1,823 research outputs found

    Tres poetas mexicanos (Ulacia, Mendiola, Morábito)

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    Política en Fernando Savater

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    En este artículo se expone la idea de que, en política, tres han sido los objetos principales en la reflexión de Fernando Savater: la libertad, el individuo (nunca desligado de su contraparte, la sociedad) y la democracia. Su visión universalista de la poIn this article it is argued that Fernando has pursued three main goals in his political writings: liberty, the individual (never disconnected from his counterpart, society) and democracy. His universal vision of politics has served to engage in critique


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    El trabajo de investigación lleva como título Factores Asociados A Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas En Niños Menores De 5 Años, Usuarios De Los Servicios De Consulta Externa De La Microred Llata, Huanuco; 2017, que tiene como objetivo determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a las infecciones respiratorias agudas en niños menores de 5 años, usuarios de los servicios de consulta externa de la Microred Llata, Huánuco; 2017. el estudio es prospectivo, analítico, transversal y observacional, con un diseño caso-control. La muestra la conformaron 90 niños a cuyos padres se aplicaron una entrevista y un cuestionario, previa validez y confiabilidad. Se realizó el análisis descriptivo e inferencial mediante la prueba no paramétrica de Chi Cuadrado de independencia y la regresión logística binomial. Se tuvo en cuenta la firma del asentimiento informado de los padres.Trabajo academic

    Molecular methods for the detection of infectious diseases: bringing diagnostics to the point-of-care

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    Human infectious diseases represent a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, caused by human-infective pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi. Point-of-care (POC) diagnostics allow accessible, simple, and rapid identification of the organism causing the infection which is crucial for successful prognostic outcomes, clinical management, surveillance and isolation. The research conducted in this thesis aims to investigate novel methods for molecular-based diagnostics. This multidisciplinary project is divided into three main sections: (i) molecular methods for enhanced nucleic acid amplification, (ii) POC technologies, and (iii) sample preparation. The application, design and optimisation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is investigated from a molecular perspective for the diagnostics of emerging infectious pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. LAMP assays were designed to target pathogens responsible for parasitic (malaria), bacterial and viral (COVID-19) infections, as well as antimicrobial resistance. A novel LAMP-based method for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms was developed and applied for diagnostics of antimicrobial resistance, emerging variants and genetic disorders. The method was validated for the detection of artemisinin-resistant malaria. Furthermore, this thesis reports the optimisation of LAMP from a biochemical perspective through the evaluation of its core reagents and the incorporation of enhancing agents to improve its specificity and sensitivity. In order to remove cold-chain storage from the diagnostic workflow, the optimised LAMP protocol was designed to be compatible with lyophilisation. Translation of LAMP to the POC demands the development of detection technologies that are compatible with the advantages offered by isothermal amplification. The use of simple, accessible and portable technologies is investigated in this thesis through the development of: (i) a novel colorimetricLAMP detection method for end-point and low cost detection, and (ii) the combination of LAMP with an electrochemical biosensing platform based on ion-sensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs) fabricated in unmodified complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology for real-time detection. Lastly, current nucleic acid extraction methods are not transferable to be used outside the laboratory. Research of novel methods for low-cost and electricity-free sample preparation was carried out using cellulose matrices. A novel, rapid (under 10 min) and efficient nucleic acid extraction method from dried blood spots was developed. A sample-to-result POC test requires the implementation and integration of molecular biology, cutting-edge technology and data-driven approaches. The work presented in this thesis aims to set new benchmarks for the detection of infectious diseases at the POC by leveraging on developments in molecular biology and digital technologies.Open Acces

    Encantamientos del diálogo humanístico: la memoria y el olvido

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    No es frecuente que los estudios sobre el diálogo renacentista español afronten la condición ficcional de estos textos, el esfuerzo compositivo de sus autores para que el lector quede encantado con las conversaciones y evite pensar que se encuentra ante un papel y no ante una plática real. Este artículo tiene como cometido, trazando un doble movimiento de la memoria a su complementario olvido, mostrar los recursos empleados en varios diálogos para permitir y consolidar la recreación conversacional, elemento de análisis particularmente significativo para la exégesis de esta parcela de nuestra prosa áurea.Abuso sexual infantil; Fotografía; Arteterapia; Reparació


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    The Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - Professionals On Line, allows the publication of articles in all areas of Industrial Engineering and its applications; Summaries of master\u27s and doctoral theses, technical opinions, book reviews and conference articles are also published after acceptance by the Editorial Committee.The magazine is published biannually in Spanish, Portuguese and English in digital format, the latter presentation being free. The articles that are submitted to the arbitration of the INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING journal must be original and unpublished, and cannot be submitted for simultaneous consideration of evaluation in another academic or professional journal, nor may they have been partially or totally published in another journal. The received articles are subjected to a review of similarities, with the Turnitin software: up to two continuous lines of similarity with another document are accepted.La Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Industrial - Professionals On Line, permite la publicación de artículos en todos los ámbitos de la Ingeniería Industrial y sus aplicaciones; también se publican previa aceptación del Comité Editor, resúmenes de tesis de magíster y doctorado, opiniones técnicas, revisión de libros y artículos de congresos.La revista se publica semestralmente en español, portugués e inglés en formato digital, siendo esta última presentación gratuita. Los artículos que se sometan al arbitraje de la revista INGENIERÍA INDUSTRIAL deben ser originales e inéditos, y no pueden estar sometidos para consideración simultánea de evaluación en otra revista académica o profesional, como tampoco haber sido publicado parcial o totalmente en otra revista. Los artículos recepcionados son sometidos a una revisión de similitudes, con el software Turnitin: se acepta hasta dos líneas continuas de similitud con otro documento

    Ecological Viability and Cybernetic of Ayllu

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    We introduce the concept of Ecotomo to homologate it with the Ayllu Aymara Quechua governance system laying the foundations for its design as a cybernetic system The aim is to re-establish the Oikos that ecology and economics developed under a neoliberal vision the chrematisation of exchange value have eliminated from the culture-nature relationshi

    Valorisation of glycerol by new mechanochemical processes

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    The search for new applications of glycerol, as a chemical platform from which a broad spectrum of new valuable derivatives can be obtained, is ongoing. In the present communication, a new mechano-chemical reactor is used for the valorisation of glycerol, and some examples of potential chemical processes by using mechano-chemical energy will be provided in order to reduce the residence time, to minimize the use of solvents or to decrease the temperature. In this sense, the mechano-chemical synthesis of calcium diglyceroxide from glycerol and CaO has been optimised. Finally, a new and more efficient mechano-chemical synthesis of CaDG has been achieved, requiring short synthesis time without heating and no need of solvents. The stability of this catalyst is studied under presence of free fatty acids and water, compounds presents in waste oils that decrease the yield to fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) during the reaction. Moreover, the transesterification reaction of used and refined vegetable oils with methanol has also been studied and optimised in the presence of CaDG as basic solid catalyst, using the same mechano-chemical reactor that promotes the oil-methanol mixing, minimizing the mass transfer problems associated to the immiscibility of reactants. Low methanol:oil ratios and low temperature can be used with promising results using a mechanical reactor even with used oils and in plant pilot scale under flow conditions. Glycerol carbonate is a green chemical glycerol derivative with several industrial applications (solvents, pharmaceutics, detergent, adhesives, lubricants, beauty, among others). Preliminary tests using a mechano-chemical reactor under continuous flow conditions shows the possibility to reduce the time of reaction to 1h and lowering the temperature. Finally, the production of Zn glycerolate (good candidate for the tire industry) is also studied.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech