62 research outputs found

    Psychoanalysis in the Early Days of Soviet Russia

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    O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma breve exposição sobre a trajetória da psicanálise nos primeiros anos da Rússia soviética. Entre as práticas que tornaram a psicanálise acessível à classe trabalhadora, concentraremos nossa apresentação na experiência pioneira da “Casa das Crianças” (Detski Dom) de Moscou, primeira escola de educação infantil embasada em princípios psicanalíticos. Documentada por sua fundadora, Vera Schmidt, a escola funcionou entre 1921 e 1925, abrigando 30 crianças com idade entre 1 e 5 anos. Assim como a escola, nos anos que se seguiram à morte de Lênin e ao exílio de Trotsky as demais instituições psicanalíticas sucumbiram à censura ideológica. Em 1936, a repressão stalinista baniu oficialmente a psicanálise da União Soviética, interrompendo um processo que modificou a prática da psicanálise e ampliou o alcance cultural e social das ideias de Freud. Entretanto, o interesse pelo inconsciente se manteve, e no final dos anos 80 a psicanálise foi retomada na Rússia.The purpose of this article is to give a brief account of the trajectory of psychoanalysis in the early years of Soviet Russia. Among the practices that have made psychoanalysis accessible to the working class, we will focus our presentation on the pioneering experience of Moscow’s “House of Children” (Detski Dom), the first nursery school based on psychoanalytic principles. Documented by her founder, Vera Schmidt, the school worked from 1921 to 1925, housing 30 children aged 1 to 5 years. Like the school, in the years following Lenin’s death and Trotsky’s exile others psychoanalytic institutions succumbed to ideological censorship. In 1936, Stalinist repression officially banned psychoanalysis from the Soviet Union, interrupting a process that modified the practice of psychoanalysis and broadened the cultural and social reach of Freud’s ideas. However, interest in the unconscious remained, and in the late 1980s psychoanalysis was resumed in Russia

    O Isso e a determinação inconsciente das doenças orgânicas: a contribuição de Georg W. Groddeck à psicanálise

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    O ano de 2016 marca os 150 anos de nascimento de Georg Walther Groddeck, primeiro médico utilizar o referencial psicanalítico para o tratamento das doenças orgânicas. Groddeck se tornou mais conhecido no meio psicanalítico devido a sua contribuição para a formulação freudiana da segunda tópica por meio do conceito de Isso (Id). Freud reconhece sua contribuição em O Eu e o Isso de 1923, e admite em carta a Pfister que Groddeck provavelmente estaria certo em relação às determinações inconscientes das doenças orgânicas. Entretanto, para Groddeck, o seu Isso, herdeiro do Deus-Natureza de Goethe, não poderia se restringir aos limites a ele atribuídos por Freud na formulação de sua segunda representação tópica do aparelho psíquico. Anterior à formação da unidade biopsíquica do sujeito, o Isso de Groddeck, uma espécie de matriz de onde emana toda a existência somatopsíquica,  determinaria tanto a saúde quanto a doença, a vida e a morte

    Segmental Tracheal Resection in Advanced Thyroid Cancer Patients

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    Eustachian tube symptoms are frequent in chronic rhinosinusitis and respond well to endoscopic sinus surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Symptoms of Eustachian tube (ET) dysfunction are seldom assessed in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-22) quality-of-life tool includes two questions that specifically screen for symptoms of ET dysfunction (Ear Fullness; Ear Pain). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which these ET symptoms were present in patients with CRS, and whether these symptoms respond to endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). METHODOLOGY: SNOT-22 data collected prospectively at time of recruitment into IRB-approved clinical trials or case-control studies in CRS was pooled to provide a cross section of the frequency and severity of ET dysfunction. When applicable to the trials, the SNOT-22 was repeated at least 3 months following ESS. RESULTS: Five trials rendering 131 patients were available for assessment. The control group comprised of 251 participants from two case-control studies. Ear Fullness of equal/greather than 1 was reported in 80/131 CRS patients compared to 45/251 control patients. Ear Pain of equal/greather than 1 was reported in 39/131 CRS patients compared to 33/251 control patients. Following ESS, mean Ear Fullness and Ear Pain scores decreased to 1.17 and 0.73, respectively. CONCLUSION: Symptoms suggestive of ET dysfunction are frequent in CRS, and for most patients the symptoms will decrease post-ESS to a level comparable with a non-CRS population. Patients whose ET symptoms do not respond to ESS may represent a target population for emerging therapeutic options for ET dysfunction

