1,868 research outputs found

    Effect of reconstruction methods and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom : a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study

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    Purpose: To evaluate nodule detection in an anthropomorphic chest phantom in computed tomography (CT) images reconstructed with adaptive iterative dose reduction 3D (AIDR3D) and filtered back projection (FBP) over a range of tube current-time product (mAs). Methods: Two phantoms were used in this study: (i) an anthropomorphic chest phantom was loaded with spherical simulated nodules of 5, 8, 10 and 12mm in diameter and +100, -630 and -800 Hounsfied Units electron density; this would generate CT images for the observer study; (ii) a whole-body dosimetry verification phantom was used to ultimately estimate effective dose and risk according to the model of the BEIR VII committee. Both phantoms were scanned over a mAs range (10, 20, 30, and 40) while all other acquisition parameters remained constant. Images were reconstructed with both AIDR3D and FBP. 34 normal cases (no nodules) and 34 abnormal cases (containing 1-3 nodules, mean 1.35±0.54) cases were chosen for the observer study. Eleven observers evaluated images from all tube current-time product and reconstruction methods under the free-response paradigm. A crossed-modality jackknife alternative free-response operating characteristic (JAFROC) analysis method was developed for data analysis, averaging data over the two factors influencing nodule detection in this study: mAs and image reconstruction (AIDR3D or FBP). A Bonferroni correction was applied and the threshold for declaring significance was set at 0.025 to maintain the overall probability of Type I error at α = 0.05. Contrast-to-noise (CNR) was also measured for all nodules and evaluated by a linear least squares analysis. Results: For random-reader fixed-case crossed-modality JAFROC analysis there was no significant difference in nodule detection between AIDR3D and FBP when data was averaged over mAs (F(1,10) = 0.08, p = 0.789). However, when data was averaged over reconstruction methods, a significant difference was seen between multiple pairs of mAs settings (F(3,30) = 15.96, p<0.001). Measurements of effective dose and effective risk showed the expected linear dependence on mAs. Nodule CNR was statistically higher for simulated nodules on images reconstructed with AIDR3D (p<0.001). Conclusion: No significant difference in nodule detection performance was demonstrated between images reconstructed with FBP and AIDR3D. Tube current-time product was found to influence nodule detection, though further work is required for dose optimisation

    Language Model Co-occurrence Linking for Interleaved Activity Discovery

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    As ubiquitous computer and sensor systems become abundant, the potential for automatic identification and tracking of human behaviours becomes all the more evident. Annotating complex human behaviour datasets to achieve ground truth for supervised training can however be extremely labour-intensive, and error prone. One possible solution to this problem is activity discovery: the identification of activities in an unlabelled dataset by means of an unsupervised algorithm. This paper presents a novel approach to activity discovery that utilises deep learning based language production models to construct a hierarchical, tree-like structure over a sequential vector of sensor events. Our approach differs from previous work in that it explicitly aims to deal with interleaving (switching back and forth between between activities) in a principled manner, by utilising the long-term memory capabilities of a recurrent neural network cell. We present our approach and test it on a realistic dataset to evaluate its performance. Our results show the viability of the approach and that it shows promise for further investigation. We believe this is a useful direction to consider in accounting for the continually changing nature of behaviours

    Frequency of antimicrobial resistance among invasive and colonizing Group B Streptococcal isolates

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    BACKGROUND: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) remains susceptible to penicillin, however, resistance to second-line antimicrobials, clindamycin and erythromycin, has increased since 1996. We describe the age-specific antibiotic susceptibility profile and capsular type distribution among invasive and colonizing GBS strains. METHODS: We tested 486 invasive GBS isolates from individuals of all ages collected by a Wisconsin surveillance system between 1998 and 2002 and 167 colonizing strains collected from nonpregnant college students during 2001 in Michigan. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion or Etest and capsular typing was performed using DNA dot blot hybridization RESULTS: 20.0% (97/486) of invasive and 40.7% (68/167) of colonizing isolates were resistant to clindamycin (P < .001) and 24.5% (119/486) of invasive and 41.9% (70/167) of colonizing isolates were resistant to erythromycin (P < .001). Similarly, 19.8% (96/486) of invasive and 38.3% (64/167) of colonizing isolates were resistant to both antimicrobial agents (P < .001). 29.4% (5/17) of invasive isolates from persons 18–29 years of age and 24.3% (17/70) of invasive isolates from persons 30–49 years of age were resistant to clindamycin. Similarly, 35.3% (6/17) of invasive isolates from persons 18–29 years of age and 31.4% (22/70) of invasive isolates from persons 30–49 years of age were resistant to erythromycin. 34.7% (26/75) of invasive isolates from persons < 1 year of age were capsular type Ia, whereas capsular type V predominated among isolates from adults. CONCLUSION: Clindamycin and erythromycin resistance rates were high among isolates colonizing nonpregnant college students and invasive GBS isolates, particularly among the colonizing isolates. Susceptibility profiles were similar by age although the proportion of clindamycin and erythromycin resistance among invasive isolates was highest among persons 18–49 years of age. Increasing antimicrobial resistance has implications for GBS disease treatment and intrapartum prophylaxis among penicillin intolerant patients

