190 research outputs found

    Elements of young adult literature in texts used in Malaysian secondary schools

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    This article presents the results of a study to determine the extent to which the themes, issues and portrayal of young adult characters in the novels used in the Malaysian secondary school English Language classroom fulfilled the criteria of Young Adult Literature (YAL). The novels studied were Step by Wicked Step (A.Fine, 1996), Catch us if You Can (K. McPhail, 2004) and The Curse ( S.A. Lee, 2010). Sampling was purposeful and data came from participants’ journal reflections and qualitative interviews. The findings showed that the themes in all three novels complied to the general list of themes common to YAL with family relationships and determination being the most prominent. The depiction of an adolescent protagonist who is strong and perceptive is evident in all three novels. However the young adult protagonist’s voice, conflict between dependence and independence and the journey towards maturing characteristic of YAL is only distinct in Step by Wicked Step and Catch us if You Can. Description of the young adult protagonists’ appearance and mannerisms was also limited in all the novels


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    Good Governance is required to ensure that the public policies have their desired effect. In the recent past, issues of governance have received serious attention from the researchers, policy makers and international development community. Today, ‘governance’ not only occupies centre stage in the development discourse but is also considered as a crucial element to be incorporated in the development strategy. The major focus of the study is on Good Governance and public policy process in India. In this context the present research paper discusses the basic concepts and elements of Good Governance in the first part of the article. The need of the Good Governance in the effective implementation of public policies has been elaborately discussed and the nature of public policy has been mentioned in the next part Various stages and constraints that are involved in public policy process and need for an effective policy has been discussed in detail in subsequent parts.&nbsp

    Evolutionary Implications and Physicochemical Analyses of Selected Proteins of Type III Polyketide Synthase Family

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    Type III polyketide synthases have a substantial role in the biosynthesis of various polyketides in plants and microorganisms. Comparative proteomic analysis of type III polyketide synthases showed evolutionarily and structurally related positions in a compilation of amino acid sequences from different families. Bacterial and fungal type III polyketide synthase proteins showed <50% similarity but in higher plants, it exhibited >80% among chalcone synthases and >70% in the case of non-chalcone synthases. In a consensus phylogenetic tree based on 1000 replicates; bacterial, fungal and plant proteins were clustered in separate groups. Proteins from bryophytes and pteridophytes grouped immediately near to the fungal cluster, demonstrated how evolutionary lineage has occurred among type III polyketide synthase proteins. Upon physicochemical analysis, it was observed that the proteins localized in the cytoplasm and were hydrophobic in nature. Molecular structural analysis revealed comparatively stable structure comprising of alpha helices and random coils as major structural components. It was found that there was a decline in the structural stability with active site mutation as prophesied by the in silico mutation studies

    Exploring reader responses to young adult literature in the Malaysian English language classroom

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    This article presents the results of a study exploring the reader-responses of Malaysian young adults (YAs) to the literature texts used in Malaysian secondary schools, Dear Mr. Kilmer by Anne Schraff, Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford, and Sing to the Dawn by Minfong Ho. The study aimed to determine the extent to which the YAs found these texts engaging and relevant, and how they identified aspects of their own young adulthood in the novels. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods through questionnaires completed by 30 Malaysian YAs, semi-structured qualitative interviews with a sub-group of six participants, and their journal reflections. Using reader-response literary theory as the guiding framework, the data were analysed quantitatively through descriptive statistical analyses, and qualitatively through inductive thematic analysis, in order to examine the extent to which Malaysian YAs could identify with the main characters, themes, issues, or events in the novels and determine the relevance of the novels to their lives. The findings showed that the participants identified with the characters’ conflict between being true to one’s self and conforming to societal and gender expectations. The themes of standing up for one’s beliefs and right to education, combating social inequities, and family relationships were also relevant aspects that surfaced in responses towards the novels. This study provides recommendations for the selection of literary texts for the English language classroom that connect to the developmental phase of young adults and allow learners to see themselves reflected in what they read

    Evaluation of safety and efficacy of intravenous iron sucrose therapy for moderate anaemia in antenatal women

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    Background: Prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia is high in developing countries like India. Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy is very important to bring down maternal mortality rate as blood loss during delivery can lead to death of the patient. The aim and objective of our study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravenous iron sucrose infusions in antenatal women admitted in hospital suffering from moderate iron deficiency anaemia. Special emphasis was given to observe adverse drug effects.Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in Obstetrics and Gynaecology department, Government General Hospital, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. Study period was two months and study population included antenatal women with gestational age less than 37 weeks with moderate iron deficiency anaemia. Peripheral smear was examined for microcytic hypochromic anaemia and they were treated with intravenous infusion of iron sucrose. Haemoglobin levels were checked before and 5 weeks after iron infusions. Monitoring was done for adverse reactions.Results: Out of 322 admissions, 95% were found to be anaemic. 72 patients were suffering from moderate anaemia from which 25 have been included and treated with intravenous iron sucrose infusions. They were observed for efficacy and safety parameters. Two minor adverse events were reported (fever with chills and angioedema of lips) and they were excluded from study. Mean haemoglobin concentration was found to be raised from 7.08±0.73 (SD) to 11.33±0.48 (SD) within 5 weeks for 23 patients.Conclusions: Iron sucrose infusion is safe and effective for anaemia in pregnancy

    Dynamic changes in biochemical markers of renal function with thyroid status- A study in Indian population

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    Thyroid dysfunction is known to cause significant changes in glomerular filtration rate. The present cross-sectional study was performed to evaluate the changes in biochemical markers of renal function in hypothyroid subjects before and after treatment. Thyroid function tests (T3, T4 and TSH levels) were assayed in 385 subjects. Based on TSH levels, subjects were classified as euthyroid (n=198), sub-clinical hypothyroid (n=98; TSH 6.1 to 19.9 &mu;IU/ml) and overt hypothyroid (n=89; TSH &ge; 20 &mu;IU/ml, abnormally low T4 levels). Forty-eight hypothyroid patients were re-evaluated after 3 months of thyroxine replacement therapy. Renal function tests were carried out in all subjects and statistically analyzed. Serum creatinine was significantly increased in subclinical and overt hypothyroid groups as compared to euthyroid subjects. Serum creatinine showed a significant negative correlation with T3 &T4 levels in overt group(r = -0.372 and r = - 0.371), whereas a positive correlation was observed with TSH (r=0.283). Uric acid levels were significantly increased in the overt group as compared to euthyroid subjects. Uric acid levels showed a significant negative correlation with T3 levels in the overt group (r= -0.298). After 3 months of thyroxine replacement therapy, creatinine and uric acids levels decreased significantly and were comparable to euthyroid levels. Hypothyroidism leads to reversible changes in renal function

    Biosand Filter for Removal of Chemical Contaminants From Water

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    Numerous reports by the United Nations and the World Health Organization have indicated a significant worldwide problem with water pollution and inaccessibility to potable drinking water. Due to technological and economical barriers, the problem with water pollution is particularly more serious for under-developed and developing countries. The present study is aimed at designing, constructing and evaluating a cost-effective biosand filter was undertaken. Results indicated the removal of up to 80% total hardness, 86% chlorides, 96% turbidity and 90% colour. Moreover, the filter's performance was appraised by the absence of E. coli in the filtered sample. The filter describes the proven bioremediation technology and its ability to empower at-risk populations to use naturally occurring biology and readily available materials as a sustainable way to achieve the health benefits of safe drinking water


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    Objective: The work presents a sensitive, selective and rapid determination of lapatinib, a potent anticancer drug in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.Methods: Liquid-liquid extraction of lapatinib and lapatinib-d4, added as an internal standard (IS) was carried out from 100 µl plasma sample. Chromatographic analysis was performed on ACE C18 (100 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) column using 10 mmol ammonium formate buffer (pH 3.5) and acetonitrile (10:90, v/v) as the mobile phase. The precursor ion → product ion transitions for lapatinib (m/z 581.1 → 365.2) and IS (m/z 585.1 → 365.0) were monitored on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in the positive electrospray ionization mode. The method was validated in accordance with the US FDA guidelines.Results: A linear concentration range was established from 2.50-2500 ng/ml for lapatinib. The intra-batch and inter-batch precision were ≤ 4.81 %. The recovery of lapatinib and IS from plasma samples ranged from 88.7 to 95.8 % and 85.9 to 96.5 % respectively. The accuracy and precision (% CV) for the stability of lapatinib under different storage conditions showed a variation from 95.2 to 102.2 % and 1.19 to 4.35 % respectively at low and high QC levels. Under optimized chromatographic conditions, the retention time for lapatinib was 1.406 min with a total run time of 2.5 min for each sample.Conclusion: The validation results demonstrate that the method is simple, accurate, precise and reproducible. The developed method can be readily used for pharmacokinetics/bioequivalence studies in patients as well as healthy subjects.Â

    Current Trends in Forest and Environmental Policies in Sri Lanka

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    A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of Iron Supplementation in Breastfed Young Infants Initiated on Complementary Feeding: Effect on Haematological Status

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    To combat iron deficiency manifesting around six months of age, iron-fortified complementary feeding has been recommended. In developing countries, in view of the poor bioavailability of iron from predominantly cereal-based diets and the high cost of fortification, medicinal iron supplementation is an alternative intervention. This double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial was conducted from April 1999 to March 2000 in the Out-patient Department of a tertiary hospital in New Delhi, India, to evaluate the haematological effects of medicinal iron supplementation to breastfed young infants initiated on complementary feeding. One hundred healthy non-low birth-weight, predominantly breastfed infants aged 4-6 months were randomized into two groups to receive either iron (2 mg/kg/day) (IS group; n=49) or placebo drops (P group; n=51) beginning with the initiation of home-based non-fortified complementary feeding. Haematological parameters and anthropometry of mothers and infants were measured at baseline and repeated for infants after four and eight weeks of recruitment. Seventy-one subjects (35 in the IS group and the 36 in P group) came for the first follow-up, and of these, 43 (19 in the IS group and 24 in the P group) reported for the second visit. The adjusted (for maternal and baseline infant ferritin) serum ferritin levels were significantly higher in the IS group at both the follow-ups (p=0.006). The adjusted (for maternal ferritin and baseline infant ferritin) change in haemoglobin was significantly higher only at the second follow-up (0.7 g/dL; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.3-1.0 g/dL). The adjusted rise in haemoglobin was higher in initially anaemic infants (at second follow-up by 1 g/dL; 95% CI 0.5-1.6 g/dL). Medicinal iron supplementation, at the time of initiating complementary feeding, to breastfed young infants resulted in an elevation of serum ferritin and haemoglobin. The response was higher in initially anaemic infants. From a programmatic perspective, evidence needs to be generated on the relative merits of selective (anaemic) versus general supplementation and daily versus weekly supplementation