    Assumptions behind grammatical approaches to code-switching: when the blueprint is a red herring

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    Many of the so-called ‘grammars’ of code-switching are based on various underlying assumptions, e.g. that informal speech can be adequately or appropriately described in terms of ‘‘grammar’’; that deep, rather than surface, structures are involved in code-switching; that one ‘language’ is the ‘base’ or ‘matrix’; and that constraints derived from existing data are universal and predictive. We question these assumptions on several grounds. First, ‘grammar’ is arguably distinct from the processes driving speech production. Second, the role of grammar is mediated by the variable, poly-idiolectal repertoires of bilingual speakers. Third, in many instances of CS the notion of a ‘base’ system is either irrelevant, or fails to explain the facts. Fourth, sociolinguistic factors frequently override ‘grammatical’ factors, as evidence from the same language pairs in different settings has shown. No principles proposed to date account for all the facts, and it seems unlikely that ‘grammar’, as conventionally conceived, can provide definitive answers. We conclude that rather than seeking universal, predictive grammatical rules, research on CS should focus on the variability of bilingual grammars

    International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: The 5 years since the publication of the first International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (ICAR‐RS) has witnessed foundational progress in our understanding and treatment of rhinologic disease. These advances are reflected within the more than 40 new topics covered within the ICAR‐RS‐2021 as well as updates to the original 140 topics. This executive summary consolidates the evidence‐based findings of the document. Methods: ICAR‐RS presents over 180 topics in the forms of evidence‐based reviews with recommendations (EBRRs), evidence‐based reviews, and literature reviews. The highest grade structured recommendations of the EBRR sections are summarized in this executive summary. Results: ICAR‐RS‐2021 covers 22 topics regarding the medical management of RS, which are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Additionally, 4 topics regarding the surgical management of RS are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Finally, a comprehensive evidence‐based management algorithm is provided. Conclusion: This ICAR‐RS‐2021 executive summary provides a compilation of the evidence‐based recommendations for medical and surgical treatment of the most common forms of RS

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    Esta tese apresenta os resultados de estudos geofísicos e geológicos de superfície e sub-superfície realizados com objetivos hidrogeológicos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Baixo Rio Capivari (SP), na qual afloram rochas sedimentares neopaleozóicas do Subgrupo Itararé e intrusivas básicas associadas, numa área aproximada de 1560 Km² quadrados. Os levantamentos geológicos envolveram a aplicação de uma nova metodologia na pesquisa das rochas sedimentares da região, já efetuamos com sucesso em pesquisas petrolíferas. A aplicação do moderno conceito de sistemas deposicionais da estratigrafia genética para as rochas do Subgrupo Itararé na região permitiu caracterizar essa unidade através do Sistema Costeiro e do Sistema Deltaico. A utilização de métodos geofísicos de superfície teve conseqüências tanto geológicas quanto hidrogeológicas. As sondagens elétricas verticais (SEV) permitiram a elaboração de uma estratificação elétrica regional bem como conduziram à obtenção de uma tendência da distribuição espacial das litologias. Os levantamentos magnetométricos da componente vertical do campo detectaram os corpos de rochas básicas intrusivas, cujo conhecimento é importante para a hidrogeologia, e possibilitaram a eliminação de dúvidas na interpretação das colunas geoelétricas obtidas pelas SEV. Descrições litológicas de amostras e testemunhos de poços e perfilagens geofísicas associadas conduziram a uma interpretação mais segura das colunas geoelétricas através de SEV paramétricas, permitindo também a realização de correlações estratigráficas. Além disso verificou-se estreita correlação entre as litologias e os perfis geofísicos de poços, principalmente no caso do perfil de radiação gama natural. Do conjunto dos levantamentos efetuados concluiu-se que a geofísica contribuiu, dentro do conceito de sistemas deposicionais, para a caracterização das litologias do Subgrupo Itararé, sugerindo que a mesma possa vir a ser aplicada com sucesso em outras regiões dessa complexa unidade estratigráfica. Do ponto de vista hidrogeológico foram definidos os sistemas aqüíferos regionais bem como algumas de suas características hidráulicas. Dados de resistência transversal calculados a partir das SEV foram usados para a elaboração de um mapa de valores dessa grandeza geofísica, e mostraram boa correlação com valores de transmissibilidades hidráulicas. As SEV desempenham assim um importante papel na previsão do comportamento hidrogeológico dos poços que vieram a ser perfurados na região estudada.This paper presents the results of surface and sub-surface geophysical and geological studies with hydrogeologic objectives in the Hydrographic Basin of the Down Capivari River (SP), in which outcrop neopaleozoic sedimentary rocks of Itararé Subgroup and associated basic intrusives, in an area near 1560 Km². The geological works applicated a new methodology in the research of the regional sedimentary rocks, already applied with success in oil research. The use of the modern concept of depositional systems related with genetic stratigraphy for rocks of Itararé Subgroup in the region allowed the characterization in this unit of the Coastal System and Deltaic System. The use of surface geophysical methods conducted to a new geological and hydrogeological contribution. The vertical electrical souding (VES) permitted a construction of a regional electrical stratification and a spatial distribution of lithologies. The magnetometric works through the measurement of the vertical component of the field, detected the bodies of intrusive basic rocks, this knowledge being important to hydrogeology, and allowed the removal of doubts in the interpretation of geolectric columns given by VES. Lithological descriptions of samples and cores of wells and associated geophysical profiles lead to a better interpretation of the geoelectrical columbs through the use of parametric VES, and permitted also stratigraphic correlations. It was verified, also, a good correlation between lithologies and geophysical well-logs, mainly with the natural gross gama radiation profile. The set of works made permitted the conclusion that geophysics contributed, inside the concept of depositional systems, to the characterization of the lithologies of the Itararé Subgroup, suggesting that the methodology proposed can be applied in other regions of this complex stratigraphic unit. From hydrogeologic point of view were defined the regional aquifer systems and their hydraulic caracteristics. Transversal resistence values calculated from VES were used to make a isovalue map of that geophysical function, and exhibited a good correlation with the hydraulic transmissivity values. The VES have than an important role in the prediction of hydrogeological behavior of wells drilled in the studied region

