34 research outputs found


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    RERI ANIS MANANSANG : Kegiatan belajar dan pembelajaran akan melibatkan proses pertukaran informasi, setidaknya antara guru dengan siswa dan antara siswa dengan siswa. Dengan kata lain, belajar dalam beberapa hal pada hakekatnya dapat dilihat sebagai proses berkomunikasi. Tugas utama dari seorang guru dalam bidang pendidikan adalah mengajar dan medidik. Namun dalam mengajar guru tidak hanya menyampaikan materi dan konsep dari suatu mata pelajaran. Tetapi membangun komunikasi yang baik antara guru dan siswa sehingga antara guru dan siswa memiliki pola pikir yang sama dan siswa dapat memahami materi dan konsep yang disampaikan oleh guru. Kemampuan komunikasi dalam kompetensi sosial dari seorang guru akan menentukan berhasil atau tidaknya suatu proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Untuk itulah penulis merasa tertarik untuk mengetahui korelasi kompetensi sosial guru Biologi dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana kompetensi sosial guru Biologi di SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon, untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon, dan untuk mengkaji korelasi kompetensi sosial guru Biologi dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon, sampel dari penelitian ini adalah kelas XI IPA 4. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah observasi, angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu Kompetensi sosial guru Biologi di SMAN 7 Cirebon dalam kategori sudah sangat baik. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil rekapitulasi angket sebesar 85,4%. Motivasi balajar siswa kelas XI IPA di SMAN 7 Cirebon dalam kategori sudah sangat baik. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil rekapitulasi sebesar 82%. Terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara Kompetensi sosial guru Biologi dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPA di SMAN 7 Cirebon. Berdasarkan pengelolaan hasil perhitungan uji korelasi yang diperoleh, bahwa korelasi antar variabel menunjukan koefisien korelasi antara kompetensi sosial guru dengan motivasi belajar siswa adalah sebesar 0,627. Itu berarti keeratan korelasi antara variabel X dengan Y kuat denagn nilai signifikannya sebesar 0,000. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi Sosial Guru, Motivasi Belaja

    Hubungan Karakter Kepemimpinan dan Kepemimpinan Visioner Gembala dengan Pertumbuhan Gereja

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    Church growth is associated with many factors, but the most essential factor affecting church growth is the influence of church leaders. GPdI in Jayapura often experience leadership fluctuations related to the character of the leader and the vision of the leader, which of course ultimately has an impact on the slow development of local churches and certain areas in Jayapura. The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of the visionary leadership and lead character of pastors on the growth of the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia in Jayapura. The research method used in this research is quantitative using multiple linear regression analysis techniques through hypothesis development tests, namely the F test and the t-test. The results showed that the lead character and visionary leadership of the shepherds proved to have a significant effect on the growth of the GPdI church in Jayapura.AbstrakPertumbuhan gereja dikaitkan dengan banyak faktor, namun faktor yang paling esensial mempengaruhi pertumbuhan gereja adalah dari pengaruh pemimpin gereja. GPdI di kota Jayapura sering mengalami gejolak kepemimpinan yang berkaitan dengan karakter pemimpin dan visi pemimpin, yang tentu saja akhirnya berdampak pada lambannya gereja-gereja lokal berkembang dan daerah-daerah tertentu di Jayapura. Adapun tujuan peneliti-an ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kepemimpinan visioner dan karakter kepemimpinan para gembala terhadap pertumbuhan Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia di kota Jayapura. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda melalui uji pengembangan hipotesis yakni uji F dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter kepemimpinan dan kepe-mimpinan visioner para gembala secara bersama-sama terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan gereja GPdI di kota Jayapura


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    The West Java black langur is one of the endemic primates on the island of West Java. Currently, the conservation status of the West Java black langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) is categorized as Vulnerable status, registered in Appendix II. This research was carried out from January to March 2022. The purpose of the study was to determine the types of forage plants, and the parts eaten by the West Java black langur responsive found in the Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Bogor forest area. The research method used is the observation method through direct observation in the field. The results showed that there were 14 types of feed for the answering West Java black langur, divided into 12 families. The most dominant parts of the plant eaten by responsive West Java black langurs are young leaves 42%, shoots 30%, and others 28%. The West Java black langur is one of the endemic primates on the island of West Java. Currently, the conservation status of the West Java black langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) is categorized as Vulnerable status, registered in Appendix II. This research was carried out from January to March 2022. The purpose of the study was to determine the types of forage plants, and the parts eaten by the West Java black langur responsive found in the Bogor Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) forest area. The research method used is the observation method through direct observation in the field. The results showed that there were 14 types of feed for the answering West Java black langur, divided into 12 families. The most dominant parts of the plant eaten by responsive West Java black langurs are young leaves 42%, shoots 30%, and others 28%.&nbsp

    Population and home range of the West Java Black Langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) in the forested area of Taman Safari Indonesia

