1,168 research outputs found

    Superloop Equations and Two Dimensional Supergravity

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    We propose a discrete model whose continuum limit reproduces the string susceptibility and the scaling dimensions of (2,4m)(2,4m)-minimal superconformal models coupled to 2D2D-supergravity. The basic assumption in our presentation is a set of super-Virasoro constraints imposed on the partition function. We recover the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond sectors of the theory, and we are also able to evaluate all planar loop correlation functions in the continuum limit. We find evidence to identify the integrable hierarchy of non-linear equations describing the double scaling limit as a supersymmetric generalization of KP studied by Rabin.Comment: 34 page

    Strategies of buenos aires waiters to enhance memory capacity in a real-life setting

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    Human learning and memory evaluation in real-life situations remains difficult due to uncontrolled variables. Buenos Aires waiters, who memorize all the orders without written support, were evaluated in situ. Waiters received either eight different orders and customers remained seated in their original locations (OL), or changed locations (CL). Match between orders, subjects and location was decreased only in CL. Waiters' feature/location strategy links client with position at the table and beverage later. The hypothesis we raise is that memory-schemas link working memory to long-term memory networks through rapid encoding, making the information resistant to interference and enabling its fast retrieval if necessary cues are present

    RF and IF mixer optimum matching impedances extracted by large-signal vectorial measurements

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    This paper introduces a new technique that allows us to measure the admittance conversion matrix of a two-port device,using a Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer.This method is applied to extract the conversion matrix of a 0.2 ””””m pHEMT,driven by a 4.8 GHz pump signal,at different power levels,using an intermediate frequency of 600 MHz.The issue on data inconsistency due to phase randomization among different measurements is discussed and a proper pre- processing algorithm is proposed to fix the problem. The output of this work consists of a comprehensive experimental evaluation of up-and down-conversion maximum gain,stability,and optimal RF and IF impedances

    A New Coupled CFD/Neutron Kinetics System for High Fidelity Simulations of LWR Core Phenomena: Proof of Concept

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    The Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology (INR) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is investigating the application of the meso- and microscale analysis for the prediction of local safety parameters for light water reactors (LWR). By applying codes like CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and SP3 (simplified transport) reactor dynamics it is possible to describe the underlying phenomena in a more accurate manner than by the nodal/coarse 1D thermal hydraulic coupled codes. By coupling the transport (SP3) based neutron kinetics (NK) code DYN3D with NEPTUNE-CFD, within a parallel MPI-environment, the NHESDYN platform is created. The newly developed system will allow high fidelity simulations of LWR fuel assemblies and cores. In NHESDYN, a heat conduction solver, SYRTHES, is coupled to NEPTUNE-CFD. The driver module of NHESDYN controls the sequence of execution of the solvers as well as the communication between the solvers based on MPI. In this paper, the main features of NHESDYN are discussed and the proof of the concept is done by solving a single pin problem. The prediction capability of NHESDYN is demonstrated by a code-to-code comparison with the DYNSUB code. Finally, the future developments and validation efforts are highlighted

    Half-String Approach to Closed String Field Theory

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    In this letter we present an operator formalism for Closed String Field Theory based on closed half-strings. Our results indicate that the restricted polyhedra of the classical non-polynomial string field theory, can be represented as traces of infinite matrices, with operator insertions that reparametrise the half-strings.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, OUTP 93-10-

    On coalgebras with internal moves

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    In the first part of the paper we recall the coalgebraic approach to handling the so-called invisible transitions that appear in different state-based systems semantics. We claim that these transitions are always part of the unit of a certain monad. Hence, coalgebras with internal moves are exactly coalgebras over a monadic type. The rest of the paper is devoted to supporting our claim by studying two important behavioural equivalences for state-based systems with internal moves, namely: weak bisimulation and trace semantics. We continue our research on weak bisimulations for coalgebras over order enriched monads. The key notions used in this paper and proposed by us in our previous work are the notions of an order saturation monad and a saturator. A saturator operator can be intuitively understood as a reflexive, transitive closure operator. There are two approaches towards defining saturators for coalgebras with internal moves. Here, we give necessary conditions for them to yield the same notion of weak bisimulation. Finally, we propose a definition of trace semantics for coalgebras with silent moves via a uniform fixed point operator. We compare strong and weak bisimilation together with trace semantics for coalgebras with internal steps.Comment: Article: 23 pages, Appendix: 3 page
