438 research outputs found

    The plural unification of sciences: the epistemological contributions of a perpetually dissatisfied discipline

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    Abstract The article discusses the contributions of anthropology to the interdisciplinary dialogues on the scientific status of knowledge and on the relationship between the sciences. It attributes to the discipline a privileged position, founded on the distinctive character of ethnography: the development of a scientific discourse on humankind based on a personal experience. The intense involvements of the ethnographers in the research process and in the relations with their interlocutors - as well as the relativizing and cross-cultural disciplinary outlook - question the neutrality that other sciences idealize or can more easily take for granted and challenge the ideals of objectivity. The paper intends to contribute to the epistemological debate and to the understanding of the social role of science. It proposes the notion of objectivation (i.e. the study of the condition of the constitutions of scientific objects) to think the relations among the sciences and to propose a unifying perspective, albeit open, plural and contingent

    Identitarian Politics in the "Quilombo" Frechal: Live Histories in a Brazilian Community of Slave Descendants

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    Based on an extended fieldwork, the paper discusses the construction of identity in a Brazilian quilombo - a term originally used by the Portuguese authorities to juridically define the flights of the Brazilian slaves. Appealing to a Constitutional Article granting the property of the land to the descendant of the fugitive slaves, the people of Frechal (Maranhão) obtained - after complex events overshadowed by tension and violence - the expropriation of the land bought by an entrepreneur of São Paulo with the precise intent to forcibly expel the local population. Founding their right on an idea of cultural authenticity and mobilizing a symbolism capable of legitimating their claims and of giving them a legal weight, they transformed themselves from object of slavery, discrimination and racism to ethno-political subjects. Proceeding from the analysis of this paradigmatic case, the article shows how the term quilombo can be "re-semanticized" in order to be applicable to the contemporary situations of the Afro-Brazilian population. The actuality of the word, transferred from its original juridical meaning of colonial matrix, is founded on the idea that the quilombos are not isolated survivals of the past to honor in the memory of the heroes that fought against slavery. Rather they represent true projects of a new political order, nuclei of the contemporary resistance founded on the collective property of the land. As such the quilombos are considered as real counterpoints to the neoliberal expansion in the rural areas

    An Empirical Investigation on the Efficiency, Capacity Ownership of Italian Airports

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    In this paper we study the efficiency of Italian airports applying a DEA model to 34 airports. We find that large airports are more efficient than domestic and regional ones, i.e. small airports have spare capacity since they are more distant from the frontier than large airports. The Tobit regression on the estimated DEA scores shows that efficiency is positively related with the hub premium and with privatisation. Hence we suggest that privatisation incentives to invest in large airports (close to saturation) and development plans to improve the small airports may form the benchmarks of Italian short-run air transportation policy.

    The impact of airport competition on technical efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis applied to Italian airports

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    We investigate how the intensity of competition among airports affects their technical efficiency by computing airports’ markets on the basis of a potential demand approach. We find that the intensity of competition has a negative impact on airports’ efficiency in Italy during the 2005–2008 period. This implies that airports belonging to a local air transportation system where competition is strong exploit their inputs less intensively than do airports with local monopoly power. Furthermore, we find that public airports are more efficient than private and mixed ones. Since public airports take into account the positive externalities created by air transportation in the local economy, they are more willing to subsidize airlines in developing the airports’ connections. Hence, policy makers should provide incentives to implement airports’ specialization in local systems where competition is strong. Moreover, when regulating airport charges, they should take into account the impact of the above externalities.Airport efficiency; stochastic distance function; airport competition

    The Impacts of Airport Centrality in the EU Network and Inter- Airport Competition on Airport Efficiency

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    In this paper we study the relationship between airport efficiency and two factors: an airport’s centrality in the EU network, and the intensity of competition from alternative airports in the same catchment area. We apply a two-stage econometric model based on the Simar & Wilson (2007) bootstrap procedure to a balanced sample of 57 European airports. We also design and compute our own measures of airport centrality and competition. The results show that efficiency is positively related to centrality in the European network, as measured by a weighted sum of minimal paths passing through the airport in question. The intensity of competition between airports also has a positive effect on efficiency. Our analysis suggests that air transportation policies should focus on increasing competition within important catchment areas (e.g., by investing in infrastructure facilitating access to alternative airports) and enhancing the connectivity of the EU network (e.g., by subsidizing new point-to-point connections between airports with capacity to spare).air transportation, efficiency, network centrality, inter – airports competition.

    Construing and body dissatisfaction in chronic depression: a study of body psychotherapy.

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The frequent association of depression with somatic symptoms suggests that body psychotherapy may be an appropriate therapeutic intervention for people with chronic depression. Using a subset of twenty-three participants from a randomized controlled trial that had demonstrated the effectiveness of such an intervention in reducing depressive symptoms, the present study investigated whether it may also impact aspects of construing which have been associated with depression. Patients presenting with chronic depression were randomly allocated to a treatment group or a waiting list group, which received body psychotherapy after a period on a waiting list. Correlations between repertory grid, questionnaire, and visual analogue measures indicated that depression and bodily dissatisfaction were associated with features of the content and structure of construing. There were no significant changes while patients were on the waiting list, but during treatment reduction in depression and bodily dissatisfaction, together with increase in self-esteem and quality of life, were accompanied by an increase in the salience of construing of the bodily self.Peer reviewe

    The contributions of Chinese anthropology: A conversation between Roberto Malighetti and Yang Shengmin

