67 research outputs found

    Grammatical Error of EFL Senior High School Learners in Writing: A Review of Language Interference Studies

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    Considering the importance of English as one of pivotal courses in compulsory education, Indonesian students are liable to error produced during their language acquisition phase. This paper’s aim is to unveil what is the most frequent language interference presents in students’ writing that centered upon grammatical context, along with its correlative factors and the very process of interference, encountered by senior high school learners within their second or foreign language acquisition phase. This was carried through library research, which relies towards other articles from researchers, under the same concerns of language interference, as the main objective. There are 4 researches taken as primary sources that issued or published within the last 5 years. The findings of each studies are assessed in gaining a better insight for this paper’s inquiries. From the analysis, the outcomes proved that the errors mostly occurred were caused by interference came in a form of incorrect use of verb as well as copula ‘be’ omission during sentence composing. Such errors were not solely caused by the entity of language interference alone, yet also compounded by the lack of motivation in using English as a communication medium both inside and outside the classroom activity

    Cooperative Principle Used By The Vendors Of Borobudur Temple In Communication With Foreign Tourists

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    Grice suggested that conversation is based on a shared principle of cooperation. This principle was fleshed out in a series of maxims. Here the writers analyzed the maxims used by the vendors in Borobudur Temple when communicating with foreign tourists. The vendors did not have a good ability in speaking English because English is not their first or even their second language. The problems of this study are: (1) How do the vendors in Borobudur Temple learn English? and (2) What are the maxims used by the vendors of Borobudur Temple in communication with the foreign tourists?This study used a qualitative approach with ethnomethodology methods to get the detailed information of the vendors’ learning English and the maxims used in the vendors’ conversation. The data are taken from interviews, observation and recording conversations between the vendors and the foreign tourists.The results showed the vendors’ daily life in learning English, and without joining formal education at schools, the vendors could communicate with the tourists using simple sentences to sell the product. The results on the maxims used in the conversations between the vendors at Borobudur Temple and the foreign tourists was the vendors used maxims of quality and maxims of relation. The vendors did not use maxims of quantity and maxims of manner. This was because of the vendors’ lack of English vocabulary.The conclusion of this study was the vendors of Borobudur Temple study English in their community without studying English formally at school, and the vendors used maxims of quantity and maxims of relation in conversations with foreigners to sell the product.Keywords: cooperative principle, vendors, Borobudur temple, foreign tourist


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    This study specifically examined the grammar and lexical cohesion of a speech from one of the controversial figure, Donald Trump, regarding with a current reckless assassination upon Iran’s highest general, Qasem Soleimani, in early 2020. Such investigation required the use of textual analysis of a designated speech from a YouTube video, which transcripted further be thoroughly examined. The results showed that Trump positively justified his action while negatively claim the opposite of his addressee. This was shown with the most frequent form of cohesion for the grammatical section is the reference with 65 pieces of evidence, as well as near-synonym and repetition with only 9 evidence for lexical section. While the least form is the conjunction with 23 evidence, also both synonym and general word with only 1 evidence. This also highlighted that the use of some cohesion features displays a different aim and effect. All in all, this study presented a theoretical implication, where all elements of a related proper speech entailed the use of grammatical and lexical cohesion altogether

    Strategies for Effective English Speaking

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    This book is written as the supplementary materials for English instructors in giving speaking class activities. The materials consist of theory and practice of Communication Strategy (CS) that includes contextual data taken from research funded by KEMENRISTEKDIKTI 2016.This research was conducted in order to know more about the implementation of strategy communication and its effectiveness in overcoming the students’ English speaking problems. We have provided seven chapters that present meaningful information about speaking problems and Communication Strategies (real practice in the examples). We also tried to enhance the students’ critical thinking on the practice session; we name it Students Activities.From these activities, it is expected that the students are not only be able to comprehend the theoretical framework of speaking problems and Communication Strategy, but also to get solution in improving their speaking when performing English conversation. Considering the authentic data and sufficient reference in this book, we believe that the information can be a potential source to enhance the speaking performance for EFL learners. Finally, we realize that there are many drawbacks in this book; therefore, we would be very grateful and welcome for any corrections, comments, and criticism from all readers for our improvement

    Let's Learn English Progressively

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    this book contains the materials to learn English from basic to intermediate level. it is useful to be used as the source to learn together in class or independently

