1,419 research outputs found

    The effect of wound instillation of a novel purified capsaicin formulation on postherniotomy pain: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: Acute postoperative pain is common after most surgical procedures. Despite the availability of many analgesic options, postoperative pain management is often unsatisfactory. Purified capsaicin (ALGRX 4975 98% pure) has demonstrated prolong inhibition of C-fiber function in in vitro, preclinical, and clinical studies, and may be an effective adjunct to postoperative pain management. METHODS: We performed a single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the analgesic efficacy of a single intraoperative wound instillation of 1000 mu g ultrapurified capsaicin (ALGRX 4975) after open mesh groin hernia repair in 41 adult male patients. The primary end-point was average daily visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores during the first week after surgery assessed as area under the curve (AUC). Pain was recorded twice daily in a pain diary for 4 wk. Physical examination and laboratory tests were done before and I wk after surgery, together with recordings of adverse events up to 28 days. Adverse events were recorded. Data were also analyzed using a mixed-effects analysis with NONMEM. RESULTS: VAS AUC was significantly lower during the first 3 days postoperatively (P < 0.05), but not for the whole I or 4 wk postoperatively. Mixed-effects analysis with NONMEM revealed that pain scores were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the capsaicin group during the first 4 days. No clinically significant serious adverse events were observed, although a mild transient increase in liver enzymes was seen more often in the capsaicin-treated group. CONCLUSION: In the setting of a well-defined analgesic protocol standard, VAS AUC analysis and a mixed-effect analysis showed superior analgesia of capsaicin relative to placebo during the first 3-4 days after inguinal hernia repair

    Airway hyperresponsiveness in young children with respiratory symptoms A five-year follow-up

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    Background: Recurrent wheezing in early life is transient in most children. The significance of airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) in persistence of respiratory symptoms from infancy to early childhood is controversial. Objective: We evaluated whether AHR in wheezy infants predicts doctor-diagnosed asthma (DDA) or AHR at the age of 6 years. Methods: Sixty-one wheezy infants (age 6-24 months) were followed up to the median age of 6 years. Lung function and AHR with methacholine challenge test were assessed at infancy and 6 years. The exercise challenge test was performed at the age of 6 years. Atopy was assessed with skin prick tests. Results: At 6 years, 21 (34%) of the children had DDA. Children with DDA had higher logarithmic transformed dose-response slope (LOGDRS) to methacholine in infancy than children without DDA (0.047 vs 0.025; P = .033). Furthermore, AHR to methacholine in infancy and at 6 years were associated with each other (r = 0.324, P = .011). Children with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) at 6 years were more reactive to methacholine in infancy than those without EIB (P = .019). Conclusion: Increased AHR in symptomatic infants was associated with increased AHR, DDA, and EIB at median the age of 6 years, suggesting early establishment of AHR. (C) 2019 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Novel copper-containing membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs) encoded by alkane-utilizing Betaproteobacteria.

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    Copper-containing membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs) are encoded by xmoCAB(D) gene clusters and catalyze the oxidation of methane, ammonia, or some short-chain alkanes and alkenes. In a metagenome constructed from an oilsands tailings pond we detected an xmoCABD gene cluster with &lt;59% derived protein sequence identity to genes from known bacteria. Stable isotope probing experiments combined with a specific xmoA qPCR assay demonstrated that the bacteria possessing these genes were incapable of methane assimilation, but did grow on ethane and propane. Single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) from propane-enriched samples were screened with the specific PCR assay to identify bacteria possessing the target gene cluster. Multiple SAGs of Betaproteobacteria belonging to the genera Rhodoferax and Polaromonas possessed homologues of the metagenomic xmoCABD gene cluster. Unexpectedly, each of these two genera also possessed other xmoCABD paralogs, representing two additional lineages in phylogenetic analyses. Metabolic reconstructions from SAGs predicted that neither bacterium encoded enzymes with the potential to support catabolic methane or ammonia oxidation, but that both were capable of higher n-alkane degradation. The involvement of the encoded CuMMOs in alkane oxidation was further suggested by reverse transcription PCR analyses, which detected elevated transcription of the xmoA genes upon enrichment of water samples with propane as the sole energy source. Enrichments, isotope incorporation studies, genome reconstructions, and gene expression studies therefore all agreed that the unknown xmoCABD operons did not encode methane or ammonia monooxygenases, but rather n-alkane monooxygenases. This study broadens the known diversity of CuMMOs and identifies these enzymes in non-nitrifying Betaproteobacteria

    Visualizing in situ translational activity for identifying and sorting slow-growing archaeal−bacterial consortia

