6,004 research outputs found

    Hyper-chaotic magnetisation dynamics of two interacting dipoles

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    The present work is a numerical study of the deterministic spin dynamics of two interacting anisotropic magnetic particles in the presence of a time-dependent external magnetic field using the Landau–Lifshitz equation. Particles are coupled through the dipole–dipole interaction. The applied magnetic field is made of a constant longitudinal amplitude component and a time-dependent transversal amplitude component. Dynamical states obtained are represented by their Lyapunov exponents and bifurcation diagrams. The dependence on the largest and the second largest Lyapunov exponents, as a function of the magnitude and frequency of the applied magnetic field, and the relative distance between particles, is studied. The system presents multiple transitions between regular and chaotic behaviour depending on the control parameters. In particular, the system presents consistent hyper-chaotic states

    Quantum State Reconstruction of a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We propose a tomographic scheme to reconstruct the quantum state of a Bose-Einstein condensate, exploiting the radiation field as a probe and considering the atomic internal degrees of freedom. The density matrix in the number state basis can be directly retrieved from the atom counting probabilities.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX file, no figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    «El esplendor de la verdad» para un científico cristiano.

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    En el presente trabajo se analizan desde una perspectiva científica las consecuencias del proceso originado por la separaci6n entre fe y razón y su relaci6n con los diferentes significados de la palabra verdad. Se parte de los conceptos enunciados por el Papa en Ratisbona y se intenta describir la evolucidn histdrica desde el antiguo concepto de «razón» al de «razón científica» y el nacimiento de una ideologfa «cientificista» que hoy se ha impuesto en la sociedad. Se destacan los problemas creados por esta ideologfa y se muestra la imposibilidad de la ciencia para dar una justificaci6n racional a los fines del comportamiento humano (etica) y al universo en general (el «sentido» o «finalidad »). Como propuesta se intenta mostrar como se puede intentar recomponer el concepto de «verdad de las cosas», considerando que la ciencia y la fe religiosa son descripciones complementarias de la realidad que no se excluyen mutuamente, tanto a nivel individual en la persona de un cientifico como en el piano del pensamiento en la Filosoffa de la Ciencia

    Bosonic Memory Channels

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    We discuss a Bosonic channel model with memory effects. It relies on a multi-mode squeezed (entangled) environment's state. The case of lossy Bosonic channels is analyzed in detail. We show that in the absence of input energy constraints the memory channels are equivalent to their memoryless counterparts. In the case of input energy constraint we provide lower and upper bounds for the memory channel capacity.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Continuous quantum nondemolition feedback and unconditional atomic spin squeezing

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    We discuss the theory and experimental considerations of a quantum feedback scheme for producing deterministically reproducible spin squeezing. Continuous nondemolition atom number measurement from monitoring a probe field conditionally squeezes the sample. Simultaneous feedback of the measurement results controls the quantum state such that the squeezing becomes unconditional. We find that for very strong cavity coupling and a limited number of atoms, the theoretical squeezing approaches the Heisenberg limit. Strong squeezing will still be produced at weaker coupling and even in free space (thus presenting a simple experimental test for quantum feedback). The measurement and feedback can be stopped at any time, thereby freezing the sample with a desired amount of squeezing.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JP

    A Study of the Antiferromagnetic Phase in the Hubbard Model by means of the Composite Operator Method

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    We have investigated the antiferromagnetic phase of the 2D, the 3D and the extended Hubbard models on a bipartite cubic lattice by means of the Composite Operator Method within a two-pole approximation. This approach yields a fully self-consistent treatment of the antiferromagnetic state that respects the symmetry properties of both the model and the algebra. The complete phase diagram, as regards the antiferromagnetic and the paramagnetic phases, has been drawn. We firstly reported, within a pole approximation, three kinds of transitions at half-filling: Mott-Hubbard, Mott-Heisenberg and Heisenberg. We have also found a metal-insulator transition, driven by doping, within the antiferromagnetic phase. This latter is restricted to a very small region near half filling and has, in contrast to what has been found by similar approaches, a finite critical Coulomb interaction as lower bound at half filling. Finally, it is worth noting that our antiferromagnetic gap has two independent components: one due to the antiferromagnetic correlations and another coming from the Mott-Hubbard mechanism.Comment: 20 pages, 37 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of two coupled chaotic systems driven by external signals

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    Setting-up a controlled or synchronized state in a space-time chaotic structure targeting an unstable periodic orbit is a key feature of many problems in high dimensional physical, electronics, biological and ecological systems (among others). Formerly, we have shown numerically and experimentally that phase synchronization [M.G. Rosenblum, A.S. Pikovsky, J. Kurths, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4193 (1997)] can be achieved in time dependent hydrodynamic flows [D. Maza, A. Vallone, H.L. Mancini, S. Boccaletti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5567 (2000)]. In that case the flow was generated in a small container with inhomogeneous heating in order to have a single roll structure produced by a B´enard-Marangoni instability [E.L. Koshmieder, B´enard Cells and Taylor Vortices (Cambridge University Press, 1993)]. Phase synchronization was achieved by a small amplitude signal injected at a subharmonic frequency obtained from the measured Fourier temperature spectrum. In this work, we analyze numerically the effects of driving two previously synchronized chaotic oscillators by an external signal. The numerical system represents a convective experiment in a small container with square symmetry, where boundary layer instabilities are coupled by a common flow. This work is an attempt to control this situation and overcome some difficulties to select useful frequency values for the driving force, analyzing the influence of different harmonic injection signals on the synchronization in a system composed by two identical chaotic Takens-Bogdanov equations (TBA and TBB) bidirectionally coupled

    Complexity control in a synchronized complex system

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    We numerically analyze the problem of how to drive a synchronized state in a complex system to other state with diferent complexity, keeping synchronization. The complex system used is obtained by synchronizing two identical chaotic Takens-Bogdanov sub-systems specially coupled to recover in the global system the symmetries of each oscillator. The global state is adjusted to have an initial synchronized hyperchaotic state (with two positive Lyapunov exponents). This work is an attempt, using small amplitude external signals, to drive the global system to other complex state keeping the synchronized state. The method used to overcome the problems that we had to select a useful frequency value for the driving signal will be discussed, together with a possible experiment in a thermo-convective flow for validating the results obtained

    Evaluation of positive G sub Z tolerance following simulated weightlessness (bedrest)

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    The magnitude of physiologic changes which are known to occur in human subjects exposed to varying levels of + G sub Z acceleration following bed rest simulation of weightlessness was studied. Bed rest effects were documented by fluid and electrolyte balance studies, maximal exercise capability, 70 deg passive tilt and lower body negative pressure tests and the ability to endure randomly prescribed acceleration profiles of +2G sub Z, +3G sub Z, and +4G sub Z. Six healthy male volunteers were studied during two weeks of bed rest after adequate control observations, followed by two weeks of recovery, followed by a second two-week period of bed rest at which time an Air Force cutaway anti-G suit was used to determine its effectiveness as a countermeasure for observed cardiovascular changes during acceleration. Results showed uniform and significant changes in all measured parameters as a consequence of bed rest including a reduced ability to tolerate +G sub Z acceleration. The use of anti-G suits significantly improved subject tolerance to all G exposures and returned measured parameters such as heart rate and blood pressure towards or to pre-bed-rest (control) values in four of the six cases
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