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    Esta tese apresenta os resultados de estudos geofísicos e geológicos de superfície e sub-superfície realizados com objetivos hidrogeológicos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Baixo Rio Capivari (SP), na qual afloram rochas sedimentares neopaleozóicas do Subgrupo Itararé e intrusivas básicas associadas, numa área aproximada de 1560 Km² quadrados. Os levantamentos geológicos envolveram a aplicação de uma nova metodologia na pesquisa das rochas sedimentares da região, já efetuamos com sucesso em pesquisas petrolíferas. A aplicação do moderno conceito de sistemas deposicionais da estratigrafia genética para as rochas do Subgrupo Itararé na região permitiu caracterizar essa unidade através do Sistema Costeiro e do Sistema Deltaico. A utilização de métodos geofísicos de superfície teve conseqüências tanto geológicas quanto hidrogeológicas. As sondagens elétricas verticais (SEV) permitiram a elaboração de uma estratificação elétrica regional bem como conduziram à obtenção de uma tendência da distribuição espacial das litologias. Os levantamentos magnetométricos da componente vertical do campo detectaram os corpos de rochas básicas intrusivas, cujo conhecimento é importante para a hidrogeologia, e possibilitaram a eliminação de dúvidas na interpretação das colunas geoelétricas obtidas pelas SEV. Descrições litológicas de amostras e testemunhos de poços e perfilagens geofísicas associadas conduziram a uma interpretação mais segura das colunas geoelétricas através de SEV paramétricas, permitindo também a realização de correlações estratigráficas. Além disso verificou-se estreita correlação entre as litologias e os perfis geofísicos de poços, principalmente no caso do perfil de radiação gama natural. Do conjunto dos levantamentos efetuados concluiu-se que a geofísica contribuiu, dentro do conceito de sistemas deposicionais, para a caracterização das litologias do Subgrupo Itararé, sugerindo que a mesma possa vir a ser aplicada com sucesso em outras regiões dessa complexa unidade estratigráfica. Do ponto de vista hidrogeológico foram definidos os sistemas aqüíferos regionais bem como algumas de suas características hidráulicas. Dados de resistência transversal calculados a partir das SEV foram usados para a elaboração de um mapa de valores dessa grandeza geofísica, e mostraram boa correlação com valores de transmissibilidades hidráulicas. As SEV desempenham assim um importante papel na previsão do comportamento hidrogeológico dos poços que vieram a ser perfurados na região estudada.This paper presents the results of surface and sub-surface geophysical and geological studies with hydrogeologic objectives in the Hydrographic Basin of the Down Capivari River (SP), in which outcrop neopaleozoic sedimentary rocks of Itararé Subgroup and associated basic intrusives, in an area near 1560 Km². The geological works applicated a new methodology in the research of the regional sedimentary rocks, already applied with success in oil research. The use of the modern concept of depositional systems related with genetic stratigraphy for rocks of Itararé Subgroup in the region allowed the characterization in this unit of the Coastal System and Deltaic System. The use of surface geophysical methods conducted to a new geological and hydrogeological contribution. The vertical electrical souding (VES) permitted a construction of a regional electrical stratification and a spatial distribution of lithologies. The magnetometric works through the measurement of the vertical component of the field, detected the bodies of intrusive basic rocks, this knowledge being important to hydrogeology, and allowed the removal of doubts in the interpretation of geolectric columns given by VES. Lithological descriptions of samples and cores of wells and associated geophysical profiles lead to a better interpretation of the geoelectrical columbs through the use of parametric VES, and permitted also stratigraphic correlations. It was verified, also, a good correlation between lithologies and geophysical well-logs, mainly with the natural gross gama radiation profile. The set of works made permitted the conclusion that geophysics contributed, inside the concept of depositional systems, to the characterization of the lithologies of the Itararé Subgroup, suggesting that the methodology proposed can be applied in other regions of this complex stratigraphic unit. From hydrogeologic point of view were defined the regional aquifer systems and their hydraulic caracteristics. Transversal resistence values calculated from VES were used to make a isovalue map of that geophysical function, and exhibited a good correlation with the hydraulic transmissivity values. The VES have than an important role in the prediction of hydrogeological behavior of wells drilled in the studied region

