608 research outputs found

    To the problem about the origin of lunar maria and continents (Moessbauer investigations)

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    A comparative study of Mossbauer spectra of regolith returned by the Luna 16 and Luna 20 spacecraft is presented. The Mossbauer spectra of the mare regolith differs significantly for all fractions from the spectra for the same fractions of continental regolith. The total quantity of iron is 1.85 times greater in the mare regolith. There is 2.4 times less olivine in the mare region than in the continental region. The pyroxene component of the mare regolith is less homogeneous in composition (contains more augite and glass) and is present in larger quantities. Ilmenite was found only in the mare regolith. In the continental region, the predominant titanium-containing phase is ulvospinel. The mare regolith contains more metallic iron, which is more finely dispersed and contains less nickel. Troilite is found in the maria region. Based on these differences, it is concluded that the formation of continental rocks occurred at an earlier stage of crystallization from the melt and at higher temperatures and higher partial pressures of oxygen. The mare basalts crystallized from a more reduced magma, apparently in a later process

    New records of Dacrymyces ovisporus and Tremella diaporthicola from the Ukraine

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    The present paper deals with new records of the heterobasidioid fungi Dacrymyces ovisporus Bref. and Tremella diaporthicola Ginns et M.N.L. Lefebvre in Europe. The taxonomical status of these species is considered and detailed descriptions and illustrations of specimens are given

    Comparing Etymological Characteristics of Plant Naming in Yakut, Even, and Evenk Languages

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    This article considers issues of language contacts between Yakut, Even, and Evenk people through an analysis of plant vocabulary. We define etymological characteristics of fixed lexical units that denote plant names and present results of a comparative analysis of plant naming in these three languages, with emphasis on lexical parallels and structural types in designating plant names. To our knowledge, this is the first research to undertake a comparative study of plant naming in the Yakut and Tungusic languages (Even and Evenk) with consideration of the methods of their formation. The study is highly relevant because of the unique contribution of plant-world vocabulary in helping to clarify peculiarities of native speakers’ natural environments. Our results show that, based on lexical units with stable semantic meaning, the Evenk language is in the closest position vis-à-vis Yakut. There are 16 names in Yakut of plants and four of common names of herbs that grow on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and have borrowed names in Evenk and Even. Twenty-eight names have lexical parallels in Evenk (including variations) and two in Even.Cet article se penche sur la question des contacts linguistiques entre les Yakoutes, les Évènes et les Evenkis au moyen de l’analyse du vocabulaire des plantes. Nous définissons les caractéristiques étymologiques d’unités lexicales fixes dénotant les noms de plantes et présentons les résultats de l’analyse comparative de la nomenclature de plantes dans ces trois langues, en mettant l’accent sur les parallèles lexicaux et les types structuraux de la désignation des noms de plantes. À notre connaissance, il s’agit de la première recherche à entreprendre l’étude comparative de la nomenclature botanique en langues yakoute et toungouse (évène et evenki) tout en tenant compte de leurs méthodes de formation. Cette étude est d’une grande pertinence, car l’apport unique du vocabulaire des plantes aide à expliquer les particularités des milieux naturels des locuteurs natifs. Selon nos résultats, fondés sur les unités lexicales dotées de significations sémantiques stables, l’evenki est la langue la plus proche du yakoute. En yakoute, il y a 16 noms de plantes et quatre noms communs d’herbes dans le territoire de la république de Sakha (Yakoutie) dont les noms ont été empruntés à l’evenki et à l’évène. Vingt-huit noms ont des parallèles lexicaux en evenki (variantes y comprises), et deux en évène


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    Creation of software on the topic “For loop in Excel VBA”. The algorithm and the simulator for the topic "For loop in Excel VBA" are considered in the report.В доповіді розглядається алгоритм та створений по ньому тренажер з теми «Цикл for в Excel VBA».Науково-практичний семінар "Комп’ютерні науки і прикладна математика" (КНіПМ-2021). Випуск 6. Полтава: ПУЕТ, 2021

