55 research outputs found

    Coco Beach frÄn soptipp till paradis : ett gestaltningsförslag för en offentlig strand i Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Sub Saharan Africa has during the last decade become the world’s fastest urbanizing region. This change is concentrated to a few metropolitan areas one of them being Dar es Salaam, the largest city of Tanzania. Since the 1960s Dar es Salaam has grown from being a relatively small coastal city of approximately 300 000 people to become a bustling urban centre of four million inhabitants. This development has had a major impact on the city structure, which in turn has affected people’s welfare and the surrounding environment. One such consequence is the detrimental loss of urban vegetation and open areas in the city. The coastline of Dar es Salaam is today part of the larger green spaces in the city still left largely untouched and available for recreational purposes. However the coast is also a large economic asset, this in combination with the existing pressure of urban expansion is rapidly changing the coastal appearance. Economic enterprises such as hotels, shopping centres and privatized beaches are spreading and contributing to an increasingly fragmented coast limiting the public accessibility. The coastline of the Msasani Peninsula is one of the more exploited stretches in the city. Intriguingly though it is also there that Dar es Salaams most popular public beach “Coco Beach” is located. It is visited by several hundreds of people each week and the area functions similar to a city park. However Coco Beach is not being maintained appropriately. No design interventions have been implemented; there is a high level of pollution and a lack of necessary facilities. In the fall of 2014 the Kinondoni Municipality Council published a new redevelopment proposal for the entire east coast of the Msasani Peninsula including Coco Beach. However included in this proposal are various semi-private establishments which may in fact further limit the public accessibility of the beach area. This thesis proposes an alternative design for Coco Beach, with the objective to keep the area completely public. It argues for the benefits that this will provide the city and why we believe it is important for the entire area to be free of charge and open to all city inhabitants independent of economic status. The design strengthens and improves the present qualities of Coco Beach and targets its weaknesses. This is accomplished by focusing on four main keys; Health, Nature, Education and Culture, anchoring the design socially, environmentally and locally. The Coco Beach Park stretches over a length of 2 kilometres. The area is lined by palm trees, emphasizing the name and giving a strong sense of local identity. The park further consists of four areas with different characters, focusing on various activities. These are connected through a design language inspired by the ocean waves. This project could act as a guideline for further public developments along the Tanzanian coast

    Ekoturism och landskapsarkitektur

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att förklara innebörden av begreppet ekoturism samt beskriva hur landskapsarkitektens kompetens kan tillĂ€mpas vid utformning av ekoturismanlĂ€ggningar. Genom litteraturstudier har vi utrett begreppets betydel-se. Vi beskriver ekoturism kortfattat ur ett internationellt perspektiv och mer utförligt ur ett svenskt perspektiv. Ekoturism Ă€r en form av turism som sker i naturmiljöer och har som syfte att bevara natur och kultur, gynna den lokala eko-nomin samt ge en ökad kunskap och förstĂ„else för besöksmĂ„let. Det finns dock en problematik med ekoturism dĂ„ turism i naturmiljö innebĂ€r motsĂ€ttningar och det kan vara svĂ„rt att tillfredstĂ€lla turister samtidigt som platsens natur bevaras. För att en turistverksamhet ska kunna marknadsföra sig som ekoturism i Sverige mĂ„ste ett antal kriterier uppfyllas. Genom att granska kvalitetsmĂ€rkningen Natu-rens BĂ€sta har vi fĂ„tt en inblick i det svenska certifieringssystemet och land-skapsarkitektens roll inom ekoturism. För att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else för ekoturism i praktiken valde vi att besöka ekoturismanlĂ€ggningen Urnatur i Öster-götland. Ett samtal med företagets Ă€gare gav oss nya synvinklar om behovet av landskapsarkitektur i ekoturismbranschen. VĂ„r undersökning visar att landskaps-arkitektur kan kopplas till svensk ekoturism. Flera ekoturismkriterier kan uppfyl-las med hjĂ€lp av landskapsarkitektens inventering - och analysarbete men ocksĂ„ genom yrkeskĂ„rens kunskap inom gestaltning, ekologi och projektering. Idag kĂ€mpar ekoturismbranschen för att överleva ekonomiskt men pĂ„ sikt kan den vara en potentiell arbetsmarknad för landskapsarkitekter. VĂ„r profession kan bidra till ett holistiskt tĂ€nkande som innefattar ekologi, estetik, infrastruktur och materialval.This paper aims to explain the meaning of the term ecotourism and how the skills of landscape architects can be applied in the design of ecotourism facilities. Eco-tourism is briefly described from an international perspective and more in detail from a Swedish perspective. We investigated the meaning of the term through studies of literature. Ecotourism is a form of tourism that takes place in natural environments and its intention is to preserve natural and cultural resources, bene-fit the local economy and provide a better knowledge and understanding of the site. However ecotourism can become problematic when attempts to satisfying tourists and preservation of nature collide. To market a business as ecotourism in Sweden there are several criteria that needs to be fulfilled. By studying the quali-ty marking Nature’s Best we have gained an insight into the Swedish certification system and the landscape architects role in ecotourism. To get a deeper under-standing for ecotourism in practice we visited the ecotourism facility Urnatur in Östergötland, Sweden. A conversation with the owners gave us new perspectives ofd ecotourism and the need for landscaping in the ecotourism industry. Our research shows that landscape architecture can be linked to Swedish ecotourism. Several ecotourism criteria can be met by using inventory and analysis methods but also by the landscape architects expertise in design, ecology and planning. Today the ecotourism industry is struggling to survive economically but in time it may be a potential labor market for landscape architects. Our profession can con-tribute to a holistic approach that includes ecology, aesthetics, infrastructure and material