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    The West Java black langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) is an Indonesian endemic primate found on the island of Java. Status and Conservation of the species is classified as Vulnerable based on the IUCN Red List and is listed in Appendix 2 of CITES. The West Javan langurs have been protected by Indonesian law since 1999. Under the decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018. The study aimed to examine population the population of the species and to determine its home range the forested area of Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor. This research was carried out from January to September 2021. Method The data collection used was a combination of methods concentrated Concentration Count using the observation method directly in the field. Analyze population distribution patterns using Nearest Neighbors, while the population distribution was analyzed using the area of the outermost point of encounter. The results showed that there were two groups of the West Java black langur existed in the area. The first group was around the location of the two houses, the panda palace, and the Jaksa waterfall 32 individuals and the second group was consisted of 15 individuals. Based on the survey, it was estimated that with an population density of T. mauritius in the area was 0.18 individuals/km² while the group density was 0.008 group/km². Group I was known to have a home range area of 17 ha while Group II had larger home range with 25 ha. The West Java black langur in this area were found to inhabit the upper parts of the forest at the altitude of 1000 to 1550 m above sea level. Population distribution patterns classified as clustered in all West Java black langur groups. The distribution of the West Java black langur population in TSI Bogor covers 58% of the total area


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    Budidaya ikan nila monoseks jantan memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan produksi ikan nila. Meskipun saat ini teknik maskulinisasi menggunakan hormon sintetik umum diterapkan namun cara ini berbahaya dari segi keamanan pangan dan konsumen karena sifat karsinogenik dan potensi akumulasi di alam dari hormon sintetik. Sebaliknya, bahan alami seperti madu yang menggandung Chrysin, yang telah diketahui sebagai aromatase inhibitor yang dapat menyebabkan maskulinisasi pada ikan dapat digunakan dalam teknik maskulinisasi. Meskipun demikian, sejauh ini pengaruh perendaman larva ikan nila dalam larutan madu terhadap maskulinisasi masih harus dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman dan durasi perendaman dalam larutan madu terhadap rasio kelamin jantan benih ikan nila. Menggunakan larva berumur 7 hari hasil pemijahan semi-buatan dengan induksi hormon, penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan 4 perlakuan (durasi perendaman) dengan 1 konsentrasi (15 mL/L). Untuk mengetahui rasio kelamin jantan, analisa histologis dengan pewarnaan asetokarin dilakukan untuk mengamati gonad benih hasil perlakuan. Perendaman larva ikan nila pada larutan madu konsentrasi 15 mL/L selama 20 jam mampu menghasilkan 80% benih berkelamin jantan. Sebagai kesimpulan, durasi perendaman berpengaruh terhadap rasio kelamin jantan yang dihasilkan dan perendaman selama 20 jam adalah durasi perendaman terbaik untuk larva ikan nila.   Farming monosex male tilapia has an important role in improving the production of Nile tilapia. Although synthetic hormone is commonly used to produce male monosex tilapia, this method poses a serious threat to food safety and consumer’s health due to carcinogenic potential and bioaccumulation of the synthetic hormone in ecosystem. In contrast, honeybee is a natural product containing Chrysin, an aromatase inhibitor, which is known to cause masculinity in fish and can be used for masculinization. To date, however, the effect of honeybee on tilapia larvae’s masculinization is yet to be studied. This research aimed to study the effect of immersion and its duration in honeybee’of Nile Tilapia’s Larvae in honeybee’s solution and length of immersion on male ratio. This research was conducted in quadruple consisting of three different times of immersion (duration of immersion) and one concentration (15 mL/L). Using 7-day post hatched Nile tilapia larvae from semi-artificial breeding, we determined male ratio based on histological analysis using acetocarmine stain. The result show that the Nile Tilapia’s larvae treated at the concentration of 15 mL/L of honeybee for 20 hours had the highest male ratio (80%). To conclude, immersion in honeybee solution affected male ratio with 20 hours length of immersion resulting in the highest male ratio for tilapia’s larvae


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    Utilization of Littoral develops continuously along with economic developments and technological advancements nowadays. Therefore, special attention is needed to overcome the problems that may arise in Littoral including coastal areas. One of the most popular beach problems for this time is the unbalanced sediment transport causing Coastal Erosion. The retreat of shorelines is generally due to coastal processes such as erosion and abrasion that will harm either the local population or life sustainability.From Sindulang Beach until Tumumpa II region where is located on Boulevard II experiencing erosion and abrasion. This certainly cannot be ignored for long because besides it will be able to damage the facilities and infrastructure of society and other public infrastructure but it also can harm the lives of coastal communities.Through this paper, The Author tries to do new thing by placing breakwater as a building that has an influence on sediment transport.  We know usually The Breakwater is a Shore protector for the wave attacks, this time we try to see its effect on the sediment transport. Through this study, The Author conducts the modeling of coastline with four variations of breakwater. First Variation: The breakwater is placed in parallel against the west-east direction separately, Second Variation: the breakwater is placed in parallel against the shoreline separately but it is longer than the First Variation, Third Variation: the breakwater is placed in parallel against coastline with tightly placed and longer than First Variation, Fourth Variation: breakwater is placed in parallel against the coastline with very tightly placed and longer than First Variation. The Differences in length of breakwater causes the difference of sediment transported too. In the First Variation, sediment is transported up to 12370 m3 to the right, Second Variation; sediment is transported up to 17589 m3 to the right, Third Variation; sediment is transported up to 22682 m3 to the right, Fourth Variation; sediment is transported up to 11478 m3 to the right. Then we found the configuration of the Second Variation of breakwater beach building is most efficient. The calculation of the effect of groins on shoreline is done with Genesis Software. Before using Genesis for modeling, the Genesis should be calibrated to the calibration parameters K1, K2 and d50 afterward doa Sensitivity Test. After the Test, take the value that produces the smallest DYrms among The values of K1, K2 and d50.  The values of K1, K2 and d50 are 0.11, 0.2 and 0.5 mm. The data that must include in the genesis are wave data, initial and measured coastline, offshore depth and depth of cover. Wave data is obtained from wind data analyzed by SMB method. The wave data that include in Genesis are the period, height and direction of the wave where the wave height that include in this case is the average wave height. Keywords: Breakwater, Sediment Transport, Sindulang-Tumumpa Beach 2

