729 research outputs found

    Los esperpentos de "Martes de Carnaval" entre deshumanización y exilio

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    This article tries to analyse the esperpentos of Martes de Carnaval focusing on the centrality that the motive of exile has in Valle-Inclán’s famous trilogy. A particular importance has to be recognized to concepts, such as interior exile and dehumanization, which allow the author to achieve his criticism against the corruption of the society in which he lives and to reason, at the same time, about the conidition of those who live the war horrific experience and survive.Este artículo intenta analizar los esperpentos de Martes de Carnaval destacando la centralidad que el motivo del exilio desempeña en las piezas de la famosa trilogía valleinclaniana. De particular importancia resultarán los conceptos de exilio interior y deshumanización que le permiten al autor expresar su denuncia contra la corrupción de la sociedad en que vive y reflexionar, al mismo tiempo, sobre la condición de los que experimentan los horrores de la guerra y sobreviven.Este artigo intenta analizar os esperpentos de Martes de Carnaval destacando a centralidade que o motivo do exilio asume nas pezas da famosa triloxía valleinclaniana. De particular importancia resultarán os conceptos de exilio interior e deshumanización que permiten ao autor expresar a súa denuncia contra a corrupción da sociedade na que vive e asemade reflexionar sobre a condición dos que experimentan os horrores da guerra e sobreviven

    La "Ilustración y defensa de la Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe" (1636) de Cristóbal de Salazar Mardones y el "Examen del Antídoto" (1617) del abad de Rute: crítica literaria y crítica del texto

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    In this essay, I aim at deepening into the intertextuality which binds Cristóbal de Salazar Mar­dones’ "Ilustración y defensa de la Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe" (1636) to Francisco Fernández de Córdoba’s "Examen del Antídoto o Apología por las Soledades de don Luis de Góngora contra el autor del Antídoto" (1617). The article will be divided into two parts: in the first one, I will focus on the debts that this and other works of the debate over Góngora’s poetry show towards the abbot of Rute’s text; in the second one, based on few textual variants, I will try to identify which manuscript of "Examen" Salazar Mardones probably handled in order to write several fragments of his "Ilustración".En este artículo pretendemos profundizar en la intertextualidad que vincula la "Ilustración y defensa de la Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe" (1636) de Cristóbal de Salazar Mardones con el "Examen del Antídoto o Apología por las Soledades de don Luis de Góngora contra el autor del Antídoto" (1617) de Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, abad de Rute. En la primera parte, nos centraremos en las deudas que este y otros textos de la llamada polémica gongorina acusan con el opúsculo del clérigo cordobés. En la segunda, en virtud de algunas variantes textuales, se intentará identificar el ejemplar del "Examen" que Salazar Mardones debió de manejar para redactar varios pasajes de su "Ilustración"

    Lope y los libros de fiestas: polémicas literarias y estrategias de autopromoción

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    El presente artículo se divide en dos secciones. La primera ilumina las estrategias de autopromoción autorial y editorial que, a fin de consolidar su prestigio literario y censurar a sus enemigos, Lope de Vega adoptó en sus relaciones festivas de la década de 1620: la Justa poética y alabanzas justas que hizo la insigne villa de Madrid al bienaventurado san Isidro (Madrid, Viuda de Alonso Martín, 1620) y la Relación de las fiestas que la insigne villa de Madrid hizo en la canonización de su bienaventurado hijo y patrón san Isidro ([Madrid], s. e., 1622); la segunda desvela en cambio la identidad de uno de los interlocutores con los que el Fénix dialogó y polemizó en la de 1622

    La tradición impresa de las «Novelas amorosas de los mejores ingenios de España» (Zaragoza, 1648)

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    This essay focuses on the printed tradition of Novelas amorosas de los mejores ingenios de España (José Alfay/Martín Navarro, 1648), an anthology of short novels first published in the Viuda de Pedro Vergés’ press (Zaragoza). Through the analysis of the errors and variants transmitted by the surviving editions of such book, I aim at establishing the textual filiation and offer a plausible stemmatic hypothesis.El presente trabajo analiza la tradición impresa de las Novelas amorosas de los mejores ingenios de España (José Alfay/Martín Navarro, 1648), colectánea de relatos publicada por vez primera en el taller zaragozano de la Viuda de Pedro Vergés. A través del examen de los principales errores y variantes transmitidos en las ediciones conservadas de dicho libro, se pretende establecer la filiación de los impresos, amén de una plausible hipótesis estemática

    A complex-valued resonance model for axisymmetric screech tones in supersonic jets

