109 research outputs found

    Il "giardino medievale" al castello di Colleferro: progetto di un parco tematico-didattico per la riqualificazione paesaggistica di un sito storico degradato

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    La coscienza del proprio patrimonio è il primo e decisivo passo verso la salvaguardia e la valorizzazione dei Beni culturali e ambientali; evidentemente, ogni intervento in questa direzione, compreso quello che sarà descritto in questo lavoro, sarà più difficilmente realizzabile lì dove questa coscienza difetta o manca completamente. Negli ultimi anni molte piccole realtà italiane hanno scoperto i benefici che si possono trarre dalla valorizzazione della propria storia, delle tradizioni e della cultura. Non sfugge a questa logica la comunità analizzata in questo lavoro che proprio recentemente ha iniziato ad affrontare un discorso di riscoperta delle proprie radici e, parallelamente, a focalizzare l’attenzione sui modi per riappropriarsene attraverso una divulgazione didattica ad una cittadinanza finora poco attenta e male informata a riguardo, anche e soprattutto a causa delle pessime condizioni in cui versano le testimonianze storiche della città dopo decenni di abbandono. Il lavoro prospettato attraverso le ricerche e il progetto relativo a questa tesi di laurea si inseriscono in tale contesto. Nello specifico, si tratta di un progetto di valorizzazione e riqualificazione storico paesaggistica di una delle pochissime aree rimaste libere dal cemento nel comune di Colleferro, territorio in cui convergono la modernità della sua vocazione industriale e la storia millenaria del territorio dove si è sviluppata negli ultimi settanta anni. Con più precisione il sito scelto rappresenta l’unica area comunale avente una storia con radici così antiche e importanti: si tratta del colle dove sorge il Castello Vecchio, una struttura alto-medioevale oggi nel più completo abbandono e prossimo ad un insediamento urbano novecentesco con caratteristiche assai particolari. Sotto la spinta nuova e crescente che l’amministrazione comunale stà rivolgendo al proprio patrimonio, si cercherà di raggiungere due obiettivi necessari e paralleli: rendere fruibile un’area verde di grande interesse storico (proprio per via del Castello che vede sorgere) e iniziare un processo relativo al potenziamento del verde urbano in un territorio (bassa provincia di Roma) che, proprio a causa della sua spinta industrializzazione, si è ritrovata in questi anni a fronteggiare uno dei più gravi disastri ambientali nella storia di tutta la regione

    Feeding behaviour of larval European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in relation to temperature and prey density

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    The feeding behaviour of larval European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) was analysed in relation to temperature and prey density under controlled laboratory conditions with the aim to assess the ability of larval fish to change the feeding tactic as a response to environmental changes. Larvae were acclimated for 20 days at three different temperatures (19, 22 and 26°C), and their feeding behaviour was then video-recorded in experimental trials, at two prey densities, consisting of swarms of 400/l and 1440/l Artemia nauplii. Results showed that there was a significant effect of the interaction between temperature and prey density on the proportion of swimming activity that was reduced at the high temperature-high prey density combination. This suggested a switching in the larval feeding behaviour from an active to an ambush tactic, when the temperature reached 26°C and the prey density was 1440 /l Artemia nauplii. These results are consistent with the current literature on fish larval behaviour in showing that the foraging tactic can be modulated by the interaction of different abiotic and biotic factors characterising the rearing environment

    Infrahyoid fascio-myocutaneous flap as an alternative to free radial forearm flap in head and neck reconstruction.

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    The use of microvascular free flaps is currently the favored method for the reconstruction of defects after resection of head and neck cancer. The flap most commonly used for head and neck reconstruction is the free radial forearm flap, but the less popular infrahyoid flap represents a good alternative in selected cases. This flap has proven to be helpful in the reconstruction of a wide range of moderate-sized head and neck defects.We reviewed a series of 13 patients with defects resulting from cancer of the head and neck, who underwent infrahyoid flap reconstruction as an alternative to free radial forearm flap. The series includes 12 squamous cell carcinomas arising from the oral cavity and oropharynx, and 1 Merkel cell carcinoma of the submental skin. In the harvesting of the flap, the technical modifications recently suggested by Dolivet et al were used in all cases. Furthermore, another technical change has been introduced so creating a new infrahyoid facio-myocutaneous flap (IHFMCF). The surgical technique is described in detail.No total or partial flap necrosis was experienced. All reconstructions healed quickly without wound complications and with good functional results. The healing process in the donor site was excellent in every case with good aesthetic results.The IHFMCF is a versatile, reliable, and convenient flap suitable for repairing small and medium-sized defects of the oral cavity and oropharynx and obviates the need for a microvascular reconstruction

    Three-dimensional minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy: preliminary report

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    Three-dimensional (3D) minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) was carried out with a 4-mm, 3D 0-degree stereoscopic endoscope. The procedure was applied on 3 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy and data were prospectively collected. Operative time for total thyroidectomy ranged from 72 to 90 minutes. Neither intra-nor post-operative complications were reported during the study. The surgical team noticed a good perception of depth and easy recognising of anatomic structures, especially concerning the upper and lower vascular pedicle, the parathyroids, the superior and inferior laryngeal nerves. Preliminary impression emerging from this study seems to suggest that 3D MIVAT is safe and effective. Future studies with larger case series are required to determine the role of this procedure

    Review: Assessing fish welfare in research and aquaculture, with a focus on European directives.

