3,103 research outputs found

    Development of a transplantable bioartificial adrenal cortex

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    Adrenal insufficiency is a life-threatening disease, in which adrenocortical cells fail to produce adequate amount of steroid hormones, mostly glucocorticoids (cortisol) and mineralocorticoids (aldosterone). These hormones play an essential role in homeostasis, influencing the level of energy, fluids and salt. Adrenal insufficiency develops due to autoimmune disorders, hereditary factors, infection, metabolic or traumatic conditions, anti-cancer or antifungal therapy etc. Here I demonstrate development of a transplantable bioartificial adrenal cortex as an option for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency:I List of figures 5 II List of abbreviations 6 1 Introduction to the topic 9 1.1 Motivation 9 1.2 Validation of bovine adrenocortical cells as a potential source for the establishment of a transplantable bioartificial adrenal cortex 11 1.3 Development of a 3D culture system through BAC encapsulation in sodium alginate 14 1.4 Altering the properties of bioartificial adrenal cortex by pharmacological agents 16 1.5 In vivo validation of the bioartificial adrenal cortex 18 1.6 Aim of dissertation 20 2 Publications 21 2.1 Balyura M, Gelfgat E, Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Ludwig B, Gendler Z, Barkai U, Zimerman B, Rotem A, Block NL, Schally AV, Bornstein SR. 2015. Transplantation of bovine adrenocortical cells encapsulated in alginate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(8):2527-32 22 2.2 Balyura M, Gelfgat E, Steenblock C, Androutsellis-Theotokis A, Ruiz-Babot G, Guasti L, Werdermann M, Ludwig B, Bornstein T, Schally AV, Brennand A, Bornstein SR. 2018. Expression of progenitor markers is associated with the functionality of a bioartificial adrenal cortex. PLoS One. 13(3):e0194643 32 2.3 Balyura M, Gelfgat E, Ullmann E, Ludwig B, Barnea ER, Bornstein SR. 2017. PreImplantation Factor (PIF*) regulates stress-induced adrenal steroidogenesis and anti-inflammatory cytokines: potential application for bioartificial adrenal transplant. Horm Metab Res. 50(2):168-174 48 3 Discussion and Outlook 57 4 Zusammenfassung 62 5 Summary 66 6 Additional Publications 69 7 References 71 8 Curriculum vitae 78 9 Acknowledgements 79 10 Declarations 80 10.1 Anlage 1. Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens 80 10.2 Anlage 2. Erklärung über die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Bestimmungen 8

    Model of cybersecurity means financing with the procedure of additional data obtaining by the protection side

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    The article describes the model of cybersecurity means financing strategies of the information object with incomplete information about the financial resources of the attacking side. The proposed model is the core of the module of the developed decision support system in the problems of choosing rational investing variants for information protection and cybersecurity of various information objects. The model allows to find financial solutions using the tools of the theory of multistep games with several terminal surfaces. The authors proposed an approach that allows information security management to make a preliminary assessment of strategies for financing the effective cybersecurity systems. The model is distinguished by the assumption that the protection side does not have complete information, both about the financing strategies of the attacking side, and about its financial resources state aimed at overcoming cybersecurity lines of the information object. At the same time, the protection side has the opportunity to obtain additional information by the part of its financial resources. This makes it possible for the protection side to obtain a positive result for itself in the case when it can not be received without this procedure. The solution was found using a mathematical apparatus of a nonlinear multistep quality game with several terminal surfaces with alternate moves. In order to verify the adequacy of the model there was implemented a multivariate computational experiment. The results of this experiment are described in the article. © 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LL

    Physical and Technological Fundamentals of Sapphire Substrates Production for Devices of Solid-state Electronics

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    The results of numerical simulation allow to investigate the thermal conditions received by active heaters influence on the thermoelastic stresses and gas inclusions in sapphire. We carried out the experiments for defects detection in sapphire crystals. We suggest the recommendations about sapphire crystals growth and processing improvement for profitability increase in sapphire substrates production for microelectronics

    Modeling of the decision-making procedure for financing of cyber security means of cloud services by the medium of a bilinear multistep quality game with several terminal surfaces