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    We model the resonance mechanism underpinning generation of A1 and A2 screech tones in an under-expanded supersonic jet. Starting from the resonance model recently proposed by \cite{mancinelli2019screech}, where the upstream-travelling wave is a neutrally-stable guided jet mode, we here present a more complete linear-stability-based model for screech prediction. We study temperature and shear-layer thickness effects and show that, in order to accurately describe the experimental data, the effect of the finite thickness of the shear layer must be incorporated in the jet-dynamics model. We then present an improved resonance model for screech-frequency predictions in which both downstream- and upstream-travelling waves may have complex wavenumber and frequency. This resonance model requires knowledge of the reflection coefficients at the upstream and downstream locations of the resonance loop. We explore the effect of the reflection coefficients on the resonance model and propose an approach for their identification. The complex-mode model identifies limited regions of frequency-flow parameter space for which the resonance loop is amplified in time, a necessary condition for the resonance to be sustained. This model provides an improved description of the experimental measurements.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figure

    Dynamics of round jet impingement

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    International audienceThe impingement of a round jet issued from a convergent nozzle is known to produce intense tonal noise. These tones are generated by a feedback process involving a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability wave and an upstream propagating wave. The frequency structure of these tones is experimentally explored by varying the jet Mach number from 0.7 to 1.5 and we observe evidence that neutral-upstream modes of the jet are active in the feedback process. Tone frequency predictions obtained using the intrinsic jet modes are compared to the standard model involving free-stream acoustic waves: the neutral waves model provides a convincing agreement with the experimental data

    A real-time thermal model for the analysis of tire/road interaction in motorcycle applications

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    While in the automotive field the relationship between road adherence and tire temperature is mainly investigated with the aim to enhance the vehicle performance in motorsport, the motorcycle sector is highly sensitive to such theme also from less extreme applications. The small extension of the footprint, along with the need to guarantee driver stability and safety in the widest possible range of riding conditions, require that tires work as most as possible at a temperature able to let the viscoelastic compounds - constituting the tread and the composite materials of the whole carcass structure - provide the highest interaction force with soil. Moreover, both for tire manufacturing companies and for single track vehicles designers and racing teams, a deep knowledge of the thermodynamic phenomena involved at the ground level is a key factor for the development of optimal solutions and setup. This paper proposes a physical model based on the application of the Fourier thermodynamic equations to a three-dimensional domain, accounting for all the sources of heating like friction power at the road interface and the cyclic generation of heat due to rolling and to asphalt indentation, and for the cooling effects due to air forced convection, to road conduction and to turbulences in the inflation chamber. The complex heat exchanges in the system are fully described and modelled, with particular reference to the management of contact patch position, correlated to camber angle and requiring the adoption of an innovative multi-ribbed and multilayered tire structure. The completely physical approach induces the need of a proper parameterization of the model, whose main stages are described, both from the experimental and identification points of view, with particular reference to non-destructive procedures for thermal parameters definition

    Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury's Surface and Composition

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    BepiColombo has a larger and in many ways more capable suite of instruments relevant for determination of the topographic, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of Mercury's surface than the suite carried by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft. Moreover, BepiColombo's data rate is substantially higher. This equips it to confirm, elaborate upon, and go beyond many of MESSENGER's remarkable achievements. Furthermore, the geometry of BepiColombo's orbital science campaign, beginning in 2026, will enable it to make uniformly resolved observations of both northern and southern hemispheres. This will offer more detailed and complete imaging and topographic mapping, element mapping with better sensitivity and improved spatial resolution, and totally new mineralogical mapping. We discuss MESSENGER data in the context of preparing for BepiColombo, and describe the contributions that we expect BepiColombo to make towards increased knowledge and understanding of Mercury's surface and its composition. Much current work, including analysis of analogue materials, is directed towards better preparing ourselves to understand what BepiColombo might reveal. Some of MESSENGER's more remarkable observations were obtained under unique or extreme conditions. BepiColombo should be able to confirm the validity of these observations and reveal the extent to which they are representative of the planet as a whole. It will also make new observations to clarify geological processes governing and reflecting crustal origin and evolution. We anticipate that the insights gained into Mercury's geological history and its current space weathering environment will enable us to better understand the relationships of surface chemistry, morphologies and structures with the composition of crustal types, including the nature and mobility of volatile species. This will enable estimation of the composition of the mantle from which the crust was derived, and lead to tighter constraints on models for Mercury's origin including the nature and original heliocentric distance of the material from which it formed.Peer reviewe