    Analysis of molecular diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium in a worldwide survey of cultivated barley germplasm (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    BACKGROUND: The goal of our study was a systematic survey of the molecular diversity in barley genetic resources. To this end 953 cultivated barley accessions originating from all inhabited continents except Australia were genotyped with 48 SSR markers. Molecular diversity was evaluated with routine statistics (allelic richness, gene diversity, allele frequency, heterozygosity and unique alleles), Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), and analysis of genome-wide linkage disequilibrium. RESULTS: A genotyping database for 953 cultivated barley accessions profiled with 48 SSR markers was established. The PCoA revealed structuring of the barley population with regard to (i) geographical regions and (ii) agronomic traits. Geographic origin contributed most to the observed molecular diversity. Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) was estimated as squared correlation of allele frequencies (r(2)). The values of LD for barley were comparable to other plant species (conifers, poplar, maize). The pattern of intrachromosomal LD with distances between the genomic loci ranging from 1 to 150 cM revealed that in barley LD extended up to distances as long as 50 cM with r(2 )> 0.05, or up to 10 cM with r(2 )> 0.2. Few loci mapping to different chromosomes showed significant LD with r(2 )> 0.05. The number of loci in significant LD as well as the pattern of LD were clearly dependent on the population structure. The LD in the homogenous group of 207 European 2-rowed spring barleys compared to the highly structured worldwide barley population was increased in the number of loci pairs with r(2 )> 0.05 and had higher values of r(2), although the percentage of intrachromosomal loci pairs in significant LD based on P < 0.001 was 100% in the whole set of varieties, but only 45% in the subgroup of European 2-rowed spring barleys. The value of LD also varied depending on the polymorphism of the loci selected for genotyping. The 17 most polymorphic loci (PIC > 0.80) provided higher LD values as compared to 19 low polymorphic loci (PIC < 0.73) in both structured (all accessions) and non-structured (European 2-rowed spring varieties) barley populations. CONCLUSION: A global population of cultivated barley accessions was highly structured. Clustering highlighted the accessions with the same geographic origin, as well as accessions possessing similar agronomic characters. LD in barley extended up to 50 cM, and was strongly dependent on the population structure. The data on LD were summarized as a genome-wide LD map for barley

    The nexus of soil radon and hydrogen dynamics and seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone

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    The comparison of kinematics and dynamic parameters of radon and molecular hydrogen concentration in subsoil air on the stations network at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic proving ground with seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone was fulfilled in the period from July till August 2004. On the basis of correlation analysis of the regional seismicity and variations of radon flux density calculated using the data of gas-discharge counters of STS-6 type and SSNTDs it was shown that the radon mass transfer abnormal variations are conditioned by both regional seismicity in total and the subduction zone of proving ground. The azimuths of «geodeformation waves» coming to the registration points are calculated during clearly expressed anomaly beginnings, which coincide with directions to earthquake epicenters taking place at the same time. The geochemical anomalies recorded are presumptively deformative by nature and can be conditioned by processes of «quasi-viscous» flow of the lithosphere during rearrangement of tectonic stress fields of the subduction zone. The short-term (predicted time Τ <14 days) precursor of the earthquakes swarm was revealed in hydrogen dynamics on August, 4-5 (four earthquakes had M≥5.3 and epicentral distance about 130 km from the Paratunka base station)

    Revision of Cerinomyces (Dacrymycetes, Basidiomycota) with notes on morphologically and historically related taxa

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsCerinomyces (Dacrymycetes, Basidiomycota) is a genus traditionally defined by corticioid basidiocarps, in contrast to the rest of the class, which is characterized by gelatinous ones. In the traditional circumscription the genus is polyphyletic, and the monotypic family Cerinomycetaceae is paraphyletic. Aiming for a more concise delimitation, we revise Cerinomyces s.l. with a novel phylogeny based on sequences of nrDNA (SSU, ITS, LSU) and protein-coding genes (RPB1, RPB2, TEF1-α). We establish that monophyletic Cerinomyces s.s. is best characterized not by the corticioid morphology, but by a combination of traits: hyphal clamps, predominantly aseptate thin-walled basidiospores, and low content of carotenoid pigments. In our updated definition, Cerinomyces s.s. encompasses five well-supported phylogenetic clades divided into two morphological groups: (i-iii) taxa with arid corticioid basidiocarps, including the generic type C. pallidus; and (iv-v) newly introduced members with gelatinous basidiocarps, like Dacrymyces enatus and D. tortus. The remaining corticioid species of Cerinomyces s.l. are morphologically distinct and belong to the Dacrymycetaceae: our analysis places the carotenoid-rich Cerinomyces canadensis close to Femsjonia, and we transfer the clamps-lacking C. grandinioides group to Dacrymyces. In addition, we address genera related to Cerinomyces s.l. historically and morphologically, such as Ceracea, Dacryonaema and Unilacryma. Overall, we describe twenty-four new species and propose nine new combinations in both Cerinomycetaceae and Dacrymycetaceae.Peer reviewe

    Design of Pre-Dumping Ring Spin Rotator with a Possibility of Helicity Switching for Polarized Positrons at the ILC

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    The use of polarized beams enhance the possibility of the precision measurements at the International Linear Collider (ILC). In order to preserve the degree of polarization during beam transport spin rotators are included in the current TDR ILC Lattice. In this report some advantages of using a combined spin rotator/spin flipper are discussed. A few possible lattice designs of spin flipper developed at DESY in 2012 are presented.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 201