610 research outputs found

    Natural history and morphometry of the Cuban iguana (Cyclura nubila Gray, 1831) in Cayo Sijú, Cuba

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    The report presents data about the Cuban iguana population (Cyclura nubila nubila) inhabiting Cayo Sijú, an 88 ha island off the southwest coast of Cuba. Population densities estimated using strip transects were higher in xerophytic coastal scrub (6.72 ± 6.25 iguanas/ha) than in typical sand vegetation (3.63 ± 2.71 iguanas/ha) and mangrove forests (2.9 ± 2.9 iguanas/ha). The total population for the cay was estimated at 350 individuals with an adult biomass of approximately 11.67 kg/ha. Densities varied minimally between three habitat types and between the wet and dry seasons. No significant density fluctuations were found one month after Hurricane Ivan affected the cay. Iguana burrows were encountered most frequently in beach dunes. Analysis of 30 scat samples revealed eight species of plants, with the fruits of Chrysobalanum icaco and the leaves of Batis maritima being the most frequently identified items. The remains of crab (Cardisoma guandhumi) and insects of the order Hemiptera were also present in scat samples. Sexual dimorphism was evident in this population, with males being significantly larger in eight morphological variables. The snout-vent length measurements were larger in this population than in those reported in two cays off the south coast of Cuba

    Tamaño relativo del cerebro en murciélagos cubanos

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    Se estudia el tamaño relativo del cerebro en 22 especies de murciélagos cubanos, incluidos en seis familias: Phyllostomidae (siete), Mormoopidae (cuatro), Natalidae (una), Noctilionidae (cuatro), Vespertilionidae (cuatro) y Molossidae (cinco). Se incluyeron todos los géneros (19) presentes en el Archipiélago cubano con la excepción de Anthrozous. El exponente alométrico que describe la relación entre el volumen endocraneal y la masa corporal es considerablemente más alto que el hallado en estudios anteriores sobre el orden Chiroptera. Los filostómidos presentaron cerebros más grandes que otras especies de murciélagos insectívoros. Al examinar la relación del coeficiente de cefalización con diferentes estrategias en el uso del hábitat, se encontró la mayor relación cuando los murciélagos se agruparon de acuerdo al uso de los diferentes espacios alimentarios. El desarrollo endocraneal observado en la fauna de murciélagos de Cuba muestra la misma tendencia que en estudios previos: la utilización de hábitats y conductas más complejas determinan mayores volúmenes cerebrales.The relative brain size is described for 22 Cuban bats, seven species from the Phyllostomidae, Mormoopidae (four species), Natalidae (one species), Vespertilionidae (four species), Noctilionidae (one species) and Molossidae (five species). This study included all genera (19) recorded in Cuba, with the exception of Anthrozous. The allometric exponent describing the functional trend between the endocranial volume (brain size) and body mass, is considerably highest than the exponent value found in previous studies in Chiroptera. The phyllostomids had significantly larger brains that insectivorous species. When examining the relationship of the encephalization quotients with different strategies in the use of the habitat, it was the highest when the bats were grouped according to their foraging strategies. The endocraneal development observed in the cuban bats shows the same tendency that in previous studies of the order Chiroptera: the use of complex foraging strategy is associated with increased relative brain size

    Valoración rápida de la biodiversidad en cayos al sureste de la Ciénaga de Zapata (Cuba)

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    Se realizó una valoración rápida de la biodiversidad en cayos y algunas zonas costeras al sureste de la Reserva de la Biosfera Ciénaga de Zapata, importante zona biodiversa de Cuba y la región caribeña. Se efectuaron dos expediciones de 6 y 9 días en el primer trimestre de 2004 para inventariar las especies que constituyen su flora y fauna (especialmente de vertebrados terrestres). Se detectaron 165 especies de plantas con flores (10 taxones endémicos), pertenecientes a 133 géneros y 64 familias. En lo concerniente a vertebrados se observaron 61 especies (8 especies endémicas): 5 mamíferos (incluyendo una especie invasora, Rattus rattus), 42 aves, 13 reptiles y un teleósteo de aguas interiores. Se comentan los impactos que están afectando actualmente a la biodiversidad de la zona. Los datos obtenidos serán de utilidad para la elaboración de posibles planes de manejos y de conservación en esta zona protegida.We carried out a rapid assessment of the biodiversity in some keys and adjacent coastal zones Southeast Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve. This area constitutes an important biodiverse zone of Cuba and the Caribbean region. In order to prepare an inventory of its flora and fauna (especially terrestrial vertebrates), two expeditions of six and nine days were done between January and March of 2004. We detected 165 species of flowering plants (10 endemic taxa), belonging to 133 genus and 64 families. As for vertebrates, we observed 61 species (8 endemic species): 5 mammals (including an invasive species, Rattus rattus), 42 birds, 13 reptiles, and one freshwater teleost species. The impacts that are affecting the biodiversity of the zone are commented. This information will be useful to elaborate possible plans of management and conservation of this protected area