    Tingkah Laku Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch) di Fasilitas Penangkaran Pusat Studi Satwa Primata, Institut Pertanian Bogor

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    The Javan Gibbon is a primate species endemic to Java, Indonesia and considered as an endangered species (IUCN 2008). The Primate Research Center of Bogor Agricultural University (PRC-IPB) in cooperation with Taman Safari Indonesia have established an ex situ breeding facility for the Javan Gibbon to support conservation program. The breeding was started in 2003, and up to recently, the pair of Javan Gibbons ( 15 and 7 years old) has had three offspring, and still occupy one common cage. Assessment of the Javan Gibbon’s behavior in captivity especially to the family with five individuals was conducted using focal animal sampling to provide basic behavioral data.  Moving was the greatest frequency (45.70%) of each individual compared to other behaviors, while resting was the greatest duration that occurred to the parents, and playing was the greatest duration (18.02%) to the offspring respectively.    Keywords : behavior, javan gibbon, endangered, captive breedin

    Successful Intracervical Insemination and Characteristics of Anoa (Bubalus SP.) Parturation Behavior in Captivity

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    Anoa, which is the endemic animal in Indonesia, its population is unevitably decreasing, therefore anoa included in the list of endangered species by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The experiment was aimed to apply the artificial insemination (AI) technique for anoa and to examine their parturition behavior. The experiment involved 2 males and 5 females anoa at Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor. Semen was collected by electroejaculator, then evaluated and diluted in Tris-egg yolk extender. The anesthetized estrous females were inseminated intracervically with extended semen (100x106 sperm/1.0 mL). Females which did not show estrous signs during 2-3 cycles after AI were predicted pregnant, and therefore confirmed by ultrasonography. As a comparison, another predicted-pregnant female after natural mating was scanned. The results showed that intracervical AI resulted pregnancy in one female, and the gestation period of anoa was ranged from 313 d (AI) to 324 d (natural mating). There were three stages of parturition process was observed: Stage 1 was characterized by the abdominal contraction and amniotic membrane rupture, Stage 2 was characterized by the fetal expulsions, and Stage 3 was characterized by the placental expulsions and ingestion of placenta by the dam. The duration of each stage of parturition was 6-8 h (stage 1), 30-60 min (stage 2), and 15-180 min (stage 3). It is concluded that AI technique was applicable to anoa in captivity, and the parturation behavior of anoa was comparable to buffalo and cattle. However, the fetal delivery occurred when the dam was in standing position and the dam ingested the placenta

    Biometri Organ Reproduksi Bagian Luar Dan Karakteristik Ejakulat Anoa (Bubalus SP.) Yang Dikoleksi Menggunakan Elektroejakulator Setelah Diinjeksi HCG

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    This experiment aimed to investigate characteristics of reproductive organ (external parts) of the anoa (Bubalus sp.) and semen characteristics that collected by using electroejaculator after hCG injection, as an initial step on implementation of assisted reproductive techniques. Anoa is Indonesian endemic fauna that included into Appendix I by CITES. Anoa breeding efforts have not succeeded, due to their agressivity, soliter, wildness and monogamous. This experiment was carried out in Ragunan Zoo (Jakarta), Taman Safari Indonesia (Bogor), and Divison of Reproduction, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Biometry of reproductive organ were measured by microcaliper and nylon tape. Semen was collected by electroejaculator, under anesthetized condition. Ejaculate was evaluated macro- and microscopically. The results showed that the reproductive organ was larger as it is getting older. But, it was generally smaller compared to the buffalo\u27s. The characteristics of fresh semen were: volume 1.02±0.28 ml, pH 6.93±0.19, mass movement 0, progressive motility 52.50±18.91%, live-death ratio 67.48±8.24%, concentration 263.33±105.06 billion/mL and total abnormality 31.86±3.72% (primary abnormality 9.52±3.85%, secondary abnormality 22.33±1.46%). The semen qualities were fairly good, even though some parameters showed lower number compared to buffalo\u27s. It is important to improve the collection technique, animal handling and appropriate extender development for semen cryopreservation