881 research outputs found

    Closing “The Mediterranean Cemetry”: whether the European agenda on migration (immediate action) aimed at curbing the Africa-EU migration “crisis” is International Law compliant?

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    The aim of the thesis is to establish whether the EAM (Immediate Action), formulated to curb the Africa-EU irregular migration “crisis” complies with international law. The thesis commences by arguing that migration today is a bastion of state sovereignty though fettered to a very limited extent by human rights, international law and states’ inter-dependence. The thesis then discusses the right to asylum and the principle of non-refoulement under international law. This is followed by a discussion on the EU as “sui generis” supra national entity that champions human rights and the rule of law globally followed by a review of its “sui generis” immigration law and rules under which the EU and member states share competence. Fundamental terminologies in the migration discourse: Migrants, Irregular Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers are defined. A critique of The Refugee Convention4 is done, revealing its parochial, Eurocentric, racist, sexist nature and incompatibility with recent human rights developments; factors that to a large extent make it archaic and divorced from the realities of today’s refugee dynamics yet the Convention is the centrepiece of international refugee protection today. The thesis then interrogates the Africa-EU irregular mass-migration; the push and pull factors as well as the general modus operandi are reviewed. The generally recognised routes; Western Mediterranean, Central Mediterranean and West African which facilitate the migration are assessed. Lastly, the thesis then analyses the compliance of the EAM (Immediate Action) with international law. Each of the Immediate Actions; 1) Saving Lives at Sea 2) Targeting Criminal Smuggling Networks 3) Relocation 4) Resettlement 5) Working in partnership with third countries 6) Using the EU's tools to help frontline are subjected to the relevant international law governing them to test their compliance with international law. Final conclusions of the thesis are then drawn

    KAJIAN STRUKTUR DAN NILAI KARAKTER CERITA RAKYAT GUNUNG TAMPOMAS DAN DARMARAJA: kajian karakter tanggung-jawab, semangat kebangsaan, dan kerja keras dalam kontek pembelajaran bahasa indonesia kelas v sd

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    Nilai karakter kurang tercermin dalam kepribadian para pemimpin. Seperti maraknya korupsi dan tidak dapat mengayomi masyarakat. Selain itu, bahan pembelajaran pun kurang memanfaatkan yang ada di sekitar. Seperti pemanfaatan cerita rakyat, dalam cerita rakyat terdapat nilai karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakter Tanggung-Jawab, Semangat Kebangsaan, dan Kerja Keras yang terkandung di dalam cerita rakyat Gunung Tampomas dan Darmaraja. Setelah itu memformulasikannya kedalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi siswa SD kelas V. Jenis penelitian ini ialah kualitatif analisis deskrtiptif. Peneliti menganalisis nilai karakter cerita kemudian mendeskripsikannya. Hasil analisis, terdapat nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat Gunung Tampomas dan Darmaraja. ---------- Values less character is reflected in the personality of the leader. Such as rampant corruption and can not protect the public. In addition, the learning materials was less utilize existing around. Such as the use of folklore, folklore there is a character value. The purpose of this study to determine the character of Responsibility, Spirit of Nationality, and Work Hard contained in folklore Gunung Tampomas and Darmaraja. After that formulated into Indonesian learning for elementary school students class V. This type of research is qualitative analysis deskrtiptif. Researchers analyzed the value character of the story and then describe it. Results of the analysis, there is a character value contained in folklore Gunung Tampomas and Darmaraj

    Preventive diplomacy and conflict provention in Africa

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    South Africa‟s participation in international peace missions is guided by the White Paper of 1998 and premised specifically on the country‟s foreign policy objectives based on its vision of “a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world”. South Africa recognises itself as an integral part of the African continent and therefore sees its national interests as being intrinsically linked to Africa‟s stability, unity and prosperity. Since 1994, South Africa has placed itself at the forefront of Africa's peace and security endeavours, trying to transform itself from international villain during apartheid years to Pan-Africanist peacemaker. The country has played an instrumental role in both shaping and setting the normative agenda of the African Union and Southern African Development Community. South Africa‟s participation in conflict resolution and peace missions in Africa is informed by an understanding of the nexus that exists between peace, security and sustainable development. This research focuses on South Africa‟s diplomatic and peacekeeping engagement in Lesotho, covering the constitutional and electoral crises from 1994 - 2015 constitutional crisis. The author shows the importance and way forward to resolve conflicts before they become escalated and deadly. The study calls for a „timely‟ reaction to disputes and conflicts on the African continent via preventive diplomacy, conflict provention and addressing of underlying issues that give rise to disputes and conflict

