386 research outputs found

    A Metabolically Healthy Profile Is a Transient Stage When Exercise and Diet Are Not Supervised: Long-Term Effects in the EXERDIET-HTA Study

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    Metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO) is a regular state in people with primary hypertension (HTN), obesity, and who are physically inactive. To achieve and maintain a metabolically healthy overweight/obese (MHO) state should be a main treatment goal. The aims of the study were (1) to determine differences in metabolic profiles of overweight/obese, physically inactive individuals with HTN following a 16-week (POST) supervised aerobic exercise training (SupExT) intervention with an attentional control (AC) group, and (2) to determine whether the changes observed were maintained following six months (6 M) of unsupervised time. Participants (n = 219) were randomly assigned into AC or SupExT groups. All participants underwent a hypocaloric diet. At POST, all participants received diet and physical activity advice for the following 6 M, with no supervision. All measurements were assessed pre-intervention (PRE), POST, and after 6 M. From PRE to POST, MUO participants became MHO with improved (p < 0.05) total cholesterol (TC, ∆ = −12.1 mg/dL), alanine aminotransferase (∆ = −8.3 U/L), glucose (∆ = −5.5 mg/dL), C-reactive protein (∆ = −1.4 mg/dL), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) compared to unhealthy optimal cut-off values. However, after 6 M, TC, glucose, and SBP returned to unhealthy values (p < 0.05). In a non-physically active population with obesity and HTN, a 16-week SupExT and diet intervention significantly improves cardiometabolic profile from MUO to MHO. However, after 6 M of no supervision, participants returned to MUO. The findings of this study highlight the need for regular, systematic, and supervised diet and exercise programs to avoid subsequent declines in cardiometabolic health.P.C., A.M.A.-B., and I.G.-A. were supported by the Basque Government with predoctoral grants. This study was supported by the University of the Basque Country (EHU14/08, PPGA18/15)

    Plataforma de ensayo para caracterización de módulos fotovoltaicos comerciales

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    Un parámetro muy importante en el comportamiento de un generador fotovoltaico (FV) es la temperatura de trabajo del mismo. Esto se debe a que la temperatura de trabajo influye sobre la característica I-V del módulo. El aumento de la temperatura produce una reducción de la potencia máxima del generador FV y por consiguiente una pérdida significativa de rendimiento. La influencia de la temperatura sobre la curva característica I-V de un módulo fotovoltaico es descripta a partir de dos coeficientes: α [mA/K] y β [mV/K] proporcionados por los fabricantes de paneles fotovoltaicos. Los fabricantes proporcionan, además, el coeficiente γ [%/K] que describe la variación del punto máximo de potencia sobre la característica P-V sobre un FV para diferentes temperaturas del mismo. El coeficiente α describe la variación de la corriente de cortocircuito con la temperatura. El coeficiente describe la reducción de la tensión a circuito abierto del módulo fotovoltaico a medida que la temperatura del mismo aumenta. Por lo tanto, la determinación de estos parámetros es muy importante para determinar el comportamiento de la característica I-V del generador en función de las variaciones de temperatura. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un equipo experimental para la determinación de los coeficientes α y β de módulos fotovoltaicos comerciales, que permiten la caracterización I-V de los mismos. A partir de estos coeficientes es posible además, el trazado de la curva estándar I-V para el módulo solar ensayado. Los resultados experimentales muestran un buen comportamiento del algoritmo implementado, y se proponen a futuro otras topologías en la etapa de potencia del equipo.One of the critical parameter that establishes the behavior of a photovoltaic (PV) generator is the working temperature because it influences the curve I-V of the P-V module. An increase in the temperature produces a maximum power reduction and as a consequence a significant performance decrease. The temperature influence on the I-V curve is described by two parameters, α [mA/K] and β [mV/K], which are typically given by the PV manufacturers. Coefficient α represents the short circuit variation with the temperature. Coefficient β represents the open circuit voltage changes with the temperature. That is the reason of the importance of these parameters determination on the maximum generation power calculation considering the temperature changes. The objective of this work is to develop a prototype to determine coefficients α and β of commercial PV modules, to determine the modules characteristics. The calculation allows building the module standardized I-V curve.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Endothelial Senescence and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a COVID-19 Based Hypothesis

