75 research outputs found

    Monitoring of interactions of a monumental historical complex located on an earth embankment

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    The Camaldolese Monastery was built in the seventeenth-century on a man-made hill raised on a Wigry lake is land in the north-eastern part of Poland. Over the following two hundred years, the Monastery buildings were subjected to destructive weathering processes and underwent significant demolition during the two World Wars. Subsequently, the complex was reconstructed and renewed. All the Monastery buildings were raised on two earth terraces varying in height from 6 to 8 m. The terraces were formed of crushed bricks and stone debris that filled up the underground structures built earlier. The hill is composed of different geotechnical layers and their influence on the stability of the whole hill, displacement and deformation of the buildings have been monitored. The results of the monitoring are presented in the paper. The thickness of backfilled soil layers varies from 1 to 5 m and an assessment of layer parameters is influencing the actual state and future renovation of the Monastery buildings. In 2004, the Monastery buildings were affected by dynamic forces of an earthquake that measured 5.3 on the Richter scale despite the fact that this region had never been subjected to any seismic hazards. As a result, larger than expected deformations of the sub-base caused excessive cracking of the buildings and destruction of existing water and sewage system

    Possible defects in wood, wood parameters variability and some of its influence on quality of building structure

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    Paper specifies the wood-framed with sheathing construction including phases of realization and exploitation. Methods of investigation based on practice and theory has been employed where practical identification of processes and their phases were presented with theoretical description of structure deformation within the exploitation period. Obtained results of investigations are presented in the form of technologic and mechanic of structure diagrams for buildings with adequate algorithms of analysis. Paper presents practical systematic of construction stages, technological problems and hazards in respect of loading and construction technology with method of computation of vertical deformations of building. Paper presents evaluation of contribution of wood defects in response to loading in the wood-framed residential building in exploitation process. Location of knots, allocation of pith in the elements cross section, defects of slope of grain and influence of moisture decreasing is examined in the paper. The wood-framed with sheathing in the form of large panel or modular three dimensional 3D elements are the most often used technology. This kind of buildings are actually constructed up to four story as a multifamily or varying universal buildings like school, kid-garden or offices. Low dead load from 0.30 to 1.00 kN/m2 and its favorable proportion to the live load increase energy saving factor in realization and within the exploitation time. Low own weight of structure enables complete prefabrication of wall, floor and roof panels, improving quality of construction and shortening time of construction. Process of prefabrication, wide assortment and variety of factory production does not require time consuming processes and complicated moulds or shuttering indispensable in precast RC structural elements

    Primary humoral immune deficiencies: overlooked mimickers of chronic immune-mediated gastrointestinal diseases in adults

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    In recent years, the incidence of immune-mediated gastrointestinal disorders, including celiac disease (CeD) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is increasingly growing worldwide. This generates a need to elucidate the conditions that may compromise the diagnosis and treatment of such gastrointestinal disorders. It is well established that primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) exhibit gastrointestinal manifestations and mimic other diseases, including CeD and IBD. PIDs are often considered pediatric ailments, whereas between 25 and 45% of PIDs are diagnosed in adults. The most common PIDs in adults are the selective immunoglobulin A deficiency (SIgAD) and the common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). A trend to autoimmunity occurs, while gastrointestinal disorders are common in both diseases. Besides, the occurrence of CeD and IBD in SIgAD/CVID patients is significantly higher than in the general population. However, some differences concerning diagnostics and management between enteropathy/colitis in PIDs, as compared to idiopathic forms of CeD/IBD, have been described. There is an ongoing discussion whether CeD and IBD in CVID patients should be considered a true CeD and IBD or just CeD-like and IBD-like diseases. This review addresses the current state of the art of the most common primary immunodeficiencies in adults and co-occurring CeD and IBD.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tests on full-scale and static analysis models of the wood-framed building stucture horizontaly loaded

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    This paper focuses on development of the high energy saving timber building and ecological technology protecting environment in civil engineering. Wood framed with sheathing, large panel structures became more popular building constructions in Poland last decade. Experimental tests and numerical analysis of panels and complete wood framed building have been taken into account. Typical two-story residential building was selected for test. Test of three dimensional (3D) whole building was conducted on the base of experimental investigations results of large panel similar to those used in building structure. Also adequate tests of materials and connections were accompanying of the whole structure investigations. Obtained results were adopted in numerical models elaborated for wall and floor panels and in 3D model of whole building. Load -displacements characteristics were acquired from tests and numerical models. The displacements computed from 3D numerical model were 10–20% higher than from experiment. Experimentally ob-tained lower displacements than those from analytical analysis are resulted from higher stiffness of wall system due to diaphragms interconnections, their common interaction and three-dimensional character of building structure. Presented research analyzed method of computation of internal forces in building as well in the range of engineering methods in the form of rigid beam scheme up to the advanced methods using 3D spatial model adopting FEM

