auditory deterioration was observed in Mf 1A, Mf2A and Mf5A with histopathological signs of scala tympani ossification, saccule collapse (Mf1A and Mf2A) and cochlear aqueduct obliteration (Mf5A). Besides, signs of endolymphatic sinus dilatation was seen for Mf2B and Mf5A. Regarding group B, no auditory deterioration was observed. Histopathological signs of endolymphatic sinus dilatation were seen in Mf 2B and Mf 8B. In conclusion, the risk of histological damage of the vestibular organs following minimally traumatic surgical concepts and the soft surgery principles is very low. CI surgery is a safe procedure and it can be done preserving the vestibular structures

    SIG aplicado a la evaluación de vulnerabilidad por inundación en la ciudad de Tixtla, Guerrero. México

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    Afrontar los efectos de desastres naturales representa altos costos sociales y económicos, a menudo los segmentos más pobres de la población sufren los impactos más severos; sin embargo la experiencia muestra que los efectos pueden reducirse; ya que los riesgos naturales pueden identificarse, son manejables, existen medios de mitigación y los beneficios de reducir la vulnerabilidad pueden ser mayores que los costos de los efectos. Hoy se intenta mitigar los riesgos naturales mediante estudios de planificación, los cuales requieren de conocimiento e información (mapas, documentos, estadísticas, levantamientos, etc.); en tal cantidad, que se requiere de las Tecnologías de Información Geográfica (TIG) para la recolección, manejo y análisis espaciotemporal de características, infraestructura y aspectos sociales relativos a zonas vulnerables. En particular los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) integran operaciones de gestión de bases de datos con gran potencial de análisis de información, con capacidad para visualizar información espacial como un elemento importante para comunicar, difundir e intercambiar conocimiento y proporcionan una plataforma base para interpretar cómo factores físicos, sociales y económicos interactúan en un contexto espacial. La localidad de Tixtla ha crecido sin control en los últimos años, lo cual ha generado una fuerte presión por ocupar el espacio aluvial de la laguna con la cual colinda. Esto aunado a periodos de lluvias extraordinarios como los ocurridos en 2007 y 2013; han generado situaciones de riesgo en la población de la zona, resultando imperante contar con información veraz y oportuna sobre datos y hechos que vinculados al espacio, permitan evaluar la situación de vulnerabilidad de la sociedad. La investigación consiste en la aplicación de TIG’s para integrar información espacialmente referenciada que permita la construcción de mapas de vulnerabilidad a través del diseño de indicadores propios que involucren variables sociales. Los resultados son una serie de mapas que representan diferentes grados de vulnerabilidad que permiten evaluar el riesgo para la población de la zona y que puedan servir como soporte en el establecimiento de planes de atención, mitigación o prevención. Se concluye que en zonas con índices de mayor magnitud, existe alta concentración de población de bajos recursos, con discapacidad, adultos mayores o menores de 5 años; de modo que los mapas pueden apoyar a instituciones de salvaguarda, dando prioridad a la atención de ciertas zonas. Estudios como este pueden complementarse con definición de rutas de evacuación, posibles centros de atención o albergues. Todo esto, centrados en el conocimiento del territorio a través de la aplicación de las TIG’s