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a serious illness of unknown etiology, characterized by debilitating exhaustion, memory impairment, pain and sleep abnormalities. Viral infections are believed to initiate the pathogenesis of this syndrome although the definite proof remains elusive. With the unfolding of COVID-19 pandemic, the interest in this condition has resurfaced as excessive tiredness, a major complaint of patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, often lingers for a long time, resulting in disability, and poor life quality. In a previous article, we hypothesized that COVID-19-upregulated angiotensin II triggered premature endothelial cell senescence, disrupting the intestinal and blood brain barriers. Here, we hypothesize further that post-viral sequelae, including myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, are promoted by the gut microbes or toxin translocation from the gastrointestinal tract into other tissues, including the brain. This model is supported by the SARS-CoV-2 interaction with host proteins and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Conversely, targeting microbial translocation and cellular senescence may ameliorate the symptoms of this disabling illness

    VISOR: Real time observations visualizer

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    Presentación realizada en la 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    The consumption of two new probiotic strains, Lactobacillus gasseri CECT 5714 and Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT 5711, boosts the immune system of healthy humans

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    Orally ingested probiotic bacteria are able to modulate the immune system. However, differences exist in the immunomodulatory effects of different probiotic strains. Moreover, different regulatory effects, which depend on the health status of the consumer, have been identified. This work describes a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial to investigate the immune effects on healthy people of a fermented product containing two new probiotic strains, Lactobacillus gasseri CECT 5714 and Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT 5711, which was compared with another fermented product, a standard yogurt. Consumption of either the new product or yogurt increased the proportion of phagocytic cells, including monocytes and neutrophils, as well as their phagocytic activity. However, combination of the product containing the strains L. gasseri CECT 5714 and L. coryniformis CECT 5711 also induced an increase in the proportion of natural killer (NK) cells and in IgA concentrations. The effects were higher after two weeks of treatment than after 4 weeks, which suggests regulation of the immune system. In addition, the new product enhanced immunity in the participants to a greater extent than did the control standard yogurt.This work was supported by Puleva Biotech SA. Federico Lara-Villoslada and Saleta Sierra are recipients of a fellowship from the Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Universidad de Granada, Spain. Rocío Martín is recipient of a grant from the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain

    Cirugía de torus mandibular bilateral en mujer joven, Reporte de caso clínico.

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    Los torus o exóstosis orales son protuberancias óseas no patológicas que se observan en las superficies alveolares de los huesos de la mandíbula (Kumar Singh, A., et al. 2017). El torus mandibular es más raro y asienta por encima de la línea milohioidea, en los premolares; suele ser bilateral y simétrico (Donado, M., et al. 2013), Después de la exodoncia de los dientes inferiores y antes de la construcción de unas prótesis parciales o completas, puede que sea necesario extirpar los torus del maxilar inferior para facilitar la construcción de la prótesis (Hupp, R. J., et al. 2014)

    The consumption of two new probiotic strains, Lactobacillus gasseri CECT 5714 and Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT 5711, boosts the immune system of healthy humans

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    Orally ingested probiotic bacteria are able to modulate the immune system. However, differences exist in the immunomodulatory effects of different probiotic strains. Moreover, different regulatory effects, which depend on the health status of the consumer, have been identified. This work describes a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial to investigate the immune effects on healthy people of a fermented product containing two new probiotic strains, Lactobacillus gasseri CECT 5714 and Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT 5711, which was compared with another fermented product, a standard yogurt. Consumption of either the new product or yogurt increased the proportion of phagocytic cells, including monocytes and neutrophils, as well as their phagocytic activity. However, combination of the product containing the strains L. gasseri CECT 5714 and L. coryniformis CECT 5711 also induced an increase in the proportion of natural killer (NK) cells and in IgA concentrations. The effects were higher after two weeks of treatment than after 4 weeks, which suggests regulation of the immune system. In addition, the new product enhanced immunity in the participants to a greater extent than did the control standard yogurt. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(1):47-52

