933 research outputs found

    Extracting text from PostScript

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    We show how to extract plain text from PostScript files. A textual scan is inadequate because PostScript interpreters can generate characters on the page that do not appear in the source file. Furthermore, word and line breaks are implicit in the graphical rendition, and must be inferred from the positioning of word fragments. We present a robust technique for extracting text and recognizing words and paragraphs. The method uses a standard PostScript interpreter but redefines several PostScript operators, and simple heuristics are employed to locate word and line breaks. The scheme has been used to create a full-text index, and plain-text versions, of 40,000 technical reports (34 Gbyte of PostScript). Other text-extraction systems are reviewed: none offer the same combination of robustness and simplicity

    The Process of Successfully Integrating Communication Technologies into Short-Term, Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs: Reflections from the Field

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    As advances in communication technologies (CT) continue to shape modern life, it is critical study abroad professionals and faculty leaders contemplate the ways in which such technologies impact study abroad. This essay provides an argument for the value and utility of such contemplation through an in-depth examination of a short-term, faculty-led study abroad program and the three faculty who lead it. The authors provide reflective summaries of their own experiences with CT and study abroad and discuss the ways in which changes in CT resulted in changes to their own study abroad program including the integration of CT into academic components and logistics of the program. The essay concludes with practical advice for exploring the ways in which CT might effectively integrate into study abroad programs

    Likelihood of Spontaneous Conversion of Atrial Fibrillation to Sinus Rhythm

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    AbstractObjectives. We sought to determine the likelihood and predictors of spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm of recent-onset atrial fibrillation (symptoms <72 h).Background. Although spontaneous conversion of recent-onset atrial fibrillation is common, the likelihood and clinical and echocardiographic predictors have not been fully defined. Such data would be important for management of patients in whom early cardioversion is desired: Cardioversion could be delayed in patients with a high likelihood of spontaneous conversion, and it could be expeditiously pursued if spontaneous conversion is unlikely.Methods. We screened 1,822 consecutive adults admitted to the hospital with atrial fibrillation and prospectively identified 356 patients (45% male, mean age ± SD 68 ± 16 years) with atrial fibrillation of <72-h duration. The occurrence of spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm and clinical and echocardiographic data were identified through retrospective chart review.Results. Spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm occurred in 68% of the study group (n = 242; 95% confidence interval [CI] 63% to 73%). Among patients with spontaneous conversion, the total duration of atrial fibrillation was <24 h in 159 (66%), 24 to 48 h in 42 (17%) and >48 h in 41 (17%) (p < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis of clinical data identified presentation <24 h from onset of symptoms as the only predictor of spontaneous conversion (odds ratio 1.8, 95% CI 1.4 to 2.4, p < 0.0001). Normal left ventricular systolic function was more common among patients with spontaneous conversion (p = 0.03), but it was not an independent predictor of conversion. Left atrial dimension was similar between groups.Conclusions. Spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm occurs in almost 70% of patients presenting with atrial fibrillation of <72-h duration. Presentation with symptoms of <24-h duration is the best predictor of spontaneous conversion

    Recruitment of latent pools of high-avidity CD8+ T cells to the antitumor immune response

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    A major barrier to successful antitumor vaccination is tolerance of high-avidity T cells specific to tumor antigens. In keeping with this notion, HER-2/neu (neu)-targeted vaccines, which raise strong CD8+ T cell responses to a dominant peptide (RNEU420-429) in WT FVB/N mice and protect them from a neu-expressing tumor challenge, fail to do so in MMTV-neu (neu-N) transgenic mice. However, treatment of neu-N mice with vaccine and cyclophosphamide-containing chemotherapy resulted in tumor protection in a proportion of mice. This effect was specifically abrogated by the transfer of neu-N–derived CD4+CD25+ T cells. RNEU420-429-specific CD8+ T cells were identified only in neu-N mice given vaccine and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy which rejected tumor challenge. Tetramer-binding studies demonstrated that cyclophosphamide pretreatment allowed the activation of high-avidity RNEU420-429-specific CD8+ T cells comparable to those generated from vaccinated FVB/N mice. Cyclophosphamide seemed to inhibit regulatory T (T reg) cells by selectively depleting the cycling population of CD4+CD25+ T cells in neu-N mice. These findings demonstrate that neu-N mice possess latent pools of high-avidity neu-specific CD8+ T cells that can be recruited to produce an effective antitumor response if T reg cells are blocked or removed by using approaches such as administration of cyclophosphamide before vaccination

