217 research outputs found

    Optimized OFDM Model Using CMA Channel Equalization for BER Evaluation

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a type of Multicarrier Modulation (MCM) technique in which entire bandwidth is divided into large number of small sub-carriers and each subcarrier is transmitted parallel to achieve higher data rates. It has various applications like Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and wireless LAN.OFDM technique is widely used in wireless communication system because of its very high data rate. The performance of FFT based OFDM system using Linear and cyclic channel coding and Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) equalizer is simulated using simulink model. The BER saving using the optimized proposed model with both linear and cyclic channel coding along with CMA equalizer is evaluated. The proposed work using cyclic channel coding with QPSK/QAM modulation and CMA as channel equalization under AWGN channel results in 52.6% and 96.3% BER reduction as compared to conventional OFDM model without channel coding, channel equalization and channel fading. So, CMA equalizer is used to enhance the performance of OFDM system

    Mean ergodic multiplication operators on weighted spaces of continuous functions

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    [EN] Multiplication operators on weighted Banach spaces and locally convex spaces of continuous functions have been thoroughly studied. In this note, we characterize when continuous multiplication operators on a weighted Banach space and on a weighted inductive limit of Banach spaces of continuous functions are power bounded, mean ergodic or uniformly mean ergodic. The behaviour of the operator on weighted inductive limits depends on the properties of the defining sequence of weights and it differs from the Banach space case.The research of Bonet was partially supported by Project Prometeo/2017/102 of the Generalitat Valenciana. The authors authors were also partially supported by MINECO Project MTM2016-76647-P. Rodriguez also thanks the support of the Grant PAID-01-16 of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Bonet Solves, JA.; Jorda Mora, E.; Rodríguez-Arenas, A. (2018). Mean ergodic multiplication operators on weighted spaces of continuous functions. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 15(3):1:108-11:108. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-018-1150-8S1:10811:108153Bierstedt, K.D.: An introduction to locally convex inductive limits, Functional analysis and its applications (Nice, 1986), 35–133, ICPAM Lecture Notes. World Sci. Publishing, Singapore (1988)Bierstedt, K.D.: A survey of some results and open problems in weighted inductive limits and projective description for spaces of holomorphic functions. Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège 70(4–6), 167–182 (2001)Bierstedt, K.D., Bonet, J.: Some recent results on VC(X). In: Advances in the theory of Fréchet spaces (Istanbul, 1988), NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., vol. 287, pp. 181–194. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1989)Bierstedt, K.D., Bonet, J.: Completeness of the (LB)-spaces VC(X). Arch. Math. (Basel) 56(3), 281–285 (1991)Bierstedt, K.D., Bonet, J.: Some aspects of the modern theory of Fréchet spaces. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat 97(2), 159–188 (2003)Bierstedt, K.D., Meise, R., Summers, W.H.: A projective description of weighted inductive limits. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 272(1), 107–160 (1982)Bierstedt, K.D., Meise, R., Summers, W.H.: Köthe sets and Köthe sequence spaces. In: Functional analysis, holomorphy and approximation theory, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 27–91 (1980)Bonet, J., Ricker, W.J.: Mean ergodicity of multiplication operators in weighted spaces of holomorphic functions. Arch. Math. 92, 428–437 (2009)Klilou, M., Oubbi, L.: Multiplication operators on generalized weighted spaces of continuous functions. Mediterr. J. Math. 13(5), 3265–3280 (2016)Krengel, U.: Ergodic Theorems. de Gruyter, Berlin (1985)Lin, M.: On the uniform ergodic theorem. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 43, 2 (1974)Lotz, H.P.: Uniform convergence of operators on LL^\infty L ∞ and similar spaces. Math. Z. 190, 207–220 (1985)Manhas, J.S.: Compact multiplication operators on weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. Rocky Mt. J. Math. 34(3), 1047–1057 (2004)Manhas, J.S.: Compact and weakly compact multiplication operators on weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 70(1–2), 361–372 (2004)Manhas, J.S., Singh, R.K.: Compact and weakly compact weighted composition operators on weighted spaces of continuous functions. Integral Equ. Oper. Theory 29(1), 63–69 (1997)Meise, R., Vogt, D.: Introduction to Functional Analysis. The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York (1997)Oubbi, L.: Multiplication operators on weighted spaces of continuous functions. Port. Math. (N.S.) 59(1), 111–124 (2002)Oubbi, L.: Weighted composition operators on non-locally convex weighted spaces. Rocky Mt. J. Math. 35(6), 2065–2087 (2005)Singh, R.K., Manhas, J.S.: Multiplication operators on weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 50(1), 98–107 (1991)Singh, R.K., Manhas, J.S.: Composition operators on function spaces. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam (1993)Singh, R.K., Manhas, J.S.: Operators and dynamical systems on weighted function spaces. Math. Nachr. 169, 279–285 (1994)Wilanski, A.: Topology for Analysis. Ginn, Waltham (1970)Yosida, K.: Functional Analysis. Springer, Berlin (1980

