1,129 research outputs found

    The origin of very wide binary systems

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    The majority of stars in the Galactic field and halo are part of binary or multiple systems. A significant fraction of these systems have orbital separations in excess of thousands of astronomical units, and systems wider than a parsec have been identified in the Galactic halo. These binary systems cannot have formed through the 'normal' star-formation process, nor by capture processes in the Galactic field. We propose that these wide systems were formed during the dissolution phase of young star clusters. We test this hypothesis using N-body simulations of evolving star clusters and find wide binary fractions of 1-30%, depending on initial conditions. Moreover, given that most stars form as part of a binary system, our theory predicts that a large fraction of the known wide 'binaries' are, in fact, multiple systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 266, eds. R. de Grijs & J.R.D. Lepin

    Vector solitons in (2+1) dimensions

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    We address the problem of existence and stability of vector spatial solitons formed by two incoherently interacting optical beams in bulk Kerr and saturable media. We identify families of (2+1)-dimensional two-mode self-trapped beams, with and without a topological charge, and describe their properties analytically and numerically.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Opt. Let

    Feeling of knowing and restudy choices

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    Feeling-of-knowing judgments (FOK-Js) reflect people’s confidence that they would be able to recognize a currently unrecallable item. Although much research has been devoted to the factors determining the magnitude and accuracy of FOK-Js, much less work has addressed the issue of whether FOK-Js are related to any form of metacognitive control over memory processes. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that FOK-Js are related to participants’ choices of which unrecallable items should be restudied. In three experiments, we showed that participants tend to choose for restudy items with high FOK-Js, both when they are explicitly asked to choose for restudy items that can be mastered in the restudy session (Exps. 1a and 2) and when such specific instructions are omitted (Exp. 1b). The study further demonstrated that increasing FOK-Js via priming cues affects restudy choices, even though it does not affect recall directly. Finally, Experiment 2 showed the strategy of restudying unrecalled items with high FOK-Js to be adaptive, because the efficacy of restudy is greater for these items than for items with low FOK-Js. Altogether, the present findings underscore an important role of FOK-Js for the metacognitive control of study operations

    Linear and nonlinear waveguides induced by optical vortex solitons

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    We study, numerically and analytically, linear and nonlinear waveguides induced by optical vortex solitons in a Kerr medium. Both fundamental and first-order guided modes are analyzed, as well as the cases of effectively defocusing and focusing nonlinearity.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, changed conten

    Is our Sun a Singleton?

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    Most stars are formed in a cluster or association, where the number density of stars can be high. This means that a large fraction of initially-single stars will undergo close encounters with other stars and/or exchange into binaries. We describe how such close encounters and exchange encounters can affect the properties of a planetary system around a single star. We define a singleton as a single star which has never suffered close encounters with other stars or spent time within a binary system. It may be that planetary systems similar to our own solar system can only survive around singletons. Close encounters or the presence of a stellar companion will perturb the planetary system, often leaving planets on tighter and more eccentric orbits. Thus planetary systems which initially resembled our own solar system may later more closely resemble some of the observed exoplanet systems.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To be published in the proceedings of IAUS246 "Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems". Editors: E. Vesperini (Chief Editor), M. Giersz, A. Sill

    Planet-Planet Scattering Alone Cannot Explain the Free-Floating Planet Population

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    Recent gravitational microlensing observations predict a vast population of free-floating giant planets that outnumbers main sequence stars almost twofold. A frequently-invoked mechanism for generating this population is a dynamical instability that incites planet-planet scattering and the ejection of one or more planets in isolated main sequence planetary systems. Here, we demonstrate that this process alone probably cannot represent the sole source of these galactic wanderers. By using straightforward quantitative arguments and N-body simulations, we argue that the observed number of exoplanets exceeds the plausible number of ejected planets per system from scattering. Thus, other potential sources of free-floaters, such as planetary stripping in stellar clusters and post-main-sequence ejection, must be considered.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Comparing HARPS and Kepler surveys: The alignment of multiple-planet systems

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    Aims. We study a subset of the planetary population characterized both by HARPS and Kepler surveys. We compare the statistical properties of planets in systems with m.sin i >5-10 M_Earth and R>2 R_Earth. If we assume that the underlying population has the same characteristics, the different detection sensitivity to the orbital inclination relative to the line of sight allows us to probe the planets' mutual inclination. Methods. We considered the frequency of systems with one, two and three planets as dictated by HARPS data. We used Kepler's planetary period and host mass and radii distributions (corrected from detection bias) to model planetary systems in a simple yet physically plausible way. We then varied the mutual inclination between planets in a system according to different prescriptions (completely aligned, Rayleigh distributions and isotropic) and compared the transit frequencies with one, two or three planets with those measured by Kepler. Results. The results show that the two datasets are compatible, a remarkable result especially because there are no tunable knobs other than the assumed inclination distribution. For m.sin i cutoffs of 7-10 M_Earth, which are those expected to correspond to the radius cutoff of 2 R_Earth, we conclude that the results are better described by a Rayleigh distribution with mode of 1 deg or smaller. We show that the best-fit scenario only becomes a Rayleigh distribution with mode of 5 deg if we assume a rather extreme mass-radius relationship for the planetary population. Conclusions. These results have important consequences for our understanding of the role of several proposed formation and evolution mechanisms. They confirm that planets are likely to have been formed in a disk and show that most planetary systems evolve quietly without strong angular momentum exchanges (abridged).Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Dipole-Mode Vector Solitons

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    We find a new type of optical vector soliton that originates from trapping of a dipole mode by a soliton-induced waveguide. These solitons, which appear as a consequence of the vector nature of the two component system, are more stable than the previously found optical vortex-mode solitons and represent a new type of extremely robust nonlinear vector structure.Comment: Four pages with five eps figure