    The Effect of Gamification in Board Game to Improve English Vocabulary in Junior High School : Pengaruh Gamifikasi dalam Board Game untuk Meningkatkan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This study aims to determine whether there is a difference between the learning outcomes of English vocabulary improvement in descriptive text learning for students before and after the Gamification method is applied. The subjects of this study were 41 students in Junior High School. Data collection in the form of multiple choice and essay to measure English vocabulary improvement. The method used is quantitative method, data analysis using paired sample t test. The mean score of the post-test is 86.0732 is higher than the mean score of the pre-test is 66.9024, this means that there is an increase in of English vocabulary after the Gamification method is applied, the results also show that the significance obtained is 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05, thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is a significant difference between the learning outcomes of English vocabulary in descriptive text learning


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    Abstract: This study aims to find out the strategies used by tertiary level students in performing English communication. This research was a descriptive study involving English Education Study Program students. Data analysis included in-depth transcribing on the students’ speaking performance and the result of interview. The findings show that the communication strategies used in the conversation consisted of avoidance, paraphrase, borrowing, appeal for assistance, and mime. The common strategy lied on mime, while avoidance and paraphrase strategies were not frequently applied. The results show communication strategies were effective in helping the first language students in learning English as their foreign language. Communication strategies give solution to cope with difficulties in learning English. Communication strategies are highly suggested to be socialized to EFL learners as an alternative way to improve speaking performance

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Listening Comprehension Melalui Stategi Top-Down dan Bottom-Up

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    Pemahaman listening masih menjadi masalah besar bagi pebelajar Bahasa Inggris, sehingga strategi Top-Down dan Bottom-Up merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat membantu dalam memahami dan mengerti Listening Comprehension. Top-Down processing mengacu pada penggunaan skemata atau pengetahuan pebelajar untuk memahami informasi yang diterima, sedangkan Bottom-Up processing mengacu pada proses pemahaman informasi melalui analisis bunyi, arti kata, maupun tata bahasa. Dalam penerapannya, strategi Top-Down dan Bottom-Up di dalam kegiatan Pre-listening, While-listening dan Post-listening. Di dalam kegiatan Pre-listening kegiatan yang dibangun adalah pebelajar dapat menghubungkan konteks dari apa yang didengar dengan latar belakang pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Di dalam kegiatan While-listening, pebelajar memprediksi apa yang penting dan yang tidak penting untuk diperhatikan untuk mendorong siswa memahami apa yang mereka dengar. Di dalam kegiatan post-listening, pebelajar didorong untuk menanggapi apa yang mereka dengar. Keseluruhan kegiatan pembelajaran diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Listening Comprehension di kelas

    The Use of Cooperative Learning Through Tai (Team Assisted Individualization) In Reading Comprehension

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    Cooperative Learning is a teaching arrangement that refers to small, heterogeneous groups of students working together to achieve a common goal (Kagan, 1994). This research is done to know the response of students used cooperative learning in reading comprehension. The data of this study analyzed qualitatively without applying statistical calculations. The subject of the study were the students of the first semester in Midwifery faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo . There researcher used one class which consist 29 students. The students gave the positive responses and dominantly agreed to the implementation of cooperative learning type Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) in reading comprehension. From the questionnaire, the researcher concludes that are 40% students are agreed, 50% students strongly agree, and 10% less agree  with cooperative learning type Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) in reading comprehension. The conclusion is students respond well to cooperative learning model type Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) to improve students' reading comprehension. This cooperative learning type Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) can be the one of the model to teach reading comprehension

    Analysis Framing of the Presidential Election News in LensaIndonesia.com Online Media

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    Ini merupakan peer review oleh Dr. Esti Junining, MPd sebagai reviewer I dan Yuli Astutik M.Pd sebagai reviewer II terhadap artikel ilmiah berjudul “Analysis Framing of the Presidential Election News in LensaIndonesia.com Online Media” yang ditulis oleh Vidya Mandarani, M.Hum, dipublikasikan di konferensi Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Education, Humanities, and Language (ICEL) “Mainstreaming the Influences on Higher Order of Thinking Skills in Humanities, Education, and Language in Industrial Revolution 4.0” di URL : http://icel.fib.ub.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/PROSIDING-ICEL-2019-LayoutFinal.pd