    A teacher's perspective on concept mapping

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    vi, 58 leaves ; 29 cm. --There is a perception in education today that student learning needs to be improved but specific tools to do this seem lacking. From a teacher's perspective, learning can be improved only when students have been taught the skills or strategies that improve the way in which they learn. To this end, I undertook this study to investigate the educational value of concept mapping as a study skill/learning strategy. Research has shown that learning requires information to be encoded into memory using a variety of strategies and then retrieved as needed. Concept mapping creates a graphic representation of one's knowledge using a variety of methods, thereby, encoding the information into memory. This makes it a useful tool for studying and learning. The next step was to observe the effects of concept mapping in the classroom and determine its value to both student and teacher. Students in one of my senior high school biology classes were taught to map and encouraged to use maps in preparation for all chapter and unit tests. Observations of student behaviors were made and noted in ajoumal, along with personal comments as to the benefits and drawbacks for student learning and teacher workload. Finally, I evaluated what had been learned. The results demonstrated that concept mapping was good for learning and for the teacher. The positive benefits included more on-task student behaviors, less wasted class time, an overall improvement in the quality of assigned tasks, and interesting and enjoyable class discussions. Evaluating the maps using curricular criteria was quick and easy. Students who embraced the technique found the benefits to their liking and most students were at least able to make changes in their study techniques. The drawbacks to the use of mapping were the amount of time required for students to master the technique and see measurable improvements in test results. This meant that one had to continually remind and encourage students to continue to use this "new" form of studying. Overall, I concluded that concept mapping is a useful tool to improve student learning and as such, it needs to be part of one's teaching strategies

    Linking cognitive measures of response inhibition and reward sensitivity to trait impulsivity

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    Impulsivity is regarded as a multifaceted construct that comprises two dimensions: rapid-response impulsivity and reward-delay impulsivity. It is unclear, however, which aspects of trait impulsivity, as assessed by self-report measures are related to rapid-response impulsivity and/or to reward-delay impulsivity, as different results have been reported in studies using both self-report and cognitive measures. This study aimed to directly relate self-report measures of impulsivity to cognitive measures of impulsivity in individuals at low- or high-levels on two impulsivity dimensions, specifically rapid-response impulsivity and reward-delay impulsivity. Participants were classified into high- or low-impulsivity groups based on (1) level of rapid-response impulsivity (determined by BIS-11 Motor subscale scores); (2) level of reward-delay impulsivity (determined by BIS/BAS subscale scores); and (3) a combination of rapid-response impulsivity and reward-delay impulsivity levels. Impulsivity was assessed using Go/No-Go, Stop-Signal and Delay-Discounting tasks and self-report measures. The high rapid-response impulsivity group showed significantly higher reward-delay impulsivity on both, the Delay-Discounting tasks and on self-report measures assessing reward-delay impulsivity, than the low-risk group. Based on the level of reward-delay impulsivity, the high reward-delay impulsivity group scored significantly higher on task-based (cognitive) and self-report measures assessing rapid-response inhibition than the low reward-delay impulsivity group. Combining both dimensions of impulsivity showed that the high-impulsivity group performed significantly worse in rapid-response paradigms and temporally discounted significantly more impulsively than the low-impulsivity group. Thus, combined impulsivity factors provide better assessment of impulsivity than each dimension alone. In conclusion, robust differences in impulsivity can be identified in non-clinical young adults

    Technical aspects of reconstruction and preservation of the former Camaldolese monastery in Wigry