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    To understand the biogeochemical roles of microorganisms in the environment, it is important to determine when and under which conditions they are metabolically active. Bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) can reveal active cells by tracking the incorporation of synthetic amino acids into newly synthesized proteins. The phylogenetic identity of translationally active cells can be determined by combining BONCAT with rRNA-targeted fluorescence in situ hybridization (BONCAT-FISH). In theory, BONCAT-labeled cells could be isolated with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (BONCAT-FACS) for subsequent genetic analyses. Here, in the first application, to our knowledge, of BONCAT-FISH and BONCAT-FACS within an environmental context, we probe the translational activity of microbial consortia catalyzing the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), a dominant sink of methane in the ocean. These consortia, which typically are composed of anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria, have been difficult to study due to their slow in situ growth rates, and fundamental questions remain about their ecology and diversity of interactions occurring between ANME and associated partners. Our activity-correlated analyses of >16,400 microbial aggregates provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that AOM consortia affiliated with all five major ANME clades are concurrently active under controlled conditions. Surprisingly, sorting of individual BONCAT-labeled consortia followed by whole-genome amplification and 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed previously unrecognized interactions of ANME with members of the poorly understood phylum Verrucomicrobia. This finding, together with our observation that ANME-associated Verrucomicrobia are found in a variety of geographically distinct methane seep environments, suggests a broader range of symbiotic relationships within AOM consortia than previously thought

    Observer ratings of neighborhoods: Comparison of two methods

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    BACKGROUND: Although neighborhood characteristics have important relationships with health outcomes, direct observation involves imperfect measurement. The African American Health (AAH) study included two observer neighborhood rating systems (5-item Krause and 18-item AAH Neighborhood Assessment Scale [NAS]), initially fielded at two different waves. Good measurement characteristics were previously shown for both, but there was more rater variability than desired. In 2010 both measures were re-fielded together, with enhanced training and field methods implemented to decrease rater variability while maintaining psychometric properties. METHODS: AAH included a poor inner city and more heterogeneous suburban areas. Four interviewers rated 483 blocks, with 120 randomly-selected blocks rated by two interviewers. We conducted confirmatory factor analysis of scales and tested the Krause (5-20 points), AAH 18-item NAS (0-28 points), and a previous 7-item and new 5-item versions of the NAS (0-17 points, 0-11 points). Retest reliability for items (kappa) and scales (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient [ICC]) were calculated overall and among pre-specified subgroups. Linear regression assessed interviewer effects on total scale scores and assessed concurrent validity on lung and lower body functions. Mismeasurement effects on self-rated health were also assessed. RESULTS: Scale scores were better in the suburbs than in the inner city. ICC was poor for the Krause scale (ICC=0.19), but improved if the retests occurred within 10 days (ICC=0.49). The 7- and 5-item NAS scales had better ICCs (0.56 and 0.62, respectively), and were higher (0.71 and 0.73) within 10 days. Rater variability for the Kraus and 5- and 7-item NAS scales was 1-3 points (compared to the supervising rater). Concurrent validity was modest, with residents living in worse neighborhood conditions having worse function. Unadjusted estimates were biased towards the null compared with measurement-error corrected estimates. CONCLUSIONS: Enhanced field protocols and rater training did not improve measurement quality. Specifically, retest reliability and interviewer variability remained problematic. Measurement error partially reduced, but did not eliminate concurrent validity, suggesting there are robust associations between neighborhood characteristics and health outcomes. We conclude that the 5-item AAH NAS has sufficient reliability and validity for further use. Additional research on the measurement properties of environmental rating methods is encouraged

    Three-year measured weight change in the African American health study

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    OBJECTIVE: This study examines 3-year weight change in African Americans. METHOD: Nine hundred and ninety-eight participants 49 to 65 years old were assessed at baseline and 3 years later. Weight was measured, and weight change was defined as clinically meaningful increases or decreases (+/- 5 kg). Potential risk factors were investigated using multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: In-home measured weights were available for 752 participants (75%): 504 (67%) had stable weights, 131 (17%) gained more than 5 kg, and 117 (16%) lost more than 5 kg. Among all participants, the risks for weight gains were cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower income, and Medicaid status; the risks for weight losses were angina, cancer, high measured systolic blood pressure, asthma, and physical inactivity. Sex-stratified analyses reveal differences involving age, socioeconomic status, cancer, blood pressure, and lower body function. DISCUSSION: Three-year weight changes in middle-aged African Americans were frequent and significantly associated with several risk factors

    Establishing the entatic state in folding metallated Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin

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    Understanding how the folding of proteins establishes their functional characteristics at the molecular level challenges both theorists and experimentalists. The simplest test beds for confronting this issue are provided by electron transfer proteins. The environment provided by the folded protein to the cofactor tunes the metal's electron transport capabilities as envisioned in the entatic hypothesis. To see how the entatic state is achieved one must study how the folding landscape affects and in turn is affected by the metal. Here, we develop a coarse-grained functional to explicitly model how the coordination of the metal (which results in a so-called entatic or rack-induced state) modifies the folding of the metallated Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin. Our free-energy functional-based approach directly yields the proper nonlinear extra-thermodynamic free energy relationships for the kinetics of folding the wild type and several point-mutated variants of the metallated protein. The results agree quite well with corresponding laboratory experiments. Moreover, our modified free-energy functional provides a sufficient level of detail to explicitly model how the geometric entatic state of the metal modifies the dynamic folding nucleus of azurin

    Childhood school segregation and later life sense of control and physical performance in the African American Health cohort

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    BACKGROUND: The association between childhood school desegregation and later life sense of control and physical performance among African Americans is not clear. We hypothesized that childhood school desegregation adversely affected the sense of control of in later life, and that this reduced sense of control accounts in part for reduced physical performance. METHODS: In-home follow-up assessments were completed in 2010 with 582 of the 58–74 year old men and women participating in the on-going African American Health cohort. We used these data to examine the relationship between (a) retrospective self-reports of attending segregated schools during one’s 1(st)-to-12(th) grade education and one’s current sense of control, as well as (b) the association between current sense of control and physical performance. Multiple linear regression analysis with propensity score re-weighting was used. RESULTS: Attending segregated schools for at least half of one’s 1(st)-to-12(th) grade education was significantly associated with higher scores on the sense of control. Adjusting for all covariates and potential confounders, those receiving half or more of their 1(st)-to-12(th) grade education in segregated schools had sense of control scores that were .886 points higher (p ≤ .01; standardized effect size = .22). Sense of control scores were independently (all p < .01) associated with better systolic blood pressure, grip strength, peak expiratory flow, chair stands, balance tests, and the Short Portable Physical Battery even after adjusting for all covariates and potential confounders. Moreover, sense of control scores either partially or fully mediated the statistically significant beneficial associations between childhood school segregation and physical performance. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood school desegregation was adversely associated with the sense of control of African Americans in later life, and this reduced sense of control appears, in part, to account for their poorer physical performance. The etiologic mechanism through which childhood school segregation at the time that this cohort experienced it improved the sense of control in later life, which subsequently led to better physical performance, has not been identified. We suspect, however, that the pathway involves greater exposure to racial solidarity, same-race students as peer role models and same-race teachers and principals as authority role models, the reduced likelihood of exposure to race-based discrimination or antagonism during their formative early lives, and greater exposure to encouragement and support for academic and life success

    Variable domain N-linked glycosylation and negative surface charge are key features of monoclonal ACPA: implications for B-cell selection

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    Autoreactive B cells have a central role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and recent findings have proposed that anti-citrullinated protein autoantibodies (ACPA) may be directly pathogenic. Herein, we demonstrate the frequency of variable-region glycosylation in single-cell cloned mAbs. A total of 14 ACPA mAbs were evaluated for predicted N-linked glycosylation motifs in silico and compared to 452 highly-mutated mAbs from RA patients and controls. Variable region N-linked motifs (N-X-S/T) were strikingly prevalent within ACPA (100%) compared to somatically hypermutated (SHM) RA bone marrow plasma cells (21%), and synovial plasma cells from seropositive (39%) and seronegative RA (7%). When normalized for SHM, ACPA still had significantly higher frequency of N-linked motifs compared to all studied mAbs including highly-mutated HIV broadly-neutralizing and malaria-associated mAbs. The Fab glycans of ACPA-mAbs were highly sialylated, contributed to altered charge, but did not influence antigen binding. The analysis revealed evidence of unusual B-cell selection pressure and SHM-mediated decreased in surface charge and isoelectric point in ACPA. It is still unknown how these distinct features of anti-citrulline immunity may have an impact on pathogenesis. However, it is evident that they offer selective advantages for ACPA+ B cells, possibly also through non-antigen driven mechanisms

    Predictors of change in grip strength over 3 years in the African American health project

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine factors associated with change in grip strength. METHOD: Grip strength was measured at baseline and 3 years later. Change was divided into "decreased >/=5 kg," "increased >/=5 kg," and "no change" and analyzed using multinomial multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Decline in grip strength was more likely for men, those reporting having cardiovascular disease, and those with instrumental activities of daily living, lower body functional limitations, high diastolic blood pressure, higher physical activity, and greater body mass. Decline was less likely among those ever having Medicaid, those with basic activities of daily living disabilities, and those unable to see a doctor in past year due to cost. Gain in grip strength was more likely for men and those with instrumental activities of daily living disabilities, lower body functional limitations, high diastolic blood pressure, and higher physical activity; it was less likely for older participants. DISCUSSION: Results can be used to design interventions to improve strength outcomes
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