    Remarks Made at the TELECOM 95 Conference, 3 October 1995

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    This is a reprint of the address made by President Nelson Mandela at the TELECOM 95 Conference from October 3, 1995. In his remarks, he stressed the importance of new technologies for the development of the African continent, as well as the need for the expansion of communication and information networks. President Mandela also set forth his own set of principles designed to enable the full participation of both the developed countries and the developing countries in building a global information society

    An Exploration of the Understanding of Gender Responsive Researching Among Selected Researchers in Kenya

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    This exploratory qualitative study sought to establish what researchers in Kenya understood about disciplines requiring gender analysis in research, how the gender dimension should be applied in research and how empowerment of women was related to exclusion of men. The study utilized a gender balanced sample of 60 informants from three universities and three research institutions that were purposively selected. The informants were researchers in education and social science, medical and health sciences, environmental studies and engineering and technology, sampled using stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected by use of open ended questionnaires, in-depth interviews and content analysis of relevant research reports. Among other findings, this study shows how the concept of gender responsive researching is already being widely understood, though not necessarily being applied at all stages of research, by researchers in Kenya. Among other things, the paper recommends some of the already existing gender analytic frameworks that researchers may use to effectively incorporate the gender dimension in their work. Keywords: Gender, Researching, Intersectionality, Diversity, Women Empowerment DOI: 10.7176/JCSD/71-01 Publication date:July 31st 2023

    Interventions to Reduce Prejudice Towards, and Avoidance of, People with Mental Illness

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    Research has identified education and contact as two effective strategies for reducing prejudice, discrimination and avoidance of people with a mental illness. This thesis explores ways in which these strategies can be effectively employed. Section 1 Experimental literature testing the differential impact of biogenetic and psychosocial explanations of mental illness on stigma was systematically reviewed. The review found that whilst biogenetic explanations tended to engender less blame, psychosocial explanations tended to engender lower perceptions of risk and a more optimistic outlook on prognosis. Desire for social distance tended not to be affected by causal explanation. Mental health professionals should be aware of the potential impact of different causal explanations on stigma when talking to patients, carers and colleagues. The review noted the need for more stigma research using behavioural outcome measures. Section 2 An empirical report investigated the effect of forming implementation intentions on a key discriminatory behaviour: avoidance. An undergraduate sample (N = 148) was invited to a purported meeting with a person with schizophrenia. Participants who had previously had contact with a person with this diagnosis were less avoidant than participants who lacked experience, and forming an implementation intention did not influence their behaviour. However, for participants who had no previous contact with a person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, forming an implementation intention made it significantly more likely that they would attend the meeting. Implementation intentions aimed at reducing avoidance of people with mental illness could augment anti-stigma interventions, promote contact and thus reduce prejudice

    Rape Attribution for African-American Students

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    The purpose of this quantitative research project is an examination of the influence of gender on the attribution of blame for rape among African-American undergraduate students at Georgia State University. The attribution of blame in a rape scenario (male perpetrator/female victim) will be presented in four pairings, manipulating the race (Black/White) of the victim and perpetrator. The attribution of blame will be measured using a modified 5 point Likert-scale and 14 point Likert-scale based on two pre-existing rape attribution scales: Kanekar and Kolsawalla’s “Responsibility and Imprisonment” 21 point scale (1988) and George and Matrinez’s “Victim Blaming” 10 point Likert-scale (2002). The researcher will use SPSS to determine whether or not significant gender differences in the attribution of rape are apparent in each of the scenarios. Gender issues remain a comparatively unexplored area of research within African-American Studies. This research may bring attention to the degree to which the attribution of responsibility for rape is both raced and gendered within the African-American community. In doing so, this research will potentially provide an additional platform on which more open and honest dialogue between African-American men and women can occur

    Pendidikan Karakter dan Budaya Bangsa dalam Dongeng Gunung Tampomas dan Cadas Pangeran (dalam Kontek Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas V SD)

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    Penelitian ini beranjak dari permasalahan yang timbul atas kurangnya nilai karakter yang tercermin dalam kepribadian para pemimpin. Seperti maraknya kasus korupsi, tidak dapat mengayomi anak buahnya, dan memberi contoh yang baik. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa nilai karakter belum terbina dan tercermin dengan baik. Selain itu juga, bahan pembelajaran pun monoton kurang menggunakan bahan ajar yang sebenarnya banyak terdapat di sekitar. Seperti halnya pemanfaatan cerita rakyat, dalam cerita rakyat ini terdapat nilai karakter yang dapat ditransformasikan ke dalam pribadi siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui nilai karakter Tanggung-Jawab, Semangat Kebangsaan, dan Kerja Keras yang terkandung di dalam cerita rakyat Gunung Tampomas dan Cadas Pangeran Versi folklore Kab. Sumedang. Setelah itu memformulasikannya kedalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi siswa SD kelas V. Jenis penelitian ini ialah kualitatif analisis deskrtiptif. Peneliti menganalisis nilai karakter dalam cerita kemudian mendeskripsikannya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat Cadas pangeran dan Gunung Tampomas