    An in vitro analysis of medial structures and a medial soft tissue reconstruction in a constrained condylar total knee arthroplasty

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to quantify the medial soft tissue contributions to stability following constrained condylar (CC) total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and determine whether a medial reconstruction could restore stability to a soft tissue-deficient, CC-TKA knee. Methods: Eight cadaveric knees were mounted in a robotic system and tested at 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° of flexion with ±50 N anterior–posterior force, ±8 Nm varus–valgus, and ±5 Nm internal–external torque. The deep and superficial medial collateral ligaments (dMCL, sMCL) and posteromedial capsule (PMC) were transected and their relative contributions to stabilising the applied loads were quantified. After complete medial soft tissue transection, a reconstruction using a semitendinosus tendon graft was performed, and the effect on kinematic behaviour under equivocal conditions was measured. Results: In the CC-TKA knee, the sMCL was the major medial restraint in anterior drawer, internal–external, and valgus rotation. No significant differences were found between the rotational laxities of the reconstructed knee to the pre-deficient state for the arc of motion examined. The relative contribution of the reconstruction was higher in valgus rotation at 60° than the sMCL; otherwise, the contribution of the reconstruction was similar to that of the sMCL. Conclusion: There is contention whether a CC-TKA can function with medial deficiency or more constraint is required. This work has shown that a CC-TKA may not provide enough stability with an absent sMCL. However, in such cases, combining the CC-TKA with a medial soft tissue reconstruction may be considered as an alternative to a hinged implant

    Game fence presence and permeability influences the local movement and distribution of South African mammals

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    Fences are utilized throughout the world to restrict the movements of wildlife, protecting them from threats and reducing human-wildlife conflict. In South Africa the number of privately-owned fenced game reserves has greatly increased in recent years, but little is known about how fencing affects the distribution and movements of target and non-target mammals. We surveyed 2m either side of the complete fence line of a recently established commercial game reserve in South Africa, identifying signs of animal presence (spoor, scat, foraging or other field signs) while also recording damage (holes) to the fence. Every 250m we carried out 100m perpendicular transects either side of the fence, recording vegetation cover and height at 10m intervals along the transect. We found that livestock (largely cattle) were excluded from the reserve. However, 12% of records of large animal species were recorded outside of the fence line. These species had been introduced to the reserve, strongly suggesting that they had crossed the boundary into the surrounding farmland. Sixteen naturally present wild species were found on both sides of the fence, but we found more evidence of their presence inside the reserve. Observational evidence suggests that they were regularly crossing the boundary, particularly where the fence was damaged, with hole size affecting species recorded. We also found evidence that the construction of the fence had led to a difference in vegetation structure with plant diversity and percentage of non-woody plant cover significantly higher inside the fence. While fencing was highly effective at preventing movement of livestock, introduced and wild animals were able to cross the boundary, via holes in the fence. This work shows that the efficacy of the most common approach to preventing animal movement around protected areas depends on the species being considered and fence condition

    Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio Has a Non-Monotonic Impact on Altruism

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    Gene-culture co-evolution emphasizes the joint role of culture and genes for the emergence of altruistic and cooperative behaviors and behavioral genetics provides estimates of their relative importance. However, these approaches cannot assess which biological traits determine altruism or how. We analyze the association between altruism in adults and the exposure to prenatal sex hormones, using the second-to-fourth digit ratio. We find an inverted U-shaped relation for left and right hands, which is very consistent for men and less systematic for women. Subjects with both high and low digit ratios give less than individuals with intermediate digit ratios. We repeat the exercise with the same subjects seven months later and find a similar association, even though subjects' behavior differs the second time they play the game. We then construct proxies of the median digit ratio in the population (using more than 1000 different subjects), show that subjects' altruism decreases with the distance of their ratio to these proxies. These results provide direct evidence that prenatal events contribute to the variation of altruistic behavior and that the exposure to fetal hormones is one of the relevant biological factors. In addition, the findings suggest that there might be an optimal level of exposure to these hormones from social perspective.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ECO2010{17049; ECO2009-09120), the Government of Andalusia Project for Excellence in Research (P07.SEJ.02547), the Government of the Basque Country (IT-223–07) and Fundacion Ramon Areces (I+D-2011)is gratefully acknowledged
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