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    This article is the product of a long-term relationship between Prof. Yang Shengmin (Minzu University of China) and Prof. Roberto Malighetti (University of Milano-Bicocca). It is the outcome of a scientific collaboration that started in 2012 in Beijing, continued with the conference Anthropologies From in China. The First Italian Conference (University of Milano-Bicocca, 13.12. 2013), and was consolidated by the didactic activities at the Minzu University of China. It took the present form in the course of a conversation in the offices of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Ethnic Minority Development (Minzu University, Beijing) on the 6th of June 2016. Transcribed and then revised by both authors, the text considers the importance of Chinese anthropology and its contribution to the international dialogue. It probes the possibilities open to Chinese anthropology to offer an original articulation of its tradition with the Western influences that accompanied, from the very beginning, the development of anthropology in China. The Chinese innovative proposals are synthetized under three approaches: the historical, the Marxist, the applied, and the study of minorities.Questo articolo è il prodotto di una relazione a lungo termine tra il Prof. Yang Shengmin (Minzu University of China) e il Prof. Roberto Malighetti (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca). È il risultato di una collaborazione scientifica iniziata nel 2012 a Pechino, proseguita con il congresso Antropologie dalla Cina. Primo convegno italiano (Università di Milano-Bicocca, 13.12. 2013), e consolidatasi con le attività didattiche alla Minzu University of China. Il testo ha assunto la sua attuale forma nel corso di una conversazione che ha avuto luogo nello studio del Prof. Yang presso il Collaborative Innovation Center for Ethnic Minority Development (Minzu University, Beijing) il 6 giugno 2016. Trascritto e rivisto da entrambi gli autori, il paper considera l'importanza dell'antropologia cinese e il suo contributo al dialogo internazionale. Approfondisce le possibilità aperte agli studiosi cinesi per offrire una articolazione originale della loro tradizione disciplinare con le influenze occidentali che hanno accompagnato, fin dall'inizio, lo sviluppo dell’antropologia e dell’etnologia in Cina. Le proposte cinesi sono sintetizzate in tre approcci: storico, marxista, applicativo, e focalizzato allo studio delle minoranze

    ETNOGRAFIA E TRABALHO DE CAMPO: autor, autoridade e autorização de discursos

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    Só recentemente a escritura apareceu central na práxis antropológica. O trabalho do etnógrafo fez-se sinônimo de inscrever os diversos conteúdos dos discursos orais e dos materiais escritos nos códigos científicos do texto final e nas varias formas de estratégias textuais que dão forma à experiência de pesquisa e a legitimam. ublinhando a natureza construída e artificial do objeto antropológico, este artigo mostra como o etnógrafo, embora funda seu trabalho sobre perspectivas dialógicas e polifônicas, não pode renunciar à própria autoridade, que inexoravelmente se manifesta na escritura e lhe funda a função de autor. Palavras-chave: Etnografia. Trabalho de campo. Escritura. Antropologia interpretativa e dialógica. Círculo hermenêutico.ABSTRACTOnly recently the process of writing has become central to the anthropological praxis. Fieldwork has become synonymous of inscribing the different contents of the oral discourses and of the written materials in the scientific codes of the final text and in the various forms of the textual strategies that shape and legitimate the fieldworkexperience. Stressing the artificial and fictitious nature of the anthropological object, this article shows how the ethnographer, although basing the work on dialogical and polyphonic approaches, cannot renounce to her or his authority which inexorably manifests itself in writing and grounds her or his function of author. Keywords: Ethnography. Fieldwork. Writing.Dialogic and interpretative approaches. Hermeneutical circle

    Biopolitiche di eccezione e pratiche di resistenza nelle favelas di Rio de Janeiro

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    The paper discusses the biopolitical strategies of marginalization founded on the proclamation of the state of exception and on the exercise of violence as an instrument of power. It invites to consider Rio de Janeiro favelas as paradigmatic cases to probe into the practices of resistance to the policies of inclusive exclusion managed by State governmentality and by criminal normation. It considers the favelas as laboratories of new forms of subjectivity, which rethink the relations among the individual, the State and the Nation and promote new models of citizenship based on the participation to redesign the economical, political and social system.Il paper discute le biopolitiche di marginalizzazione fondate sulla proclamazione dello stato di eccezione e sull’uso della violenza come strumento di potere. Invita a considerare le favelas come luoghi paradigmatici per riflettere sulle pratiche di resistenza alle politiche di inclusione escludente gestite dalla governamentalità statale e dalla normazione criminale. Considera le favela come laboratori di nuove forme di soggettività che ripensano i fondamenti delle relazioni fra individui, Stato e Nazione e promuovono profili di cittadinanza basati sulla richiesta di partecipazione a ridisegnare il sistema economico, politico e sociale

    Antropologia pela Educação. Notas por uma descolonização do pensamento

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    O artigo analisa comparativamente os mecanismos do pensamento colonial e as suas resistências nas políticas públicas contemporâneas através das fragmentarias ideologias e práticas multiculturalistas. Mostra como agindo seletivamente sobre os mecanismos indenitários, promovem ações especiais e emergenciais que superam o Direito e fagocitam as contradições políticas e econômicas estruturais. Discute a centralidade dos grupos marginais para ultrapassar as epistemes dicotômicas de matriz colonial (identidade/alteridade, homogeneidade/diferença, hegemonia/subalternidade, centro/periferia, desenvolvimento/subdesenvolvimento). Convida a individuar como os povos colonizados e escravizados, migrantes e refugiados, prófugos e clandestinos, indígenas e indigentes possam articular a superação das dramáticas desigualdades socioeconômicas e da aquisição formal de direitos já definidos com a redefinição e o reconhecimento de novos direitos