    Contribution a l'etude de phenomenes d'interphases dans des composites de carbure de silicium

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Why is one seen as evil just because one is a woman and assumes certain leadership qualities? : A qualitative study on generation Z prejudices and expectations of female leaders

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    Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilka fördomar och förvĂ€ntningar som finns gentemot kvinnliga ledare ur generation Z perspektiv. I denna studie har vi valt att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n en deduktiv ansats dĂ„ det finns mycket forskning kring bĂ„de ledarskap samt fördomar och förvĂ€ntningar. För att kunna besvara vĂ„rt beskrivande syfte tillĂ€mpas Ă€ven en fallstudie för att kunna samla in sĂ„ detaljrika data som möjligt. Studien Ă€r kvalitativ och den insamlade empirin Ă€r baserad pĂ„ fyra individuella intervjuer samt tvĂ„ fokusgrupper med individer frĂ„n generation Z. UtifrĂ„n studiens resultat samt det teoretiska ramverket har vi identifierat att generation Z anser att bĂ„de manliga och kvinnliga ledare bör kunna tillĂ€mpa bĂ„de de mjuka och de hĂ„rda ledaregenskaperna och beteendena. Det innebĂ€r att fördomar och förvĂ€ntningar inte endast kan ses som svart eller vitt utan det handlar om en grĂ„zon. Resultatet av denna studie kan leda till ökad medvetenhet och förstĂ„else bĂ„de hos generation Z samt hos företag kring den nya generationens fördomar och förvĂ€ntningar. The purpose with this study was to describe what prejudices and expectations of female leaders from generation Z’s perspective. In this study we have chosen to use a deductive approach as there is a lot of research on both leadership and prejudice and expectations. In order to answer our descriptive purpose, a case study is also applied to collect as detailed data as possible. The study is qualitative, and the empirical data is based on four individual interviews and two focus groups with individuals from generation Z. Based on the study’s results and theoretical framework, we have identified that generation Z beliefs that both male and female leaders should be able to apply both the soft and the hard leadership qualities and behaviors. This means that prejudice and expectations cannot only be seen as black or white, it’s rather about a grey zone. The result of this study can lead to increased awareness and understanding both in generation Z and in companies about the new generation’s prejudices and expectations