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    Klasztor Kamedułów wybudowano w siedemnastym wieku na sztucznie usypanym wzgórzu na wyspie jeziora Wigry w północno-wschodniej Polsce. W okresie ponad dwustu lat istnienia budynki tworzące zespół klasztorny ulegały procesom postępującej korozji, jak również ulegały istotnym zniszczeniom podczas dwóch wojen światowych w dwudziestym wieku. Po obu niszczycielskich wojnach światowych obiekty klasztorne były rekonstruowane i odnawiane. Wszystkie obiekty klasztorne wzniesiono na dwóch ziemnych tarasach o zmiennej wysokości od 6 do 8 m. Tarasy uformowano jako nasypy, a wcześniejsze podziemne korytarze i galerie uległy zasypaniu gruzem kamienno-ceglanym i kruszoną cegłą z wcześniejszych konstrukcji klasztornych. Geotechnicznie Wzgórze budują różne warstwy, a ich wpływ na ogólną stateczność wzgórza, przemieszczenia i deformacje istniejących budynków klasztornych był obiektem pomiarów i monitoringu. Rezultaty tego monitorowania przedstawiono w pracy. Grubość nasypowych warstw gruntu waha się od 1 do 5 m, a wartości parametrów geotechnicznych warstw i ich określenie ma wpływ na aktualny stan i przyszłą renowację budynków poklasztornych. W 2004 roku budynki były poddane obciążeniom dynamicznym powstałym w wyniku trzęsienia ziemi o intensywności 5,3 stopnia w skali Richtera, pomimo że region ten jest uważany za asejsmiczny i nigdy nie był obszarem oddziaływań sejsmicznych.The Camaldolese Monastery was built in 17th century on a man-made hill located on an island on Lake Wigry in north-east Poland. For over 200 years the monastic buildings have been subjected to progressive corrosion and were seriously damaged during each of the two 20th century World Wars. After each World War, the monastery buildings were reconstructed and renovated. The monastic buildings were built on two earth terraces varying in height from six to eight metres. The terraces were formed as embankments and the earlier underground corridors and galleries were filled with stone and brick rubble and crushed brick from older monastic structures. Geotechnically the hill comprises various layers. Their impact on the overall stability of the hill, as well as on displacement and deformation of existing monastic buildings has been monitored and measured. The monitoring results are presented in this paper. The thickness of the backfilled soil layers ranges from one to five metres. Their geotechnical characteristics impact the current condition of the monastic structures and determine how they must be renovated in the future. In 2004 the buildings were subjected to a dynamic stress as a result of an earthquake, which registered 5.3 on the Richter scale, even though the region is not considered to be subject to seismic activity

    Production engineering of wood-framed buildings

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    W artykule przedstawiono specyfikę, a także systematykę faz produkcji, realizacji i użytkowania domów ze szkieletem drewnianym. Zastosowano praktyczno-teoretyczną metodykę badawczą, czyli praktyczną identyfikację faz i procesów oraz teoretyczny opis deformacji domów w trakcie użytkowania. Uzyskane rezultaty badawcze zobrazowano w formie schematów technologicznych i statycznych budynków oraz algorytmów obliczeniowych. Podano praktyczną systematykę faz realizacji budynków, zagrożenia i problemy techniczno-technologiczne oraz sposób obliczania deformacji pionowych.Paper specifies the wood-framed with sheathing construction including systematic of realization phases and exploitation. Methods of investigation based on practice and theory has been employed where practical identification of processes and their phases were presented with theoretical description of structure deformation within the exploitation period. Obtained results of investigations are presented in the form of technological and mechanics of structure diagrams for buildings with adequate algorithms of analysis. Paper presents practical systematic of construction stages, technological problems and hazards in respect of loading and construction technology with method of computation of vertical deformations of building

    Selected issues from the reconstruction of a defensive Gothic Orthodox church of the Annunciation in Supraśl

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia rekonstrukcji obronnej cerkwi gotyckiej pw. Zwiastowania Najświętszej Marii Panny w Supraślu. Problem przedstawiono głównie od strony rekonstrukcji sklepienia gwiaździstego. Na wstępie podano rys historyczny obiektu, okoliczności jego zniszczenia i materiały archiwalne, które posłużyły do prac rekonstrukcyjnych. Następnie podano zagadnienia współczesnego kształtowania tego typu sklepień i analizę statyczną. Przedstawiono model obliczeniowy konstrukcji i wariantowe rozkłady naprężeń głównych w powłoce. Podano również sposób kształtowania centralnej wieży znajdującej się nad sklepieniem. Na zakończenie pokazano niektóre etapy realizacji łuków sklepienia i wieży.The article presents selected issues from the process of reconstruction of a defensive Gothic Orthodox church dedicated to the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Supraśl. The problem was presented mainly from the angle of reconstruction of the stellar vault. At the beginning a historical outline of the object has been presented, with the circumstances in which it was destroyed, and archive materials which were used for reconstruction work. Then issues concerning modern forming of such vaults were listed together with a static analysis. The computational model of the construction and variance distribution of principal stress in the shell have been presented. The manner of forming the central tower situated above the vault is also presented. Finally, some stages of realisation of the vault and tower arches are shown