    Cross-Validation of Predictive Equation for Cardiorespiratory Fitness by Modified Shuttle Walk Test in Adults with Schizophrenia: A Secondary Analysis of the CORTEX-SP Study

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    Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) can be direct or estimated from different field tests. The Modified Shuttle Walk Test (MSWT) is suitable for all levels of function, allowing a peak response to be elicited. Therefore, we aimed (1) to validate the equation presented in the original study by Singh et al. for evaluating the relationship between MSWT with peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in adults with schizophrenia (SZ), (2) to develop a new equation for the MSWT to predict VO2peak, and (3) to validate the new equation. Participants (N = 144, 41.3 ± 10.2 years old) with SZ performed a direct measurement of VO2peak through a cardiopulmonary exercise test and the MSWT. A new equation incorporating resting heart rate, body mass index, and distance from MSWT (R2 = 0.617; adjusted R2 = 0.60; p < 0.001) performs better than the Singh et al. equation (R2 = 0.57; adjusted R2 = 0.57; p < 0.001) to estimate VO2peak for the studied population. The posteriori cross-validation method confirmed the model’s stability (R2 = 0.617 vs. 0.626). The findings of the current study support the validity of the new regression equation incorporating resting heart rate, body mass index, and distance from MSWT to predict VO2peak for assessment of CRF in people with SZ.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (PI16/01022) and the Department of Education and Science of the Basque Government (Team A) (IT946-16). MTE was supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a predoctoral grant. AS was supported by a Fellowship from the Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno. This study is registered at 11 April 2018 in www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03509597)

    Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling regulates focal adhesion dynamics in mesenchymal cells.

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    Syndecans regulate cell migration thus having key roles in scarring and wound healing processes. Our previous results have shown that Thy-1/CD90 can engage both αvβ3 integrin and Syndecan-4 expressed on the surface of astrocytes to induce cell migration. Despite a well-described role of Syndecan-4 during cell movement, information is scarce regarding specific Syndecan-4 partners involved in Thy-1/CD90-stimulated cell migration. Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of complexes precipitated with the Syndecan-4 cytoplasmic tail peptide was used to identify potential Syndecan-4-binding partners. The interactions found by MS were validated by immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assays. The conducted research employed an array of genetic, biochemical and pharmacological approaches, including: PAR-3, Syndecan-4 and Tiam1 silencing, active Rac1 GEFs affinity precipitation, and video microscopy. We identified PAR-3 as a Syndecan-4-binding protein. Its interaction depended on the carboxy-terminal EFYA sequence present on Syndecan-4. In astrocytes where PAR-3 expression was reduced, Thy-1-induced cell migration and focal adhesion disassembly was impaired. This effect was associated with a sustained Focal Adhesion Kinase activation in the siRNA-PAR-3 treated cells. Our data also show that Thy-1/CD90 activates Tiam1, a PAR-3 effector. Additionally, we found that after Syndecan-4 silencing, Tiam1 activation was decreased and it was no longer recruited to the membrane. Syndecan-4/PAR-3 interaction and the alteration in focal adhesion dynamics were validated in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells, thereby identifying this novel Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling complex as a general mechanism for mesenchymal cell migration involved in Thy-1/CD90 stimulation. The newly identified Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling complex participates in Thy-1/CD90-induced focal adhesion disassembly in mesenchymal cells. The mechanism involves focal adhesion kinase dephosphorylation and Tiam1 activation downstream of Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling complex formation. Additionally, PAR-3 is defined here as a novel adhesome-associated component with an essential role in focal adhesion disassembly during polarized cell migration. These novel findings uncover signaling mechanisms regulating cell migration, thereby opening up new avenues for future research on Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling in processes such as wound healing and scarring