    Metchnikoff e o instinto de morte

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    Embora a ideia de que os processos orgânicos se equilibrassem entre dois processos opostos, um construtivo e um destrutivo, fosse lugar-comum entre as especulações biológicas do século XIX, a semelhança entre a proposta de um instinto de morte, introduzida por Élie Metchnikoff em sua obra de 1903, Etudes sur la Nature Humaine, e a pulsão de morte, proposta por Freud em 1920, justifica não somente essa breve exposição sobre algumas das reflexões de Metchnikoff, como traz novamente à cena a ideia – detectada por meio do mecanismo da apoptose - de que forças de morte atuam na própria constituição da matéria orgânica

    Complex chronic rhinosinusitis management: a prospective trial on refractory patients following maximal medical and surgical therapy and the evaluation of «Staphylococcus aureus» in disease recurrence

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    Objectives: Evaluate factors associated with treatment failure following endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and budesonide nasal irrigations (BNI) in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Methodology: Prospective clinical trial including 116 patients from a tertiary care center at high-risk of disease recurrence following ESS+BNI. Blood samples, microbial swabs, and SNSS/SNOT-22 taken on the day of surgery (Visit-1) and four months postoperatively (Visit-2). Outcomes were evaluated using the Lund-Kennedy endoscopic score. Results: Revision surgery was associated with a significantly higher rate of disease recurrence (82.8% vs. 55.2%; p=0.001). Allergy to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was significantly associated with disease recurrence (p=0.036). The presence of pre and postoperative Staphylococcus aureus (p=0.020; p<0.001) was associated with disease recurrence. Postoperative elevated SNOT-22 scores correlated with Lund-Kennedy scores (r=0.236; p=0.014). Conclusion: Patients undergoing revision ESS are at a very high risk of failing ESS+BNI. There is a clear need to properly phenotype revision ESS patients and develop advanced therapeutic strategies and algorithmsObjectifs : Évaluer les facteurs associés avec l'échec au traitement suite à la chirurgie endoscopique des sinus (CES) et les irrigations nasales au budesonide (INB) pour la rhinosinusite chronique (RSC). Méthodes : Étude clinique prospective d'un centre tertiaire sur 116 patients à haut risque d'échec au traitement post CES+INB. Des bilans sanguins, des cultures microbiologiques, des questionnaires cliniques (SNOT-22/SNSS) ont été complétés le jour de la chirurgie (Visite-1) et quatre mois postopératoire (Visite-2). L'issue clinique a été mesurée avec le score endoscopique Lund-Kennedy. Résultats : La chirurgie de révision était significativement associée avec un haut taux d'échec (82.8% vs. 55.2%; p=0.001), ainsi que l'allergie aux anti-inflammatoires non-stéroïdiens (p=0.036). La présence de Staphylococcus aureus en pré (p=0.020) et postopératoire (p<0.001) était associée avec un échec au traitement. Le SNOT-22 postopératoire corrélait avec les scores Lund-Kennedy (r=0.236; p=0.014). Conclusions : Les patients subissant une CES de révision sont à haut risque d'échec au traitement CES+INB. Il y a un besoin clair de phénotyper cette population et développer des algorithmes et des stratégies thérapeutiques adéquates