    A CSR Logic : How professions translate social responsibility

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    Increased expectations and legislation pressure companies to work with CSR and couple policy with practice. Defining a CSR logic is open for interpretation because it means something, but not always the same thing, to everybody. Professions have different interests that frame how they embed and enact a CSR logic. This makes it complex to understand how professions translate social responsibility (SR) as a CSR logic. CSR and HRM professions are potential collaborators in translating CSR due to an overlap in SR responsibilities. Merging CSR and HRM literature can therefore enhance an understanding of how SR is translated into an organization. A case study has been conducted at Scania to investigate: How do CSR and HRM professions translate social responsibility into an organization? To answer this, literature within institutional logic, translation, and co-creation have been merged. Results show that professions’ different orientations and interpretations of SR cause fragmentation and conflicting interests. These issues are reduced through a sustainability advisory board (SAB) as an organizational solution for a collective translation process. Concluding remarks discuss that embedded core values guide behavior in a translation process where professions co-create through vision, integration, and improvement to enhance the value of working around a CSR logic

    CSR-orientering i en facklig miljö : Socialt ansvar som strategi

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    Sveriges fackförbund har sedan 2000-talet förlorat medlemmar och allmänhetens syn på fackförbund är att de har förlegade arbetssätt. Problematiken för fackförbunden är att de tvingas förändra sitt arbetssätt för att vinna tillbaka medlemmar. Förändringsprocessen har inneburit att nya strategier kunnat användas för att stärka förbundens roll mot näringslivet och arbetsmarknaden. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) är ett verktyg som fackförbund kan använda för att förändra sig och stärka sin legitimitet i samhället. Frågor som ämnar bli besvarade i denna uppsats är vilka faktorer som påverkar CSR-strategier inom fackförbund och hur CSR som strategi används i dessa organisationer. I denna kvalitativa studie undersöktes fyra svenska fackförbund för att svara på dessa frågor och resultatet jämfördes sedan med ett teoretiskt ramverk för att härleda slutsatser. Studiens slutsats visar att externa och interna faktorer påverkar fackförbunds CSR-strategier i olika utsträckningar. En ytterligare slutsats är att tyngdpunkten i hur de använder CSR-strategier bygger på att minska sin klimatpåverkan och främja alla människors lika värde på arbetsmarknaden. Avslutningsvis bidrar denna studie med ökade insikter i hur CSR-strategier inom fackförbund påverkar det svenska näringslivet och arbetsmarknaden.

    Facteurs favorisant la malnutrition infantile dans la région de Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso)

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    DIJON-BU MĂ©decine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The influence of aluminium on the overall properties of SnO 2-based varistors

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    The influence of aluminium on the development of the microstructure and on the electrical behaviour of the SnO2 ‱ Co3O 4 ‱ Nb2O5 typical varistor system was studied. Two sources of Al were used, alumina (Al2O3) and boehmite (AlO(OH)). The microstructural features were characterised with scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopies. The different phases present in the studied samples were also studied with XRD, EDS and electron diffraction patterns of selected areas (SAED). Particles containing Sn, Co, Al, and O were unveiled with TEM. Impedance spectroscopy measurements and current density versus electric field characteristics revealed superior electrical properties for samples with AlO(OH). The higher non-linearity (α = 19) was achieved with the addition of 0.1% mol of boehmite. The influence of the secondary phases on the electrical properties is also addressed in this work.Fil: Parra, Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Maniette, Yves. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Varela, JosĂ© A.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Castro, Miriam Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de Materiales; Argentin

    Continuous Integration Beyond the Team: A Tooling Perspective on Challenges in the Automotive Industry

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    The practice of Continuous Integration (CI) has a big impact on how software is developed today. Shortening integration and feedback cycles promises to increase software quality, feature throughput, and customer satisfaction. Thus, it is not a surprise that companies try to embrace CI in domains where it is rather difficult to implement.In this paper we present our findings from two rounds of interviews with a car manufacturer on the use of tools in system engineering and how these tools would support wider adoption of CI. Our findings suggest a complex tool landscape with immense requirements that are not easily fulfilled by existing tools; this holds also for tools that well support CI in other domains. From this notion, we fur- ther explore what makes the automotive domain challeng- ing when it comes to CI (namely complexity of system and value chain). We hope that our findings will help address such challenges
