117 research outputs found

    Insights on sequential changes to the ratios of Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand

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    An in-depth review was presented on improving the quality of wastewater through organic matter indicators. The aim was to formulate a new sequential treatment method from toxic to stable levels to increase the efficiency of detoxification and stabilization of organic matter. Literature collection was compiled from the Mendeley Reference Manager tool with the search phrase: biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, detoxification, biodegradation, stabilization. Several screening criteria were applied to obtain the selected documentation for this study. Results revealed that there was an increase in the detoxification of untreated wastewater, which can be shown by increasing the ratio of biochemical oxygen demand/chemical oxygen demand. This could be treated subsequently to reduce the ratio into stable organic matter that can be safely disposed of into the environment. Toxicity and respiration tests were used to assess the feasibility of the treatment system, and for monitoring processes during operation and maintenance of treatments

    Revaluation of maturity and stability indices for compost

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    BOD/COD ratio of compost was studied in conjunction with C/N ratio as commonly maturity index. Carbonaceous materials as well as nitrogenous materials declined in open-air conditions during 20 weeks. C/N ratio was correlated with BOD/COD, a couple parameters to qualify the compost was mature and stable. This study came up to the conclusion that compost maturity with C/N of less than 14 instead of less than 20 was corresponding to stability with BOD/COD of less than 0.1. Additional assurance on maturity and stability was carbon dioxide emission rate of less than 2 mg C/g VS/day. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 10 (3) 2006: 83-8

    Mixed plant operations for phytoremediation in polluted environments – A critical review

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    In this article, a theoretical approach is focusing on the use of mixed plants to remediate polluted environmental media. Essential conditions should be performed, particularly in supporting plant growth, the safety factor for consumers and the use of amendments in improving the efficiency of phytoremediation. In general, it takes more than one type of the plant to be more effective in restoring a polluted environment. For this purpose, the selected plant species mus synergistically eliminate the types of pollutants present in the environmental media. Thus, the mixed plants process becomes very effective in removing many of the pollutants on site. In practice, mixed plants operations could be selected from one or a combination of simultaneous, sequential or alternating patterns, all of which must be adapted to polluted media conditions

    Evaluasi dan Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Berbasis Serapan Emisi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) di Zona Tenggara Kota Surabaya (Studi Literatur dan Kasus)

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    Emisi karbon dioksida (CO2) merupakan salah satu penyebab dari pencemaran udara dan pemanasan global. Kota Surabaya merupakan ibukota Provinsi Jawa Timur, dimana terjadi pertumbuhan pada setiap sektor kegiatan atau aktivitas yang menghasilkan emisi CO2. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan analisis kemampuan daya serap emisi CO2 oleh Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kota Surabaya, khususnya wilayah Zona Tenggara Kota Surabaya. penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur, pengumpulan data sekunder, dan studi kasus berupa perencanaan RTH selama 25 tahun kedepan atau sampai dengan tahun 2045. Perhitungan kemampuan daya serap emisi CO2 oleh RTH eksisting dilakukan berdasarkan luas area RTH dan daya serap tanaman yang berada pada RTH eksisting tersebut. Luas RTH eksisting di Zona Tenggara Kota Surabaya adalah 357,3 ha, dengan kemampuan daya serap terhadap emisi CO2 sebesar 372.121,74 ton/tahun. RTH publik eksisting mampu menyerap emisi CO2 sebesar 27,48% dari keseluruhan emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan yaitu sebesar 1.354.162,74 ton CO2/tahun

    Phytoremediation of zinc polluted soil using sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    This study aimed at assessing the ability of sunflower to remediate zinc (Zn) impacted soils and the partitioning factors of Zn in soil-plants interactions. The research method used ex situ experiments using teddy bear sunflower seeds with 8 different treatments for each. This began with the preparation of the sample soil media on garden soil, and the seeding of sunflower seeds. This research was carried out for six months starting in August - December 2020, with Helianthus annuus plants with variations of the Zn. Various concentrations of Zn were applied, ranging from 50 ppm to 350 ppm. Laboratory analysis of Zn was carried out using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method. The research results have revealed that roots have the ability to translocate more Zn than shoots, which suggests a phytoremediation mechanism. Sunflower plants are able to translocate Zn, which proves it reliable for phytoremediation of Zn-polluted soil

    Wastewater Quality Determines the Quantity of Offsite Sanitation Based on Downstream Standards

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    Offsite sanitation describes the wastewater management in the chain of generation sources to its disposal into the environment. While the user manages the onsite sanitation system for greywater, blackwater requires offsite treatment. In practice, offsite sanitation management implements scoping service areas for centralised, decentralised, and combined hybrid. This study aims to provide feasibility criteria for the offsite sanitation scale and formulate a method compatible with existing methods to accelerate sanitation services. The method used is a downstream approach by assessing the capacity of rivers to receive wastewater discharges. The results consist of river capacity criteria and wastewater quality requirements. The quality load of a river and water dilution ability determine the number of people and the suitability of the sanitation system. The decision-making process in determining the scale of offsite sanitation services directs the problem solution by considering technical, economic, financial, institutional regulations, environmental, and social aspects. Availability of data speeds up problem-solving with effective and efficient use of resources. The core conclusion states that wastewater quality parameters determine the scale of offsite sanitation services

