4 research outputs found

    Multiple Novel Signals Mediate Thyroid Hormone Receptor Nuclear Import and Export

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    Thyroid hormone receptor (TR) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that shuttles between the cytosol and nucleus. The fine balance between nuclear import and export of TR has emerged as a critical control point for modulating thyroid hormone-responsive gene expression; however, sequence motifs of TR that mediate shuttling are not fully defined. Here, we characterized multiple signals that direct TR shuttling. Along with the known nuclear localization signal in the hinge domain, we identified a novel nuclear localization signal in the A/B domain of thyroid hormone receptor a1 that is absent in thyroid hormone receptor B1 and inactive in the oncoprotein v-ErbA. Our prior studies showed that thyroid hormone receptor a1 exits the nucleus through two pathways, one dependent on the export factor CRM1 and the other CRM1-independent. Here, we identified three novel CRM1-independent nuclear export signal (NES) motifs in the ligand-binding domain as follows: a highly conserved NES in helix 12 (NES-H12) and two additional NES sequences spanning helix 3 and helix 6, respectively. Mutations predicted to disrupt the a-helical structure resulted in a significant decrease in NES-H12 activity. The high degree of conservation of helix 12 suggests that this region may function as a key NES in other nuclear receptors. Furthermore, our mutagenesis studies on NES-H12 suggest that altered shuttling of thyroid hormone receptor B1 may be a contributing factor in resistance to thyroid hormone syndrome. Taken together, our findings provide a detailed mechanistic understanding of the multiple signals that work together to regulate TR shuttling and transcriptional activity, and they provide important insights into nuclear receptor function in genera

    Processing of Human Cytomegalovirus UL37 Mutant Glycoproteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Lumen prior to Mitochondrial Importation

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    The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL37 glycoprotein (gpUL37) is internally cleaved and its products divergently traffic to mitochondria or are retained in the secretory pathway. To define the requirements for gpUL37 cleavage, residues −1 and −3 of the consensus endoplasmic reticulum (ER) signal peptidase I site within exon 3 (UL37x3) were replaced by bulky tyrosines (gpUL37 cleavage site mutant I). Internal cleavage of this UL37x3 mutant was inhibited, verifying usage of the consensus site at amino acids (aa) 193/194. The full-length mitochondrial species of gpUL37 cleavage site mutant I was N glycosylated and endoglycosidase H sensitive, indicating that ER translocation and processing took place prior to its mitochondrial importation. Moreover, these results suggest that internal cleavage of gpUL37 is not necessary for its N glycosylation. Partial deletion or disruption of the UL37 hydrophobic core immediately upstream of the cleavage site resulted in decreased protein abundance, suggesting that the UL37x3 hydrophobic α-helix contributes to either correct folding or stability of gpUL37. Insertion of the UL37x3 hydrophobic core and cleavage site into pUL37(M), a splice variant of gpUL37 which lacks these sequences and is neither proteolytically cleaved nor N glycosylated, resulted in its internal cleavage and N glycosylation. Its NH(2)-terminal fragment, pUL37(M-NH2), was detected more abundantly in mitochondria, while its N-glycosylated C-terminal fragment, gpUL37(M-COOH), was detected predominantly in the ER in a manner analogous to that of gpUL37 cleavage products. These results indicate that UL37x3 aa 178 to 205 are prerequisite for gpUL37 internal cleavage and alter UL37 protein topology allowing N glycosylation of its C-terminal sequences. In contrast, the NH(2)-terminal UL37x1 hydrophobic leader, present in pUL37x1, pUL37(M), and gpUL37, is not cleaved from mature UL37 protein, retaining a membrane anchor for UL37 isoforms during trafficking. Taken together, these results suggest that HCMV gpUL37 undergoes sequential trafficking, during which it is ER translocated, processed, and then mitochondrially imported