    cGMP Recombinant FIX for IV and Oral Hemophilia B Therapy

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    Three specific aims are proposed: Specific Aim # 1. Process engineer and scale-up the recovery and purification of transgenic recombinant human Factor IX. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Biological Process Development Facility will complete process development and scale-up, and produce clinical grade materials for preclinical studies. The endpoint is a proposed final product specification to help facilitate transfer to current Good Manufacturing Practices compliant production of clinical grade material to support an Investigational New Drug filing with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) leading to clinical trials. Specific Aim #2. Characterize and formulate transgenic recombinant human Factor IX for intravenous dosage, and evaluate in a hemophilia B dog model. These activities are directed toward characterization of the product important to assure the provision of safe and reproducibly effective hemostasis. The results of these investigations will help support an IND filing with the FDA. Specific Aim # 3. Develop an oral dosage form of transgenic recombinant human Factor IX, and evaluate in hemophilia B mice and dog models. Oral administration of coagulation therapy will obviate the invasiveness, discomfort, potential for opportunistic infection, and complications of storage and supplies that accompany intravenous administration. Oral dosage forms of Factor IX will thus greatly increase the proportion of the patient population that can be treated. There is also published evidence suggesting that oral administration may reduce the potential for complicating immune responses to replacement therapy, especially in patients with severe hemophilia

    Variants in pharmacokinetic transporters and glycemic response to metformin:A metgen meta-analysis

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    Therapeutic response to metformin, a first-line drug for type 2 diabetes (T2D), is highly variable, in part likely due to genetic factors. To date, metformin pharmacogenetic studies have mainly focused on the impact of variants in metformin transporter genes, with inconsistent results. To clarify the significance of these variants in glycemic response to metformin in T2D, we performed a large-scale meta-analysis across the cohorts of the Metformin Genetics Consortium (MetGen). Nine candidate polymorphisms in five transporter genes (organic cation transporter [OCT]1, OCT2, multidrug and toxin extrusion transporter [MATE]1, MATE2-K, and OCTN1) were analyzed in up to 7,968 individuals. None of the variants showed a significant effect on metformin response in the primary analysis, or in the exploratory secondary analyses, when patients were stratified according to possible confounding genotypes or prescribed a daily dose of metformin. Our results suggest that candidate transporter gene variants have little contribution to variability in glycemic response to metformin in T2D

    ‘I expected just to walk in, get my tablets and then walk out’: on framing new community pharmacy services in the English healthcare system

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    Reconfiguration of the healthcare division of labour is becoming increasingly attractive in the context of increased patient demand and resource constraints. One example is the introduction of extended roles for pharmacists to provide patients additional support to manage their medicines, while also reducing work pressures experienced by other health professionals. Understanding how such policies are framed by those delivering and receiving care has been under‐theorised. Using Goffman's frame theory, we examine one newly introduced community pharmacy service (New Medicines Service (NMS)) to illustrate how a policy intended to support patient medicine‐taking through the extended roles of pharmacists is framed and where this deviates from its proposed aims. Three themes emerged: (i) the spatial‐material artefacts; (ii) existing discursive culture and practice around medicine‐taking; and (iii) the NMS interactions that shape and govern framing and subsequent interpretation of the NMS. Our study offers an explanatory and dynamic view of the framing process with important lessons for reconfiguring medicine management policy and practice. As well as illustrating framing as being variegated, complementary or conflicting, it also shows how this plurality and fragility had consequences for patient engagement and sense‐making. The consequences for engagement and recommendations for implementing future initiatives are discussed