    Complementary analysis of Mueller-matrix images of optically anisotropic highly scattering biological tissues

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    Background: Using optical techniques for tissue diagnostics (so-called ‘optical biopsy’) has been a subject of extensive research for many years. Various groups have been exploring different spectral and/or imaging modalities (e.g. diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, autofluorescence, Raman spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), polarized light microscopy, etc.) for biomedical applications. In this paper, we report on using multi-wavelength imaging Mueller polarimetry combined with an appropriated image post-processing for the detection of tissue malignancy. Methods: We investigate a possibility of complementary analysis of Mueller matrix images obtained for turbid tissue-like scattering phantoms and excised human normal and cancerous colorectal tissue samples embedded in paraffin. Combined application of correlation, fractal and statistical analysis was employed to assess quantitatively the polarization-inhomogeneous scattered fields observed at the surface of tissue samples. Results: The combined analysis of the polarimetric images of paraffin-embedded tissue blocks has proved to be an efficient tool for the unambiguous detection of tissue malignant transformation. A fractal structure was clearly observed at spatial distributions of depolarization of light scattered in healthy tissues in a visible range of spectrum, while corresponding distributions for cancerous tissues did not show such dependence. We demonstrate that paraffin does not destroy a fractal structure of spatial distribution of depolarization. Thus, the loss of fractality in spatial distributions of depolarization for cancerous tissue is related to the structural changes in the tissue sample induced by cancer itself and, therefore, may serve as a marker of the disease. Conclusion: The obtained results emphasize that a combined use of statistical, correlation and fractal analysis for the Mueller-matrix image post-processing is an effective approach for an assessment of variations of optical properties in turbid tissue-like scattering media and biological tissues, with a high potential to be transferred to clinical practice for screening cancerous tissue samples

    Identifying divergent design thinking through the observable behavior of service design novices

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    © 2018, Springer Nature B.V. Design thinking holds the key to innovation processes, but is often difficult to detect because of its implicit nature. We undertook a study of novice designers engaged in team-based design exercises in order to explore the correlation between design thinking and designers’ physical (observable) behavior and to identify new, objective, design thinking identification methods. Our study addresses the topic by using data collection method of “think aloud” and data analysis method of “protocol analysis” along with the unconstrained concept generation environment. Collected data from the participants without service design experience were analyzed by open and selective coding. Through the research, we found correlations between physical activity and divergent thinking, and also identified physical behaviors that predict a designer’s transition to divergent thinking. We conclude that there are significant relations between designers’ design thinking and the behavioral features of their body and face. This approach opens possible new ways to undertake design process research and also design capability evaluation

    Forest carbon stocks and fluxes in physiographic zones of India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reducing carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) is of central importance to combat climate change. Foremost among the challenges is quantifying nation's carbon emissions from deforestation and degradation, which requires information on forest carbon storage. Here we estimated carbon storage in India's forest biomass for the years 2003, 2005 and 2007 and the net flux caused by deforestation and degradation, between two assessment periods i.e., Assessment Period first (ASP I), 2003-2005 and Assessment Period second (ASP II), 2005-2007.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total estimated carbon stock in India's forest biomass varied from 3325 to 3161 Mt during the years 2003 to 2007 respectively. There was a net flux of 372 Mt of CO<sub>2 </sub>in ASP I and 288 Mt of CO<sub>2 </sub>in ASP II, with an annual emission of 186 and 114 Mt of CO<sub>2 </sub>respectively. The carbon stock in India's forest biomass decreased continuously from 2003 onwards, despite slight increase in forest cover. The rate of carbon loss from the forest biomass in ASP II has dropped by 38.27% compared to ASP I.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>With the Copenhagen Accord, India along with other BASIC countries China, Brazil and South Africa is voluntarily going to cut emissions. India will voluntary reduce the emission intensity of its GDP by 20-25% by 2020 in comparison to 2005 level, activities like REDD+ can provide a relatively cost-effective way of offsetting emissions, either by increasing the removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by afforestation programmes, managing forests, or by reducing emissions through deforestation and degradation.</p