    Evaluasi dan Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berbasis Serapan Emisi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) di Zona Barat Kota Surabaya

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    Kegiatan pembangunan yang diiringi dengan perkembangan teknologi pada sektor transportasi, permukiman, dan industri menyumbangkan emisi akibat penggunaan bahan bakar fosil berupa gas Karbon Dioksida (CO2) yang menyebabkan dampak menurunnya kualitas udara dan lingkungan. Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) sebagai rosot karbon (carbon sink) perlu dievaluasi mengenai ketercukupan nya dalam penyerapan CO2 serta perlu dilakukan perencanaan RTH untuk waktu yang akan datang agar dapat terwujudnya lingkungan yang sustainable. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan mengenai jumlah emisi primer CO2 dan kecukupan RTH dalam menyerap emisi CO2 berdasarkan luasan RTH Publik di wilayah Zona Barat Kota Surabaya, kemudian dilakukan perencanaan mengenai evaluasi RTH untuk mencukupi kebutuhan daya serap emisi tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian, emisi CO2 di Zona Barat Kota Surabaya dari sektor transportasi, permukiman, dan industri sebesar 3.864.836 ton CO2 / tahun dan kemampuan daya serap RTH Publik pada daerah tersebut sebesar 69.004,54 ton CO2 / tahun. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi dan upaya peningkatan daya serap CO2 dengan penggantian dan penambahan vegetasi pohon pelindung serta penambahan luas RTH, didapatkan penaikan daya serap RTH sebesar 415.014 ton CO2 / tahun

    Problems and use of cyanobacteria for environmental improvement – A Review

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    Cyanobacteria were considered harmful to other living organisms, due to their microcystin content. In addition, uncontrolled populations of cyanobacteria, also known as algal blooms, occur both naturally and as a result of human activity, leading to the development of more complex problems. These microorganisms are currently receiving a lot of attention, as several investigations have considered successful applications of reducing exposure to nature, causing reduced risks to ecosystems, and providing benefits to human life. This study aims to provide answers to current problems, by providing a different perspective on cyanobacteria. Furthermore, it is for the benefits of cyanobacteria for the environment in accordance with the recommendations in some of the literature on previous research results

    Cleaning up black carbon using plant strategies

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    Black carbon aerosol is able to absorb solar radiation and the earth's surface, which results in warming of the air. In addition, aerosols that are directly absorbed through inhalation can have a negative impact on human health. Meanwhile, the ability of air to reduce the level of pollution is the deconcentrating of pollutants through abiotic mechanisms in the form of distribution, dilution, precipitation and washing when it rains. To strengthen the abiotic approach, this study aims to develop a biotic strategy by preparing plants capable of deconcentrating black carbon. The research method is based on a literature review, which specifically addresses the issue of black carbon. Literature is collected from the Mendeley platform and enriched through resource searches in open access journals. The results obtained are cleaning priorities for the closest source of aerosol generation, plant placement in priority areas, selection of plant species, intensification of vegetation quality and management of land cover extensification. The contribution of biotic strategies and phytoremediation pathways enhances the aerosol cleaning process. Plant maintenance and regeneration determine the sustainability of aerosol phytoremediation

    Analisis Kecukupan Ruang Terbuka Hijau sebagai Penyerap Emisi Gas Karbon Dioksida (CO2) pada Kawasan Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya

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    Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) merupakan kampus yang memiliki program eco campus. Eco campus ini menandakan bahwa ITS peka terhadap isu-isu lingkungan seperti pemanasan global. Salah satu penyebab pemanasan global adalah emisi karbon dioksida (CO2). Emisi CO2 ini dapat diserap oleh tanaman atau ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) sehingga perlu adanya analisis dari kecukupan RTH ini dalam menyerap emisi CO2 pada kawasan kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya. Analisis ini dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dan vegetasi eksisting pada kawasan kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya. Beban emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan pada Tahun 2016 tertinggi terdapat pada zona 5 dengan jumlah 277.726,7 g/jam sedangkan untuk beban emisi terendah terdapat pada zona 8 dengan jumlah 65.179,6 g/jam. Proyeksi pada tahun 2021 dihitung dan didapatkan beban emisi tertinggi terdapat pada zona 5 dengan jumlah 328.657,4 g/jam sedangan emisi terendah terdapat pada zona 8 juga dengan beban emisi yaitu 77.132,5 g/jam. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis kecukupan adalah terdapat 5 zona dimana RTHnya memenuhi pada tahun 2021 dan terdapat 3 zona yang perlu diperhatikan RTHnya. Perencanaan dilakukan untuk zona yang masih belum memenuhi dan untuk zona yang terpenuhi ini didukung dengan adanya pembuatan Standar Operasi dan Prosedur (SOP) pemeliharaan RTH yaitu pemangkasan, pemupukan dan penyiraman berdasarkan dari beberapa literatur