    New localities and distribution models inform the conservation status of the endangered lizard Anolis guamuhaya (Squamata: Dactyloidae) in central Cuba

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    New localities and distribution models inform the conservation status of the endangered lizard Anolis guamuhaya (Squamata: Dactyloidae) from central Cuba. Anolis guamuhaya is known from seven localities restricted to the Guamuhaya Massif in central Cuba and is always associated with mountane ecosystems above 300 m a.s.l. Previous evaluations of the conservation status of the species based on the estimated number of mature individuals have categorized the anole as Endangered. Eight new records of A. guamuhaya are provided here. These double the number of known localities, and two represent the first records of the species in lowland areas, apart from the Guamuhaya Massif. The new records extend the elevational range of the species from 15 m to above 1000 m. We used ecological niche modeling based on all of the locality records, along with what we considered the most appropriate IUCN criteria according to the available information (Criterion B) to reevaluate the conservation status of the species. These new records of A. guamuhaya increase its area of occupancy up to a total of 60 km2 , and its extent of occurrence up to 648 km2 . Despite this increase in geographic range, the species meets the IUCN criteria in the category of Endangered. We used ecological niche modeling to predict possible trends for the species under differing scenarios of global climate change, all of which portend a drastic reduction in area climatically suitable for A. guamuhaya.Nuevas localidades y modelos de distribución informan sobre el estatus de conservación del lagarto amenazado Anolis guamuhaya (Squamata: Dactyloidae) de Cuba central. Anolis guamuhaya se conoce de siete localidades restringidas al Macizo de Guamuhaya, en Cuba central, siempre asociado a ecosistemas de montaña por encima de los 300 m s.n.m. Evaluaciones anteriores de su estatus de conservación basadas en el número estimado de individuos maduros categorizaron a la especie En Peligro. En este trabajo damos a conocer ocho nuevos registros de A. guamuhaya. Con estos se duplica el número de localidades conocidas y dos de ellas constituyen los primeros registros de esta especie en zonas llanas, fuera del Maci zo de Guamuhaya. Estos nuevos registros expanden el rango altitudinal de la especie desde 15 m hasta por encima de los 1000 m. Teniendo en cuenta los registros previos y los nuevos, hacemos una reevaluación del estatus de conservación de la especie empleando la modelación de nicho ecológico y los criterios de la UICN que consideramos más apropiados de acuerdo a la información disponible (criterio B). Estos nuevos registros de A. guamuhaya aumentan su área de ocupación hasta un total de 60 km2 y su extensión de presencia hasta 648 km2 . A pesar de este incremento en su área de distribución, la especie se ajusta a los criterios de la UICN para la categoría de En Peligro. Usamos la modelación de nicho ecológico para predecir posibles tendenci as de la especie bajo diferentes escenarios de cambio climático, donde todos los modelos auguran una reducción drástica del área climáticamente idónea para la especie.Novas localidades e modelos de distribuição informam sobre o estado de conservação do lagarto Anolis guamuhaya (Squamata: Dactyloidae) de Cuba central. Anolis guamuhaya é conhecida de sete localidades restritas ao Maciço de Guamuhaya, no centro de Cuba, sempre associada a ecossistemas montanhosos acima de 300 m de altitude. Avaliações anteriores de seu estado de conservação baseadas no número estimado de indivíduos maduros categorizaram a espécie como Em Perigo. Neste trabalho, fornecemos oito novos registros de A. guamuhaya. Com esses registros, duplica-se o número de localidades conhecidas, e duas delas constituem os primeiros registros da espécie em zonas baixas fora do Maciço de Guamuhaya. Os novos registros expandem a amplitude altitudinal da espécie desde 15 m até acima dos 1000 m. Levando em conta os registros prévios e os novos, reavaliamos o estado de conservação da espécie empregando modelagem de nicho ecológico e os critérios da IUCN que consideramos mais apropriados de acordo com a informação disponível (Critério B). Os novos registros de A. guamuhaya aumentam sua área de ocupação para um total de 60 km2 e sua extensão de presença para 648 km2 . Apesar desse incremento em sua área de distribuição, a espécie ajusta-se aos critérios da IUCN para a categoria Em Perigo. Utilizamos modelagem de nicho ecológico para prever possíveis tendências para a espécie em diferentes cenários de mudanças climáticas globais, todas pressagiando uma redução drástica em sua área climática adequada

    Range extension to Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas province and revised distribution of Platyrrhinus chocoensis (Phyllostomidae: Chiroptera) in western Ecuador

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    We report the first record of the Choco broad-nosed bat (Plathyrrhinus chocoensis Alberico & Velazco, 1991) in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas province in northwestern Ecuador. This voucher specimen represents the southernmost record of the species and expands its distribution ca. 120 km south. The animal was caught at a farm, specifically in a live fence consisting of several tree species. Preservation of bat species occurring in agricultural landscapes requires local policies and environmental education