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    The model is developed for the intellectualizeddecision-making support system on financing of cyber securitymeans of transport cloud-based computing infrastructures, giventhe limited financial resources. The model is based on the use ofthe theory of multistep games tools. The decision, which givesspecialists a chance to effectively assess risks in the financingprocesses of cyber security means, is found. The model differsfrom the existing approaches in the decision of bilinear multistepquality games with several terminal surfaces. The decision ofbilinear multistep quality games with dependent movements isfound. On the basis of the decision for a one-step game, foundedby application of the domination method and developed forinfinite antagonistic games, the conclusion about risks for playersis drawn. The results of a simulation experiment within programimplementation of the intellectualized decision-making supportsystem in the field of financing of cyber security means of cloudbasedcomputing infrastructures on transport are described. Confirmedduring the simulation experiment, the decision assumesaccounting a financial component of cyber defense strategy atany ratios of the parameters, describing financing process

    Mathematical Model of Forest Fire Soil-thrower Movement

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    The design of a forest fire soil-thrower made to prevent and eliminate ground forest fires is presented. A mathematical model of machine movement has been developed, which enables to study the laws of the interaction process of the design with the soil. It is accepted that the machine has two degrees of freedom. The mathematical model has been obtained using the Lagrange equations of the second kind. The design and technological parameters of the forest fire soil-throwing machine, affecting the efficiency of its work, including mass and width of the grip of the ripper casing, mass, radius and frequency of rotation of the milling tool, the number and geometric parameters of the blades are taken into account. Mathematical model enables to determine the effect of these parameters on the characteristics of the movement of ripper casing and milling working body. A mathematical model is needed to synchronize the translational motion of the unit and the rotational motion of the rotor. Formulas have been obtained for the steady motion of the forest fire soil-thrower, that determine the hauling power of tractor and torque that ensures the operation of milling tools

    Development of a model of cyber security management for automated systems

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    A model of a system of managing information security of automated data processing systems of critical application is offered in the article. The model allows to evaluate the level of risk for the information security and provides support of decision-making on the counteraction to the unauthorized access to the information circulating in the information systems

    Особенности строительства подземных выработок-емкостей для хранения газонефтепродуктов в каменной соли с большим содержанием газа

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    The experimental investigation of the subsurface dissolution of rock salt from the salt and gas emissions, as well as determine themass-transfer coefficient that characterizes morphogenesis and speed of construction of underground workings to reserve tanks of hydrocarbons.Рассмотрены экспериментальные и натурные исследования процесса подземного растворения каменной соли с выбросами соли и газа. Определен коэффициент массоотдачи, характеризующий формообразование и скорость строительства подземных выработок-емкостей для резервирования углеводородов


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    The article analyzes the innovative technology of improving heavy oil recovery from heterogeneous oil reservoirs of Tatarstan by using SAGD technology through horizontal wells.В статье проанализированы инновационные технологии интенсификации добычи нефти из неоднородных пластов на месторождениях сверхвязких нефтей Татарстана с применением парогравитационного дренажа через горизонтальные скважины

    Технологические, экологические и экономические проблемы в результате аварии на скважине Macondo компании "Бритиш Петролеум" в Мексиканском заливе

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    The technological, environmental and economic problems which have resulted by failure on a Macondo well of the British Petroleum company in the Gulf of Mexico are considered. The main violations of technology of preparation the well to operation, economic and ecological consequences of an oil spill are analysed.Рассмотрены технологические, экологические и экономические проблемы, возникшие в результате аварии на скважине Макондо компании «Бритиш Петролеум» в Мексиканском заливе. Проанализированы основные нарушения технологии подготовки скважины к эксплуатации, экономические и экологические последствия разлива нефти

    Влияние геолого-физических свойств сложно построенных глубоких продуктивных горизонтов Астраханского газоконденсатного месторождения на эффективность кислотных обработок карбонатного пласта

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    The influence of geological and physical properties of gas-saturated stratum of the Astrakhan gas condensate field upon the efficiency of acid treatment (reservoir properties of the collector, concomitant tabular fluids, gas composition, parameters of the impact technology) is considered.Рассмотрено влияние геолого-физических свойств газонасыщенного пласта Астраханского газоконденсатного месторождения на эффективность кислотных обработок (коллекторские свойства продуктивного пласта, сопутствующие пластовые флюиды, состав газа, термодинамические условия, параметры технологии воздействия)