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    The number of farmed fish in the world has increased considerably. Aquaculture is a growing industry that will in the future provide a large portion of fishery products. Moreover, in recent years, the number of teleost fish used as animal models for scientific research in both biomedical and ecological fields has increased. Therefore, it is increasingly important to implement measures designed to enhance the welfare of these animals. Currently, a number of European rules exist as requirements for the establishment, care and accommodation of fish maintained for human purposes. As far as (teleost) fish are concerned, the fact that the number of extant species is much greater than that of all other vertebrates must be considered. Of further importance is that each species has its own specific physical and chemical requirements. These factors make it difficult to provide generalized recommendations or requirements for all fish species. An adequate knowledge is required of the physiology and ecology of each species bred. This paper integrates and discusses, in a single synthesis, the current issues related to fish welfare, considering that teleosts are target species for both aquaculture and experimental models in biological and biomedical research. We first focus on the practical aspects, which must be considered when assessing fish welfare in both research and aquaculture contexts. Next, we address husbandry and the care of fish housed in research laboratories and aquaculture facilities in relation to their physiological and behavioural requirements, as well as in reference to the suggestions provided by European regulations. Finally, to evaluate precisely which parameters described by Directive 2010/63/EU are reported in scientific papers, we analysed 82 articles published by European researchers in 2014 and 2015. This review found that there is a general lack of information related to the optimal environmental conditions that should be provided for the range of species covered by this directive

    Feeding Behaviour of Larval European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in Relation to Temperature and Prey Density

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    The feeding behaviour of larval European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) was analysed in relation to temperature and prey density under controlled laboratory conditions with the aim to assess the ability of larval fish to change the feeding tactic as a response to environmental changes. Larvae were acclimated for 20 days at three different temperatures (19, 22 and 26°C), and their feeding behaviour was then video-recorded in experimental trials, at two prey densities, consisting of swarms of 400/l and 1440/l Artemia nauplii. Results showed that there was a significant effect of the interaction between temperature and prey density on the proportion of swimming activity that was reduced at the high temperature-high prey density combination. This suggested a switching in the larval feeding behaviour from an active to an ambush tactic, when the temperature reached 26°C and the prey density was 1440 /l Artemia nauplii. These results are consistent with the current literature on fish larval behaviour in showing that the foraging tactic can be modulated by the interaction of different abiotic and biotic factors characterising the rearing environment

    Keeper-animal interactions: differences between the behaviour of zoo animals affect stockmanship

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    Stockmanship is a term used to describe the management of animals with a good stockperson someone who does this in a in a safe, effective, and low-stress manner for both the stock-keeper and animals involved. Although impacts of unfamiliar zoo visitors on animal behaviour have been extensively studied, the impact of stockmanship i.e familiar zoo keepers is a new area of research; which could reveal significant ramifications for zoo animal behaviour and welfare. It is likely that different relationships are formed dependant on the unique keeper-animal dyad (human-animal interaction, HAI). The aims of this study were to (1) investigate if unique keeper-animal dyads were formed in zoos, (2) determine whether keepers differed in their interactions towards animals regarding their attitude, animal knowl- edge and experience and (3) explore what factors affect keeper-animal dyads and ultimately influence animal behaviour and welfare. Eight black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), eleven Chapman’s zebra (Equus burchellii), and twelve Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra) were studied in 6 zoos across the UK and USA. Subtle cues and commands directed by keepers towards animals were identified. The animals latency to respond and the respective behavioural response (cue-response) was recorded per keeper-animal dyad (n=93). A questionnaire was constructed following a five-point Likert Scale design to record keeper demographic information and assess the job satisfaction of keepers, their attitude towards the animals and their perceived relationship with them. There was a significant difference in the animals’ latency to appropriately respond after cues and commands from different keepers, indicating unique keeper-animal dyads were formed. Stockmanship style was also different between keepers; two main components contributed equally towards this: “attitude towards the animals” and “knowledge and experience of the animals”. In this novel study, data demonstrated unique dyads were formed between keepers and zoo animals, which influenced animal behaviour
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