10 research outputs found

    Hambatan Ekspor Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Indonesia ke Uni Eropa pasca Kebijakan Renewable Energy Directive (RED)

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    Beside Malaysia, Indonesia is also one of the largest Crude Palm Oil (CPO) producer and exporter in the world. European Union is one of Indonesia’s trading partner and the biggest importer of CPO that used for the biofuel production, especially the biodiesel for transportation sector. But, in 2009, European Union released the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) that required all members to used renewable energy for every sector with the minimum requirement 20% for general sectors and 10% for transportation sectors. While this policy will make the European Union countries used the clean energy, RED became a new kind of NonTariff barriers for Indonesia’s CPO that become an important commodity from Indonesia. This paper will explain by the theory of International Political Economy (IPE) by focused into the Neo-Mercantilism to the analysis of Non-Tariff barriers that used by European Union for the CPO import into Indonesia. Besides that, the writer also used a National Interest concept to explain the importance of CPO for Indonesia and European Union Countries that agreed with the RED

    Enterprise Models and the EU agenda. CEPS Policy Contribution 28 Jan 2021.

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    The EU is leading the world with its roadmap for companies – the Sustainable Industry as part of the Green Deal, the EU Climate Target plan for 2030 and the New EU Industrial Strategy. At the same time, in pursuit of these crucial objectives, the Union is heavily dependent on the contribution of the private sector. The question is whether companies are equipped to follow this path and take on the associated responsibilities. Hurdles that so far received little attention now present themselves in the realm of governance and management, organisation structure and culture as the major determinants of corporate behaviour. This paper argues that the dominant enterprise models, the shareholder model and the stakeholder model, both serve as barriers to the shift from growth-oriented to sustainable, resilience-oriented capitalism. It stresses the need for alternative models and sketches the contours of a new competitive enterprise model that is firmly rooted in values continental Europeans share. It will be called the EU Model. Finally, it proposes an EU agenda for a level playing field, because competition between models should be encouraged. The day has come for politicians and policymakers to no longer limit themselves to rubberstamping corporate governance codes. They must actively engage in discussions about how the private sector organises itself. Bravery will be rewarded

    Publicacions online sobre la Unió Europea

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    Recopilació de publicaciones de i sobre la Unió Europea (articles de revistes científiques, working papers de centre de recerca i estudis i informes generats per les institucions i agències de la Unió Europea

    Development and implementation of the EU grand strategies: sociological, policy, and regional considerations of Agenda 2030

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    This book addresses the challenging and exciting issues of the implementation of the European Union’s grand strategies, with a particular interest in the implementation of the current Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals. It provides insight into the impact of this strategic process on some of the current global issues relevant to the European Union, such as the European and global energy market, food supplies, industrial components etc. Some of the challenges have such a strong short-term impact, that already accepted strategic priorities and decisions are being questioned and re-examined. This is a particularly exciting subject, both as a research topic and as a policy issue

    Integrating Environmental Protection into ASEAN Trading System

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    Integrating environmental protection into ASEAN trading system is pivotal for ensuring long-term economic development and environmental sustainability. Due to its resource-based economy, ASEAN\u27s economic performance highly depends on the sustainable condition of the environment. The ASEAN approach prioritizing economic growth without environmental consideration leads to environmental degradation and economic loss. Many transboundary environmental problems in ASEAN result from unsustainable production methods aiming to maximize advantages in trade competition. There are growing international efforts in addressing production and process methods as a part of the sustainable development goal. Major trading partners of ASEAN increasingly employ unilateral environmental trade measures and environmental provisions in trade agreements to induce sustainable production in exporting countries. Despite its trade-restrictive characteristic and extraterritorial effects, the environmental trade measure can be justified on the environmental ground according to the WTO/GATT rules. Although ASEAN should integrate environmental protection for its own interest, the actual implementation depends on member states as ASEAN is a state-centric regional organization. The political regimes of member states prioritize economic growth over environmental protection, suppress civil participation, disregard human rights to the healthy environment, and insist on a strict application of the ASEAN Way, refusing any intervention in all internal affairs. The lack of democratic norms and human rights assimilation intensify the rule of non-intervention. As a result, ASEAN environmental governance remains weak without effective engagement. Therefore, to integrate environmental protection in trade, ASEAN needs to unlock the ASEAN Way impasse and become more people-centered by having ASEAN representatives democratically elected, enhancing participation from non-state actors, particularly environmental groups, and strengthening a linkage between environmental protection and economic development