    Functional kinomics establishes a critical node of volume-sensitive cation-Cl<sup>-</sup> cotransporter regulation in the mammalian brain

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.There is another record in ORE for this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/33424Cell volume homeostasis requires the dynamically regulated transport of ions across the plasmalemma. While the ensemble of ion transport proteins involved in cell volume regulation is well established, the molecular coordinators of their activities remain poorly characterized. We utilized a functional kinomics approach including a kinome-wide siRNA-phosphoproteomic screen, a high-content kinase inhibitor screen, and a kinase trapping-Orbitrap mass spectroscopy screen to systematically identify essential kinase regulators of KCC3 Thr991/Thr1048 phosphorylation – a key signaling event in cell swelling-induced regulatory volume decrease (RVD). In the mammalian brain, we found the Cl−-sensitive WNK3-SPAK kinase complex, required for cell shrinkage-induced regulatory volume decrease (RVI) via the stimulatory phosphorylation of NKCC1 (Thr203/Thr207/Thr212), is also essential for the inhibitory phosphorylation of KCC3 (Thr991/Thr1048). This is mediated in vivo by an interaction between the CCT domain in SPAK and RFXV/I domains in WNK3 and NKCC1/KCC3. Accordingly, genetic or pharmacologic WNK3-SPAK inhibition prevents cell swelling in response to osmotic stress and ameliorates post-ischemic brain swelling through a simultaneous inhibition of NKCC1-mediated Cl− uptake and stimulation of KCC3-mediated Cl− extrusion. We conclude that WNK3-SPAK is an integral component of the long-sought “Cl−/volume-sensitive kinase” of the cation-Cl− cotransporters, and functions as a molecular rheostat of cell volume in the mammalian brain.We thank the excellent technical support of the MRC-Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (PPU) DNA Sequencing Service (coordinated by Nicholas Helps), the MRC-PPU tissue culture team (coordinated by Laura Fin), the Division of Signal Transduction Therapy (DSTT) antibody purification teams (coordinated by Hilary McLauchlan and James Hastie). We are grateful to the MRC PPU Proteomics facility (coordinated by David Campbell, Robert Gourlay and Joby Varghese). We thank for support the Medical Research Council (MC_UU_12016/2; DRA) and the pharmaceutical companies supporting the Division of Signal Transduction Therapy Unit (AstraZeneca, Boehringer-Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck KGaA, Janssen Pharmaceutica and Pfizer; DRA). We thank Thomas J. Jentsch (Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin) for providing the KCC1/3 double KO mice and his reading of this manuscript. We thank Nathaniel Grey (Harvard) for providing the kinase inhibitor library used in this study (NIH LINCS Program grant U54HL127365). This work was also supported by a Harvard-MIT Neuroscience Grant (to KTK/SJE)

    Transcriptomic profiling of host-parasite interactions in the microsporidian <i>Trachipleistophora hominis</i>

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    BACKGROUND: Trachipleistophora hominis was isolated from an HIV/AIDS patient and is a member of a highly successful group of obligate intracellular parasites. METHODS: Here we have investigated the evolution of the parasite and the interplay between host and parasite gene expression using transcriptomics of T. hominis-infected rabbit kidney cells. RESULTS: T. hominis has about 30 % more genes than small-genome microsporidians. Highly expressed genes include those involved in growth, replication, defence against oxidative stress, and a large fraction of uncharacterised genes. Chaperones are also highly expressed and may buffer the deleterious effects of the large number of non-synonymous mutations observed in essential T. hominis genes. Host expression suggests a general cellular shutdown upon infection, but ATP, amino sugar and nucleotide sugar production appear enhanced, potentially providing the parasite with substrates it cannot make itself. Expression divergence of duplicated genes, including transporters used to acquire host metabolites, demonstrates ongoing functional diversification during microsporidian evolution. We identified overlapping transcription at more than 100 loci in the sparse T. hominis genome, demonstrating that this feature is not caused by genome compaction. The detection of additional transposons of insect origin strongly suggests that the natural host for T. hominis is an insect. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal that the evolution of contemporary microsporidian genomes is highly dynamic and innovative. Moreover, highly expressed T. hominis genes of unknown function include a cohort that are shared among all microsporidians, indicating that some strongly conserved features of the biology of these enormously successful parasites remain uncharacterised. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1989-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users