    “Surviving Darwin:” A Multi-Method Darwinian Criticism of Destiny’s Child’s “Survivor”

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    This qualitative project explores the music video “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child using art criticism. Biographical and United States socio-cultural contexts are established to analyze the video considering post-millennial conditions relevant to the 2000-2003 redevelopment of Destiny’s Child. This approach identifies “Survivor” as a response to the highly publicized feud between the group and two recently ousted members, and its sensationalism as a corollary of the celebrity-frenzied atmosphere circulated by MTV-era media. Resources from Khan Academy’s digital research library are used to synthesize formalist, stylistic and technical analyses and produce a descriptive summary including considerations of composition, style influences and production processes. Integrating lyrical analysis of the song into the descriptive summary allows investigation of the video within an unprecedented lens via iconological/iconographic methods. Foregoing theoretical analyses traditional of art criticism, the researcher uses biological and psycho-sociological Darwinian theories outlined in post-Romanticism Victorian Era (1850-1901) England. Accordingly, representative perspectives from Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin are integrated through direct quotes and explored using modern scholarly publications (books, journal articles, etc.). This interpretive method ultimately reveals that “Survivor” incorporates extensive iconological and iconographic references to Darwinism through costuming, lyrical content and imagery which authenticate and defend the moral, evolutionary and physiological superiority of Destiny’s Child relative to the ousted members. This project represents transformative research by significantly broadening the subject’s critical analysis scope, but perhaps more significant is its integration of digital resources. Digitization still elicits ambivalence from history of art practitioners, with digital research centers occupying a particularly marginal status. By successfully conducting formal analysis of a music video using the Khan Academy research library, this project illustrates the capability of digital art creations to effectively undergo traditional criticism informed by a digitized research body and the opportunity to generate new perspectives by incorporating theories outside of canonical art history approaches

    Prevalence and outcome of asymptomatic Cryptococcal antigenemia in art naive and art experienced HIV patients in Dar es salaam, Tanzania

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    Introduction: Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is a highly fatal disease and contributes to about 20% of all-cause mortality in HIV/AIDS. Sub-Saharan Africa is facing substantial challenges in the treatment of the disease; the focus has been shifted towards prevention of the condition in ART-naive patients with CD4 counts of less than 100 cells/μL. Most studies and interventions have been conducted on ART-naive HIV patients despite there being cases and deaths due to cryptococcal meningitis among ART-experienced patients. Recent studies have shown that although there is an increase in ART coverage among HIV patients, this has not affected the incidence of cryptococcal meningitis. Objectives: This study aimed at estimating the prevalence of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia in HIV patients in three HIV clinics in Dar es salaam, Tanzania and to compare the proportion of Cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) positivity between ART-naive and ART-experienced patients, determining factors associated with cryptococcal antigenemia and observation of three months outcomes of patients with cryptococcal antigenemia under recommended treatment. Methods: This was cross sectional study of HIV positive (ART-naïve and ART-experienced) clients attending three care and treatment clinics in Dar es Salaam from September 2018 to February 2019. Individuals with CD4 count ≤200 cells/μL or viral load ≥1000 copies/ml were screened for serum CrAg. Predetermined three months outcomes; development of meningitis, hospitalization and mortality were assessed between groups. Results: Two seventy three (273) participants with a mean age of 40.4 years in three HIV clinics in Dar es Salaam were enrolled in this study. The overall prevalence of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia (ACA) was 4.8% (13/273; 95% CI: 2.6 – 8.0). The prevalence in the ART- experienced group was lower 2.5% (4/162; 95% CI: 0.7 – 6.2) compared to 8.1% (9/111; 95% CI: 3.8 – 14.8) in ART-naïve patients (p\u3c0.05). Having a history of headache in the past two weeks and hospitalization in the past 12 months were associated with CrAg positivity. Likelihood of death or development of meningitis or hospitalization was higher in CrAg positive patients 69% (p\u3c0.05) compared to CrAg negative patients at 12 weeks. Conclusion: The overall prevalence of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia in ART-naïve and ART- experienced patients is 4.8% in three HIV clinics in Dar es salaam. Prevalence of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia is lower in ART-experienced patients compared to new cases. CrAg positivity is a good predictor of bad outcome at three month