    A strategy to make ICT accessible in rural Zambia: a case study of Macha

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    The problem discussed in this dissertation is to gather evidence of good practice and derive strategy for the development of ICT access in rural Zambia. Access to ICT services is important, also in rural areas of Africa. The challenges are many. There is a distinct void in tangible descriptions of the realities of ICT Access in rural areas or actionable guidelines for practitioners. This study involves a case study in the rural areas of Zambia. It does so through ethnography involving 10 years of observation of aspects of ICT access in rural Macha, Zambia. In this community, emerging from an articulated vision, ICT access in the form of the Internet arrived in 2004. Macha Works with its ICT unit LinkNet provides the basis for this interpretive approach from within the rural cultural setting. The purpose of the study is to benefit the local rural community, addressing the fundamentals of reality to add to the body of knowledge. The study involves cross cultural interaction and takes a trans-disciplinary view on science. It involves Participative Action Learning and Research aimed at recognising the complex adaptive systems while being aligned with the ethics of the rural African environment. Emphasis is on the needs of the community, rather than of the individual utilising empirical evidence. The good practices in Macha that inform strategy to make ICT accessible in rural areas are: engaging the community, building relationships; workforce development, unlocking productivity; thought leadership, establishing authority

    Sustainability assesment of biodiesel production in Colombia

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    Abstract. Sustainability assessment of biodiesel production is a topic of increasing importance due to the interest of governments to stablish sovereignty strategies, diversify their energy matrix and set up the impact of biofuels production. In this context, this work proposes a system dynamic model to assess biodiesel production in a specific context, based on a general hierarchical structure of sustainability assessment that integrates dimensions of sustainable development with principles, criteria and indicators (PC and I). The assessment framework of biodiesel production was defined based on a comprehensive state of the art, resulting in a selection and analysis of 113 documents, including laws, directives and other normative documents, policy documents, certificates and papers published in peer-reviewed journals. To define the final framework, a validation strategy based on expert survey consultations and a descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. As a result, a framework composed of five dimensions (social, economic, environmental, political and technological), 13 principles and 31 criteria was proposed. Subsequently, a System Dynamics (SD) model was developed and applied for assess the sustainability biodiesel production in Colombia. Initially, the SD model was used to simulate the biodiesel production considering the current conditions in Colombia, enabling to determine the baseline (years 2008 to 2014). Subsequently, some exogenous indicators of the baseline scenario were modified in order to generate a sensibility analysis to define several fundamental conditions for the sustainable biodiesel production in the Colombian context. Once the sensibility analysis was conducted, the conditions that promote or discourage biodiesel production were determined and, consequently, optimistic and pessimistic scenarios were proposed. The results of the analysis of the scenarios can help institutions, decision-makers and other agents related to establish the conditions to be carried out to promote a sustainable biodiesel production.La evaluación de la sostenibilidad de la producción de biodiesel es un tema de creciente importancia debido al interés de los gobiernos para establecer estrategias de soberanía, diversificación de su matriz energética, de igual forma establecer el impacto de la producción de biocombustibles sobre el desarrollo sostenible. En este contexto, el presente trabajo propone un modelo dinámico del sistema para evaluar la producción de biodiesel en un contexto específico, basado en una estructura jerárquica general de evaluación de la sostenibilidad que integra las dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible, con principios, criterios e indicadores (PC and I). Se definió un marco de la evaluación de la producción de biodiésel a partir de un estado del arte, lo que resulta en una selección y análisis de 113 documentos, incluyendo leyes, directivas y otros documentos normativos, documentos de política, certificados y artículos publicados en revistas revisadas por pares. Para definir el marco final de evaluación, se estableció una estrategia de validación basada en las consultas a expertos a través de una encuesta y a las respuestas obtenidas se aplicó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Como resultado, se propuso un marco compuesto por cinco dimensiones (sociales, económicos, ambientales, políticos y tecnológicos), 13 principios y 31 criterios. Posteriormente, fue desarrollado y aplicado un modelo de Dinámica de Sistemas (DS) para evaluar la sostenibilidad de la producción de biodiesel en Colombia. Inicialmente, se utilizó el modelo DS para simular la producción de biodiesel considerando las condiciones actuales en Colombia (entre los años 2008 a 2014), lo que permite determinar la línea base. Posteriormente, algunos indicadores exógenos de la hipótesis de base fueron modificados con el fin de generar un análisis de sensibilidad para definir una serie de condiciones fundamentales para la producción de biodiesel sostenible en el contexto colombiano. Una vez que se realizó el análisis de sensibilidad, se determinaron las condiciones que promueven o desalientan la producción de biodiesel y, en consecuencia, se propusieron dos escenarios, optimista y pesimista. Los resultados del análisis de los escenarios pueden ayudar a las instituciones, los responsables políticos y otros agentes relacionados para establecer las condiciones que deben llevarse a cabo para promover la producción de biodiesel sostenible.Doctorad

    O critério de sustentabilidade para biocombustíveis na europa (diretivas 2009/28/ce e 2009/30/ce) : incentivo ao desenvolvimento sustentável ou violação aos acordos da OMC?

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    A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central identificar se os critérios de sustentabilidade utilizados pela União Europeia em relação à energia renovável, especificamente no que tange aos biocombustíveis, no marco legal das diretivas 2009/28/CE e 2009/30/CE, configuram-se como medida direcionada efetivamente para incentivo à sustentabilidade ou podem ser identificadas como ecoprotecionismo (protecionismo verde), i.e, a utilização de regulamentações administrativas e legais com foco alegadamente ambiental para a implementação de medidas que, em realidade, restringem o fluxo de mercadorias no comércio internacional, configurando assim violação a compromissos assumidos em esferas regionais e internacional, essencialmente em relação à Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). O trabalho é dividido em três partes. O primeiro capítulo, mais teórico, é igualmente subdividido em três partes. Em um primeiro momento, são abordados os fundamentos da sustentabilidade econômica e ambiental. Após são arrolados os fatores que possibilitam configurar o encontro entre o comércio internacional e a concorrência internacional, com perspectiva conceitual geral e concretizando os pontos de contato de maior relevância entre ambas as áreas, especialmente seus princípios fundamentais. A terceira parte insere o tema dos biocombustíveis neste contexto e seu impacto nos três campos acima referidos. O segundo capítulo, de cunho mais técnico, primeiramente relata as motivações legais, econômicas e políticas das práticas restritivas de comércio internacional e que podem também ser desvirtuadoras da concorrência A segunda parte exemplifica as barreiras de entrada em determinado mercado, sendo que a terceira parte foca na OMC, com ênfase no Acordo Geral de Tarifas – GATT, no Acordo sobre a Aplicação de Medidas Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias – Acordo SPS e no Acordo sobre Barreiras Técnicas ao Comércio – Acordo TBT. Neste mesmo ponto são referidos casos específicos em que tais barreiras foram acionadas por determinado país e questionadas no âmbito da OMC, especialmente aquelas com contexto ambiental. As disciplinas da OMC que podem ser acionadas no caso dos biocombustíveis também são mencionadas nesta parte. O terceiro capítulo segue a mesma dinâmica de divisão tripartite, sendo que em seu primeiro ponto faz um resgate geral a respeito da política de energia renovável da União Europeia. A segunda parte analisa o conteúdo das diretivas 2009/28/CE e 2009/30/CE, especificamente o critério de sustentabilidade dos biocombustíveis, e a terceira parte verifica se tais normativas têm conteúdo incentivador da sustentabilidade ou se configuram-se como protecionismo verde, violando, assim, compromissos legais assumidos internacionalmente pela União Europeia, essencialmente em relação à OMC. O trabalho conclui que as diretivas 2009/28/CE e 2009/30/CE violam os acordos da OMC, especialmente o GATT, também não atendendo de modo satisfatório todos os aspectos do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável.The present dissertation has as its core point to identify if the sustainability criteria established by European Union in relation to renewable energy and biofuels, throughout the Directives 2009/28/CE and 2009/30/CE is a legitimate measure in respect of sustainability or can be identified as ecoprotectionism (green protectionism), i.e, the use of legal and administrative regulation with allegedly environmental focus for the implementation of measures that in reality distort the flow of goods in the context of international trade, as a result violating commitments on regional and international grounds, essentially in relation to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The dissertation is divided in three parts. First chapter, a theoretical one, is divided as well in three parts. First part deals about the theoretical and global foundations of economic and environmental sustainability. Second part describes the factors that make possible to merge international competition and international trade, in a general conceptual perspective, establishing the most relevant points of contact on both areas. Third part inserts biofuels on this context and how it interacts with the points above mentioned. Second chapter, more technical, on its first part refers the legal, economic and political motivations for the implementation of restrictive practices of international trade that can also affect international competition Second part lists types of barriers for trade and the third part focuses on the WTO, with emphasis on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phitosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) and the Agreement of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement). On the same point, cases were the before mentioned barriers were implemented and consequently challenged on the World Trade Organization are analyzed, pointing out the main findings of the Appellate Body decisions, especially those within an environmental context. The issue regarding trade in biofuels is also analyzed. Third chapter has the same three folded structure and first depicts the European Union renewable energy policy. Second part analyzes in deep the content of the Directives 2009/28/CE and 2009/30/CE, specifically the before mentioned sustainability criteria and third part verifies if this regulation has a content that complies with sustainability matters or if it configures as green protectionism, violating existent European Union international legal commitments, essentially before WTO. The dissertation concludes that the Directives 2009/28/CE and 2009/30/CE violate WTO agreements, specially GATT, not satisfactory complying with all aspects of the concept entailed on sustainable development